Far Away | A Lost Fanfiction

By onelesswriter

23.4K 926 396

"You can't run forever." The survivors of Oceanic 815 crash on a deserted tropical island. They are forced t... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.


898 41 0
By onelesswriter

A whole day has passed since Jack gave her the wrinkled piece of paper. Robyn couldn't sleep that night. She could only think about what this would mean to her and the group. There is a fugitive in their middle and she could be dangerous.

That piece of paper didn't tell her what Kate has done. She might get caught for shoplifting an expensive lipstick or handbag, but, she may have done something worse. Robyn is definitely keeping an eye on her.

As long as Kate doesn't do something stupid that would bring the group in danger. Robyn wouldn't approach her and demand her to tell her why she is in a mugshot. If Jack would let her, she might be able to talk to guy about Kate. Only, if he survives the night, of course.

Robyn lifts her body off the beach, folds the piece of paper neatly and pushes it gently in her pocket before her eyes travel to the white tent. The tent is set up for Jack, so he could work in peace and not everyone has to see what he is doing.

She slowly moves closer to the tent, as she moves closer a fuzzy noise fills the air. That sound sounded like someone is choking or reaching for air. Alarm bells are going off in her head. Robyn pulls the flap back and sees that Kate is getting strangled by the US Marshal.

She wraps her tiny arms around Kate's waist and pulls her out of the guy's grip. At that moment, Jack walks in. "What happened? What did you do?"

Kate reaches for her throat. "I was just checking to see if he-He jumped on me. He grabbed me."

"How is he?" Robyn asks while Jack checks the guy.

"He's not responding to antibiotics, he's bleeding internally, his fever is pushing 104 and his abdomen's rigid. He needs water." He explains while darting his eyes towards Kate, knowing her reason for visiting him.

"So, what are you gonna do about it?"

"About what?" Jack puts a water bottle to the guys lip.

"Will he suffer?" Kate asks. Robyn has a weird feeling in her stomach, why did Kate wanted to know all these things. "Will it be quick?"

Jack shakes his head, not really answering her questions. He might not know the answer to her questions. Of course, he knows that the only reason she is asking them is, because this guy was bringing her back to the states, but, why would you be interested in someone who hunted you down for years. Maybe there is more to the story.

"Can't you put him out of his misery?" Kate asks out of the blue.

"Kate." Robyn is speechless. Kate is asking Jack to kill him in cold blood, he might not even be dying. He still can be saved. Robyn is disgusted with the situation.

Kate switches eyes between her and Jack. "Don't tell me you haven't been thinking the same thing!" Kate stood up and stomps out of the tent. Jack runs after her.

Robyn closes her eyes and silently breaths in and out. Beside her, the man lightly moves. Her eyes shot open. "She...."

"Is dangerous." He whispers just loud enough for Robyn to hear.

"What did she do?" This might be her last change to figure out what Kate has done. Kate will never tell her, of course. So, this is her best shot.

The guy didn't respond to her. All he did, is close his eyes and quickly falls asleep.


Four hours passed.

Four long hours of hearing him scream in pain.

Robyn is laying on her back, resting her head on her backpack and staring deeply at the sky. Near her, were Boone and Shannon lightly bickering about the noise he is making. His afflicting screams stopped, quickly the sound of a gun filled the air. Everyone turns to the white tent.

"Didn't you have the gun?" Boone asks as his eyes keeps switching from her to the tent.

Robyn quickly sits up, grabbed her backpack and dumped all of her stuff in the sand. Her hands shove through her stuff. "It's gone!"


She jumps up and ran as fast as her legs could go to the white tent. Kate left the tent with a dull face expression, writing on her face. As Robyn stops, Sawyer walks out.

"What did you do!" Jack screams from behind her.

"What you couldn't! I get where you are coming from being, a doctor and all," He pauses, his eyes turn towards her. She squeezes her hand into a fist. "But he wanted it."

"You fucking went through my stuff!" Robyn is a few inches away from Sawyer. She pushes him back.

"I took back what belonged to me, sweetheart."

Her tiny body is burning with anger. Her eyes clouded, pitch black. She is ready to punch this jackass again.

"Guys!" Hurley's trembling voice brought the four back to their natural state.

A loud groan fills the air. It came from inside the tent. Which only could mean, that the guy is still alive. Jack, Sawyer and Robyn ran to the tent, enters, only to see a man gasping for air.

"You shot him in the chest?" Robyn questions.

"I was aiming for his heart!"

"You missed!" Jack laid his hands down on the guy's chest to stop the bleeding. "Get out!"

Sawyer sighs and drops the gun in the sand. He leaves, just like Jack told him to. Robyn didn't know where to look, it is a mess. She couldn't focus, all she keeps hearing is him gasping for air. Robyn closes her eyes, a single tear rolls down over her cheek. "It's.. all my fault!"

"He's dying because of me."

"No." Jack lifted his body up and strode over to her. He laid his hands down on her shoulders. "There wasn't anything left I could do for him, Robyn. He was already dying."

She opens her eyes slowly and inhales and exhales to calm down. He pulls her steadily into his chest, allowing her to let her head rest on his chest. Robyn closes her eyes and ponderously slid her hands underneath his arms and crosses them behind his back.

"It wasn't your fault." He whispers in her ear.

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