Flat Line (a Harry Styles lov...

By gb12197

744 0 2


Flat Line (a Harry Styles love story)
call me
a mess
i guess i do
girl time
what are you doing here
bright lights
flat line


31 0 0
By gb12197

Cory’s P.O.V

I woke up on the couch at Bailey’s, and I realized that I really wanted to be at home, taking up one whole side of Harry’s bed. I woke up Bailey and told her I was leaving, cause I wanted to be home.

                I left bailey’s, and drove home. As I approached Harry’s house, I kinda wished I had stayed back at Bailey’s. there were cars everywhere, and you could here the blasting music from all the way down the street. I parked the car, and walked into the packed house. There was just people, alcohol, and trash everywhere. I wasn’t sure what harry was thinking, and I couldn’t ask him, cause I couldn’t find him. I saw Liam sitting on a bar stool.

“Liam where is harry” I asked.

“I don’t know” he said looking around the room.

I started to get a pain in my stomach, like nothing good could come of this. I started to get flustered, and look around frantically. For whatever reason I checked the two bedrooms first, and it eased my mind a little bit that he wasn’t in either of them. Next, I checked the living room, where everyone was sitting and playing video games, but I didn’t see him there either. There were a bunch of people in the dinning room playing some drinking game, but Harry was not in there either. I walked into Harry’s music room, and when I still didn’t see him I was really confused. I had one last place to check, so I walked into the kitchen, and I was relieved to see him sitting on the counter drinking, and talking to a few of his friends. He was telling a story and laughing, and didn’t even notice me in the doorway for like 2 minutes, but then he saw me.

“Babe your home” he said hopping of the counter.

“Yeah, so I guess you decided to throw a party” I said looking around.

“Yeah, it’s my house; I am allowed to have parties if I want”

“I didn’t say you weren’t, whatever”

“Well why’d you walk in like that, like you were mad or something” he asked.

“I was just looking for you” I said.

“Well you found me, so what’s up” he asked.

“Nothing I just wanted to know where you were at” I said.

“Because you don’t trust me” he said in a questioning way.

“I didn’t say that either, you know what, I am just going to bed” I said.

“You sleeping in my bed” he asked.

“I was planning on it, or do you have other plans for your bed tonight” I said angrily.

“No dear” he said in a smart ass tone.

I walked out of the kitchen and I went into the bedroom to get changed and go to bed. I just put on shorts, and a tank top, and then rolled into bed.

                Around 5 am Harry decide to climb his drunk ass into bed. He put his arm around me, and then kissed my arm.

“what do you want harry” I said groggily.

“I was just trying to love you baby” he said.

“Well leave me alone, I am trying to sleep” I mumbled.

“whatever” he said rolling over to face the other way.

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