For You || Idol Producer [ON...

By --ZKY--

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Second book of the series/story 《Forever》Idol producer. Please read 《Forever》before reading this book. ~This... More

New (Minor) Characters Profiles
New stories
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Christmas Special
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine (Percent)
Chapter Ten
Valentine's special
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Notice about story Change
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Sixteen

270 13 2
By --ZKY--

◇...cause my life to be locked up in a showcase◇


Zifeng exited the girls' toilets, she glanced at her watch and realized that her school bus must've been waiting for her for too long. She started running. She was running so fast that id her PE teacher saw her he would've made her compete in the girls' running competition in which their school lost to. Zifeng slowed down to make a turn, but she didn't predict that a boy was walking in that direction. They bumped into each other as she face-planted into his chest. "S-sorry!" she apologized quickly and looked down to hide her embarrassed red face. "It's okay" the boy replied gently, afraid he would scare her. Zifeng didn't look up yet, instead her eyes went towards a familiar object on the ground, beside the boy's stained white sneakers.

She picked up the object, realizing it was lipstick she looked up at the boy in question. "That's mine thank you" the boy claimed. Zifeng returned it, while doing so she looked up to see his face. Beautiful, was the only word she thought of when describing him. She didn't realize that she said that aloud, and she was staring at him for too long. The boy coughed and it woke her up from the dreamy atmosphere.
"First time seeing a boy carrying lipstick right?" He asked in a joking manner. But Zifeng could tell he was insecure. She shook her head "No it's just I use the same lipstick... you use it too right?". The boy nodded "Yes" . They both somehow end up talking about makeup, and complimenting each other.

"Little sister, you're so cute. What's your name?"the boy asked realizing that he has been referring her as 'Little sister/Xiao meimei'. "I'm Zhang Zifeng, how about you?" "I'm Zhu Zhengting, nice to meet you". Zifeng shook his outreached hand and mirrored his smile "Nice to meet you too". "Zifeng!" "Zhengting!" Both of them released the handshake when they heard familiar voices call their name. Zifeng recognized two figures, while Zhengting only knew one. Whether they knew them or not, they could only say that the two people running towards them didn't look so happy. "Oh it's Cai Xukun and Wang Junkai?" Zifeng verified. "You know Cai Xukun?" Zhengting asked a bit shocked. The little girl nodded "He's a friend of my friend. I only meet him today though" she stopped and thought for a moment "Well actually the first time I met him was at the mall. I was introduced to him today" she clarified, and began waving at the two boys in front of her.

Junkai immediately crouched down in front of Zifeng. "What's wrong?" she asked worriedly, and afraid that he was going to faint she tried to support him.Junkai was puffing a lot before he could speak to her, he waved a hand at her and said "I'm fine, just tripped over my shoelace". While he was tying his shoelace , Xukun and Zhengting were talking. He took the chance to talk secretly with Zifeng. "Whose that guy? You two were talking so closely" he whispered to her. "I just met him, and we both have similar interests" she answered not knowing that someone was getting a little jealous because she kept glancing at Zhengting and Xukun.

Zhengting took out a lollipop from his pocket. He unwrapped it and quickly puts the sweet treat in his mouth. The creamy strawberry flavor melted and flowed around his taste buds. Sweetness and happiness filled his atmosphere. Well the giddy feeling didn't last long as the source of sweetness got pulled out from him. Xukun pulled out the lollipop, and for the 77th time he had to remind Zhengting "Don't eat so many sweets they're not good for your teeth (a/n:plus you're sweet enough (*≧∀≦*))".

This cute moment between Zhengting and Xukun felt like deja vu to Zhang Zifeng. It feels like she's seen this action somewhere. Was it from a drama she watched recently? Or has she seen this happen up close in reality. She thought back to the beginning, like a month ago when she passed the lipstick to Xukun...

... After Xukun left with the lipstick Zifeng and her friend decided to end their hangout time. They both waited outside the entrance of the mall to be picked up. Song Zhu er left first as her parents came picked her up.

Zifeng sighed as she finally got a response from her brother. After calling and texting many times her brother replies "I'll be there in 8 minutes". Waiting for 8 minutes felt like an hour for Zifeng as she didn't like being in the crowd alone. It started to get busier as more people came in and out of the mall. She walked over to an area with not much people. However she didn't expect to see a couple being all lovey dovey meters away in front of her. She recognized the boy's outfit it was the same as the boy who asked for the lipstick (Xukun). She couldn't see who his partner was as his back was blocking the person in front of him.

... end...

Zifeng gasped as she discovered a mystery. Her loud gasp caused someone to panic though. Zifeng was cutely stomping her feet as she tried to speak through excitement. Wang Junkai looked down at the shorter girl "What's wrong, did you bite your tongue?". She stutters as she points between Xukun and Zhengting, "H-he, They-". To save his life, Xukun grabbed onto her outreached arm. "Ah that's right! I still owe you money! My wallet is the van I'll get it for you now" he shouted so his voice would be heard over what Zifeng was about to spill. Wang Junkai once again was shocked "What's with all these guys taking her away?" he thought annoyingly. Zhengting was confused "Why does Xukun own her money?" he wondered, not noticing a glare from behind.

The two of them couldn't be bothered chasing them as they were drained out from the sports today. Both of them were quiet, but deep inside they had many questions and were curious as to how they were related to Xukun. Wang Junkai was first to speak up, he asked Zhengting " What were you and Zifeng chatting about before?". "We were talking about make up. We both coincidentally use the same lipstick" as he was explaining Zhengting pulled out the evidence. Wang Junkai gazed at the black rectangular box and noticed a silver scratch on it. "May I take a closer look?" he asked, in which Zhengting allowed as he passed it to him. Junkai held the lipstick between two fingers as an action of respect. He observed the silver scratch at the bottom of it. His eyes widened at realization. He knew the object looked familiar, and was even more confirmed when he saw the cursive 'K' underneath. He remembered that before gifting it to Zifeng he etched it with the 'K' (for kai or his English name Karry) so it was unique from the other two.

Didn't Zifeng say she gave it to Xukun?
And Xukun said he gave to his girlfriend?
So why does Zhu Zhengting wear it?
Well Cai Xukun never said who his girlfriend was... Could it be that he was lying? Or ...

Junkai returned the lipstick.  Zhengting slipped it back into his pocket  as he hears the boy ask "Um excuse me, Where did you get it from again?".

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