The Player's Game [Louis T. A...

By Kendyll_marie

163K 4.4K 1.7K

Entering into her Sophomore year of college, the last person Chelsea wants to run into is the campus bad boy... More

The Player's Game
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 30

3.3K 104 34
By Kendyll_marie


Butterflies and nerves fluttered in my stomach as I placed the last of my things inside of my suitcase.

Anne and Monica watched with wide eyes and broad smiles

"Aren't you so excited?" Anne asked

"Very" I zipped my suitcase "but also nervous"

"It will be such a great trip" Monica commented

I nodded as I drew my bag upright, extending the handle

I bought myself a new suitcase with wheels last week so that airport travel would be much easier. Louis came with me to make the choice.

"Is that it?" Monica asked, pointing to my two bags

"Yeah" I nodded "that's it"

"It should definitely fit in my small car then." She examined the size of my bags once more "Anne, do you want to come with me to drop them off at the airport?"

"Sure. I have nothing else to do anyway" she sighed "I'm such a sad human being" Anne began to laugh

I glanced at my phone to check the time "I wonder where Louis is" I thought aloud

"I past him on my way to your room" Anne spoke up "he said he was going into town to buy something important, but he said he'd be back in time"

"Oh. Did he say what it was?" I furrow my brow

"Just something important" Anne chucked "that's all I know"

Before my mind could start to wonder what he had gone to buy, Louis entered my room

"All ready?" His smile already in place as he walked to grab my bags

"What a gentlemen you've become" I said in a proper voice

"Only the best for you, my lady" he went along, giving me a kiss before leading me outside.

The four of us walked to Monica's red Chevy cavalier.

"What road trip music should we listen to?" Monica asks, pulling out a large container of CDs.

"It's only an hour drive" I buckle my seatbelt "I don't know if I'd qualify this as a road trip"

"Psht" the blonde beauty waved me off as she handed the container to Anne to make a selection "we are on the road, and we are going on a trip." Her bright eyes stared at me "road trip"

I rolled my eyes, letting out a subtle laugh


We stood in front of the car airport parking lot while Louis grabbed the bags

"Can't believe you are going do Doncaster!" Anne squealed, clasping her hands together "take a bunch of pictures"

"Don't be nervous when you meet his parents" Monica added

"No promises on that one" I lightly brushed my hands over my coat

"Ready,love?" Louis asks as he approached us.

I grabbed my bags from him "yeah"

"Lets be on our way then" he smiled "thanks for the ride, girls"

"No problem" they waved "you kids have fun"

Louis smirked as he placed his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer while we walked into the busy airport

We headed to the ticket counter for them to check our tickets, then we were off to the security check.

"All bags, shoes, and loose items into the baskets please" the loud security guards instructed repeatedly.

We got through security and found two empty seats to wait in.

"Are you hungry?" Louis asks, not taking a seat

"Yeah" I nod, pulling grabbing my purse to find my wallet

"What are you doing?" Louis chuckled lightly "I'm paying. Put your money away"

"You sure?" I ask

"No. Give me your money" he gave me a look "of course I'm sure" he playfully hit my shoulder "what do you want?"

I look past Louis to see the options"A pretzel sounds good" I decide

"That's it?" He asked

"Yes please" I smile

"Be back in a minute" he ruffled his hair with his hand as he walked away

Behind me, I hear the loud sound of a plane taking off. My stomach then begins to churn. Turning around to catch a glimpse of the plane taking off, I feel myself begin to tremble slightly. At that moment I realize my fear of planes. Not planes themselves perhaps. But the fear of being up so high, then the plane suddenly dropping out of the sky, falling to my quick and unavoidable death.

Chelsea, calm down

I nervously wring my hands together as I try to calm my fears. My eyes seem to be permanently glued to the floor

"Here you go" Louis voice rang in my ear

I'm unable to move my gaze from the marble ground

"Babe?" Louis tone changed

"I think I have a phobia with planes" I say quickly

"What? What do you mean?" Louis sat down beside me

"I don't think I can fly" I shook my head " Im freaking out and I don't know why"

"Chels" Louis said, placing the two paper plates with steaming pretzels. On top of his flat suitcase "look at me" he placed his hand under my chin and brought my gaze to meet his

"You're going to be fine" he let out a small laugh

"I never knew I was scared of planes" I say, leaning back In my seat

"Neither did I" he smirked "everything will go perfectly. I promise"

I sent him a look "if we die-"

"You'll kill me" Louis finished my sentence "I do believe we've had this conversation before" he handed me a soft pretzel and a water

"Cheers" he hit our two drinks together


Our taxi pulled into my driveway. the bright headlights clashed with the darkness of the sky. I handed the driver a wad of cash

"Thank you" I say, retrieving our bags.

Chelsea gripped the handle on her suitcase. I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.

I looked down at Chelsea's hand. Her grip was firm, making her knuckles white. I then noticed her foot tapping rapidly

"Are you nervous?" I smile

"Just a little bit" Chelsea held up her fingers to show me.

She but her lip, turning her head back towards the door.

Finally, the noise of footsteps could be heard, and my mom opened the door

"Lou" my mom smiled brightly. I could see her eyes beginning to water

"Okay mum, no tears. I haven't done anything to cause crying quite yet" I teased

She quickly pulled me into a hug, planting a kiss on my cheek.

I could see Chelsea wearing a broad smile

"And this beautiful young lady must be Chelsea" her attention quickly shifted to Chels

"Yes" I confirm "Mum, this is Chelsea. Chelsea, this is my mum, Johanna"

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Mrs. Tomlinson" Chelsea smiled, holding out her hand

"Call me Johanna, dear" she smiled, rejecting Chelsea's handshake and giving her a warm hug "come in, come in" she motion us, opening the door completely

I walked in behind Chelsea, following my mom down the hallway to the bedrooms.

"Chelsea, this is where you will be staying" she stopped at the doorway, allowing Chelsea entrance

"Thank you" she smiled "it's lovely"

"Your dad won't be home till much later tonight" my mom informed me "your sisters are with him. They are so thrilled to meet Chelsea. It's all they've been talking about"

I set my bags in my old room across the hall.

"Good. I'm glad"

"Dinner is ready whenever you two are" my mom said, entering my room

"Okay" I nodded

"Oh it's so good to have you here" she hugged me once again

"It's good to be back" I smiled, tossing my shoes off as she left

I took a step across the hall and knocked on Chelsea's door frame

"You ready for dinner?"

"Definitely" her eyes got wide

I chuckled at her reaction and let her to the dinning room.

"Fish and chips" Johanna smiled brightly

"Really? A stereotypical British dinner" I laughed "we don't eat this all the time" I directed to Chelsea

She smiled as she took a seat beside me

"Of course we don't. I just wanted her to have a taste of Britain while we have her here" my mom set all the plates on the table

"It smells delicious" Chelsea said

"I hope it tastes good too"

My mum and Chelsea hit it off during dinner. I knew they would.

I smiled as they discussed their love for foreign places and new things.

My mom began gathering the dishes

"Here" Chelsea said, joining her in placing the dishes in the sink "let me do the dishes" she smiled warmly

"That's ok dear, I've got-"

"We will both do them" I join Chelsea

Johanna's face then freezes "what have you done with my son" she laughs, squeezing Chelsea's arms lightly

"I guess I'll take you up on that offer. I'm off to bed" she gave me a kiss on the cheek, then did the same to Chelsea

"Night mum"

"Night Johanna"

Chelsea began to fill the sink with warm water

"Well this was a good day" I input "You hit it off with my mom, and we didn't crash and die"

"Shut up" Chelsea laughed, beginning to wash the dishes. I dried the plates as she handed them to me


"Well that's it" Chelsea says, pulling the plug from the drain.

I handed her my towel to dry her hands

Chelsea let out a large yawn "I think I'm going to go to sleep." She gathered her hair into a pony tail

"Alright" we walked to our rooms "I'll see you in the morning then"

I gave her a quick kiss before she entered her room

"Night" she smiled

"Night, Fru-Fru"

Chelsea immediately grabbed a pillow from her bed and threw it at me, closing her door.

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