I Fell In Love With A Stripper

By Driftwood_Heart

11K 602 194

When someone catches your eye it's hard to forget about them and once they've touched you forgetting them is... More

Chapter 1 | Magnificent Boy
Chapter 2 | Mischief Managed
Chapter 3 | Stuck In My Head
Chapter 4 | Diamonds And Why Men Buy Them
Chapter 5 | Everyone Needs A Break
Chapter 6 | Music Brings People Together
Chapter 7 | Yogurt Is Fun
Chapter 8 | My Sins Need Holy Water
Chapter 9 | Hanging Out Man
Chapter 10 | Backstage Talk
Chapter 11 | Powerless
Chapter 12 | Sex Isn't Everything
Authors Note / A Lil Update
Chapter 13 | Comfort
Chapter 14 | Puppy Blues
Chapter 15 | His
Chapter 16 | Going With The Flow
Chapter 18 | Broken Glass
Chapter 19 | Lies
Chapter 20 | Alone
Chapter 21 | Action
Chapter 22| I'll Be There
Chapter 23 | Tonight's the Night

Chapter 17 | After Hours

333 19 6
By Driftwood_Heart

Vic's POV

Kellin had been upstairs for almost three hours now. The club had closed down completely. The only people left were a few of the girls, Oliver, and me. Oliver had told me he was always the last one to leave. He always made sure the workers got safe rides home and that the place was locked up right.

"He's been in there a long time." I said to him as I sipped on the water he had brought me earlier.
"Jack likes to take his time." He shrugged. "Quinn's his favorite too."
"Three hours though? Has he ever been with a client that long, even Jack?"
"No." Oliver sighed. "Tonight was different. Jack has never payed that much or been that adamant about seeing him. I can usually keep him at bay. If he had it his way he'd be here every night Quinn worked."
"You know I know his name right?" I slightly chuckled.
"Force of habit I guess. Don't want it getting out without him wanting it to."
"So Jack wants to see him more than he already does?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah. I've never seen a guy so fixated on one of my workers. I mean Kellin is the best at what he does and clients always come back for at least another taste but Jacks been a regular for about two years maybe?" My eyes widened at that. "The amount of money that he spends is unbelievable. I was worried at first ya know." Oliver said and his brow creased some. "Worried that he was going to step over the boundaries and I waited for Kellin to tell me about anything and he never did."

"Did you ever ask Kellin about it?"
"A couple times but he always said everything was fine so I went along with it."
I stared at the ground and shook my head. I couldn't believe Oliver was blind to how Kellin was really felling and being treated.
"I think you need to talk to him about it." I said.
"Really?" He said and turned to look at me. "Has he told you something? About Jack that I should know?"
"Oliver i-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence because a loud slam stopped me in my tracks. I looked to Oliver and he looked just as confused as I was. Laughter and loud steps were heard as a figure descended down the stairs.

"Oliver Oliver Oliver thank you so much for doing business with me man." A dark haired guy said loudly as he shook Oliver's hand. "I'll be back next week, same time as usual."
"Yeah sure Jack. Where's Quinn?" Oliver said as let go of his hand.
"Little slut is still upstairs." He chuckled. I cleaned my fists and noticed Oliver's demeanor change.
"Jack you know not to call my workers sluts or anything like that."
"My bad, my bad. No offense was meant. Still kinda in that place ya know. Your boy likes it after all, you should see him on his knees begging to be called one. It's a sight for sore eyes I'll tell you."
"He doesn't like it." I said and stood up from my seat. Jack chuckled again and shook his head.
"How would you know?"
"Same way I know you're a fucking piece of shit." I spat and moved towards him.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down you two." Oliver said stepping between the two of us. Jack just chuckled again and smiled at Oliver.
"No harm done." He held his hands up. "Boy just needs to learn to watch his mouth. Anyway. I'll see you in a couple days Oliver." He said and patted his shoulder before walking past us and out the door. Oliver turned to me and sighed.
"What the fuck was that?"
"You just need to talk to Kellin." Was all I decided to say and sat back down. Oliver done the same but crossed his arms and looked at me.
"Vic I barely know you but you've gotten close with Kellin, so just tell me this, Is there any reason for me not to let Jack step another foot back in this place?" I just nodded my head and he pursed his lips and nodded back. "As soon as He comes down I'm talking with him."

So we waited.

Ten minutes went by. Then fifteen and finally thirty. By then Oliver and I were both worried so we went upstairs. First we checked the dressing rooms, no Kellin. So we headed to the room Jack had booked.  Oliver knocked and there was no answer.
"Quinn?" He knocked again, louder this time.
"Kellin?" He said even louder and jingled the locked door knob. "Kellin! Open the door!" He yelled but still no answer. "I have a master key give me like two minutes." He said and raced down the stairs. I banged on the door while he was gone and still didn't get an answer. I pressed my ear to the door after screaming out his name only to hear a few sniffles.
"Kellin please open the door." I said but still nothing. Finally Oliver came back with the key and once the lock clicked we both rushed in.

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