All I wanted [Robsten]

By robstenfanfics

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2. (Part 2 of 1.)
a/n :)
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Robsten. - A/N


1.5K 33 4
By robstenfanfics

**Kristen's POV**

we held hands throughout the whole flight, and back home. I could feel something was wrong with Rob. I decided to ask him what was wrong.

"Are you feeling okay?" I smiled.

"Just a bit tired" Rob said.

"That's your excuse for everything. C'mon, tell me what's wrong, please?" I said doing a pouty face. It always works, but I didn't this time.

"When we get home." Rob said. He had a serious face now...

We arrived home and there were tons of paps by the gate. I looked over at Rob and saw sadness and madness in his eyes. I knew he was going to say something that was going to hurt me a lot, but I snapped out of it. I kept thinking positive and smiling.

*Rob's POV*

Kristen looked so happy. I couldn't break her heart...

we walked into the living room and the first thing I saw was Bear, Bernie and Cole. These 3 meant the world to Kristen and I couldn't take them from her, but I had to.

The big moment came...

"You said when got home" Kristen smiled.

"Yeah, uhm, ermmmm... its not that" I said.

"spit it out then" Kristen said, now looking worried.

"Look it's not you, its me..." before I could even continue I saw Kristen sobbing already.

"yeah, the typical break up line. Its me, I get it. I'm not enough for anyone." Kristen said putting her head between her legs.

"I'm glad you get it. I'll break it down to you, I don't love you anymore. We could have a better love life with other people." I sounded like an asshole, I couldn't let her words keep from doing this.

"Rob, please" Kristen said crying.

"get your shit together, Kristen." I yelled.

I saw her pretty green eyes filled with tears.

"I'm leaving the house. you can stay for as long as you want. Bear and Bernie are coming with me." I said.


I didn't want to this to her, to us.

but it was necessary. I saw how broken she was, i knew she wouldn't forgive me. Memories from 2009 started popping in my mind, the most precious one came....

*2009 flashback*

"We're shooting the scene were Edward asks Bella to marry him" Kristen giggled.

"Kristen can I ask you something?" I said

"You just did" Kristen laughed

"marry me, Kristen" I smiled.

Kristen thought I was practicing my part she went on to reading her script

"and so Bella stays still, and looks at Edward------" I interrupted her.

"I mean, marry me. You as Kristen not Bella" I laughed

"very funny, Rob." Kristen said

"I have feelings for you, and I'm not even gonna try to deni it." I said

"that's cute but I have a boyfriend...." there was a long pause.

there was awkward silence between us for exactly 2 minutes. Then she finally broke the silence...

"I have a boyfriend that is no longer part of my life. I hope this makes sense." Kristen smirked

"and you're not interested in any other guy?" I sighed.

"Actually I am, he's right in front of me right now" Kristen giggled.

"Will you be my girlfr----" I didn't have to finish asking. Kristen's lips were already on mine, it felt so good. "I'll take that as a yes" I laughed.
**end of flashback**

I snapped out of my flashback and came back to reality. Were everything is shit.

"Can we at least remain friends?" Kristen asked

"Sure" I tried not to smile.

"I'm sorry.. I know nobody wants a girlfriend thats hated by the entire world. I'm sorry for giving you everything I could. I'm sorry for supporting you all this time. I'm sorry for not being enough" Kristen said shaking.

"Don't blame yourself for this... believe me, i had feelings for you once... You were the best mistake I've ever made." I said.

Kristen just looked at me and started crying even more. Nobody wants to go from "my everything" to "best mistake". I looked at her and I really just felt like hugging her, and telling her why I was doing this....

"best mistake" I heard Kristen whisper

"I gotta pack... I know this seems kinda selfish of me but... uhm... ermm... can you help me pack?" I tried to sound more relaxed.

She nodded.

--To be continued....--

Thank y'all for reading. Part 2 coming later on tonight... (probably) not sure.


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