Memoir - A Collection Of Shor...

Autorstwa M_Basu

1.3K 16 1

(Completed) A collection of heart-warming stories from here and there Wiฤ™cej

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69 3 0
Autorstwa M_Basu

Once upon a time there was a big bad wolf named Ares. He was an alpha living in the southern alps with his luna and other pack members. Everybody feared the Alpha because he was cruel, selfish and killed anyone who was in his way until one day Luna Sky gave birth to a beautiful wolf cub named Zion.

On the other hand, living in an abandoned house were two huge forest cats. The female cat gave birth to six kittens but a group of foxes attacked them. In order to save themselves, both the cats abandoned all theie kittens and ran way. Five out of six kittens were eaten and torn apart by the wicked foxes leaving behind Flossy, the tiniest kitten who was hiding in a litter box.

This is the love story of Zion and Flossy <3


It has been a week since Zion was in the cave with his mother. He could neither hear nor see. Just smell random things. Like he could differentiate the smell between his mom and other wolves.

"It's been a month Luna Sky. Should we go and look for Alpha Ares?" one of the wolves asked Luna Sky who sighed.

"It's pointless. If he really cared about us then he would have come back a long time ago. And besides, Zion will grow up soon and I'll train him well enough to lead our pack"

Zion didn't like the scent of this particular wolf because his mom always felt cold and distressed in his or her presence. He wished he could ask her what made her so upset but sadly, he didn't know how to speak.

When Flossy woke up from her sleep, it was raining outside. However, the storm and the rain never bothered her because she couldn't hear or see. She loved the smell of the rain.

The only thing that she didn't like was the chilly wind striking across her furry body. She tried to roll herself like a puffball but in vain.
Where is mommy and daddy? She wondered.

After cleaning her body and paws she felt hungry so she purred for her mom but nobody came. So she stopped purring and waited because her mommy told her to never leave her litter box no matter what happened unless she learnt how to see and hear.
Maybe mommy and daddy went to bring food...she thought and went back to sleep.

Zion couldn't sleep. He felt restless, hot and terribly bored. All he wanted to do was get out of this damn cave. The smell was starting to drive him crazy. So that night after luna Sky fell asleep he quietly crept out of the cave to have a little adventure.

The moment he stepped his foot outside, he could feel the rain strike across his skin along with the fresh air. And in that moment, he realized, that he has never felt more alive.

He started walking slowly in an unknown destination. The thought of not being able to see or hear didn't bother him much. He just followed his instinct.

After some time, Zion started running and the adrenaline rush drove him insane. He loved the feeling so much until a smell struck his was sweet and yummy which reminded him of only one thing. FOOD!

Flossy woke up again only to find that she was alone. Her mommy never came back. The thought made her very upset and she started purring and crying instantly. And then she smelled something husky, masculine and dangerous...but she felt drawn to that smell as if under the influence of some magic spell.

The intensity of the smell increased and soon she felt someone standing in front of the litter box. that a big bad wolf which has come to kill me?

Zion was standing in front of the litter box, his stomach growling like crazy but for some weird reason he just stopped himself.
Hmm why does this smell so familiar, he thought.And then he remembered.

Few days ago, he was eating this same smelling creature which was hunted by the wolves. I wonder if this creature is would taste the same as before...yumm it was tasty.

He moved closer to the box and felt the litter box. Slowly opening the lid, he extended his hand to touch the creature lying there. The creature moved slightly but didn't run away. It felt so soft and smooth. Mmmm must be delicious...

Oh no! The big bad wolf just touched me...
Flossy was so scared that the wolf was going to kill her but soon realized it couldn't. Because when she purred the wolf didn't react which meant only one thing. It was a baby wolf. Which meant he couldn't hear, see or speak. Just smell.

Relieved she decided to move his hand from her body which was caressing her.
Ahhh seriously wolfie! How dare you touch my furry body! Don't you have any shame? Or do you not know that it tickles...ughhh move your filthy hands off me already you dirty wolf. I just cleaned myself!!!! Flossy thought and tried to step out of the box only to end up rolling down on the wet floor along with the box.

Oh no...this is worse. I'll be colder now...

Zion couldn't understand what just happened. After shoving the thought of eating this creature away from his head for some unknown reason he thought of making this creature his friend instead.
So he was caressing the smooth cottony body of this very tiny creature when suddenly it jumped and went tumbling down on the floor with the box.

Ah I thought everyone liked when someone caressed their skin...including me. I want nothing more than to go back and crawl into my mom's arms who would caress me to sleep. So then why did she run away when all I wanted to do was caress her body and make her feel good because she was shivering?

Flossy was drenched by the time she could get up and find a dry place. Every step she took soaked her more and more and the fact that she couldn't see anything made her angry and more upset.
Where are you mommy?

After strolling here and there at last her tiny head collided against a strong wall. Only it wasn't a wall because her tiny hand touched the wall and felt it was warm and soft with a little bit of fur.

Ah it is wolfie! She thought, her teeth chattering and immediately hugged him hoping he would understand that she needed protection from the rain and cold.

When Flossy hugged Zion, his first instinct was to pick her up and wrap her in his arms. She was adorable, tiny and felt damn good but then he realized she was totally soaked in the rain and would be sick and soon die.

That thought made him sad and for the first time in his life he felt so helpless and didn't know what to do. All he wanted was to take care of his first friend.
So he started licking her to make her warm and cozy and when she stopped shivering, he wrapped her bringing her close to his chest and sat down on the wet floor.

I will endure any rain, cold and thunderstorm to save you little one, Zion thought and then fell asleep.

The next day Zion woke up to a soft snoring sound. Flossy was sleeping in his arms, her heart beating softly.
He was hungry once again and realized that she must be hungry as well.
So he decided to go outside and hunt.

It had stopped raining and he felt the floor was dry. So slowly he placed Flossy on the floor and went out.

When Flossy woke up, she felt the cold floor beneath her. Did wolfie leave already?
Sighing, she scratched her back with her tiny little paws and once again cleaned herself. Then she smelt something. FOOOOD!

Zion came back and together they enjoyed a wonderful meal without knowing what it was that he killed. Well as long as it tasted good nobody was complaining....


A strange bond developed between Flossy and Zion and soon they became best friends. Every night after Luna Sky fell asleep, Zion used to rush out of the cave and come to meet Flossy. Together they had a pretty good time chasing unknown creatures, hunting and eating them, cleaning each other with their tongues and sleeping.

Two weeks later

Today is the day, thought Zion. For the first time I would be able to see how my best friend looks like! And hear her voice.

Just few hours ago he got his vision and hearing but he still couldn't speak. He heard Luna Sky speaking to the other wolves that it would take another few more days before he learnt how to speak.
Zion also learnt about his dad Alpha Ares who he found was feared and particularly hated by his mom.

So that's why Luna mom used to feel distressed sometimes when the other wolves came to chat with her. They must have been discussing about Alpha Ares...

Ahh when will wolfie come. Why can't he be on time everyday! thought Flossy, licking her paws which thankfully she can see now and hear the rustling of the wind outside as well. She was just as excited to meet Zion as he was.
A part of her always felt that Zion belonged to one her enemy animal packs but that didn't bother her because he always made her feel safe. He taught her how to chase bugs, rats, moths and rabbits and they enjoyed eating them together.

After Luna Sky fell asleep, Zion stepped out of the cave. For the first time he felt both excited and nervous to meet Flossy. What if his best friend didn't like him?

Flossy got bored and fell asleep when something started caressing her hand. She opened her eyes and looked up to see two big brown eyes staring at her and immediately she sprang and started screaming, "Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

Oh no...did I scare her already? Zion thought, as he was taking his time to admire Flossy from top to bottom.
She was totally white, with big blue eyes and totally furry. He loved how she looked. She was so beautiful. But she isn't a wolf he realised. She is a mountain cat, like in the picture which the other wolves had shown him before.

Flossy composed herself and then smelled the creature standing before her. It was indeed her wolfie but she never thought he would look like this.
I mean okay they both had whiskers, eyes, paws, ears and mouth. Wait, his ears were much bigger than hers :O

She took her own sweet time to scan him from top to bottom without making any move and then not knowing what to do, stepped forward and hugged him and he did the same.

Then she went out in the forest and they hunted a big rat which they ate happily.

One month later

"Wait!" Flossy screamed and came running before Zion stepped a foot inside the house.
"Clean your filthy paws on the leaves before entering my house"

"Of course, your majesty", Zion mocked and bowed down.

They had been learning how to communicate for the past few weeks and know about different friends who belonged to different animal groups from Zion's picture book. It didn't take them long to figure out that both of them belonged to enemy packs.

Flossy told him to stop coming here to meet her because who knows what danger might await while Zion comes all the way through the forest at night but he said no. He cares about her a lot and the fact that Flossy didn't have a family makes him sad sometimes.
So in a way he always wanted to be there for her just like his family is always there for him.

"What are we having for dinner tonight?"

"It's a surprise", Flossy said, winking.

Yeah, she has been doing that a lot lately which Zion found highly amusing.

"Okay Kitty cat"

"I'm not a kitty. I'm a big mountain cat", Flossy replied, puffing her chest and crossing her arms to which Zion laughed and hugged her.

"Aww my sweet little puff ball. Remember that day I saved you from the cold? You were so adorable I couldn't eat you"

"Yeah I know. The ever so kind mountain wolf. Let's go eat now because I'm starving"

After eating they sat next to each other and chatted for a while. Flossy loved hearing stories of Zion's wolf family. How they played, laughed and had a good time. She wondered what it feels like to be a part of a family.

"Do you wanna meet my family?" Zion asked her that night.

"You realize they are going to eat me right?"

"Not if I tell them that you're my best friend. And besides I'm going to the alpha of my wolf pack soon since my jerk of a dad won't be coming back so they are bound to listen to their alpha's orders"

"Ah of course. You alphas are so dominating!"

Zion laughed. "I will never dominate you Flossy. It's you who has been dominating me all this time. Reason why I keep coming back to you every single night. Don't you see?"

Flossy sighed. "Okay I'll think about it and tell you next time when you come to meet me. But now can you make me warm so I can sleep in peace. I hate winters! Ughhh"

"Sure little one", Zion smiled and made Flossy comfortable as she rested on his chest.

"Damn Flossy you need to exercise. My heart feels so heavy. Maybe I should start calling you big one instead of little one"

"Shut up and go to sleep Zion!"

The next morning Zion woke up and admired a sleeping Flossy for sometime before getting up to leave. He planted a kiss on her forehead and said, "I'll meet you soon little one" before leaving.

When Zion stepped inside the cave, there was utter chaos everywhere. He found some of his wolf mates crying.

"What happened?" he asked one of them.

"Alpha Ares is back"

Oh wow after abandoning his family for months now he decides to return? He wondered why Luna Sky even agreed to let him step inside the cave.

"That's not fair Ares! How dare you come back here after months, start bossing over everyone and pretend like nothing happened!" Zion heard his mom screaming and then he finally saw his dad for the first time.

"Don't forget who is your Alpha Sky. You will respect me and never talk back!" he shouted.

"No! You're no longer our Alpha. You lost that title as soon as you stepped out of the cave abandoning a pregnant woman to look after all the pack members by herself. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to survive! I almost felt like dying"

"I had duties to attend!"

"To hell with your duties Ares! You left me while I was crying and begging you to stay. You only taught everyone that family always comes first so abandoning your family over some work, isn't it ironic? Or wait...were you too scared to face the fact that someone will take your title one day so you left?"

"Enough!!!" Alpha Ares screamed and was about to attack her when Zion stepped in.

"Don't you dare touch her", he said, his big brown eyes glowing.

"And who might you be?"

"I'm Zion, the child you abandoned long back and soon to be Alpha"

Ares started laughing. "Yeah right Alpha...keep dreaming little wolf"

"I'm serious Ares. Nobody wants you as their alpha anymore so I'm next in line"

Ares thought for a while and then looked at him. "Son you have no idea what it takes to be an alpha"

"I know enough"

"Okay then prove it to me that you're fit to become an alpha. Let's go hunting"

It had started raining again and Flossy was already anticipating Zion's visit. Strange how she always felt sad and lonely when Zion left every morning. She went out before to make new friends like her but there wasn't any. Guess every one left with their family or got killed.

Zion managed to trail a big rabbit and kill it. Then he hunted down a huge rat. Then a frog. But nothing made Alpha Ares happy.

"I want you to hunt something big Zion"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Like a deer or mountain cat?"

The term mountain cat sent chills down his back. He tried his best to go in areas which was far from where Flossy stayed.

"I smell something!" suddenly one of the wolves said and Zion immediately recognized the scent. Flossy!

"Amazing. Let's go hunt a mountain cat", Ares said at once.

Zion was so scared. He didn't know what to do so he ended up making a loud wolf sound at the top of his lungs which meant he was injured.

"What happened?" Ares came and found Zion lying on the ground.

"I am injured. Take me back to the cave", he said, and showed his injured foot.

The things I have to do for you Flossy, Zion thought as one of the wolves picked him up and they headed back to the cave.

Flossy waited and waited but Zion never showed up. For the first time she was actually worried. What if something bad happened to him? Is he hurt? Injured? Or mad because I'm too obsessed with my cleanliness habit? Or wait...did he finally find his mate!

That thought immediately made Flossy cry and she started purring. This must be her fate then, being abandoned by everyone, she thought and started shivering. It was raining again outside and she realised it was dangerous to go out and look for him now. So, she decided to wait till daylight and then go look for Zion.

"Omg what happened?" Luna Sky asked once she saw one of the wolves carrying Zion.

"He injured his leg"

Luna Sky immediately took him in his lap and started nursing his wounds.

"Oh, my poor baby boy. Who told you to challenge Ares!"

"Someone had to stand up to him mom! He was being disrespectful to everyone and I won't tolerate that kind of behaviour"

"But you're not old enough to become an Alpha yet Zion"

"Age is just a number"

"Not in our wolf treaty"

As soon as daylight came out Flossy went out to look for Zion. She searched for him in so many places but in vain. And the fact that it rained so much wiped away every bit of his scent. Sighing, she gave up and returned back to her house.

Okay I'll wait for you to come back Zion, she thought to herself and started munching on another rat alone.

One week later

Zion recovered from his leg injury. He missed Flossy terribly and planned to meet her that night.
Outside again Alpha Area and Luna Sky were fighting.

"He is just a kid Ares!"

"Yeah that's what I'm saying Luna. He is a kid and not at all fit to become an alpha. So accept me as your alpha again and let me lead our pack. He is weak"

And Zion lost his temper.
"I'll prove it to you that I'm more capable of becoming an alpha than you are. You'll get your prey by tomorrow morning", he said and left the cave.

"Don't ever show me your face!" Flossy screamed as Zion apologized several times and tried to explain his situation.

"I'm very sorry Flossy. All I wanted was to keep you safe"

"You could have gotten yourself killed you stupid wolf!" She said and pushed him but of course Zion was much stronger.

"I don't want us to fight Flossy. Please forgive me"

Sighing Flossy gave up and hugged him. "Don't you dare die on me Zion"

"I won't. I promise you"

"And how are you planning to hunt a deer now?"

"May luck be in our favour tonight", Zion said and they went out to hunt.

Instead of a deer they managed to kill a mountain goat that night. Zion only hoped that it will please Alpha Area.

"What happens now Zion?"

"I don't know Flossy. As long as Alpha Area doesn't leave I won't be able to meet you that often"

"Yes I understand Zion"

"And this place is becoming dangerous for you. Have you ever considered moving to a safer place?"

"I don't have anyone Zion. You're my only family"

"Yes I know little one. I just wish you were safer. It would give help me go to bed in peace"

"Don't worry Zion. I'm a big girl now. I can defend myself if such a situation takes place"

"Yes Flossy I know you're strong and courageous. Forget mountain wolves! You can take down any wild animal. I believe in you little one"

Two weeks later

Whenever Alpha Ares went to sleep, Zion took the opportunity to go and meet Flossy. Sometimes during the day, at times afternoon and even late at night.

One day while Zion was playing with his wolf mates he overheard Alpha Ares talking to beta wolf.

"I don't think it's a good idea Alpha Ares"

"We don't have a choice. Luna Sky is stubborn and I've tried numerous times. She won't change her mind. The only way she'll listen to reason is if we kill the boy. That's the only way she'll accept me as her alpha again and convince all the other members of our pack to do the same. So stop wasting my time and do what I just told you"

"But what happens when you die Alpha Ares?"

"Then you'll lead the pack"

Zion couldn't believe his ears. His own father was planning to kill him. Does he hate him that much? Is he that hungry for power?

No this has to end, he thought and at once went to Luna Sky.

Luna Sky got shocked after hearing this. "How dare he! He is a monster"

"Mom please calm down. I'll take care of him"

"How? By killing him? The wolf members won't have any faith in you Zion if you murder before becoming Alpha. And don't forget beta wolf is on his side. They are both powerful and strong. How will you put him down?"

"That's why I need your support and help Luna Sky. Please have faith in me"

That night after Alpha Ares and beta wolf fell asleep Zion called for a secret council meeting. Luna Sky told everyone about Alpha Area's plan and they agreed to help.
Ares must be put down.

Flossy was cleaning herself when she heard Zion enter.

"I missed you Zion!" she got up and went to hug him at once.

"Me too Floss", he said, hugging her back. He wanted to see her one last time before executing his plan to take down Alpha Ares. Who knows what might happen to him...

"Come sit. I already hunted a beautiful rabbit for us", Flossy said, batting her eyelids to which Zion smiled.

"Yes I can see that. Let's eat"

After dinner, Zion told her he couldn't stay longer. Flossy looked sad but didn't say anything.

"I understand Zion. It's okay. Take care of yourself. We'll meet again when you have time"

"I'll try my best to be here asap little one. Take care"

Zion had already planned to take Flossy to his cave and introduce her to his family once Alpha Ares goes down so with a smile he left.

The next day, as planned, Zion along with Luna Sky and other wolves confronted beta. He denied to plot with Ares in the beginning but soon gave in when it was a matter of life and death.
Alpha Ares came out at once and a warfare began. He was strong but all the wolves made an even stronger family. Together they attacked him and he gave in at last.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now!" Zion said, angrily.

"I'll give up my title and never ever come back here. Please just don't kill me"

"You better not be returning back. Ever!"

"Thank you for sparing my life", Ares said and then got up and ran out of the cave.

And then there was joy and laughter as everyone welcomed their new Alpha.
"We are so happy to have you Alpha Zion"

And everyone cheered and celebrated.
That evening he went out to give Flossy the news. She was so proud and excited to finally meet Zion's family.

"I just hope they'll accept me"

"They will love you Floss. Don't worry"

Luna Sky was shocked when Zion brought Flossy to the cave. But after hearing how they met and her sad life story her heart was filled with sorrow.
She introduced her to other members of the wolf pack who welcomed her cheerfully.

"So am I a part of the wolf family now?" Flossy asked Zion softly.

"Of course cotton ball! You're so adorable and lovely", one of the wolves shouted and everyone started cheering them as they hugged and laughed while Luna Sky looked at Zion proudly.

She is finally happy to raise a man who is kind, strong, good hearted and nothing like Ares.

The end

Czytaj Dalej

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