
By cookiewithcaramel

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Summary: A Series of Oneshots based on Fears. Tomarry / Harrymort One story per Chapter. First chapter has a... More

Chapter 1: Table of Contents
Chapter 2: Athazagoraphobia
Chapter 3: Homichlophobia
Chapter 5: Chionophobia
Chapter 6: Photophobia
Chapter 7: Caligynephobia
Chapter 8: Ablutophobia
Chapter 9: Achluophobia
Chapter 10: Agateophobia
Chapter 11: Erotophobia
Chapter 12: Cheimatophobia
Chapter 13: Siderodromophobia
Chapter 14: Kakorrhaphiophobia
Chapter 15: Ophidiophobia
Chapter 16: Climacophobia
Chapter 17: Microphobia
Chapter 18-20
Chapter 21-23
Chapter 24-26

Chapter 4: Enissophobia

6.2K 139 30
By cookiewithcaramel


Enissophobia- Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism.
~Tom was fine with all of his crimes, but Harry seemed unable to be the same after their first killing together, if it weren't for Hermione,Harry could never imagine himself doing something like this.

-Rating: Explicit
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Murder, Modern Setting AU, Guilt, Killing, Revenge, Child Loss, Violence, Sexual Content


"Is she alright? Ron, you need to tell us if she is okay!"

The redhead stuttered as he looked around the hospital waiting room, he had blood on his hands and seemed spooked every time he saw it. Tom came over and moved Harry away, with a strong arm he slapped Ron out of his state. Harry tried to argue when Ron started to cried and grabbed onto him.

"Harry, she might not make it. The baby, I don't know about the baby. The man was trying to mug her, he beat her real bad Harry. God he fucking stabbed her in the belly, my baby Harry, what about my baby!"

Harry grabbed Ron fully into his arms and let the man cry.

"Oh god Ron, I'm so sorry, we will find him though, he will go to jail I promise."

With an angry shout pulled away.

"No! Jail isn't good enough, he will still be alive while my wife and baby could be dead. He needs to suffer. I need to find him."

The nurse came into the room before Harry could calm his friend and called his name. Ron ran to the women.

"Hermione, my wife, is she okay, our baby-"

The nurse smiled sadly, but stayed calm.

"She has just gotten out of surgery, you can see her now, she won't be awake for a few more hours, but I'm sure-"

Ron was frantic and harry went to hold his volitial friend back.


Only a small shake of the head came from the pitiful nurse. Ron couldn't take the news, he fell from Harry's arms to the ground.

Tom and Harry spent hours in the hospital waiting room till they got permission to see Hermione. The green eyed man couldn't look at his best friends broken body, and turned to his himself in his boyfriends chest. Tom stroked his hair and kept him stable.

The two men got back to their shared flat in silence. Both undressed and got ready for bed in silence. Harry crawled into bed, and though the tears in his eyes he focused solely on the ceiling.

"Tom, I want to kill him."

His boyfriend hummed acknowledging at him.

"I know you are saying that now, but you are simply angry, when Hermione is well we will go see her again and you will not be as upset."

The raven sat up straight in bed and looked over at his lover. Tom sat up as well seeing the seriousness on Harry's face.

"I want to find him, torture him, rip him to pieces, tear him apart, I want to take out his insides and feed them to him. Tom I want him to die and I want it to be painful and full of agony."

Tom latched onto his bottom lip with his teeth in the way he always did when he was thinking, after a moment he nodded to himself.

"What if I can give that to you?"

The shocked look on Harry's face didn't even need to be voiced.

"What if I can bring the man who did this to you, and allow you to do whatever you wish to him, what if I allowed you to get revenge for Hermione."

Never before had Harry heard Tom talk in such a way, but he knew he had to be strong. He sat up straighter and looked directly at Tom, taking the pale hand in his own.

"I would give anything to show him what pain Hermione went through."

With a kiss to his cheek Tom laid him back and tucked him in.

"Sleep my love, in the morning I shall see what I can do."

Harry laid out thinking over how he would be able to sleep when he knew Ron wouldn't be. Deep in thought he missed the grin that stretched wide across Toms face. The look of pure unconcealed excitement would be scary to anyone who looked him way that moment.


When Harry woke, it was to the smell of breakfast, he shuffled up a bit rubbing his eyes and casting off his sleep. Tom stepped forward and kissed his cheek. With a mumbled good morning to Tom he took in the sight of the tray in his boyfriends hands.

"Breakfast in bed? You haven't done that for me in months, what's the occasion."

Tom didn't have to reply, Harry remembered right away. Looking away he accepted the tray and set in on eating. With a soft grace Tom took a seat on the bed beside the other.

"Harry, do you remember what we discussed last night?"

To avoid answering he took another bite of food and hummed. Tom smiled softly and ran his hand through the thick black hair.

"My love, I found him."

The fork dropped and Harry bit his lip as he looked up quickly. He waited impatiently for Tom to continue.

"I have not turned him over to the authorities yet, since I wished to see if you were still serious about you words."

Gulping down the left overs in his mouth Harry hurried in asking.

"How, how did you find him. The police didn't even know."

With another kiss to his cheek Tom calmed him, along with the hand still stroking his hair.

"You asked me for it Harry, and I would give you the moon. It wasn't to difficult, I have friends in high places, they can find me anything I need. He cut his hand on his own knife and left blood, he also was caught on many cameras leaving the scene, it wasn't much to find him."

Harry seemed dumbstruck and Tom continued softly.

"You never ask me for anything my love. I understand it since our childhoods were the way they were, but you asking something of me, how could I refuse. If you didn't mean what you said, I can give him to the police."

With a small cough in the back of his throat, Harry finally found his voice.

"I meant it. I need him Tom. I don't know how to thank you. Can I see him?"

The smile on Toms face would have scared anyone who didn't love him as much as Harry did.

"Of course, get dressed and I'll get the car ready, I already called you in sick."


Harry didn't know where he was but he had to guess that was the point. When he stepped out of the car he was in a deserted area miles away from any town. With shaky steps Harry followed Tom inside a large empty warehouse. A single chair sat in the middle of the open concrete floor with a man tied to it. Staying hidden behind Tom he followed till they were only a few feet away. Tom reached his pale hand out, and with long fingers plucked the hood off of the man. The first thought harry had was that the man looked so normal. The man started to sputter and shout, but the two just stood staring.


Tom struck the man to shut him up when he found him to annoying, with a frightened look harry stepped forward peering around Tom.

"Are you sure it's him?"

With a nod Tom stepped out of the way and let Harry be seen. Still not sure on what he was doing Harry stood nervously watching the man.

"What you kidnap me so you cute little boyfriend can stare at me. What baby, like what you see, damn if it was you I wouldn't mind fucking a man."

Anger boiled inside Harry, but before he could move Tom landed a punch to the man so hard it threw the chair over.

"You don't have a chance in hell with him, he's mine shit head."

Harry had never heard Tom swear before, the other was always so collected and thought out. He watched as Tom righted the chair back up and took a few steps away, giving the show back to Harry. He still had second doubts, but than he thought of Ron'a words, he saw Hermione laid out in the hospital bed, her belly smaller than it had been, but still puffed out where the fat had built up. They lost their baby, their Rose. He and Tom were suppose to marry and than adopt, and their little Marvolo would have play dates with what he pictured would be an adorably smart, bushy curled redhead. With one glance at Tom, he let all his raging thoughts build up.

"Hermione Granger. Do you remember what you did to her."

The man looked pissed and just spit a mouthful of blood towards Harry.

"The fuck is that. I didn't do anything to anyone so let me go."

Harry spoke again through gritted teeth.

"A beautiful women. She was pregnant and on her way home from work. Do you remember stabbing her than beating her to a pulp."

The man's eyes grew wide, he looked on terrified finally understanding what was going on.

"Look you freak, I was at home with my wife yesterday, I didn't do anything to your friend."

That was the ticket for Harry. He gave a evil smile towards Tom and answered the man without looking at him.

"I never said when it happened."

The man swallowed loudly. He started to struggle harder against the restraints.

"Look, I'll turn myself in, I'll go to jail, just let me go and say goodbye to my wife first. I at tell them about you."

He nodded to Tom, hoping Tom would understand what he meant than looked to the man.

"Your chance at freedom, or making it through this died when you killed that baby. Hermione will never be able to have a child. She and Ron not only lost their little girl, but they lost their future. You need to pay for that, and a jail is to lenient."

Tom came over and grabbed Harry's hand slipping something cold and metal over his fingers. He took in the brass knuckles in confusion.

"You don't have a strong punch, this will help it cause the most pain possible, it will also keep you from being hurt."

With a last kiss to his cheek Tom stepped over and leaned against a small cabinet that sat a few feet away. Harry stroked his fingers over the jagged edges and with a quick movement, pulled his arm back and flung it forward, hitting the man directly in the face, he pulled back again and again. The man was bleeding and bruising all over his face, neck and chest. When he started panting with exhaustion, Tom came up with something else. Harry held the small blade in his hand. Tom stood behind him and pressed his hips into Harry's back showing his aching hard on.

"God that's so hot. You are so hot. Fuck, keep going."

Harry let Tom rub against him and took the knife to the man's skin, he carved and marked and slashed as deeply as he could, Tom let out a soft gasp as he rolled his hips, watching the brutal act before him. When the man was on the verge of passing out, Harry stopped. He knew the man wouldn't be awake much longer, but wanted him to be awake when his life was taken. With a swift movement of his wrist, Harry slit the throat before him and let the blood hit his face.

Tom turned him quickly in his arms and kissed him, he pecked all over Harry's blood stained face and held the panting raven in his arms as he let him pump his hips and kiss deeply.

With a deep sigh, Tom let his lover go, ignoring his problem, and cutting the tape that held the man off. He threw the body over his shoulder and awkwardly walked from the warehouse, Harry's small frame following behind. After the man was situated between tarps in the trunk and the two were seated in the front, Harry turned his attention to Tom.

"What about the blood inside."

Tom adjusted his pants uncomfortably and smiled over at Harry.

"My friends will take care of it."

The green eyed man gave a small 'oh' and looked down. When a pale hand went to turn on the car, Harry stopped it with his own.

"I can take care of that. If you want that is."

The look on Tom's face was that of a child a Christmas, he nodded hastily and without another word opened his button and fly. Harry moved to kneel in his seat facing Tom and leaned over so his mouth was at the right angle. A hum filled the car followed by a gasp as Harry licked and nipped his way up and down the shaft, his fingers lightly brushing along side. When his lips finally parted and took the member in, Tom wrapped his fingers in Harry's hair, grasping tightly. His head fell back against the seat and he hummed and gasped as Harry sucked and bobbed, his fingers helping all along. From how long he had waited he didn't last long, and also didn't give Harry a warning as he came into his mouth. Coughing, Harry sat up and Tom pulled him over into a kiss.

"Gods, what on earth did I do to deserve you. You're so fucking hot, it's insane how perfect you are."

Harry blushed, not only was the praise embarrassing, but Tom using such language was so strange, he never even cursed in bed. Harry laughed at the thought and kissed Tom's cheek. With a small bob of his head, Tom touched their noses and looked into the other's eyes, "What's so funny?" Harry laughed again and kissed Tom.

"Just you swearing like a sailor, I've never heard it before, even in bed I'm the one cussing up a storm while you are all composed."

Tom laughed along side him and kissed him hungrily.

"I just can't help myself when you are so sexy torturing someone like that, it's like my brain becomes mush and I start thinking with the one downstairs. I don't get why though."

Harry kissed him again, "That's called a kink love, and it's a quite dangerous one."

With a smile Tom let Harry get back into his seat, and righted his clothing before turning on the car. "I love you."

With a last kiss to his cheek Harry whispered his reply, "I know, I love you to, always."


The car stopped on the edge of an old swamp. Tom stepped out of the car first, followed by Harry.

"Why are we here?"

Tom smiled and pointed at something that had moved in the water. "Alligators." Harry just nodded as Tom walked to the trunk. Throwing a small pile of clothes and such on the ground he spoke to Harry without stopping his work of moving things in The back around.

"You're not going to like what I have to do, so just take that pile and burn it."

With a nod he gathered the belongings and walked over to a small dirt patch, grabbing a few sticks that he stacked up before pulling out a lighter. He began with the more flammable clothing first. A crunching sound echoed from where the car was and caused harry to feel sick when he realized what it was, when he finished the clothes he watched Tom carry a heavy bucket down to the water's edge and chuck the contents in. He turned back to his task and removed the wallet, going through he found a picture of the man with his wife and child. The guilt hit him, he knew the man had a wife, but not the child, and seeing it hurt. The thought of Hermione hit him again and he realized this man couldn't have been a good parent. Throwing the wallet in he looked at the phone. It was still on and he could see the last text the man received, as he read it, tears formed in his eyes.

'Barty, you better get home right this minute, if I find you with another women again I will kill you this time! Angela has her play tonight and you will not miss it. Will, I know we fight, but I still love you, come home soon.'

He burst out crying and ran to Tom, he had chucked the phone in the fire trying to make the thoughts leave him but he just felt sick. The bucket Tom was holding fell, leaking blood down the grass. With a strong grip Tom held him close.

"What's wrong my love, it's too late to be upset now."

Shaking his head furiously he started pounding his fists on Tom's chest.

"He had a wife and a child! They loved him and wanted him to come home, Tom I'm just as bad as him!"

Tom gripped his arms tightly and stopped his tantrum.

"Harry, his actions are what started this. He had a child he should have known better than to attack a pregnant lady. He went after Hermione and deliberately stabbed her stomach. He killed that child with no remorse and left her there. He doesn't deserve to be alive."

Harry cried harder and threw himself into Toms chest, he felt him sigh and didn't care.

"Harry, he was living a double life, he was evil and because of you, he can't hurt anyone again. Do you really think he would just go to jail and never do it again? He deserves what he got."

With a nod the black hair seemed to want to bury itself all the way inside the pale chest, but Tom stopped him and forced his head to look up.

"Do you love me?" With a soft cry Harry nodded. "Than you will know I did this because it's what's best, remember hermione, think of what Ron would have given to be in your place today. This man is gone and it's for the better. There is nothing to be done. If you tell anyone we will both go to jail."

The words made sense, and Harry knew he could do nothing but trust and love Tom. He reached up and kissed Tom before grabbing the bucket and going to the back of the car before Tom could stop him. He had killed the man, the least he could do was clean up the mess himself. Tom let out a moan as he watched Harry lift the bloodied body parts and drop them in the bucket. Blood slip up Harry's arms and covered his clothes as he carried the bucket to the water and dumped the contents.

He had made his choice, and he was going to stick with it. As long as he had Tom he was going to be okay.

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