The Cool And Popular Girls [O...

By GayleStar4

19.8K 589 87

In Canterlot High School. Ruled by Three Amazonas or Popular Girls. Who got the chance to face-to-face with t... More

Chapter 1- New Girls
Chapter 2- Conversation With Moon Dancer?
Chapter 3- Battle Of The Bands
Chapter 4- Help In Need
Chapter 5- Your Love Begins
Chapter 6- Memories
Chapter 7- Feel Hell
Chapter 8- Accident
Chapter 9- Girl In The Music Room
Chapter 10- Seven Rules
Chapter 11- Who's Holding The Spot?
Chapter 13- Anger All Out
Chapter 14- Avoided
Chapter 15- Confuse
Chapter 16- Campus Queen
Chapter 17- Simple Yet Boring Night?
Chapter 18- Unexpected
Chapter 19- Cheater
Chapter 20- Meet Again
Chapter 21- I Thought
Chapter 22- Acting Weird
Chapter 23- Laptop
Chapter 24- Who's Back?
Chapter 25- Sister V.S Sister
Chapter 26- She's Back
Chapter 27- Crazy Demon
Chapter 28- Hospital
Chapter 29- New House
Chapter 30- Gaurded
Chapter 31- Locked
Chapter 32- Teasing You
Chapter 33- Gone Wrong
Chapter 34- Nice To See You
Chapter 35- Seperated
Chapter 36- Forest
Chapter 37- Together Again
Chapter 38- How Could It End
Chapter 39- The Last
Chapter 40- Back To Normal?
Chapter 41- Visit
Chapter 42- Clarity & Rarity's Past
Chapter 43- Truths
Chapter 44- Past
Chapter 45- Sudden Lost
Chapter 46- Gone
Chapter 47- Hate To Love You
Chapter 48- My Start
The Cool & Popular Girls

Chapter 12- Boss V.S Newbie

428 11 3
By GayleStar4

Rarity's POV~

"Rarity, are you sure you want to do it?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course Darling. I'll do it, just to teach that slut a lesson." I said.

We are now off to the fields. And that Girl, just agreed to have a fight. Well let's see if she can handle it.

We reached the fields and all students are already there. Well except Twilight and Rainbow who is still in the Clinic resting.

"Everyone! Move away, Queen of the Campus going through!" A familiar voice said from the crowd.

And I know who it is already. Serena Rely. A smirk ran through my lips, as I see students didn't move.

Let her suffer from getting through.

"Ugh. Students should follow my commands!" She said when she got out from the crowd and cleaning her dress.

"Hey Slut." I called. She turn to me and arch a eye brow, "What, bitch?"

"So, you really know your name now. Good, cause that will be your new name. Slut." I said with a smirk.

"Before we start. I just want you to know me..." I said and start walking in circles around her.

"Rarity is my name and Bitching is my game. Love by Boys and Hated by Girls. Half Snubber, Pure Bitch." I said.

"Well good thing you know that you are a bitch." She said but I ignore that. "The let me introduce my self. Serena Rely is my name and–"

"Oh, don't bother copying our way of introducing. Make your own." I smirked.

She pout and rolled her eyes. "The Campus Queen of Canterlot High School, Me, Serena Rely–"

"Who says that you are the Campus Queen? That spot is already Taken." I cut her. "And that Campus Queen, is me. Only me."

"Not anymore." She smirked. "How sure are you that you are that Campus Queen?"

"I have proof." I said, then snap my fingers. A tarpaulin dropped down and showed my picture with a caption, 'Campus Queen Since 2016-2018'

"Ha! Its said, Since 2016-2018, its already 2019. Don't be dumb." She rolled her eyes.

I only shook my head. "Oh don't be. Its not my Coronation Day yet. It will happen this Friday."

"And I will be a hundred percent sure, that students will pick me!" She said then was about stop slap me but I blocked her hand.

I pulled her hair and pulled her everywhere. When we reach the motorcycle that had a rope in it, I quickly tied it around her body. And I add in her arms.

Feel torture. Haha!

"W-what are you doing?!" She ask, frighten.

"Oh, already scared? We're just starting, I'm just tying you and you're already scare? Oh what a shame." I said then let go of her.

Now she's tied up. "Start now." I said then snap my fingers.

The rider of the motorcycle started running it, slowly at first then a little faster.

"Help! Let me go! Ah!" She yell. But all students just laugh at her.

Everyone sat on the bleachers. Me and Fluttershy just stood near the Bleachers and watch her get pulled by a motorcycle.

It run around the oval about 1 hour. And for reals, no one got bored. Instead they laugh so hard and take pictures and videos.

One hour. I walk closer to the Oval and raised my hand, signalling the rider to stop.

He stop his motorcycle in front of me. I went closer to Serena at the back. A smirk ran through my face.

Seeing her all messy, dirty and haggard makes me want to do more.

"Untie her." I command to those to guys as they did what I just said.

They try to make her stood up but she is too weak to do it. I walk closer to her.

"Aw... Can't take it? Does it hurt?" I ask.

"T-this will g-go to the p-principal!" She tried to speak. "OK, go on. If you want, I'll go with you."

"Oh, wait. I'm not done yet. I'll do what I just said earlier." I said, then started ripping her clothes.

Of course, I don't want her to be embarrassed too much. So I only ripped her jacket. I little hole on her T-shirt and I ripped her skirt, all the way on the garter.

"Much better. Shall we go now?" I ask her, but she didn't responds. I turn to the crowd and look st everyone.

"Listen up! Who ever bothers to disrespect me will feel hell. I'll also do this kind of thing to you if you bother. A little reminder. Twilight and Fluterrshy's way of punishing is different from mine. Now, don't feel like the powerful person in this school. Get it?!" I shout, all students nod.

"Leave her there." I command to the two guys. They brought her to the bleachers, she's down now. "All students may go now."

Every students started to left. When no more students around, Fluttershy approached me.

"What are you going to do with that slut?" She ask me.

I walk closer to her. I checked her out, a little wound is in her face, arms, legs and knees.

"Just leave her. That's what she gets for disrespecting me." I said.

Me and Fluttershy went back inside the school and off to the clinic. When we reach the clinic, Twilight is watching something from her phone.

"Not bad for a Hell-Like Punishment." She comment. "Why thank you dear."

"Welcome as always." She said. "How are you doing by the way?"

"I'm fine, Fluttershy." She said.

Outside, our voice is mean and bossy. But when its just the three of us, we speak with our friendly and sweet voice.

The speaker went on and it made a painfully sound for our ears.

"Madame Rarity, Please proceed to the Principal's Office. Thank you."

Then the speaker went off. "Looks like that bitch just reported you from Principal Celestia."

"Hmp! Let her be. If she keep this going then let her die in this school. I say this school should be named, Hell Academy." I said then left the clinic.

I went to the Principal's Office, and without permission, I entered the room.

"Principal Celestia." I called.

"Principal Celestia. Her! Her! She did this to me! She should be kick out of this school! She's a bully! She is a total Bitch–" She said but got cut off my Principal Celestia.

"Ms. Serena, we do understand you, but please, impropriate words and profanities are prohibited from CHS." Principal Celestia said causing for Serena to shut up.

"Sit down Madame Rarity. And you may explain now." Principal Celestia said.

It didn't took her second until she spoke. "I was just walking from the hallway and she bump me, then I said watch where she is going then she–"

"Serena... Not all. Why did you Madame Rarity, did that to her?" Principal ask.

"Well, Principal Celestia. For my Point of View, I was walking to the hallway and she was the one who bumped me. She even shout at me and called me, some impropriate words. Then she was about to slap me. She was behaving like a child, shouting and yelling at the hallway, and also, she disrespect me as the boss in this school. I know it was to much, for what I did to her, but I can't do anything, I warned her but she didn't listen so I had to do it all." I boringly explained.

"I see. Well, I think I know who had a mistake. Ms. Serena, say sorry to Madame Rarity." Principal Celestia said which made her shock.

"WHAT?! Why me?! She did this to me and I should be the one who needs to say sorry?! Why that is just unfair!" She whined.

"Ugh." I whisper.

"You can go now, Madame Rarity." Principal Celestia said.

I quickly stood and went to the door and left. "No! No! No! No! So unfair! No! She must be punish too!"

I walk back to the Clinic and saw Twilight and Fluttershy.

"How did it go?"

"Funny. I didn't get any punishment."

Because I don't deserve that.

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