The Day that Changed the World

By rubberlyducky

655 31 31

What was suppose to be Matt's best day, was surely changed when a mysterious glow came from no where. Wreckin... More

Chapter 1 The Start of the End
Chapter 2 Worries
Chapter 3 Betrayal
Chapter 4 Survivors
Chapter 5 Reunions and Seperation
Chatper 6 Prefect Escape?
Chapter 7 Cry
Chapter 8 Lies
Chatper 9 Failure.....
Chapter 10 Blame
Chapter 11 What Now?
Chapter 12 Who's there?
Chapter 14 Side Tracked
Chapter 15 The Race, Macho Man
Chapter 16 The Race, Mrs. Sparks
Chapter 17 The Race, Hawkeye
Chapter 18 The Race, The End

Chapter 13 Weak

10 1 1
By rubberlyducky

(Hope you guys are enjoying :D)


“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

Mahatma Gandhi


Matt's POV:

        My laughed filled the hole that we occupied. My instanty finally came to the surface, and I loved it. The feeling that nothing in the world can make you cry. My eyes looked towards The Blinded Lady, "I have to thank you for protecting me and him but its time for me to protect you." I looked up at the hole's ceiling and soon enough my fire broke a hole through. I pressed against the ground and let fire build up under my feet, and once it was stored enough I use the flames to give me a extra boost out of the hole.

        I stood there seeing all the wise man's army. "All of you will died and become part of my collection." As my eyes skimmed through the forest seeking all the enemies my eye caught on a small line in the middle of the air that seem off placed. I did not know what that was but right now I didn't even care because I was ready to kill.

        I took a breath in then slowly let it out. The magic boiled in my veins and heart, it made me feel so great. I took another breath taking in the pleasure again. "Blinded Lady close the hole." She quickly did as I told her. Soon a grin came across my face looking at the enemies that were ready to attack.

        Flames bursted from my mouth as I let out a raging rawr, the fire set the near by trees to flames. Fire covered my body and soon the fires controled me. The army started to attack but anything they tried to do would melt away. My hands made circles around my mouth and anything in the path became ash. Everything and Everyone, ashed smoke and fire filled the skies. "I will never show weakness in front of the Blinded Lady." I could feel my eyes become the gates of hell themselves.

        I turned to see the horror in the army's eyes and all I could do was smile away knowing they would become ash in the sky. I spread my arms out as far as I could and then with a giggle and a glare, my hands came together sending a gaint fire wall in parallel to my hands.  The men were surrounded by the fires of hell, as I took stepp closer to them the walls moved in to. Turning anything into ash that it touched.

        The men begged and pleaded for their lifes as I took more and more steps close, the pleaing became screaming as they watch their allies become ash. "No one will live, you guys cuased The Blinded Lady to become weak and I don't like that." The walls reached eachother, leaving a gaint square in the forest gone with only dirt left.       

        I turned to see the remaining few running away, "Aww don't run." I began running in a circle and the fire and ash followed. Creating a torando of fire, I stopped and clapped my hands together senind it towards those men. I looked around once more and all of them were dead, a smile grew as wide as it could be. I tapped on the floor and both The Blinded Lady and WaterFall came out. Blinded Lady could sense the destrcution i cause and WaterFall could only see it.

        I looked over and saw the line again, "What is that." I pointed and the WaterFall looked and saw nothing and Blinded Lady said she couldn't feel anything over there either. I wondered what that was but as I stared at it, it slowly shrunk until it disappeared. I turned to them letting that become a distanct memory. "Blinded Lady where is this tree you talked about." She pointed North from where we were at and we headed there.

        The Night was still young and as we traveled a trail of animal, criminals, and muggers bodies were left behind us. Of course one or two fires too. "I want to see this tree for my self." I notice something was weird because The Blinded Lady wasn't leading or even saying anything.

I did know she didn't like being called weak but she was for once. I stopped and they both looked at me. "I think we all need to rest for right now."

        They both agreed and sat down and I looked at them and laid down just wanting to sleep calmly for a few hours. I laided there warm as ever, The Blinded Lady was passed out snoring, WaterFall was shivering and I knew he hated cuddling but right now I didn't care. For the first time in years I was able to get close to my crush and not worry about social appeal.

        I moved closed to him and closer and soon i was hugging him. I couldn't see his face so I couldn't tell if he was smiling or frowning. All I knew was that he stopped shivering. I hugged tightly not wanting to let go.

WaterFall's POV: 

        I laid there shivering from the night air. I knew that in a month winter would be here to say hello again. I felt a warmth behind me, then soon enough arms around my waste pulling me closer to him. I smiled a bit feeling the shivers go away, but still had a small frown knowing that I tried to kill him years ago. RIght now I got closer holding his arms, "Thanks you for being a live." Those words fell out of my mouth but I think He fell asleep before he could hear them.

        I sat there feeling his warmth and enjoying it, he was like an extra blanket but better. It was awkward cuddling with him because of the black bones on his clother, they were very uncomfortable and I think I had a leg bone jabbing into my waist. Still is was better than freezing, I held his hand.

        Before when the world was normal, I cared a lot about my socail status, and did not want to be kicked off the sports teams for like men. Thats why I never asked him out, heck I was lucky to drive him around when Marahia tried to black mail me. "That Bitch knew I liked him and she used that to get me closer to him." I was happy he kissed me but I wish it wasn't under that moment. For now Im going to enjoy this and not think about what happen before.

        I let out a sigh and soon enough my brain wonder and fell a sleep too.


(Hey hope you guys like, if so leave a star and/or comment till next time)

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