The Umbrella Academy: The Num...

By IndigoFire_3030

86K 1.9K 196

DISCLAIMER: I wrote this when I was very young and cringey and I regret it deeply but I'm not gonna delete i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
hello again

Chapter Twenty

1.2K 27 9
By IndigoFire_3030

Ok, I know you probably all hate me by now *nervous laughter* but I FINALLY updated! It has been like a month and a bit and I honestly had no inspiration for ages :(
Also, side note, please request if you would like me to change anything or add anything to the book, I'm not very good at writing romance and stuff cause I have extremely limited experience, lmao, but I have had a bunch of requests for it so I have tried!

I lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling, replaying the last couple of days in my head. I was hungry but I didn't want to move from my warm bed. I sighed and decided to risk it, maybe if I was quick enough some of the warmth would still be there when I got back.
I carefully slipped out from underneath the covers and leant slightly on my wall as I made my way towards the door-frame. I stopped, preparing myself for the journey to the kitchen. My leg was still slightly painful.
I limped out into the hallway and turned to go downstairs when I heard something, it sounded like someone was drawing something, hurriedly. And it was coming from Five's room.
I sighed, looked like my food would have to wait.
I entered Five's room slowly, this was partly because I was in a great deal of pain and partly because I was becoming somewhat reluctant of being in the vicinity of what appeared to be the room of a mad maths professor who had run out of paper. Five had taken to furiously scribbling equations all over his walls and ceiling.
"What did these walls ever do to you?" I asked, warily, making my way over to his bed and lying down.
"Cali? Are you alright? How are you feeling?" Five murmured, not turning from his work.
"Well I think the more important question here is how are you feeling, Five? You don't look particularly...sane." I looked around again at the graffitied walls.
He ignored me.
He continued to write.
"Okay, then!" I said.
After a few more seconds of digesting this very weird sight, I decided to simply ignore it and I snuggled under his covers, watching him work.
His writing slowed down and he looked around him, eyebrows furrowed.
"Okay, I think I've got something, Delores." He announced.
I rolled my eyes, spotting the doll in the corner of the room.
He continued, "It's tenuous but promising."
I noticed Luther enter the room, wearing a similar confused expression on his face.
"Five? Who are you talking to?" He asked.
"Um, hello?" I said, pushing off the covers and sitting up. "I exist, people!"
"What is all this?" Luther asked me, still looking completely weirded out.
I shrugged.
"It's a probability map." Five answered.
"Oh, now he talks!" I said.
"Probability of what?" Luther asked.
"Of whose death could save the world," Five turned to look at Luther and then back to the ceiling. "I've narrowed it down to four."
Luther pointed at the wall.
"Are you saying one of these four people causes the apocalypse?"
"No, I'm saying that their death might prevent it." Five answered, gritting his teeth slightly in annoyance. 
"Oh." Luther replied, clearly not understanding.
I watched his face, amused as he bit his lip and nodded slightly. I raised my eyebrow at him and he sighed as his expression turned to that of utter confusion.
"I'm not following." He whispered.
Five sighed and turned around.
"Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum."
I spoke up. "The butterfly effect."
Five nodded. "Exactly, so all I have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the time line, wherever they may be, and kill them." He hopped down from his stool and picked up a notepad and pen.
Luther walked towards the wall.
"Milton Greene." He read. "So who's he, a terrorist or something?"
I rolled my eyes.
Five squinted his eyes and proceeded to write in his notebook. "I believe he is a gardener." He sat down in his bed and I leant on his shoulder.
Luther turned in surprise.
"You can't be serious."
He looked towards me and I flashed him a smile.
"Wait, this is madness, Five. You—." He stopped as Five hopped off the bed and brought out a rather large gun.
"Wh— where'd you get that?" He asked, incredulously.
"In dads room." Five answered, simply. "I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros, quite similar to the model I used at work, nice shoulder fit and highly reliable."
I wouldn't have been surprised if Luther's eyes actually popped out of his head.
He stammered. "But... but you can't! This guy, Milton is just an innocent man." I turned to Five, shaking my head in sympathy. Luther was such a goody-two-shoes!
It's basic math." Five argued. "His death could potentially save the lives of billions. If I did nothing, he'd be dead in four days anyway. The apocalypse won't spare anyone."
"We don't do this kind of thing." Luther pressed.
" 'we' are not doing anything." Five began.
My gaze shot round to his direction and I glared at him, eyebrows raised.
He pointedly ignored me and continued. "I am." He said.
I rose up from the bed.
"Ok, NO!" I half-shouted.
"Cali, don't argue on this." He turned to me, with a warning tone.
"No! I'm sorry but whether you like it or not, I am doing this with you! I have spent the larger part of my life pining after you and I won't settle just watching you leave again!"
He shook his head and looked into my eyes.
"Cali, you aren't physically able to do this. I know you're still in pain, you have to rest and heal!"
I scoffed.
"You just said that even if you didn't kill those people, they will die in a few days anyway. I don't care if it hurts, I'd rather spend my last days being as productive as possible. If it kills me then too bad! If I'm going to die in a few days, I don't want to die, sitting at home, healing my wounds just for them to be ripped open again! Which they inevitably will! And if WE succeed I will have the rest of my life to heal!"
Five sighed. "Cali, I don't want you to get hurt."
"Bullshit, Five. You are the one person who has ever truly hurt me. Whether it was accidental or not, your disappearance fucked up my life. I AM doing this with you!" I finished and glared at him, defiantly.
He stared at me, an expression of slight shock and remorse. But Five knew better than to continue arguing with me.
There was silence for a while as Luther uncomfortably glanced between the two of us.
After a while, he spoke up. "Well, actually neither of you are doing this. I can't let you go and kill innocent people, Five, no matter how many lives you'll save."
Five tore his eyes away from mine to answer Luther.
"Well, good luck stopping me." Five turned and walked away.
"You're not going anywhere." Luther said, decidedly, picking up Delores and holding her out of the window.
Five turned and stared.
I edged towards Luther, ready to grab the doll, but I felt a large arm pin me to the windowsill.
My eyes widened as I realised Luther was slowly pushing me out of the window.
My eyes darkened and I automatically growled.
Five brought the gun up to point it at Luther.
"Put... her... down." He said firmly.
I struggled against Luther's grip, I knew I wouldn't be greatly harmed by the fall but I could barely contain my rage.
"Put the gun down. You're not killing anyone." Luther said, simply.
"I'll kill you!" I growled again.
"Accalia will survive but the doll won't. I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this. It's either her, or the gun. You decide." Luther bargained.
I could visibly see Five racking his brain for possible loopholes.
Luther suddenly let go of us and Five's eyes widened.
He teleported over and grabbed me and the doll.
I sighed and hugged him tightly.
"I can keep doing this all day." Luther said, now in Five's place, holding the gun.
I slowly turned around to face Luther, and gave him a threatening glare of pure hatred.
How dare he.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Luther! What the hell was that!" I thundered.
I lunged forward but Five held me back. He led me to his bed and examined my face and then the doll's. I watched his concerned eyes and softened slightly.
"I know you're still a good person, Five." Luther interrupts.
I roll my eyes and turn to fixedly glare at him again.
He ignored me and continued. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all. But you're not on your own anymore."
I look towards Five, his features scrunched up in thought.
"There is one way." He nodded slightly and turned to look at Luther. "But it's just about impossible."
"More impossible than what brought you back here?" Luther asked.
I turned again to lean on Five's shoulder.

Cliffhanger! I'm turning evil! 😈
Um, so Yh. Pretty short update but comment and vote and all that and I will be back!
Ly all!

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