Betrayal(KNB ff AkaKuro)adopt...

By an1chu

53K 936 363

ADOPTED Betrayal... It hurts like hell. Being betrayed feels like being stabbed behind your back.The people/p... More

Chapter 1(The Day He Got Betrayed)
Author's Note
Chapter 3(Suprise)
Special Chapter(Part 1/2)
Author's Note
I'm sorry...

Chapter 2(The resignation)

6.7K 188 101
By an1chu

Created:Monday, April 01

Kuroko's POV
I was sleeping peacefully laying on my bed, but my alarm goes off, and it keeps ringing nonstop.I try to ignore it, and go back to sleep, but it's just annoying.

Shut up!I thought after 5 minutes of hearing it ring,cursing towards my phone that's currently on the floor,due to the fact that I threw it down when I started cursing at it.While sighing, I grabbed my phone on the floor, turned it on, and looked at the time(and date)shown on my lock screen.It was currently 6:30 A.M.

"Gosh, why can't school just do us all a favor, and make us go to school in the afternoon.Maybe, we wouldn't be bored and tired during lessons if they did that."I mumbled while walking towards my bathroom,going to get dressed and ready for school.

After I was finished with my morning routine, I headed down stairs, and I went to cook breakfast.Right now it's 7:00 A.M., but school starts at 7:30, and I'll have you be reminded that it only takes 10 minutes to get to school by walking for me.When I arrived at the kitchen, I decided to make bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes, and I'd drink a Vanilla Milkshake that I saved earlier in the refrigerator.(talk about a good breakfast🤤)

While eating, I was thinking of my plan to get revenge on my so called 'teammates.' I started to smirk, thinking of their priceless reactions when I defeat them in their own game.They'd be so shocked that someone who they called weak, actually defeats them in terms of Basketball.

• • •

Walking inside the school, I started heading to the main office.I'm planning to transfer to where my beloved is, and I'm going to quit Seirin's Basketball team. Yes, I'm going to quit before they even try to kick me out. When I was walking towards the office though, everyone's heads kept turning away from me, and they stopped in their places, trying to avoid looking at me, for they are scared to make eye contact . You may be asking yourself,"Kuroko, aren't you a phantom?How can they notice you walking?"

Hey, now that you mentioned it, I'll gladly tell you the reason why.Well, ever since my old personality came back, I am able to re-control my presence.That means,people can see me if I ever want them to.Right now, my aura is just like Sei's own. They sense my presence and the intimidating aura that is around me.

After a few minutes, I'm currently outside of the door of the main office. I opened the door and walked in,only to be greeted by one of the office aides."H-Hi there!We-welcome to the m-main office.H-how may I h-help you d-during this fine a-afternoon?"the office lady behind the desk says,stuttering after  almost every other word,trying to sound as professional as possible."Yes, I was wondering if the Principal was currently present right now?If so, may I speak with him?"I replied with a stern and serious voice, yet I was trying to sound as polite and as nice as possible. "O-oh,Mr.___
i-is in h-his office o-over t-there."She said, pointing to a two door room, that has a nameplate that says 'Mr.____'

After I thanked the lady,I started walking to Mr.____'s office.I knocked on the door, waiting for him to answer."Come in"a faint middle aged man's voice replies on the other side of the door. I walked in, closed the door, and approached his desk,sitting down in the process. I looked at his face, wondering if he's afraid of me or not. He had this professional look to his face, but in his eyes, there was fear.

"Hello Mr.____"I greeted him with a calm yet intimidating look. Mr.___ replied saying, "Hello Mr..."he trailed off, waiting for me to say my name. "Kuroko, Kuroko Tetsuya." I said. "A-ah well, Hello Mr. Kuroko, and what may I do for you on this fine morning?" He asked, while I reply right when he finishes his question. "Well, I am planning on transferring to Rakuzan Highschool. So of course, I'm going to need your permission, and the transfer papers. I may also include that I would need a sport registration form, for I am, or should I say, a former member of the Boys' Basketball team." When I was finished with my statement, I looked at the principal, and he had the uttermost shocking face I've seen.

I'm guessing he's shocked about how I'm transferring to the most prestigious Highschool located in Japan. I thought, seeing as I am currently in what you can call, a 'no-named' school, which was only recently discovered by the Basketball teams' current win at nationals.

"Y-yes, of course,you have my permission to transfer.All you need to do is sign these forms, and you'll be good to go." He said, taking out two forms;one being a Transfer form and the other being the sports registration form. "But," he continued, "you do have to inform your Coach about this, and give them this form." He finished, pointing to the sports registration form.

A few minutes later, I finished filling out the two forms,giving Mr.___ the transfer form. He took the form from my hand, and looked it over before signing both the form I gave him, and the form which I am supposed to give to Coach Riko. "If that is all, you are dismissed and are free to leave." He said, handing me the form for the resignation of me being a member in Seirin's Basketball team. I nodded in response, getting up and walking towards the door in the process. I turned my head around, over to where he is sitting, and said a quick thank you, before I started heading out of the school, and going to Kise's house to pick up Nigou.

I'll give Coach Riko the form when school is over. I thought, getting a bus to go to Kise's house, which is kind of near Seirin and Kaijo, but it's closer to Kaijo.

• • •

Right now, I'm in my room, laying on my bed,and reading a comic. Nigou is just sleeping on the floor of my bedroom, in his cozy dog bed that Momoi got him 3 weeks ago.

There's only 2 minutes before school is over. I better get going if I want to give this to Riko.I thought, walking downstairs to head over to the school. Not forgetting about Nigou still in the house, I yelled towards my bedroom, "Nigou, I'll be back!" I said before walking out the door, and I started making my way to my former school.

(HEY THERE!AUTHOR HERE!I just wanted to ask...what do you think about this story?I'm not that good in writing detailed stories, but I try my best when I write to make my readers feel like they aren't reading some boring and unenthusiastic book.I really do hope that you don't mind this story going a little bit slower, were you don't get to see any interaction with any GOM, or Akashi for that matter.I do hope that you bare with me on this story. I promise that maybe the next chapter may have the GOM(besides just Kise) in it or the next chapter after...Thank you if you took the time to read this!Ciao~[I'm not French, I just know a little])

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