Broken World

By T1NightHunter

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Year after The destruction of Earth, a powerful race known as the Scattered, have attacked Humanity's remaini... More

Daniel Norway
Hive Fleet
Relics Part 1
Relics Part 2
The Hunt
Destiny 1
Old Memories Part 1
Old Memories Part 2
On the Run
The Greater Enemy
Immortal Hands
New Earth
Civil Unrest
Battle of Jupiter Part 1
Battle of Jupiter Part 2
Growing Empire
New Regime
Battle over Aurora
The Second Grand War
New Alliance
Occupation of Olympia
Siege of Olympia
Beginning of The End
Cruel Judgement
The Map Part 1
Battle of Enclave
The Map Part 2
Rapture Part 1
Rapture Part 2
Rapture Part 3
The Truth
Coming Battle
Final Battle of Aurora Part 1
Final Battle of Aurora Part 2
Final Battle of Aurora Part 3
Final Battle of Aurora Part 4
Salvalation v.s Extinction


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By T1NightHunter

January 15th, 2860. "This is Anubis to main control, requesting landing on deck 1-4." The intercom said.
I answered it as Hanzo took out the last NHR trooper in the control tower. "Copy that, deck 1-4 is currently occupied, divert to deck 1-2."
"Roger, diverting to deck 1-2."
I then saw the Anubis moving towards deck 1-2, the trap was set.
"Isia, fire it up." I ordered.
"Got it." She replied placing an EMP emitter on the ground. "Will have 30 minutes top. Get to the Destiny when you have her."
She then entered the vents to get to the Destiny. It's been a month since I lost Sauna, now we were here to rescue her from the Anubis, where she was being held prisoner onboard and we had infiltrated the Hynita Shipyards to free her. I then saw the Anubis dock onto deck 1-2.
"Now!" I yelled.
Hanzo then activated the EMP, the whole shipyard went dark, locking the Anubis in. We then ran out of the tower towards the Anubis, sneaking past confused NHR troopers looking for the blackouts source. We eventually arrived near the Anubis, but were cut off by a pair of officers.
"Hey! This is restricted area!" One of them yelled.
Hanzo quickly shot both them down before they could call reinforcements, I immediately started cutting down the docking hatch to the Anubis, but more NHR troopers soon arrived and opened fire. Hanzo held them off as I finished cutting through the hatch.
"Lets go." I said running into the Anubis.
Hanzo followed behind me throwing a smoke bomb to distract the enemy troopers. We immediately began running towards the nearest prison deck, bringing down multiple troopers in our path till we finally reached it.
"Guys, you got 15 minutes left." Isia radioed in. "Where are you guys?"
"Kind of busy, keep the ship ready." I replied.
I then began peeking into the prison cells looking for Sauna, eventually a complication arose.
"Emergency power, restored and active." The ship's intercom announced. "Please secure all decks immediately."
"капитан, we have to hurry." Hanzo explained.
"Not giving up." I replied.
I kept on looking until I finally found her, she was lying down weak and tired. I cut open the cell door and went over to her.
"Sauna. It's me." I said waking her up.
She instantly hugged me when I did.
"What took you so long?" She asked smiling.
"It's a long story." I replied. "We need to get out of here."
We then tried to leave, but were cut off by NHR armed robots. Hanzo and I attempted to shoot them down, but it barely pierced them.
"Other way, come on." Hanzo said running to another exit.
I instantly activated my ship's beacon, signaling Isia to come get us. We eventually reached a hangar bay perfect for escaping, we took cover as armed robots entered the hangar and began firing at us. I handed Sauna my pistol and ran towards the robots, I was easily able to cut through them, thanks to a small modification I made beforehand, a energy emitter built into the blade that made it easier to cut through metal plating. I eventually retreated back behind cover before getting overwhelmed by more NHR robots. Luckily Isia arrived in the Destiny 1 to pick us up, we instantly ran onboard and escaped the Anubis alive.

We almost escaped the shipyard until a small fleet of NHR destroyers appeared overhead, instantly deploying squads of fighters onto us.
"I'll take it from here." I said taking over the cockpit from Isia.
I instantly fired several missiles at the fighter groups to weaken them and flew towards the enemy fleet. As I did, my ship's intercom instantly activated.
"Daniel Norway, quite a surprise to see your still alive after ten years." The transmission said. "This is Verdi of the NHR, surrender and I may let you and your crew live this time."
"Not happening, old friend." I replied.
"Very well, then you shall see our newest weapon." Verdi explained disappointed. A massive capital ship then appeared above its own destroyers, making them seem like specks compared to it.
"Behold Norway, the Exodus capital destroyer, your doom. Open fire!" Verdi said.
The warship then fired everything it had on us. I avoided it's weapons the best I could and focused on getting past the Exodus and escaping the shipyard alive.
"Hanzo, get the new toy loaded." I ordered.
"No problem." Hanzo replied loading the Destiny's newest weapon, Isia's hand built MAC launcher, let's hope it works in our favor.
"Weapons ready!" Hanzo yelled.
I then aimed the cannon at one of the Exodus' exposed power generators and shot at it, the cannon hit and the warship became disabled for a few minutes. I then put the ship in full speed, hoping to zoom past it. I continued to avoid most of the smaller destroyers shots, until a squad of fighters soon forced me off course. Isia was able to take out a few, but I had an idea for the last one.
"Sauna, fly the ship." I ordered.
"What are you thinking?" She asked confused.
"I'm gonna steal a new ship." I replied smirking.
She knew I was doing something reckless, and she was right. I then opened an airlock and let it fire me directly onto the remaining NHR fighter. I startled the pilot before throwing him out and commandeering it for myself, I instantly linked the fighters intercom to the Destiny 1.
"Norway-1 to Destiny, I got the fighter." I relayed to the ship.
"Okay Norway, what now?" Isia asked.
"Simple, I'll keep the Exodus busy, get the others out of here." I ordered.
"Roger, good luck in that thing." Isia replied concerned.
The Destiny then flew past the Exodus as I began unloading the fighters weapons on the warship's command bridge, that got its attention as it deployed more fighters onto me, I easily avoided them and escaped once I figured the Destiny had cleared the area, but I didn't expect the fighters to continue after me as I did, I kept avoiding the fighters shots, until I got it by one of their missiles, the fighter spun out of control for a while, until everything went black on me...

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