In the Midst of the Light~ Th...

By StefanieMorton

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART ONE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART TWO
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART THREE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART FOUR
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART FIVE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART SIX
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART SEVEN
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART EIGHT
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART NINE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART TEN
Chapter Twenty-Eight~PART ELEVEN
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART TWELVE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART THIRTEEN
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART FOURTEEN
Author's Note

Chapter Nine

71 9 1
By StefanieMorton

In the Midst of the Light



"Fuck!" I yell as I run from the room. Get that barrier up now! I order the pack.

I race down the hallways and stairs with Keegan right on my heels. How was The Warlock able to get through the seal on that room? The only time I've ever seen someone break out of one was years ago, and it had been Dad that did it. I always contributed it to his anger at Aunt Hope at the time, and his Guild Leader powers that were completely focused on saving Mom. But The Warlock doesn't have powers like those. He's a warlock for crying out loud! Even if he used his magic to destroy it, someone would have felt it. He was able to get inside the house, rescue Spencer, and leave completely undetected.

I hadn't thought to put a guard outside the room since Spencer was sealed inside, and I definitely didn't think The Warlock was going to attack us head on like this. I thought he would stay in the shadows, like he always has been, not come into my home. I won't make the mistake of underestimating The Warlock's reach again.

As Keegan and I race outside, I see the pack scattered around the back yard. The ones I can see have their arms stretched out in front of them as they put a shield up. That barrier isn't going to keep him out if he was able to get inside Aemilia's seal.

I spot Lexie by the back gate, observing everyone, and I teleport Keegan and I to her. I wrap my arms around her, crushing her to me as relief that The Warlock didn't take her too comes over me. He easily could have, so why didn't he? I pull away from her just a little when an uneasy feeling suddenly comes over me. I feel like we're being watched. I look around for Uncle Septimus. I need our faster member. When I see him by the side of the house, I yell for him to come over.

"I want you to run the perimeter," I tell him when he gets to us. "Make sure there isn't anyone lurking around."

"I'm on it," he replies, and then disappears.

"I'm going with him," Keegan says right behind me.

I look over my shoulder to him, nod once, and then almost smile as he runs away while shifting. Uncle Septimus being his mentor is the best decision I've made all day. I sigh as I realize it was only this morning that I addressed the pack. It's been a very long day.

Lexie's arms around me loosen slightly, causing me to hold on to her even tighter. Until I can figure out how The Warlock was able to get into that room, I won't be letting her out of my sight. I know Aemilia said my powers have gotten stronger, but I'm not willing to test how strong they really are with Lexie in danger again. I consider myself lucky with how quickly I got to her earlier, but luck can run out.

"Are you okay?" Lexie asks quietly.

I swallow, look down at her, and shake my head. "No," I answer sharply, "I'm not." She arches an eyebrow at me, wanting me to elaborate. I sigh, and tell her as I look around the backyard, "The Warlock was able to get inside a sealed room, so putting a barrier up won't stop him if he tries coming at us again, which he will according to Spencer." I drop my head, looking at the grass in front of us, and continue, "This is my fault somehow. Spencer said I pissed off The Warlock and Zombie, but I can't think of anyone that I've mistreated."

"You have a kind heart, Valerio," she replies, putting her hand over my heart. "Isn't it possible Spencer was only saying that to get at you?"

I shrug as I lift my head. The pack is starting to come over, so I quickly tell her, "I guess, but the way he said it makes me think he was being honest." When the pack gets to us, minus Uncle Septimus and Keegan, I say, "I want everyone in pairs until we know for sure if that barrier will hold. The odds that it won't are high, so everyone needs to keep their guard up." I look at R.C., and tell him, "You, me, Aemilia, Lexie and Brianna are going to figure out how The Warlock got into that room."

Aunt Aquila takes a step forwards, and says, "He's using black magic that has consumed him, and he has a coven that he can channel. Black magic in itself is more powerful than our own."

I stand up straighter, and reply, "I won't run and hide from him just because he might be stronger than me." I look around the pack. "The five of us will figure out how he got inside, and take steps to insure it doesn't happen again. Until then, everyone keep your heads up and eyes open."

R.C. sighs, for the third time this evening, and repeats himself, "Aunt Aquila is right, Valerio. The black magic he's using is so powerful that he can do just about anything he wants."

I grind my teeth together. "There has to be an explanation for how he did it, R.C.," I reply as I put my head in my hands.

The cabin falls quiet as everyone tries to think of something, anything, to explain how he got through the seal. Lexie and Brianna are over at the kitchen table, where I can see them clearly, looking through Mom's and Aunt Hope's spell books. They're trying to figure out a way to make sure this doesn't happen again, but they haven't found anything yet. Aemilia is sitting on the couch next to R.C., constantly searching the future. We've been trying to figure this out for an hour and a half now, and she's been searching nonstop since we got here. I know she's angry at herself for not being able to see The Warlock's futures, but there's so far nothing we can do about it. Not even R.C. has been able to figure out how he blocked her yet. Her head has to be killing her from search the future repetitively, but she just won't take a break. Keegan can't even get her to stop for just a few minutes.

There's never been a time that myself and my siblings haven't been able to solve whatever problem is in front of us, and I refuse to let The Warlock be the one to break that streak. Granted, we've never had a situation like this before, but still I have to try.

"What if we use blood on the shield?" R.C. asks after a few minutes of silence. I lift my head and tilt it to one side as I look at him. He chews on the inside of his cheek for a moment, and then explains, "If we use the pack's blood on the barrier, it will make it stronger, impenetrable pretty much. I know it doesn't solve how he got into the room, but it will at least give us more protection against another direct intrusion."

"Don't you think he would just use his powers to get around it?" I retort.

He shakes his head. "That's the point of the blood. We use a drop from each member of the pack, making it so only we can come in and out of it."

I want to ask Aemilia if it works, but I know it will only make her angrier at herself. I look over at Keegan for a second, who shrugs at me. He doesn't know how to help at all, but he's at least given us random things to go off of to try and figure it out. He's doing the best he can.

I sigh as I look over Keegan's shoulder to Lexie, and see she's nodding her head at me. "We may never figure out how he got through the seal, but R.C. is right. We'll at least be protected while we sleep."

I take a deep breath as I look back to my brother. I nod my head, and say, "Create a new barrier spell. Lexie and I will go to the main house and collect everyone's blood."

I stand from the couch, and start to make my way over to Lexie. I know she's safe here with my brother and sister, but I can't let her leave my side. I trust R.C. and Aemilia to look after her, not that she can't handle herself, but if she's at my side it will just put my mind at ease a little more. If I went to collect everyone's blood by myself, I might just drop the pack's blood all over the floor.

Lexie stands as I come around the couch, and takes my hand when I get to her. "We'll be right back," I tell R.C. When we land in the living room, I call for everyone to come to the room. "We're creating a new barrier," I tell the pack once they've arrived. "I need a drop of everyone's blood for it."

I manifest a vial and needle, and then Lexie takes the vial from my hand. We starts walking around the room, collecting everyone's blood, and then Mom asks, "Have you figured out how The Warlock got into the room?"

I shake my head at her as I glance to Aunt Aquila. "I don't think we'll ever know how he got inside, but R.C. believes its because of his black magic."

Mom drops her head, and replies, "I don't know anything about black magic," she brings her head back up, and looks at Aunt Aquila and Aunt Hope. "We'll do whatever research we can on it, but Cyrus used to tell me that even just looking into black magic can pull a witch or warlock into practicing it."

"Don't put yourself at risk," I order her without even thinking about it. I walk up to her as my command hits her, and pull her into a hug. "After everything you have been through," I whisper into her ear, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I lost you like that. Please Mom, be cautious."

I pull away from her and she puts her hand on my cheek. "I will, Valerio."

I smile at her, swallow, and then look at Dad. "Watch over them," I beg him. He nods his head as he wraps an arm around her shoulders.

As Lexie and I come back into the cabin, I hear Aemilia yelling.

"I'm telling you, The Warlock is planning another attack," she says to Keegan. "He hasn't made his mind up on where yet, but he's thinking about it."

"Are you seeing the cities he's thinking about?" R.C. asks.

Aemilia nods her head. "It's a toss up between Shanghai and Cairo."

R.C. and Brianna's faces pale, knowing both those cities are densely populated areas. R.C. looks at me, and says, "We have to stop him. The number of lives that could be lost in either location will be larger than any of his other attacks."

"He wanted me," Lexie whispers, and then she clears her throat. "The Warlock wanted to take me, and since Valerio was able to get to me before Spencer could do it, it's pissed him off. He's going after bigger targets now in retaliation."

I take a deep breath, squeeze her hand in mine, and then start biting on my bottom lip. I look at Aemilia as she starts pacing rapidly. "Is there a timeline at all? Do you know when he's thinking about doing it?"

She stops walking, her eyes fix, and then she screams in frustration for a second. I have never seen my sister like this. Not even when she told me the truth about what Mom and Dad were up to. The Warlock is doing serious mental damage to her. My anger towards him rises even more as I watch my sister start to come apart at the seams a little. This isn't who Aemilia is. I know this isn't how she wanted things with her and Keegan to go either. She wanted things to be smooth between them, and these attacks aren't allowing that. I can tell she's pushing him away, literally and figuratively, and the look on Keegan's face as she pushes on his chest while he tries to comfort her shocks me.

He's already in love with her.

"All I know," Aemilia growls, "is that in a few days Spencer will be addressing the coven." She gives me a hard look. "There are thirteen in the coven, so Aunt Aquila had almost been spot on, but I didn't see when, nor which location The Warlock is going to decide to attack."

"Both locations are so populated," R.C. chimes in, "that even if we try to find any of the coven members before the attack, we won't be able to find them. There are just too many people."

I nod my head. "Which is exactly how he wants it I'm sure," I reply through my teeth. "He wants us scattered and confused, primarily Aemilia."

The room falls silent as everyone looks at her. She's The Warlock's biggest threat against keeping his identity hidden. It's common knowledge among the wolves what she can do, and more than likely, wherever The Warlock is from, he overheard some wolves talking about her. Aemilia is the most famous of Mom and Dad's kids, and when there's a gathering, she's busy nonstop with hosting her own parties for the wolves who want to see her. I can't order the packs to not talk about us, mainly because the damage is already done. I'm sure by this point The Warlock and Zombie know everything there is to know about us. I can though make sure that the wolves in both locations are given a heads up on what might happen.

I let out a sharp breath, walk Lexie and I over to the kitchen table, and take the vial with the pack's blood out of her hands, setting it on the table. "Lexie and I will let Alpha Chen and Alpha Asfour know there will be an attack close to them. In the meantime, we have to get this new barrier up." I look over my shoulder to R.C. "Did you get the new barrier spell done?"

He arches an eyebrow at me. "In the five minutes you were gone?" He chuckles. "Yes, it's done."

I motion with my hand for everyone to come over as I hold up the needle. When Aemilia steps up to me after Keegan, I grab hold of her hand tighter after I've poked her finger so she doesn't just walk away. I pass the needle to Lexie, and then turn to Aemilia.

"You need to stop putting more pressure on yourself to see what's happening," I tell her softly. "Dark magic isn't the same as ours. There's no telling what all The Warlock and Zombie can do. Getting angry at yourself, or anyone else, isn't going to suddenly make it possible to see them. Regardless though, I promise you sister, as a family we will find them."

I raise my hand and press the doorbell to Alpha Chen's home with my fingertip. Lexie starts fidgeting with the hem of her red blouse, and I look over at her to see she's biting on her bottom lip hard. I let go of her hand, put my hand on the back of her neck, and massage it gently. Her heart is beating rapidly from her nervousness. When we got married, we had already became Guild Leaders, but the packs didn't show up to hear from the Guild Leaders. They came to celebrate our union, so this is the first time Lexie and I will be addressing a Regional Alpha since taking over.

Her nerves, although Aemilia said everything will go fine, are understandable. I feel them too, but this is what I was born to do. Dad has taught me how to handle this, and that's the only reason I'm not letting my fear show.

As I massage her neck, making her relax a little, the door opens. Alpha Chen bows to us as he takes a step back to open the door more.

"Your Majesties," he greets us in choppy English, "please, come in."

I drop my hand from Lexie's neck, put my hand on her back, and gently push her inside. "Thank you, Alpha Chen," I reply with a smile as I step over the threshold. Once he's shut the door, I continue, "Thank you for seeing us on such short notice as well. Can we go to your office to discus the reason for our impromptu visit in private?"

The fifty-six year old Alpha looks between Lexie and I nervously, and then nods his head when his eyes settle back to me. He lifts his right arm, and says, "This way."

I motion with my arm for him to lead the way as I grab Lexie's hand again, and then follow after him down a narrow hallway. Chinese paintings of some type hang from the walls, and one seems to catch Lexie's eye because she stops for a second to admire it. When her hand pulls on mine, I stop following Chen, and glance at the painting she's looking at. I smile at the little girl on the canvas. Her back to us, and she's holding a red umbrella in the rain. In the corner of the painting is the artist's signature, and my eyes widen.

"You did this?" I ask Chen before he can get further away.

His footsteps stop, and I turn my head to him. He smiles at me, starts coming back over, and his smiles turns lovingly when he looks at the painting. "My mate actually. She's an amazing painter, no?"

"It's beautiful," Lexie replies, unable to take her eyes off of it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Chen says, "I will have to tell her when she gets back that our Guild Leader admires her work."

Lexie looks at him and smiles. "Please tell her I said she has a gift."

Chen nods his head, and then motions with his arm behind him for us to continue to his office. I look at the painting one last time, and then fall in step behind him. When we get to the last door on the right, Chen opens the door, and then takes a step back so we can enter first. I turn to face the wall to the right of the door, and Lexie and I take our shoes off. When both of us are in our socks, I pull on Lexie's hand and escort her into the room.

Yes, Dad's teachings even included different culture's habits and customs.

We wait for Chen to come into the room, and then he motions with his hand to some pillow looking things on the floor. Lexie and I take two next to each other, and Chen takes one on the opposite side of the circle they're in.

"What can I do for you, Your Majesties?" Chen asks once he's situated.

I take a deep breath, and tell him, "There is a warlock who has been practicing black magic. Some of the attacks in the last six months are his doing, and my sister has seen a future where Shanghai is one of his possible next targets. Lexie and I are here to warn you so you can warn your packs in the area."

Chen looks at me with a blank expression for a second. He looks at the floor between us, and then looks at Lexie. His eyes flicker between us as he says, "Why would you come all the way here to warn me?"

My eyebrows scrunch together. "Although we are looking for a dark warlock," I reply, "our duty is to the werewolves still." I glance at Lexie. "We don't want any of our people getting hurt more than the humans, and I didn't feel this was something to be discussed over a phone or in the pack link. Your packs in the city are in danger and this is news that should be shared face to face."

His features soften, and there's a hint of a smile on his face. "I will heed your warning, Your Majesty. I will evacuate my packs in the city," he responds as he dips his head.

The air in the room stirs, and then Aemilia and Keegan are standing behind Chen. "Sorry for the intrusion," she says quickly, "but The Warlock has chosen which location."

I swallow, and my eyes widen as Chen twists to look at her.

"Which one?" I ask her ask I get to my feet, pulling Lexie up with me.

She ticks her head to one side, and says, "Cairo."

Thanks for reading!


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