The Evolution of Evangeline

By poltergeist_people

898K 59.3K 5.9K

Evangeline has not had a life like other she wolves. When she was 14 her brother, the next alpha of the Hawth... More

Ch 1: A Solid 8
Ch 2: The Wonders of Alcohol and Sex
Ch 3: Absolutely Everything
Ch 4: Totally Fucking Die
Ch 5: Awesome
Ch 6: Didn't Totally Suck
Ch 7: Wish
Ch 8: Destiny
Ch 9: Soft as a Babies Ass
Ch 10: Worst Party Ever
Ch 11: Snuff it or Shove it
Ch 12: Thank you Jesus
Ch 13: Power Complex
Ch 14: lycan_liar
Ch 15: 365 Days
Ch 16: Is This Where I'm Supposed to say yes Daddy?
Ch 17: I Guess This Means no Phone sex?
Ch 18: A Good Little Girl
Ch 19: Little Slut
Ch 20: Interruptions
Ch 21: Funny
Ch 22: Surprise Surprise
Ch 23: I Was Too Busy Being Plowed by a Lunatic
Ch 24: Good Girl
Ch 25: Evie
Ch 26: Chill Pill
Ch 27: Food
Ch 28: A Seriously Great way to Die
Ch 29: Good Luck
Ch 30: Lets Not Pretend
Ch 31: East
Ch 32: Bet on That
Ch 33: Kind...ish
Ch 34: What the Fuck Does the Full Moon do to you?
Ch 35: Lying Little Girl
Ch 36: You and I are a Package Deal
Ch 37: Evangeline
Ch 38: Forget
Ch 39: Maybe
Ch 40: The Game is Over
Ch 41: You are not an Alpha
Ch 42: Rogue
Ch 43: This Might Just Make me Come
Ch 44: Painkiller
Ch 46: A Fuck ton of Bodily Fluids
Ch 47: Purr
Ch 48: A Bigger Car
Ch 49: You Can't Have Evie
Ch 50: A sea of Bitterness
Ch 51: Werewolf Metabolism is a Bitch
Ch 52: The Exact Opposite
Ch 53: Heartfelt Goodbyes
Ch 54: Perfectly Normal
Ch 55: Almost
Ch 56: Observing
Ch 57: A Damn Shame
Ch 58: A Game
Ch 59: Mama Mali
Ch 60: A Modern Woman
Ch 61: A Mercy Killing
Ch 62: This Moment
Ch 63: A Little Time
Ch 64: Anything you Want

Ch 45: Nyquil

14K 904 66
By poltergeist_people

Asmos POV:

I picked up the suddenly sullen woman and placed her on the bed, changing the subject from her feeling alive to something much more problematic, "your brother was killed by rogue wolves."

She said nothing as I sank to my knees and removed her boots.

It was 4am ams not exactly what I wanted to be doing right now but this new bit of information was important.

My pack is filled with former rogue wolves, if she hates rogue wolves simply for existing it could present a problem.

How can a woman ever be an alpha female to a pack whos blood she hates?

"...he was." She muttered obviously concerned about my lack of response to her other comments.

"Do you place the blame on rogues as a whole?" I questioned blandly.

"No...well..." she trailed off, "I don't like rogues. No wolves do they are-" she cut herself off abruptly, likely realizing that what she was about to say wasn't kind and my past.

"Rogues are ruthless, often reckless and merciless brutes who do nothing but cause harm and are usually less than clean in their wolf form after some time. Too much time without a pack also can drive them mad." I rubbed her small feet for a moment, "is that not what you meant to project little one?"

She was quick to open her mouth and stumble over  words, "I don't like think your like that or blame you for my brothers death or some crazy shit, you obviously didn't do it you were already an alpha. Rogues don't smell like pack wolves either so..." her cheeks tinted, "I...I didn't mean to say your kind of wolf. I don't know your story it was rude and unkind of me I was just really mad and I'm sorry."

I hummed, "it was not entirely incorrect, I was born a rogue, rare as that is. I did not ask you if you blamed me but rogues in general."

I could feel the questions in the air, the ones about my upbringing and how I ended up becoming alpha of such a large pack.

But she wisely didn't ask, "well of course I blame the ones that killed them, but more than anything I blame the mate bond."

She...what? "...the mate bond?"

She nodded, "rogues are rogues, half of them are mindlessly insane, little more than animals. My brother would have been able to take care of them if Patty wasn't there." Her eyes grew foggy, "but they were never really apart and she wanted to go. The stupid bond made him so worried over her that he didn't pay enough attention to his own back. They killed him, and then her."

Unconsciously, I wiped away the tears that escaped her lashes, "so you blame the bond between mates for their deaths."

She nodded, "obviously, if it didn't exist and we got to choose like normal fucking people. Then he would be alive."

That...was somehow even more difficult than if she had hated rogue wolves. "I see."

Another reason she ran.

Slowly I walked around the bed and slid in next to her, "you have that bond now though Evie."

"No. Not unless you mark me, you're not sure you want to. I still have a chance. I may not be able to reject you because of your stupid murderous tendencies."

"If I would not kill you would you reject me?" I questioned although sure of the answer.


Thats what I thought.

"But if you were down for it, I would want to keep seeing you I think, like humans do. I would stay in my pack of course and take it over." She was starting to sound hopeful, as if I would ever even consider this bullshit, "and we could see where we go from there."

"That will never happen Evie, it would be a betrayal to our wolves."

And I would never allow that disrespect.

She pouted a bit but said nothing.

"Tomorrow." I started, "when you say goodbye to your family, it will be difficult for you."

She huffed, "let me guess, don't look to you for a hard fuck?"

I shook my head at her, "I was going to tell you not to be afraid to cry. It will not make you weak Evie. It is not about them, it is about you do as you want."

"I want to use you as nyquil and fuck until I fall asleep."

I scowled at her, "honestly Evie we just spoke about this-"

"Not for pain relief asshole." She scowled back "being angry at you made me want to sit on your face and shut you the fuck up."

I felt my blood rush to my cock at her words and the bite in her tone.

As irritating as she could be, I could not deny that her fire turns me on.

That smart ass mouth of hers both drives me up the wall and makes me uncomfortably hard.

I wanted her to get understand her problems with sex so we can move the fuck on and I could ravage her through the night in more ways than she could even fathom.

I really shouldn't do this.

It could very well set her back.

But I could smell how aroused she was. Sometimes having heightened senses was more of a bitch than help.

I have been trying to ignore it since she started yelling at me. And of course she has to make it impossible.

It didn't help that I love the taste of her.

"You did say you use sex to calm yourself down when you are why cant I?" She murmured pressing closer to me, "You're a lot of things Asmos, But i don't think a hypocrite is one of them."

I growled slightly and pulled her to me, kissing her roughly.

Nipping her lip and burying my hand in her hair, I practically ripped the buttons off the shirt I had given her in order to get her naked.

Those teasingly tiny panties I watched her slip on earlier were the next things to tear.

She was panting in anticipation, a tiny mewl escaped her throat as I moved her so she was straddling me, "you said you wanted to sit on my face?"

"Uh-huh" she moaned out.

Dragging her up my chest I growled lowly, "then do it."

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