How to Make a Monster?| (#1)

By Green_Crow

1.9K 199 46

Revenge, Cruelty, and Invincibility In a world full of mythical creatures, families and friends turn to a soc... More

How to Make a Monster?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 9

52 7 2
By Green_Crow

what is a monster? a being whose survival is incompatible with the existing order

denis diderot

Chapter Nine:

Nobody cared if the sun was shinning, if the wind was blowing. The only thing that mattered was if Paige Kill was going to survive.

Hunter and Sage sat in the lounge, bombed by upper-ranked hunters. Sage tapped her heel on the ground, pulsing her muscle as she waited. Hunter attempted to get everyone to steer away from them, but he had no luck.

He really didn't care if knowing the information of Paige Kill and informing it to the press would raise awareness, and somehow save Paige. Paige is the first to do this.

"Mr. Kill! You said that Gem Lupin was here too! Is there any chance we could speak with her?"

Hunter shook his head, "Leave us alone. Don't make me get my weapon out." His anger soon turned into sadness when they started to leave. Where are you Gem?

Deep down, he didn't understand the pull he had towards her. After training, he would want to go to her tent and hang out with her even more, but he was her trainer. Nothing more and nothing less.

His thoughts soon drifted to his sister. His baby sister, who was again lying on a hospital bed, was at the end of the hallway.

Paige chest slowly rose and fell as she breathed. She felt her mind disappear as she slept, waiting for a miracle. Her hair spread across her head in a fake halo. Her pointy ears shown to the world.

Get to the wolf, Human.

She may have been dying, but that didn't stop her ears from hearing footsteps coming towards her room. A smell of life filled her nose, barley giving her strength to open her eyes, her black eyes.

"Paige," she watched as the wolf carried multiple needles of her green blood. A growl filled her throat. "It's going to be ok."

Gem set the needles down, preparing herself for what she was about to do. She knew that Paige needed more blood to survive, but she didn't know the exact process. She wasn't the doctor. Let's start with one and work our way up.

She picked up the needle causing Paige to grumble at her in warning. It brought back to many memories that she never wanted to see or hear, never wanted to experience, again.

Paige didn't even feel the needle prick her skin, but she did feel the blood enter into her blood stream. Like last time, she couldn't even scream. She thrashed around, attempting to claw the red head leaning over her with golden eyes.

"Stop scratching me!" Gem yelled, trying to hold back her wolf. The fact she has known her mate for over a couple of years, yet haven't completed the bond, let her wolf on edge. "Paige, I'm trying to help you."

She stepped back, watching as Paige squirmed under her gaze. She clearly spotted her body form, wondering how she ever could have gotten caught. Everyone knew well that if the Kills couldn't do it, nobody could.

Paige Kill shouldn't have gotten caught in Alaska, but she had.

Ever since Paige's kidnapping, no hunter stepped foot in Alaska. The state became the last safe heaven for wolves.

"How are you feeling?"


Paige only forced her hand to raise, reaching for the needle. Gem got the idea and quickly pushed another needle inside her. Instead of the arm, she pushed it onto her chest, hoping the blood would enter her heart and her heart would adapt.

Slowly, Paige's strength allowed her to whispered. Her voice was crackling, but it was better than silence.

"You're a wolf."

Gem only smiled shyly, wondering what Paige was going to do with the fact. If this was a perfect world then Paige would keep her secret to herself. If the world was perfect, hunters and us wouldn't be at war.

"You're a hybrid."

Paige only smirked.

A new voice echoed through her head. It was much more hissing than the last one.

Kill her.

Paige didn't. She wasn't going to be control by these beast in her head, but if this red head ever decides to betray or hurt her in any way. That would be a different story.

"I'm going to call my hybrid Purity." Paige started to think out loud. "She will cleanse this world from these beast."

Gem took a step back, shook out of her mind. "But you're one of us now. You can't kill you're own kind."

"I'll call her Sacrifice then."

Paige felt her heart beat in her chest. The new blood changing her DNA. She felt alive. Her skin started to heal, ending up being a little paler than her mother's skin. Her hair grew in volume and length. Her nose healed and became straight again.

"After all, my parents sacrificed their lives to this cause. It's only fair I sacrifice mine."

Gem quickly held her down as Paige started to get up.

"Paige. Listen to yourself. What about pack wolves?"

Shrugging her shoulder, Paige whispered, "They are all the same. They are nasty, disgusting, destroying beasts." Her eyes snapped towards the she wolf's. "I'll let you live, but only this time."

Gem slowly backed away, recognizing the vampire scent. "Paige, what about Hunter? He's worried for you. Sage is too."

"What is there to be worried about?"


Author's Note:

Welcome back to HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER?! I so excited for this book, but I have to put my focus on THE TIME WILL COME since that plot may be in for a bumpy ride.

Ha. Ha. Ha. God, I hate myself sometimes. Anyways, hope you like the chapter.

If you see an error, message and tell me!

Follow, and vote. You know the jazz!

Drop the mic,


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