Aiden Hart

By TheMiddleLovatt

73.7K 1.3K 197

Maya Hart has a foster brother. His name is Aiden Hart. He is part of the story arc now so join in whilst he... More

Cast list
Girl Meets World
Girl Meets World Pt2
Girl Meets Boy
Girl Meets Sneak Attack
Aiden Meets Billy Ross
Girl Meets Father
Girl Meets the Truth
Girl Meets Popular
Girl Meets Their Mother
Girl Meets Flaws
Girl Meets Demolition
Girl Meets Mr Squirrels
Girl Meets the Tell Tale Tot

Aiden Meets First Date

5.1K 87 11
By TheMiddleLovatt

I woke up and walked into the kitchen to see Maya making some oatmeal. Mum was at work, again, so Maya placed the bowl in front of me. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and we sat and ate our oatmeal and talked.

"So Riley wants us to stay over tonight and we will be having a girls plus Aiden night. There will be us, Sarah, Darcy, Lola, Roxy and Serene." I agreed to the sleepover but I told Maya about my date at 5.

"Oh my God, Yay! Will you please tell me who it is with though? I know it's not any of the people we have invited over because they all said it's not them."

"I will tell you tonight, most likely. It's just a weird thing to talk about." She nodded her head and agreed.

I got changed into a plain black tee, black ripped jeans, black pump shoes, and a small black bag with some things in it. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed I had started getting a zit on my face. I squeezed it so it wasn't swollen and then covered the colour of it with some concealer. The concealer didn't match my skin tone so I started putting on some foundation that I bought a while ago, until Maya walked in.

"Erm, Aiden? Why are you doing Makeup?" She was weirded out by the situation.

"I had a zit. Used a tiny but of concealer but it was too dark so I matched it with my skin tone by putting on some foundation." She started laughing as I explained it and I tackled her to the floor.

Half an hour later, Maya was ready and I had made myself a glass of apple juice, then orange, then two more glasses of apple, then I ate some celery. I know, I'm weird. I eat celery as a snack. It's one of my favourite things to eat, except Maya's famous Pancakes.

We hopped into the subway and I turned round to see Lucas sat there. Me and Maya sat with him.

"Where you off to Cowboy?" Maya giggled at my question and Lucas didn't really care.

"Heading to a farm down here. They have a few horses and I'm going to see if I can get one."

"Well, tell me if you do," I said to Huckleberry. It wasn't long until me and Maya got off of the subway and walked to Riley's. We pressed the buzzer.

"Maya," she said into the buzzer.
"And Aiden," I corrected. We only had to wait a second for Riley to press the buzzer and tell us to come on up.

We walked up to her apartment and Riley let us in. Auggie was sat eating his oatmeal and so was everyone else. We sat on the couch and put on a repeat episode of Red Planet Diaries. The theme song came on and Me and Maya started to sing it, but Riley joined in and so did Auggie.

Out here in space,
I kissed your green face,
But it feels like your light-years away...

I laughed at both Riley and Auggie, but Auggie really impressed me. Riley turned to me after she had finished eating.

"When will you be showing us your next new song?" Everyone turned their heads to me.

"Well I've finished one, but I wrote it with Maya so I think we should both sing it, since it was a twin effort." Everyone knew what it meant. Everybody ran from the table. Topanga ran to her room whilst Mr Matthews ran to the closet.

Topanga came back with a guitar and a microphone on a stand. Mr Matthews came in and placed two stools down and he set up a couple of stage lights. Me and Maya sat down and I started to play the song on the guitar.

We finished singing and everyone applauded. Riley was the first one to make a comment.

"Who is it about, Aiden?" I looked at her and just smiled.

"Some things are just meant to be kept secret, Pumpkin." Riley smiled and just turned to me.

"Why won't you tell us anything, Pepper?" I laughed at her nickname for me. Riley was always Pumpkin, Maya was Peaches and I was Pepper, since I was a strong punch. It was funny when we thought of it.

"I will, it's just something that needs a little time to come out," I said to them. I felt bad not telling them everything. At least I could lie and say it was about Billy, even though it's about Lucas.

We sat down and we decided it would be a good time to watch an episode of Sherlock. So we played the first episode of season 1. It was the one where John first met Sherlock and they look into the serial suicides. It was always one of my favourite things to watch. I would always point out the extra things that Sherlock missed out, which it why my other nickname was Aiden Holmes.

After Sherlock, it was about 12 o clock so me, Riley and Maya walked to Svorski's. We each got different food and drinks.

I got my banana milkshake and I got a weird new bread thing they had just made, which she called something like Boulashki. Maya and Riley got the same bread thing but Maya got a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and extra chocolate, and Riley got a Caramel milkshake with whipped cream, powdered chocolate, caramel sauce, rainbow sprinkles, marshmallows and an ice cream cone stuck in the top.

We all ate our food and talked about the plan for the day.

"Well, I am going to head to Leonard's and get some chocolate and popcorn for tonight. Then I will head home and do some homework, go on my date and then come to Riley's with the stuff for the sleepover." They nodded at the idea.

Maya said that she would bring some drinks and movies. Riley said she would provide the rest. We would get pizzas, cotton candy of course, some spa stuff for face masks and other things.

After we had finally finished, we got up to leave. We paid Svorski and left. Maya and Riley went one way and I went the other. I had enough money to get the chocolate and popcorn. I got three big bags of salted popcorn and I got seven big bars of dairy milk. One each then. Leonard was at the till.

"Well, hi Aiden. You picking up today," he said referring to my cigarette problem.

"Not today, Leonard. I still have some left from yesterday. Thank you though." He said it was no problem and I just paid for the snacks. I walked to the subway and got on to see Lola and Roxy on the Subway, talking to Lucas.

"Hey guys," I exclaimed to show that I was there. They turned to see me and they all said hi and smiled.

I talked to them for a while until it was my stop. I said bye to Lucas and I said to Lola and Roxy that I would see them tonight.

I walked home and led on my bed. I looked at my homework and noticed what needed to be done. I had a paper on fractions and percentages for Maths, a paper on The Cold War for Mr Matthews and a new original song I would need to make for music.

I finished my Maths and History in an hour and then I went over to start working on a new song. It was two so I had two hours to work on the song, half an hour to get ready and half an hour to get to Svorski's. I started working on the music in my guitar and then I started to build some lyrics around it.

Now I know that I must speak the truth and say what's on my mind,
And I know that I can be who I am cause it's me I have to find,
And I know it's seen as bad sometimes but I'm told to just be true,
And the story of my happiness has to involve you...

After I had done as much as I could. I started to get myself ready for my date. I decided to wear a short sleeved white tee with black horizontal pinstripes with black ripped jeans and a pair of black vans. I brushed my hair back and I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good.

I grabbed my big black bag and put in a set of clothes for tomorrow, my onesie, my phone from Mr Matthews and my song journal. I put the food into my bag and was ready to leave. I had a toothbrush already at Riley's since I stay a lot. I had to take my sleepover stuff with me to my date since I wasn't going back home after my date, as I was going straight to Riley's.

I walked to the Subway and jumped on. I decided to just scroll through Pinterest on the ride there.

When I was off the subway, I realised I had another 20 minutes before we were meeting, so I grabbed a cigarette from my pocket and started smoking.

7 minutes passed and my cigarette was finished and I walked to Svorski's. I sprayed myself with LYNX and chucked 3 gums into my mouth.

I walked in and saw Billy sat at one of the tables. I smiled at him and he noticed me. I spat the gum out into the bin and he laughed at me.

"Aiden Hart, well hello," he said. He looked so good in his blue tight fit tee and navy jeans. He wore his football jacket and he looked absolutely amazing. You could see his muscles through his top and it was mesmerising.

The date went by really fast but it was amazing. We talked for ages, until 8. We were there for three hours. We jumped on the subway and we continued to talk.

"I had a great time with you today, Billy," I told him. He smiled and looked at me. I smiled at him aand he asked me something I never thought he would.

"Would you like to do this again, sometime?" I smiled at him and told him that I would love to.

It was my stop and I got off after saying goodbye to Billy. The subway drove away, once again, separating me and Billy.

I walked to Riley's and it didn't take long at all. I walked up the fire escape stairs to her apartment and climbed in through her window into her room where everyone was. Riley was having her hair plaited by Roxy who was having hers plaited by Lola.

Sarah and Darcy were already sleeping on the floor, cuddling each other and Maya and Serene were laughing at some gossip. I walked over to them and they were all happy to see me. Sarah and Darcy woke up and saw me first before the others did.

"I have something that I need to tell you guys," I basically shouted. They all huddled round me and we all sat in a circle.

"Guys, I am gay." Riley and Maya looked at each other and Maya smirked.

"Pay up," Maya said which caused Riley to scowl and give her a twenty. I pieced it together and realised that Maya knew it, and was eating for me to come out.

The night went amazing. We put face masks on, did each others nails (mine were black), ordered a barbeque chicken pizza, watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (of course we all cried when Sirius died), ate popcorn, chocolate, cotton candy and eventually we all collapsed and fell to sleep, making that the best day I had ever had.

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