Well this is interesting (dis...

By its_lit_

7.9K 251 187

THIS IS DISCONTINUED Also just an overall abomination to writing history. It is horrid. I shit you not. Afte... More

Meet and greet
Hurry up and get ready
A/n but there is a small story
Wait what
This is it
You know me?
I will fight you
I'm killing Thomas
Nani the fuck
you've got the wrong girl
Are you okay?
Operation get them together A/n
Meet daniel howell
No, not again
You don't matter
This can't be happening
You ruined my life
good game, but I'm done
Dammit jordan, fuck off
Well, I like ya too.
Weapons pt.1
It worked!
Moving back...
Not your friend... someone else
hiatus pt.2

What really happened

200 7 4
By its_lit_

Should I tell them about my dreams?
Do my dreams mean something?
Will that stress them out more?
Maybe they don't want to do this?
Should I go alone?
God damn shut up... me.

I look at the time 11:50, "guys, we're leaving soon!" I call. Everyone runs down, they all  have bags. I told them to grab anything that you can fight with.

I got a bat, knife, and I fire axe. Like my dream.

I don't know what the others have, I hope it's useful.

We walk to the car, I walk to the driver seat to see dan. "Dan, I'm driving." He throws his arms up, "what? But this is my car!" I laugh, he crosses his arms. We have a stare down, I win. "Ok, fine." He gets out, and I get in.

I'm driving, Phil's in the front, Thomas, dan, and f/n was in the back.

*time skip*

We're at Thomas's, I'm not looking forward to seeing anyone in there. I really don't want to see Logan, I hate him, how could I have liked him.

We walk inside, there I see... Patton and Logan... snuggling. A tear falls down my face, I run up to my old room. I cry, and cry.... why do I feel this, jealous. I don't like him, I hate him... well clearly not. Oh well, he looks better with Patton anyway. I cry harder.

Logan's POV

I see Patton, thinking about what y/n said. Does he bottle up his emotions? That's not good for your mental health, I'm one to talk, instead of talking to her I ran away.

*flash back*

"Hey y/n can you help me with something?" I ask, "Logan you need help, I can help." Patton says, well crap "it looks like she's hanging out with Roman." He winks at Roman, oh crap. Looks like roman has a wing man, she gives me a 'Don't worry I think I know what to do, now distracted Patton." Look, I nod. "It is upstairs." Then I Pull Patton upstairs.

Think if something anything, "I need help on feelings." I say, damn that was pretty bad. "Oh, witch one?" Witch one take a while to explain, "uhhh, love." He smile grows wider. "Do you like someone." I shake my head, "I'm not sure." "Love is a very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically or sexually attracted to. ... Love is the feeling that a person's happiness is very important to you, and the way you show this feeling in your behaviour towards them." I shake my head, "I don't get it." He sighs.

*time skip of Patton explaining*

"Omg, I like y/n." I whispered myself, "what was that?" I look up, "nothing important." I look back down. But I'm the emotionless guy, I can't like her. Feelings, the bane of my existence.

I know, I'll avoid her until the feelings go away.

*end of flash back*

what a stupid plan.

I walk to Patton's room, I knock.

*Back to the president*


I hear a small knock on the door, "go away." But then I hear an old knock, one I haven't heard in years.

Knock..... knock knock.... knock.... knock knock knock knock knock.


"Come in." I sigh, wiping the tears.
"Are you okay?" I stand up, "IM FiNe, dOn'T wOrry about me. OK." (If you don't know it says in the text 'I'm not ok') 

He nods his head, we both walk out. Patton and Logan are now standing up. "You ok?" Patton asks, "ok, so we have an idea." I see Patton in the corner of my eye, he looks hurt. Do I feel bad, a bit.

"Right." Dan Adds

*time skip if you explaining, ignoring all the sides.*

"Do you understand?" I ask them all. They nod their heads, "we'll discuss the plan tomorrow." They nod their head again. "Good."

*time skip.*

it's like 11 I should go up, the only one down here is Roman, he better get his 'beauty sleep' he needs it.

I'm about to go upstairs when,

"Hey, bastard. Get over here." I don't want to talk to him, let alone get into a fight with him. So I try to keep walking, then he grabs my wrist.

Everything goes red.

I hoped you liked the little I'm not okay thing
Well since I don't know what else to say
Have a good day

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