a passionate comepetition{ di...

trashtriestowrite द्वारा

16.5K 363 312

first of yes this is a giogio's bizarre adventure reader insert where you are disguised as a man because you... अधिक

some info
chapter one: the new guy
chapter two: polpo's treasure
on hiatus till summer
Another A/n
discontinued + new story

Polpo's treasure part 2

1.9K 54 35
trashtriestowrite द्वारा

"This" = talking
'This' = thinking
This = yelling/or shouting
[This] = standcall

Last chapter.

"You say your ability can solve this mystery?"
"I'm counting on you" Giorno said

"GIORNO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Bruno shouted.

He didn't answer but instead ran to the box where Naranica's shoe originally was

'What is he doing??' You thought to yourself instead of saying it due to the suprise of him running.

Once he got to the box where Naranica's shoe was a hand came up and tugged him to his shirt before pulling up a sword and..


"G-GIRONO!" Bruno shouted

"SHIT! Giorno's in trouble we gotta-" as Bruno was about to finish his sentence Abbachio stepped and said.

"Giorno Giovanna. You sure are one crazy bastard, all this to prove yourself."

"What the hell's wrong with you?!"

Back to the story

Your POV

"What the hell's wrong with you?!" Shouted Abbachio as his stand moody blue appeared behind him.

( not the actual scene but the best gif that i had of his stand)

'Dammit' I thought to myself ' why'd he do something so stupid?!'

"this is bad" I mumbled to myself.

"Y/n." you heard Bruno say "you should stay behind us, we all know that your ability won't help us out in this situation."

you sigh and then reply by saying " I know, however i can't just stand and watch."

"Y/n he got a valid point. However if we find the enemy then your ability might be useful." Abbachio said

"What a pleasing way to but it Abbachio" I deadpanned.

"Oi quit fighting you two, we don't have time for this" Bruno said.

"right" I said.

"back to the task at hand. Due to what we save i believe that the enemy is able to hide in the boat. Not in the cabin but actually inside it." I then added on

"That could be a possibility, though you don't have any evidence for that theory" Abbachio said

"This may not be good enough to count as major evidence for you but when Giorno got stabbed by the enemy, the arm came out of the wood, if you were to look at where Giorno was at the moment of being stabbed then you would have noticed that there was no opening for an enemy to hide in, there was just wood. That being said when Mista and Narancia disappeared they weren't close to any openings either, the only person who was close to an opening was Fugo but we didn't hear anyone move when he did disappear, if someone would have been hiding there then we would most likely have heard them. If not us then Fugo would've and knowing him he would have alerted us about it." i said

Abbachio could only stare at you after you finished your "sentence" not wanting to accept that you had a point and that Giorno helped you prove it too.

"You actually got a valid point Y/n, it's true that we would have most likely heard if someone move if they were inside the cabin and Fugo would have alerted us if he saw someone." 

"Abbachio, if you were to use your ability  then we would be able to get a better understanding of the situation." Bruno said.

"..It could work but we shouldn't do it now" Abbachio said while looking away. 

I could tell that he was angry that i proved him wrong, and i know for a fact that he'll be in a bad mood about it for a while but alas we don't have time for that now since we gotta rescue the others. And i couldn't bother to think of it longer because i would soon notice the fly that Giorno made before with his ability. So instead of arguing i said "He has point Buccellati. if we could get somewhere safer then he could use Moody blues in a more effective way, and without the enemy.

No one's POV

"G-Guys! The fly!" Bruno half shouted making us look in the direction he's looking towards."It's the fly that Giorno created! He must be alive!" Bruno shouted

"Buccellati! It's coming closer! Hurry and do something." Abbachio shouted.


Bruno shouted as his stand Sticky fingers appeared and made it punch the floor to create a giant zipper so he could see if the enemy was in the cabin as well as the others as the others (Because of the fact that the fly that Giorno created was coming right towards us, and he was probably with the enemy because of the attack, Bruno used his stand in an affective way to see the enemy)

"Wha- there's nothing there?!" you exclaimed 

"He's not in the cabin! Narancia, Fugo, Mista and Giorno aren't there either!" Bruno said " It's just like Giorno and you said Y/n. The enemy isn't just hiding and attacking us behind lockers or shadows"

"Hey wait.." Abbachio said " The fly. it's coming towards us this way." he adds on pointing to the corner where the fly is.

"That's odd.. How is it moving around the ship?!" Bruno said" How!? Where can the enemy be hiding?!"

"Dammit, i guess i have to believe what Giorno said before because considering the enemy's ability.." Abbachio said 

"I'm assuming you'll acknowledge what i said too?" you nonchalantly asked Abbachio

"Ugh, i never said i didn't, but that doesn't matter right now does it?" "No, we got other things to worry about at the moment" Abbachio replied annoyed.

'Heh looks like he wasn't that angry about it' you thought to yourself. You cut your thoughts short by jumping down the open floor? if you could even call it that at this point. (the part of the "floor" that was above the cabin but also that Bruno used sticky fingers on)

"ABBACHIO, BUCCELLATI COME DOWN IT'S SAFER DOWN HERE FOR NOW!" You practically yell, and the others seemed to listen because a few seconds later both of them came down to the cabin, and Bruno closed the zipper so the fly wouldn't come down.

"It's better for me to use my stand now than never, but i'll use it so we can solve this mystery. THOUGH Y/n, Buccelati stay put it's still dangerous out there." Abbachio said. Both me and Bruno nod in reply to him.


Abbachio summoned his stand and quickly asked us if Narancia was fine about five minutes ago, in which Bruno replied with "yes, i believe he was." After Abbachio got to hear that his stand jumped out of the boat hatch door and walked a bit away from you, Bruno and Abbachio, but before he used his stand he asked you and Bruno if the coast was clear. "Are we good regarding the fly?" 

"Well so far yes. It hasn't come over here yet and it's lingering around near the wheel of the ship instead" Bruno said.

"We need to get this done quickly though" you said.

Abbachio then went on to use his stand to see what Narancia did five minutes ago. Because he was the first one to disappear he would be useful for you all, because you could see what happened to him. He continues to fast forward his stand because he was too far back. And that actually helped because you got to know what happened. But basically he got a wound that was too similar to the one that Giorno sustained once he was attacked by the enemy, after he got that wound though, it was like his entire body was deflating like a balloon who's losing it's air. 

"HIS BODY IT'S AS IF IT WERE A BALLOON WITH AIR ESCAPING" bruno said with a shocked expression.

"Well looks like we're beginning to understand what the enemy's stand looks like" both you and Abbachio said in unison. 

But suddenly his body began to get dragged into the pipe of the sink.


And so he did. he paused the rewind and you all began to examine Narancia's body.

'His body is being dragged into the pipe..' you thought to yourself

"Hey, where's the fly?" Bruno suddenly asked

"Hmm.. it's near the steering wheel, however.. it's slowly coming closer towards us." you replied.

"Well we have an answer to our mystery, every part of his body has flattened, his nails, his flesh and his bones. I'm going to assume that his brains and organs has become flattened as well. But it's like Giorno said, he's still alive and i can feel his pulse." Bruno said while examining Narancia's body.

He then used his stand to open the pipe that was connected to the one Narancia was being dragged into and you could see his entire face somehow being burrowed into it. With that Bruno came to the conclusion that the enemy's stand must have rendered Narancia's as well as the others bodies to himself, so he could hide in the pipes, between cracks on the floor or in the walls. Meaning that they could possibly hear our every move.

"Well then, it looks like we've uncovered the enemy's ability now, all that's left for us to do is to trace the others down and bring them back up. And then.. BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF THE BASTARD WHO ATTACKED US!" Abbachio said sternly.

"Trace?! Abbachio.. no wait! your ability moody blues is completely defenseless when using it's replay ability remember?! It's far too dangerous for your stand to go into the pipe!" Bruno yelled at Abbachio in a more worried tone.

"That is true, though it doesn't mean i can't sense where moody blues is moving! If i were to feel it getting closer to our enemy then i'll tell you to open the pipe with your zipper!" Abbachio responded.

However just as he was about to do it we heard a distant buzzing sound, which could only be one thing. THE FLY!

"IT'S MOVING RIGHT TOWARDS US! And it's following the pipe where Mista disappeared!" You shouted.

You had no time to think because in a matter of seconds the fly came towards you, Bruno and Abbachio.

Bruno used his sticky fingers to open a zipper to only see nothing. you are were confused to where the stand might be and also where Abbachio's stand was. Soon enough the fly came towards you all again though the strange part was that Abbachio was shouting on how his moody blues was right where bruno zipper was, so he made more zippers and still nothing.

'What the hell.. where in the world could moody blues be?! I can most definitely sense that it's here but i can't see it.. does this mean that there is more layers to this mystery than we thought?!' Abbachio thought to himself.

Suddenly the three of you could hear a noise which made Abbachio say " Did you hear that Buccellati? My moody blues just hit a wall. It's sounds like the walls of a pipe, meaning that RIGHT NOW moody blues is somewhere around here. I can't see it but i can sense it and it's most definitely under this floor."

"I-i think it's true Buccellati." you said "Abbachio do you think that there's a possibility for your stand to have been attacked like the others has been?" you then added on.

Abbachio and Bruno's eyes widen at what you said, realizing that if that were true then their stands and everyone of us could be deep trouble.

Your POV

I asked Abbachio if he thought that the stand could use it's ability to attack his stand the same way it attacked the others. The others stared at me for a brief moment before looking down, probably thinking the exact same thing as i was. But then i noticed the fly and also that Abbachio did as well, realizing what he was going to do i quickly came up with a plan.

'Knowing Abbachio he probably already figured it out, or well will figure it out. But i know that he'll protect Buccellati because his ability could be our main source to actually solve this mystery' you thought to yourself, and as you suspected Abbachio ran in the way of Bruno making it look like he was having a stare-off with the fly. 

I suspected that Abbachio would try to attack the stand with his own but I didn't realize that I had in fact stepped near a pipe.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my neck.

"AUGH" i gasped while starting to feel dizzy and the only thing i heard was someone i think it was Bruno but the only thing i heard was someone shouting my name. Before i knew it everything was dark.

Time skip brought to you by it's almost 1 am and i need to sleep :)

I woke up with a bit of a headache and squinted my eyes to see Bruno, Abbachio and the others but i also heard them talking?

"Do you think he's okay?" I heard Narancia ask

"I think so, he was attacked just like the rest of you, just a little later however i assume he was hurt in the progress." I then heard Bruno say.

I then began to hear some muffled noises? It sort of sounded like someone with tape over their mouth. 

I continued to lay down though because i was rather tired and as Bruno guessed. however my rest only lasted for so long because i then heard some music and saw Narancia, Fuga and Mista d-dancing???

so instead of squinting my eyes i just shot them open, and the only one who seemed to notice was Giorno because he walked to up to me and asked while whispering if i was okay which i replied with a " I think so". 

He then asked " so uh do you know what they're doing?" While pointing towards Fugo, Mista and Narancia.

"I honestly have no idea anymore" I sheepishly replied

"Oi quit it you three" Bruno said taking your attention away from Giorno.

"Ah Y/n are you feeling better? you were out for quite a while."

"I think so?" I replied, however it sounded more like a question.

"Hm well we've almost reached our destination" He said

"Ah well that's good news." I replied enjoying the short conversation

Time skip again brought to you by i really need to sleep

Bruno had just showed us Polpo's treasure which was a lot, and from what he did and from what he explained to me (the stuff you missed after being attacked) made me think of how good of a capo he would be.

"Welp, i guess this adventure is over." I said.

"Mhm i wonder what we'll do next." Fugo replied.

"Well atleast we'll be able to take break and relax for a while." I once said again.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Said an old voice 

'Huh' I thought and then turn around to see a short old man and a girl with pink hair.

Wooo i'm finally out with this chapter and sorry that it took way longer than expected, i currently have a week break so i'll try to work on the next chapter more. My reasoning for posting later than usual? Well we got school, exams, commissions and just death by pollen. But other than that i don't really have anything to say. well except for the fact that i'm making designs for your stand so woooooooo you'll probably see it soon enough, but you probably won't get to know any info about it uwu.

Well actually i didn't look through this again after i finished to see if i made any grammar errors or if i could have written something better cuz like i really need to sleep. It's far too late for me to be awake.

Well other than that i'd say that, that's all from me so cya later and have a lovely day ^w^

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