Wolf in Sheep Clothing

By RedHatNicky

27.2K 2.6K 138

Tory is an omicron. A werewolf born under the blind gaze of the goddess on a moonless night. He is cursed, a... More

It cries
Who is stronger?
Tears and Blood


1.1K 120 4
By RedHatNicky

Tory remained laying on his back long after Kiirios had left his room. The result of their earlier proximity slowly soften in the front of his straight cut jeans. Its presence further plunging the cursed shifter into the pool of confusion in which he lay.

It should be noted that Tory had not felt any sexual desire since the afternoon before his kidnapping. Approximately 1, almost 2 months ago.

For an average person, those few weeks of abstinence was nothing, but for one of luna's rejected, those 44 days were almost worth Jade's beating.

"No" Tory whispered, his eyes staring blindly at the ceiling as he thought back of his days where his lust ruled him.

The constant heat, the tingles and perverse itch. It was like having a profound thirst and only being in the arms of another being could quench it. Only in the joining of sex could he find release, and in that release, relief.

There was satisfaction, the touching, the kissing, the carest and embraces. Every wave of lust brought on a primal need, it was expected that when that need was met that satisfaction followed. But the satisfaction was never permanent.

Tory never truly remembered his earlier affairs. Back then, when he was young and foolish, he had tried to fight it. He tried to suppress the desire with cheap pills and will power but in the end, his efforts lead him into beds of strangers. Naked and aware of their deed with the lack of memory of their act. 

Had there been any pleasure, he was, to this day, unable to recall. But the satisfaction of no longer having to fight himself was, in his earlier opinion, worth the shame and disguised of waking up next to a strange face. The awkward morning after was simply the price to pay for a days of peace that followed.
As he got older, the thirst grew fiercer. What was once, every few weeks, became every week, then every other day, everyday, to the point where he couldn't go more than a few minutes, an hour if he was lucky.

Could he be blamed? For playing the part of the obedient slave?

The moment the lust began to rage, Tory succumb to the rule of his desires and sated it between the sheets, against the walls, over the desk, on the floor, in public bathrooms, anywhere. Anyplace. Anytime

The position and places being as important and as much of a blur as the people with whom he performed them.

"I would rather be beating by Jade" The omicron whispered as he took a deep breath and willed himself to a seating position. His head falling forward as he stared down at his once again inactive johnson. At the sight of its slumber, he sighed in relief.


"You could have told me he was there you know" Eddy complained as he walked beside a quiet, beating swore Tory. They were been coming from the most recent training with Ros and Jade and Tory carried the bruises and pain like a participation ribbon. 

The cursed shifter couldn't even manage to direct a teasing smirk towards his friend without wincing.

"You didn't ask" He simply reply, keeping step with the vampire as he was lead down the halls.

"Where are you taking me?" He then later questioned, the corridors seeming unusually lengthy, the uniform walls appearing to stretch out endlessly as their footsteps echoed off the cold concrete surface.

"The lords wish for you to see something" Eddy simply responded, his voice taken on a more clean and serious tone. A clear difference from the pouty and whiny one he had been speaking with not too long ago.

Tory couldn't help but roll his eyes. His attention momentarily distracted away from their unusually long walk down what was supposed to be a short hallway.

"Are you his footman now?" The omicron snorted, his caramel eyes glancing over to his dissatisfied friend.

"I'll be anything the Lord wishes me to be?" The vampire responded in a somewhat sincere tone. Had Tory had not been glancing in his direction and thus, had not caught the annoyed eye twitching and face twisted in annoyance. The cursed shifter would have not doubted the spoken words. 

But when he was about to question Eddy, he redirected his gaze to the path and finally caught sight of something other than silent lonesome walls.

At the very end of the corridor, stood a double wide glass and wood panel door. The panels being a shade of dark maroon while to the large glass squares where tainted black, obscuring one's view of the other side. At the center, where two half become one, laid a golden handle. Before Tory could question the presence of the stranger door, Eddy had already taken the handle in his hand and pushed it down. Opening the barrier and exposing them to the powerful glow of the realm of darkness' red moon.

It was known that two moons ruled the sky in the world of vampires. A red moon shone the path during what was considered day, while a violet moon light up the sky with the aid of millions of stars at night.

The time Eddy had taken him out to the cafe on their 'date', the moon had been crescent and purple. And ever since he had been under that violet light, Tory couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to stand under the glow of the blood red moon.
Thus, when the door was pushed open and the crimson light was revealed to them. The omicron couldn't help but take the necessary steps forward. His eyes glancing up to the naked sky void of all and any starts as the sole source of the light bathed it's bloody light on the realm of darkness.

He came to a force stop as he met with stone banisters. It only then did he realized that the wide glass and wood panel doors lead to a sort of balcony.

"Where are we?" Tory questioned, his fingers curling around the cold railing as his eyes took in the indescribable beauty.

However, before a response couldn't reach the omicron's ears. The sharp sound of clashing metal rung through the air like singing birds. Caramel eyes sought out the origin of the sound and found the combating duo beneath.

"Why did you bring me here?" Tory changed his question as he recognizes one of the competitors. His gaze unable to part with the wide shoulder, tarr-black hair and strong back of the superior fighter.

"That time..." Eddy began as he stood beside his friend. "Why was he in your room?" He questioned, his eyes also following the figure of the future lord as he fought against one of their army's top generals.

The two beings exchanged blows. One held great strength and power while the other carried years of skills and experience at his disposal.

"He was hungry" Tory blindly answered as the smirk that formed on his lips when the general seemed to overpower the younger vampire, turned into a smile when Kiirios escaped his hold and once again took the upper hand.

"And after feeding he must shower?" Eddy teased, his sight leaving Kiirios as he looked over to his friend.

"Things got" Tory began the words sticking in his throat as a head turn and eyes that could rival the crimson of the bloody moon met with his own. "Messy" The word feel from his lips as he was freed from the imposing gaze.

"His room is but a few feet from yours" Eddy casually pointed out. Tory, haven't been shocked out of his trance turned to face his supposed friend with narrowed eyes.

"What are you asking?" He countered, receive nothing more than an absent shrugged.

"The Lord said I should ask" Eddy shamelessly admitted.

"Why?"Tory pushed, receiving yet another shrug.

"Are you attracted to him?" Eddy countered. His whole body turned towards the omicron as he asked this questioned. Appearing completely interested in the reply. Tory rolled his eyes.

"I was once attracted to you"

"No you weren't" Eddy was quick to correct.

Sleeping with Tory had been the best lay of his life, to this day Eddy still had flashbacks that left him hot and bothered. That night would probably forever remain in his spank bank. But Eddy wasn't blind or ignorant to the fac that t that night meant little less than nothing to the cursed shifter. Just as it had been Eddy who had been taken to Tory's bed, it could have easily have been another. Back then, the same caramel eyes that look at him now had been hazy and blind. Uncaring of who lay beneath him. "I don't think you've ever been attracted to anyone" Eddy added. His lips curving down in a slight frown as he voiced those words.

Tory blinked at him, his head slightly tilting to the left as he heard Eddy's words. The vampire wasn't necessarily wrong

Jake? Eddy? Carole? Jack? Jasmin? George? Aladin? Jennifer? James? 

It didn't matter! For Tory, in the mixed of his lust, they had been but a means to an end.

The only person he had every cared about aside from his mother had been Ash.

His attraction to the taller then average omega had been somewhat automatic. It hadn't been love of first sight. It was more like love at first conversation, and he couldn't even remember what those words had been. But he felt for Ash something that had been different from other people. 

Ash was different from the other omegas.

Ash was different from his mother.

Even now, when they hardly ever spoke, trading words and stories every couple of months and meeting up only once a year. Ash still remain special to him.

Ash was a friend, Eddy was also a friend, but Ash was more.

He had wanted to keep Ash by his side forever. But he couldn't keep him safe or happy and in the end, Ash's happiness and safety were assured at the side of another and Tory would like to think that he had loved Ash enough to let him go.

Tory glanced down at his hands and felt somewhat pathetic. Even back then he was weak and powerless.

He had all that strength at his deposition and yet, another one of his most treasured person was taken from him.

"I'm leaving" Tory voiced, turning to depart just as he felt a presence descending beside him. Instincts forced him to face the one that landed at his right. While their height difference made it that Tory had to lift his chin in order to meet the dark gaze of the not so little lord.

"What are you doing here?" Kiiirios questioned. His voice sounding firm and solid despite his rapid rise and fall of his chest. The air that surrounded him remained elegant regardless of the sweat that layers his body, making his pale skin appear slightly tan under the glow of the red moon.

The musky smell of perspiration that one would expect was replaced by the scent of iron and mint. An aroma that could be said to be calming but instead, excited the omicron to the point where his the beating of his heart slightly hindered his hearing.

"I'm leaving" Tory responded, hoping that his words answered the question he had already forgotten. But as he turned to leave with Eddy, he found that the supposed friendly vampire was no longer with them. 

Thank you or reading, please vote and comment! Also, what do you think about Eddy?

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