The Thief and the Royal

By NoTomorrow_23

522 36 22

Someone has the same story line as me which is a bit creepy but whatever. I wont do anything based off of the... More

Will Kiing is Taking Over
Harmony Hallow
Dead or Alive
A night at Harmony Hallow
I'll be back
Their day together(part 12)
Fixing it(Part 13)
I'm right here
Too quiet
The fun plan

The start of a Day

37 2 3
By NoTomorrow_23

Part 11! This will have an explanation and a part. Enjoy!

Basically earlier on I wrote that Shelby and Graser were soulmates. If you remember that good job! Shelby is older than Graser by 3 years but eh whatever 'cause it's a modern world thing. Soulmates are a thing in this but it's not based around that. Like everyone knows they have a soulmate but they don't have to be with them, unless they want to. That's why Arthur proposes to Liam all the time and Liam gets so mad about it. The reason Will and Liam are so attracted to each other so easily is because they are also soulmates. So the attraction they have for the other is doubled I guess you could say.

Okay that was the explaination so I have a new laptop that's why it took forever to get this out. I also have a terrible migraine along with allergies so i've been having the worst ever week. I'm in track now so im always running on Tuesdays and practice every other week day. Now i'm constantly stretching and running. Onto the book part!

Will's POV

Waking up from the comfortable sheets of the red themed bed in my Harmony Hallow area, I smiled as the feeling of nothing; no emotions or feelings, overwhelmed my brain. I looked around rubbing the sleep from my eyes, the quiet quickly being cut off from existence as Graser slammed my door open and pulled me off the bed. "Graser! My hair is still a mess and I'm in my pajama's!" I yelled as he held me by my wrist, dragging me to who knows where. 

"We have things to do, worry about your appearance later." He chuckled, continuing to pull me through the stone halls. 

I stumbled a bit, my eyes still getting used to being open and my legs tight from not moving for hours. I was pushed out into the open area of the fields around the Harmony hallow house. "Graser what are you doing?" I asked turning to face him. 

"Go to Shelby's, if you can't see it's early. Sun isn't up fully yet. Visit Liam for a while, maybe even bring him here for a while to get to know some people." He smiled jumping behind the front door and closing it. I sighed getting off the floor and dusting myself off. I slowly walked to the hole in the ground a few feet away. 

Slowly climbing in I start to think of ways to get Liam out of the castle in broad daylight. I started to jog my way down the musky tunnel while continuing to think about a plan. I knocked on the wooden roof at the end causing it to open as Shelby stands above me with a confused face. "Graser kicked me out and said to go to Liam, so hello. He'll be here soon." I explained pulling myself out of the dirty area. 

"Is that why your in pajama's and without him?" She laughed covering it back over. 

"Yep." I sighed walking to my room to get dressed. I chose a simple white shirt with some black pants before putting on my bow just in case. I looked at the mirror before fixing my hair and running out. 

"Shelby can I ask a favor?" I asked running up to her causing her to slightly jump. 

She turned to face me with a smile, her hand over her heart. "Will you scared me! Of course what can I do?" Her brows furrowed slightly.

"I want to have a picnic with Liam, do you think you can cook some things? Maybe even have Graser set it up near Harmony Hallow?" I fidgeted with my fingers, my head somewhat tilted to the side. 

"Yeah anytime Will! I have nothing better to do and I bet Graser would love to help. If not, I'll make him. You go get your lover boy and sneak him on out, and everything will be ready by the time you get there." She smiled warmly at me before turning back to facing the kitchen. 

"Thank you Shelby!" I grinned as I left through the front door of the home we, along with Graser, shared. I ran to the blacksmiths to get a spare rope in case anything goes wrong, because I already have one in my hand for getting up there. 

"Will it's light out and you came to get stuff, it must be important huh?" Jerry, the blacksmith, joked as he walked into the back room for things I can use. 

"Just an extra rope is all Jerry. Actually its for a friend I guess you could say." I smiled just thinking about him. "You found your soulmate?" He asked walking back out with the rope in his hand. 

"How did you know?" I asked taking it from him politely and holding it with the other. 

"The way you smiled after mentioning them, do I know them?" He asked going back to what he was doing.

"I don't think so. Have a good day Jimmy, you too Jerry!" I yelled, leaving the small shop and skipping over to a bush near the castle to hide in while I set up. 

I crouched down setting everything on the green grass and thinking on how I would get us both down in time. I placed the rope around an arrow as the guards were starting to leave for position change. I looked up pulling on the bow string breathing in deeply before letting go, the arrow flying through the air and wrapping itself and some of the rope around the edge of the balcony railing.

I quickly set my bow back on the floor before starting the climb up. Getting a slight rope burn on my arm, I quickly shook it off before continuing up. Once at the top I pulled the rope up and untied it throwing it down to my other things, that way I'm not wasting my supply of ropes on this castle. I turned and walked into the room that had the balcony I was perched on. Looking around it was Arthur's room, so why wasn't he in here? There aren't any meeting happening today. I'm not complaining but still. 

I walk quietly through the room to the door and open it slowly to avoid any creaks. There was no sign of life outside of the room so I open the rest of it and walk out into the main area. I walk slowly to Liam's room and knock 3 times. The door opens and his face peers through the crack with a confused expression that quickly becomes excited as he smiles. 

"You ready?" I asked him as he pulled me into the room.

His face became confused again as he thought about my question. "For what?" He asked his eyebrows furrowing just enough to look adorable. He's always adorable but this is too much. 

"First where's Arthur?" I asked as we sat on his bed. 

"The Ally kingdom for a day or two, a ball has been thrown and he doesn't think I should go." He shrugged looking at our hands that somehow began to hold the other.

"Then let's go." I smiled standing up, bringing him with me. He once again started to look puzzled.

"Again, for what?" He asked smiling a bit. 

"The beginning of our day." I grinned pulling him to his balcony.

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