creepypasta boyfriend scenari...

By Rebelgirl_gem

23 0 1

Enjoy this book with your fave creepypasta. (whana make it clear creepypasta arn't real) includes: slender Ma... More

The meeting. 😋

22 0 1
By Rebelgirl_gem


You had just fought with your ex boyfriend because he wants you back . But you know why because you have money you sell your art on eBay and Amazon not to blow smoke up your own butt . But your good at drawing.
So you decided to take a walk in the woods but you keep on having this eerie feeling like your being watched.

You reach in your pocket an grab hold of your pocket knife and stopped walking. You threw the knife behind you and unsurprisingly you heard a grunt.
"Mark I swear to god if that's you you won't just leave with a cut LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"I am not mark but whoever it is sounds like a dick."

Surprised you span round and was face with a faceless man at least eight foot tall. You ran over to him and pulled out the knife from his leg and repeatedly apologised for this and offered him to come in your house for medical treatment.

He simply declined and said he has had worse and could take care of himself .

You turned around hearing a snap but realising it was just a deer you turned to face this man and found a note instead .

My name is slenderman and we shall meet again.

I hope we do slenderman...

Jeff the killer

Like any other day you were walking home from school with your headphones in listening to music and decided to take a shortcut through the park.
Once you reached the park your earphones were yanked out if your ear a you were pushed to the ground.
"Look what we have here a inspecting victim come here darling and we won't hurt you."
"Oh hell no you creeps do you know what I do to creeps like you."

You snapped a sharp branch off of a near bye tree and pointed it a the gang leaders neck nearly touching it
"You better run and hope I don't catch up."
You said with a monotone look on your face scaring them even more.
"Thats her alright let her finish her business first."
The men ran while you had your back turned and you sighed .

"Don't do this again to any one else Couse I will know and will show no mercy!" You shouted at them and went to the source of that voice.
You went round the back of that bush that was close by and said
"Who you looking at creeps."
They turned around and screamed like little girls .
You laughed so hard that you were on the floor dying.
The the pail one said
"Look girly we don't want you to die yet so shut that trap and get up."
The link look a like helped you up and you glared at he joker wannabe.
"Look joker wannabe my name is y/r and second this is a mouth and I don't plan on dying any time soon."

"We'll you won't be here for long any way so whatever my name is BEN Drowned and the 'joker wannabe' is Jeff the killer."
"Bye girly."Jeff said .
And with that they ran into the woods.
Strange boys can't say I'm any better though either.

You were at your job as a bartender and lounge singer but your boss is a big perv and you were sick of it.
And then you slammed the door on your way out. Letting out a sigh of relief as you walked home .
But also felt like you were being watched and turned around you didn't see anything strange and passed it of as after shock.

After you got home and locked the doors that feeling was still there
You turned around and saw a man in a tan jacket, brown hair with a feminine mask on . You tried to scream but before you could he pushed you against the door and placed his hand over your mouth and said "don't scream I'm not going to hurt you ok?"
You nodded and he lifted his hand an backed away a little
"Who are you?"
"My name is masky."
Isn't that a bit ironic you thought.

"We'll got to go y/n I'll see you later eh?"
After that remark he left .
In the distance you could hear faint laughing .

You were running as fast as you could from your dad you see your dad hates you since mom died giving birth to 'a mistake like me you' so you tried to run away but ended up being cought.

Passing tree after tree after tree after man in a hood wait WHAT!?
The weird thing is he's staring at you. You don't mind it and just leg it as fast as you could paying no mind as to what seemed to be your father's screams . Once you stopped running you hid behind a tree and hugged your legs terrified.

Then you looked up and saw the hooded man with a knife covered in blood. He walked over and told you his name was hoodie and would help you get out the forest.
You nodded and said thank you when you reached the edge of the forest you turned around and ...
He wasn't there.
I hope to see him again soon.

Toby (I'm leaving out the ticci part Couse I just find it mean)

You were sitting on a bench in a park and wondering were had everyone gone my friends my family ... Everything.

Before you knew it you felt little trickles going down your cheeks.
But that's the wired thing you don't feel emotion so you don't understand what's happening you you.

Then you feel a presence next to you you shift your eyes to the side were a man with goggles a mouth gaurd was looking at you .
"Why are you crying?" He asked
"What's c-crying ?" You ask sniffling.
He just looks at you wide eyed.
"It's when you feel sad what is making you feel sad."
For the first time in many years you felt something spark inside you. And you answered
"Were did everyone go ."
You choked out .
He didn't know how to answer so he just rubbed your back until you calmed down.

"I'm Toby and if you want I won't disappear."
You didn't know how to respond so you hugged him.
"Thank you ... Toby."
After that you both chatted about anything and you smiled making him smile a goofy grin.
"Come on let's get you home y/n."

BEN Drowned

Once I got home from that mission with Jeff I decided that I should join some games and mess with the players as I always do I logged on to paladin (paladins you should definitely play it's a good game and I recommend it to all of the players out there) and rigged the games so all my shots were headshots in one.
Yeah the other team didn't like it.😅
Intact a person from the opposite team found my game stay in a different game and text me in chat.
"Yo you defo just did that in paladins right."
"Yeah . You got a problem."
"No I admire the skill."
And my signature touch" you shouldn't have done that."
I jumped throught the computer into her TV and slowly creeped out of her TV and .

Your prov

Omg a guy is coming out of my TV .
I grabbed the heaviest object near me which was a Cheshire cat teddy and hit him on the head with it ."get outta my house ."

Damn this guy is persistent.
"You know what I'm not going to kill you your to adorable for that fate."

And with that he leaves.
And then I just there... On my bed...
And knoticed my TV was gluching like crazy.
"My flipping TV!"

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