CANCEL♥♥Prophecy Child / A Tr...

By AuthorSamaWriting

459 82 1

disclaimer - I do not own the transformers franchises. More

author sama 👑
•°•chapter one•°•
•°•chapter two•°•
•°•chapter three•°•
•°•chapter four•°•
•°•chapter five•°•
•°•chapter seven•°•

•°•chapter six•°•

27 6 0
By AuthorSamaWriting

Chloe's pov

By the time we pull up to the large barn like blue house Ron, optimus, sunny, uncle will,aunt Sarah, and another two boys stand outside on the gravel drive way. One boy has very blonde hair and a black streak in it and the other with brown hair and green eyes. Uncle Will's eyes meet the car as it parks and I feel my heart start to beat hard in my chest again. His brown eyebrows are brought up and his eyes gleam with relief and slight pancick. Aunt Sarah let's out a harsh breath that even I can see from in here.

"I.. " I start unable to think of what to say. Any energy that I had on the run is gone now and I feel like total crap. My life is terrible. I don't even know what to do with myself. Why'd I have to go and leave like that?

I don't even notice thst sides is already hopping out and walking to a worried uncle will. With a long sigh I unbuckle myself and jump out of the already open door. Before I can open my mouth to apologize I'm already in a pair of strong arms.

I smell wood and another type of cologne before looking up at a pair of eyes enlarged by grey rimmed glasses.

"Oh my god. Sarah and i- we were worried. You were gone!" He exclaims while rubbing circles into my back. I put my shaky hands around him and smother my face into him. Maybe it was the sudden vision that stirred up my emotions again or maybe it was something else. I don't care right now. I just need physical love.

"I-i'm sorry.. " I squeak out.

"I feel as if we're looking at something we're not supposed to.. " a voice says. Sides. With a cough of embarrassment uncle will let's go of me and turns to the others leaving me exposed and kind of cold from the lack of physical contact. I kind of just stand there fiddiling with my fingers and looking anywhere other then the faces that stare at me.

"Chloe, this is Sam witcky and bert Anderson." He says pointing to the new faces. The boy that looks closer to my age smiles with a small wave before pointing to the other man.

"You can call him bee if you want. It's his nickname. Also he's kinda.. Ah mute. " he says trying to find the right words.

I nod slightly as I look at the two. I can tell just by looking at them at how close they are.

"I'm Chloe.. Hope. " I mutter with a small sigh. I try to cover it up with a fake cough before looking at the ground once more.

"Humans are so weird.. " sunny growls with disgust before getting smacked hard by his brother. I stiffen at his weird words but don't take it to heart. He did call me a meat bag not to long ago.

"Sarah and I were talking.. And we thought that Sam could show you around town with bee. There's a mall near by as well. We also want to enroll you in Sam's high school. " uncle will explains. I look at the two guys before shifting my eyes back to uncle. The urge to cry suddenly hits me as I look at him. I don't want to go with them.

"C-cant you.. Just bring me? " I beg more than say. He frowns before a guiltly look passes on his face.

"Ron, optmus, and I have to go to work. And Sarah needs to take Annabelle to the doctor's." He says. I just sigh and nod in response. Guilt gnaws at me due to my stupidity. Of course they're busy.. They have lives too.

"But sides and sunny will go with you too if you like? " he says happily.

"What the sla-"

Yaaay" sides exclaims over sunny's grunt. Rons dull blue eyes switch over to optimus as he let's out chuckles at the turn of events before looking at optimus.

"That ok? "

Optmis nods his head with amusment dancing in his bright blue eyes.

"Ensure her safety.. And make sure she has a good time as well. " he says to the two and bee. They nod without a word before optimus smlies at me.

With that done and over with, uncle hands me a black card with gold lining around it before rubbing my head lovingly.

"Use this. You can go get ready now. We're leaving you with Sam and the others. I hold back a whimper as I go to hug aunt Sarah before I quickly make my way into the house, up the stairs, and up to my white colored room. I skim past the clean mirror before stopping completely to look at myself. I currently wear the same adidas outfit but with bright red cheeks. It's almost as if I didn't run miles on miles. It just looks like a have a special type of glow. I decide to take out my now messy hair from the scrunchie before putting it on my wrist. This is too much in one day..and it's really only twelve now. I didn't know how far I ran until we spent over thirty minutes in the car.

With a very loud sigh I make my way to my bed and take the brush I left on it from before into my hands. I brush my very soft hair a couple of times before gently placing it back into the middle of the bed. I don't bother to change my outfit. It's comfy so that's ok for me.

"If you sigh so much you'll get older. Well.. At least that's what I've been told. " a voice says startling me. I turn around quickly and see the boy named sam leaning on my door frame.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he says with a chuckle. I smile at him as he comes into the room a little more.

"You ready to go? " he asks while stretching. I nod my head and follow him out of the room.

"We have a lot to see! We have the school to go to, the mall.. Oh and you have to see this new ice-cream place!" He exclaimes happily while almost tripping down the strairs. My eyes widen a bit as he chuckles to himself at his mistake.

"A-are you ok? " I ask as he jumps to the last stair with ease. He looks back at me with a large humorous smile on his face before rubbing his head.

"Yeah I'm fine. Bee always tells me I'm clumsy" he replys back while waiting for me to step off the last stair. I nod my head back unable to say that I'm also very clumsy. I already shared an intimate detail with sides and I don't even know him..

"Anyways, what grade are you in? " he asks.

"I'm a junior.. " I whisper as I stare at his back. He nods his head before replying.

"I'm a senior right now. That means we'll probably have a class or two together. "

"What's your favorite food, color, animal, subject-" he cuts himself off and holds the door for me to walk out. My head spins with the answers to his unexpected questions. This guy sure is a talker.. But I don't mind.

"I like strawberrys"

"That makes sense" he replys back as we make our way to sunny, sides, and bumblebee. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Why's that? " i ask. He turns around quickly with a very red face.


"cause you smell like strawberrys! " sides yells over to us causing Sam to turn around once more and yell at him. They must be talking about my perfume.. And shampoo.. And everything else. Strawberry is my favorite scent in the world after all.

"It's ok. I understand what you're trying to say. "

"Also my favorite color is yellow, I really like dogs and astronomy is my favorite class.

"You'd be surprised by what's up there. " I add to make more conversation.

They all nod at that before he points to a yellow camero with black lines going through it.

"Bee wants to know if you want to ride with us. " Sam says for the man. He nods happily as if to say he's right.

"Nooo I want to ride with the femme" sides whines before I can even reply.

"I don't want her a near me" sunny grunts with his arms crossed and a glare settled on his face. I double back and almost- almost roll my eyes at him.

Sides seems nice though. He didn't even tell uncle about my little.. Panick attack in his car.

"I think I'll ride with s-" I start before he pulls me towards his already open car door. I hear a weird whirling sound that almost sounds sad before I'm pushed into the car gently. I fall onto the seat just as bee and sides go at it. I watch in awe as bee throws up two middle fingers to a snickering sides.

I hesitantly put my seat belt on before adjusting my eyes to the steering wheel once more. I didn't even notice I was rubbing small circles into the heated seat untill he engine rumbles. Automatic start?

"Sorry for the wait" a voice says happily. I turn my eyes and watch as sides jumps in as the door shuts. The other two cars Peel off and head towards wherever they planned to take me first. He clicks his seat belt on before following after them with a big grin on his face.

I don't try to make conversation. Instead I look out the tinted windows as the scenery passes by us in a flash of greens. My mind is too heavy to really make much out. Too many things have happened. It's too much to process. At least uncle's friends are keeping me company. Sitting in bed crying myself into sleep wouldn't of been a good idea..

"Watcha thinkin about? " sides says without turning his head from the road. I almost grimace at his tactfulness before letting my head rest against the seat.

"Nothing. "

"You can tell me. Really. I'm a good listener even with all this charm. " he jokes with a light smile. I feel my frown turn into a small smile. I feel the heat roll onto my cheeks as I twirl my fingers in my lap.

"I'm just wondering where we're going first. " I say unable to make up a better lie.

"First we're going to your new school" he exclaims enthusiastically. I nod my head without answering. It's scary to think about going to a new school. I hold my left arm, where a small scar is, without thinking about it before biting my lip and looking off into the distance. I don't even notice sides glancing at me from the side.

Time skip Chloe's pov

We soon come to a stop in a parking lot full of different types of cars. Mostly run down, probably because the students bought them themselves, while there were nicer cars. Not as nice as thses three cars but still very nice.

We hop out and Sam holds up his hands towrds the big building dramatically.

"And this is your new school, home to the blue crest eagles" he says with a roll of his eyes.

"Basically home to the pricks" he adds with a mumble. The school is big, almost kind of like a museum, well not really.. But I've never been to a school this big before. Sunny grumbles to himself as he stays behind the pack with sides. Bee excitedly looks around the area as if he hasn't been this close before. Maybe he goes to a different school? Probably a college.

We walk to the front and I can even hear the bell ringing from inside.

Don't worry sparkling

I flinch back and bump into something hard. I look up and see sides wiggiling his eyebrows down at me with a mischievous grin.

"What? Are you tripping over your feelings for me? " he purrs. His chest rumbbles seductively against my own. I feel my mouth go agape as I blush harshly.

"Sides stop flirting with her! " Sam exclaims while pulling me away from him. I follow him with a thankful smile before trying to calm myself down. Embarrassing.. I want to hide underneath a rock.

Bee holds open the door for us with a big smile.

"Thanks bee. " I say as I walk into the somewhat crowded school. Not even five seconds after we all enter the building, a loud voice shouts from somewhere down the emptying hall.

"Ayee theres my man Sam! "

I flinch a bit as everybody's eyes meet my own before moving along to sides, sunny and bee. I can feel the hormone levels rising by the second. I look back at the curious guys as they look around. The twins are both the same height while bee is a little closer to sams height. But that's probably not what they're looking at. Even I can register how hot the three are. So when a whistle and a hand on my own pulls me forward I'm almost entirely shocked. A boy around my age looks at my eyes before glancing down my body. Suddenly I feel really exposed in the hallway.

"What a hottie. You a friend of sams? "The boy asks. His bright green eyes and blonde hair are perfect, not as perfect as the four boys around me, but I wouldn't say that out loud. He waits for my answer with a big toothy smile that shows his white teeth.

"U-um yeah.. I am.. " I say trying to pull away from the stranger.

He doesn't seem to mind though as he let's go of my hand causing me to bump into sides once again. This time he doesn't smile. instead he and his brother shoot daggers at the boy.

"Can't you leave us alone Jack.. " Sam says trying to feign confidence. The green eyed jock rolls his eyes before he eyes my front a little more.

A couple of other jocks whistle from where they stand causing me to instinctively twirl my fingers in front of me gently. Bee makes an angry noise before sticking his middle finger up at them.

My eyes widen at his behavior before I mumble an apology while pulling his hand down gently. A light blush spreads across his cheeks quickly and my face does the same.

"Anyways, you seem pretty cool. You would make a very good addition to my squad. " he says. I tilt my head confused at his words. Squad? His friends?

"You're new to this school right? People say I give pretty good private lessons if you know what I mean. "

My mouth goes agape as I blush at his words.

"Do you not see us standing here. " sunny sneers at the boy before taking a step in front of me and bee.

"Yeah and? " he glares back at him. Sides scoffs just as sunny grunts in response.

"Listein kid. Just leave her alone, you're only emmbrassing yourself. " he growls. The boy rolls his eyes before stepping around him so that he can see me.

"The bells about to ring so I'll catch you later. " he purrs before walking away without a second glance. Just like that we're the only ones in the hallway.

I still can't help but blink after the boy and his friends as he turns a corner and heads to class. I can't believe that just happened..

"Uhm..." I start. Sunny stops me in my tracks with a glare before he walks away.

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==== I DON'T OWN THE TRANSFORMERS MOVIES OR THE CHARACTERS, I OWN MYSELF. If you enjoy the story, please vote and comment. ====