5sos Imagines

By angelixily

162K 2K 892

~Luke Hemmings~ ~Calum Hood~ ~Michael Clifford~ ~Ashton Irwin~ Your favorite imagines bout your favorite band... More

Best Friends (SOSventures)
Songs (Ashton Irwin)
Jealousy (Luke Hemmings)
Being Friends With Michael Includes-
Being Friends With Luke Includes-
Being Friends With Calum Includes-
Being Friends With Ashton Include-
Being BEST Friends With All Of Them Include-
Best Friend (Ashton Irwin)
Rewrite the Stars (Michael Clifford)
Texting (Calum Hood)
Peeving Trey
Tweet (Ashton Irwin)
Sweetened (Michael Cliford)
Best Friend in Elementary (Calum Hood)
Hey Everybody! (Ashton Irwin)
Study Buddy (Luke Hemmings)
Apollo (SOSventures)
Ellen (Calum Hood)
Better Man (Michael Clifford)
Woolsey Fire (SOSventures)
Woolsey Fire P2 (SOSventures)
2 Years Time (Michael Clifford)
Ghost of You (Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood)
Ashton, My Best Friend (Ashton Irwin)
Pillow Fight (Luke Hemmings)
Thursdays Are For The Boys (Ashton Irwin)
Why Don't We (Luke Hemmings)
Started from KFC (Ashton Irwin)
Started From KFC P2 (Ashton Irwin)
Tour W/ Chainsmokers (Michael Clifford)
Mistletoe (Calum Hood)
Meme Review (SOSventures)
Zodiac Compatibility, 5SOS
Study Buddy P2 (Luke Hemmings)
Valentine Stream (SOSventures)
I Like Me Better (Ashton Irwin)
Fabulous Photoshopping (Michael Clifford)
Cold In LA (Luke Hemmings)
New Idea!
Screw Love (Luke Hemmings)
Screw Love P2 (Luke Hemmings)
Being Siblings with Luke Includes-
Being Siblings With Michael Includes-
Being Siblings With Calum Includes-
Being Siblings With Ashton Includes-
That One (Calum Hood)
Up Against Le Boxeur (Calum Hood)
Ashton's Weaknesses (Ashton Irwin)
Dad Jokes (SOSventures)
Obsessed (Michael Clifford)
'Cause We Could FEEEEEEL (Luke Hemmings)
6-8 Children (Ashton Irwin)
Famous YouTuber (SOSventures)
Covers to Tours (Hailey X Calum) P1
Covers to Tours (Hailey X Calum) P2
Covers to Tours (Hailey X Calum) P3 Ending
Daryll, It's The Good Kush (Michael Clifford)
Highschool Loudmouth (Luke Hemmings)
Got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
Ya Got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
Ya Got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
Ya got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
Ya got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
1,000 Views! Aye
I'm so tired... (Ashton Irwin)
Mon Petit Gagnant (Calum Hood)
Fainted (Ashton Irwin)
Cuddles (SOSventures)
Gaming with Michael is Like-
Sleepovers with Calum are Like-
I Saw Them Today (Michael Clifford)
I'm Literally Tired
Random Fanart #1
The Boy In The Grass (Ashton Irwin)
Prego, No Prank (Calum X Hailey)
Prego, No Prank (Part 2) Hailey X Calum
The Boy In The Grass (Part 2)
Explanations (Luke Hemmings)
This Feeling (Calum Hood)
Peachy cal (SOSventures) (Chainvent)
Sick (Michael Clifford)
Noticing A Pattern (SOSreview)
Their Girls (SOSreview)
Her Tweets (Luke Hemmings)
Her Tweets (Luke Hemmings) Part 2
Your Mom (Luke/Michael)
Our Gamer Girl ~PART 1~ (Luke/Mike)
~Going Shopping With Luke Includes~
End Up Here (Luke Hemmings)
Convos with ya Boy, Danny (P1)
Stage (Michael Clifford)
Behind The Scenes (SOSventures) (Chainvent)
Ditching (Calum Hood)
Short Make-Out (Ashton Irwin)
Interviewer ~SOSventures~
Instagram Stories ~SOSventures~
Bet and Get ~Calum X Hailey~ {Request}
Bet And Get ~Calum X Hailey {Request} *Part 2*
Cousins ~Luke Hemmings~
No Money ~Michael Clifford~ {Part 1}
No Money ~Michael Clifford~ {Part 2}
~Asylum in Time~
Scary Time ~SOSages~
New Cover!
We Were Like|Ashton Irwin
Band vs Band vs Band|SOSventures~Chainvent {Series} Part 1≤Intro≥
Stories I havent Uploaded
Acoustic ~SOSventures~ {2018}
Cuddle ~Ashton Irwin~ {2013}
KayKay ~Ashton Irwin~ {2019}
The Poor TV...
My Friends Wont Answrr Meeeeee
Running ~Lukquest~ {Requested by Abigail}
Slapped {Calquest}
Mall Boy {CalQuest} ~2015~
Swimming ~Luke Hemmings~ {2019}
Happy Easter!
JuSt A rAnDoM aUThOr NoTe...CaUsR i'M bOrEd
Got Tagged! Aye
Testing ~Ashton Irwin~ {2016} //Part 1//
#FunnySongs ~Michael Clifford~ {2019}
Snapchat ~Luke Hemmings~ {2013/2019}
LuKe WaS wEaRiNg ShOeS fOr OnCe!¡
My Rankings
Hey Girl ~SOSventures~ {2019}
Christmas! ~Michael Clifford~ {2013}
Green Glasses ~Luke Hemmings~ {2010}
Reject ~Calum Hood~ {2011} \\Part 1\\
Reject ~Calum Hood~ {2011} \\Part 2\\
Texting Danny ~Part Two~ {Not a Chapter}
Duke ~Calum Hood~ {idk what year haha. I forgot. I'm guessing...late 2017}
Pool Party ~Luke Hemmings~ {2015}
Baking Cookies ~Michael Clifford~ {2018}
Staying With Luke's Parents Include~
Staying With Calum's Parents Include~
Pietro Maximoff ~SOSchat~
The Sweetest Thing ~Michael Clifford~ {2016} //Part 1//
New Story!
Till Now~Luke Hemmings~ {1996-2019}
The Sweetest Thing ~Michael Clifford~ {2016} //Part 2//
Harley ~Calum Hood~ {2019}
AnOtHeR vErSiOn Of EaSiEr
Tangled Trip ~Ashton Irwin~ {2012}
5sos X Charlie Puth ~SOSventures~~Luke Hemmings~ {2019}
2 Hours ~Calum Hood~ {2019}
Meme Girl ~SOSventures~ {2019}
Australian Spider ~Michael Clifford~ {2010}
Instagram ~Luke Hemmings~ {No Specific Time Zone}
A Photo Created By Adi
Coachella ~Ashton and Calum~ {2019}
5 Seconds of Supers ~SOSventures~ {2014} *Part 1*
5 Seconds of Supers ~SOSventures~ {2014} *Part 2*
Instagram ~SOSventures~ {2019 Flashbacks}
The Prince ~Luke Hemmings~ {2016}
Friends of Friends ~SOSventures~ {2019}
Guys...I'm Bored
Cinq jours ~SOSchat~ {1019}
What The Heart Wants ~Luquest~ {2019}
Why to Not Wake Michael Clifford (Ever) ~SOSventures~ {2019}
Feed Me Ideas and maybe a Q&A? IDK
Instagram ~Old Flashbacks~ {2014-2019}
Happy Chrysler ~SOSventures~ {2019}
The 5th Second of Summer {SOSventures} ~2019~
My Hero, Ashton Irwin
The Love a Sister Holds {BabySOS} //Request\\
I'm Preggo. Now Get Me The Eggo ~Luke Hemmings~ {2020} //Request\\
Going To Luke's Funeral Includes~
Getting In A Car Crash With Michael Includes~
Being In Calum's Family Includes~
Being In Ashton's Surgery Office Includes~
When You Realize You'll Never Meet Luke Hemmings ~Virtual~
Covid-19 ~Luke Hemmings~ {2020}
Filters ~Luke and Calum~
Late Night Edits ~Calum Hood~ {2020}
What Have I Done (Not Sorry)
Beforehand ~Ashton Irwin~ {2020}
Aye Watch this if you wanna see me cry-
Bucket Hat Cult ~Calum & Michael~ {2020}
The Super Natural ~SOSventures~ {2020}
Starting My Own Tag

Grammy (Request for Linda) Lukequest

439 8 0
By angelixily

Currently having a nostalgic attack! Seriously, I'm listening to Heartbreak Girl/Amnesia! Ugh! They were so cute! Ashton, was so fricken young! Aaahhh! I wish they could have 1 day, a SINGLE little day. Where they would turn fetus. Ashton would wear his my little pony shirt as well 😂 Ok, to the story now! Enjoy!! Btw, Lukequest means Luke request. Smart...huh? No? Okay..


"You..wouldn't dare!" I yelled to Michael. He had some kind of goo in his hand, and it was sticky. He was also threatening to throw it at me. And I was not for it. I had JUST gotten ready for the Grammy's. He laughed.

"It would be such a shame if this got ALL over that beautiful sparkly dress, though." He said, smirking. I glared at him.

"No! Michael. No, I will literally ask my grandma to smack you!" I yelled at him. His eyes widened, before he shared his head frantically.

"No no no! She already smacked Luke with a purse from the Don't Stop music video 5 years ago! I'm not risking it! She hurt his poor little d*ck!" Michael said. After he said that, you could hear Calum and Ashton laughing.

"It's not tiny you @$$hole! It's big as shite!" Luke yelled. I giggled slightly. Luke came in, pointing at me. "Ask Linda! She knows!" He said.

I put my hands up in defense. "Don't shift this on me!" I told them. I kissed Luke on the cheek before looking atCalum. He was still laughing. Actually on the ground now. "You know...you're gonna die from this, right?" I asked him. He gave a thumbs up, continuing his laughter.

"Linda! Do I look good? Yes or no?" Ashton asked. I smiled.

"You look great Ash! I love it!" I told him. He kissed my cheek! In a friendly mannor, waking over to stop the poor Calum from his laugh attack. I smiled, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Oh my gosh! Michael! Put that thing back in your pants!" Luke yelled. Me being curious, walked into the room where they were. I saw Michael with Pizza boxers on. I hid my laugh at first, but then it came out.

"No! I'm punk rock!" Calum mimicked Michael from about...4 years ago. I smiled

"You did this to yourself Clifford. Now put your pants back on." I told him.

He sighed. "You're probably just jealous because Linda's dating a guy with still pretty amazing legs." Ashton told him. Michael rolled his eyes and Luke smirked.

"Guys, I have to go take a seat now. I'll see you afterwards." I told them before interwining hands with Luke, making our way out into the seating area. The HUGE @$$ seating area. Thing way, for the bigger artists, they allowed you to pick your seats. (Lolz, not really, but....I like to do whatever with life)

I sat down and immediately heard my name. I looked over, seeing Taylor Swift. She hugged me and sat down. "So, happy late birthday! 23 years old now?" She asked. I smiled.

"Thank you! And yes, I'm 23 now. Really cool. Luke was excited, I was excited, the boys were excited. And yeah...let me just say we never got to eat the cake, because Michael got peeved at someone, throwing it at them." I told him. She laughed.

"Oh! Taylor, speaking of Luke. This is Luke Hemmings. My boyfriend. I don't think you've properly met." I told him. Luke shook her hand. She shook back and he smiled. We all sat down.

We made a talk until someone came on stage, they talked and talked, as...I listened. Kinda. I was more focused on what the guys were doing. They kept on texting me in the group chat.


Lucrazy: Hi! Grammy's starting!

Linds: I'm right next to you, babe.

Cliffocanda: we know Luke. Settle down mate

CDizzle: What's wrong with him being excited?

Cliffocanda: everything that means the world

Linds: so...the world sucks?

Cliffocanda: basically

AshTone: I'll see you after the Grammy's love!

Lucrazy: No! My love! And I'm NOT sharing! Fight me!

CDizzle: chill Luke. Chill

Cliffocanda: see what I mean now?

Linds: meh. I'll see you guys!

AshTone: Hopefully you win, my darling

Lucrazy: Ashton! Shut the f**k up! I love you my sweetheart! 💙💚


I got off my phone, as they were now starting to give out the awards. I sat back, watching them now. After a bit...they finally got to mine!

"And the award of best Pop Artist goes to....Linda Harlow!" They announced. I cupped my mouth and I ran on stage. They gave me the award and I almost cried.

"I don't deserve this. At all... I seriously think that it would belong to someone else. But, here I am! On the stage holding it. But, I didn't do this on my own. I had help along the way. And, throughout this year...it was hard for me, but this person helped me through. Through with everything I've done. He helped with a lot of the songs I made. He helped me when I went on tour. I want to have my wonderful boyfriend, Luke Hemmings to come on stage." I said through the mic.

I saw Luke come up the stairs. I saw him shaking his head as he pulled me to him, kissing me, passionately. You could literally hear how loud the crowd was. I wrapped my arms around his neck. To end it off, he kissed the side of my mouth.

"Linda, if there is anyone who deserves this award more than ever...it's you. You deserve it through the high and lows. I love you...and I'm proud of you." He said, holding me tighter now.

I smiled, so happy I had a boyfriend as amazing, as Luke Robert Hemmings. I needed to thank Andrew and Liz later on for making him sometime later.


Ok! I'm not crying. You're crying! Lol ok. I'm literally listening to my nostalgia playlist. But, thank you UltimateR5FanGirl for requesting this! I loved writing it so thank you!
And now I'm literally playing End Up Here by the boys... Seriously, I think I'm listening to my Nostalgia playlist. Oh my gosh. I'm getting those 2014-2015 flashbacks of loving their band now! Ugh, I'm so proud of those boys. Have a great day!

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