Tennessee Rose

By lolalittlelegs

41.8K 1.7K 489

Rose has been in a dark place after a life-changing tragedy, but she is slowly beginning to heal. Her family... More

Chapter One - Rose
Chapter Two - Marshall
Chapter Three - Rose
Chapter Four - Marshall
Chapter Five - Rose
Chapter Six - Marshall
Chapter Seven - Rose
Chapter 8 - Marshall
Chapter 9 - Rose
Chapter 10 - Marshall
Part 11 (part 1) - Rose
Part 11 (part 2) - Tristan
Part 12 - Marshall
Part 13 - Rose
Part 14 - Marshall
Part 15 - Marshall
Part 16 - Rose
Part 17 - Rose
Part 18 - Marshall
Part 19 - Rose
Part 20 - Marshall
Part 21 - Rose
Part 22 - Marshall
Part 23 - Rose
Part 24 - Marshall
Part 25 - Rose
Part 26 - Marshall
Part 27 - Rose
Part 28 - Marshall
Part 29 - Rose
Part 30 - Marshall
Part 31 - Rose
Part 32 - Marshall
Part 34 - Marshall
Part 35 - Rose
Part 36 - Marshall
Part 37 - Rose
Part 38 - Marshall
Part 39 - Rose
Part 40 - Marshall
Part 41 - Rose
Part 42 - Marshall
Part 43 - Rose
Part 44 - Marshall
Part 45 - Rose and Marshall
Part 46 - Marshall
Part 47 -Rose

Part 33 - Rose

719 34 7
By lolalittlelegs

Written by ehux02

I do not blame Tristan for calling Marshall; I wasn’t exactly a joy to be around for the last week. I had gotten so used to seeing Marshall every weekend and I missed him. I was not upset with Marshall and I hate that he thought I was.  I just didn’t want my family thinking they could just call Marshall up for something, even if it was for me.
On the other side, I didn’t want Marshall think he had to give in order to make me happy. I know my parents and Tristan aren’t the type to ask for something, but they have also never been around or involved with a celebrity. I guess I just don’t want anything to ruin what Marshall and I have.
When I saw him again yesterday, it was clear that being away from him was starting to become a problem, at least for me. For all I know, Marshall could welcome the break from me and my issues.

We spent the entire evening and night together showing each other how much we were missed.  When I woke up this morning, Marshall was gone for the day. He left a note and the passes we needed to access his show tonight. His note said to be ready by seven and that he was having a driver and Sam from his security escort Tristan and I to his show. 

My little brother knocking on the door pulled me from my thoughts.  I warned him I was coming and he said, “Please make sure you’re decent first,” followed by the laughter of an almost 18 year old boy. I rolled my eyes and pulled the door open. I could tell he was so excited to be somewhere new.

Tristan has picked every place that we are visiting today so I am sure they will be interesting. It’s nice to spend time with my brother. Days like this are quickly coming to an end. He goes off to college to be a big football star in just a couple of months.
After Tristan is gone, my weeks away from Marshall will be so much worse. He is my only source of entertainment. I had friends before Danny died, but when you go through a tragedy, I have learned, that friends leave you. Tristan jolts me from my thoughts again, “Ready to go?” He was very bubbly this morning. My brother truly has a love for life and adventure.

The first place that we went was the Harry Potter studios. We took a tour about the making of the Harry Potter films. It was a very long but interesting tour. I grew up with Harry Potter and passed on my love for both the books and films to my brother. Seeing how they worked to capture moments in the books and bring them to life in film was fascinating. I couldn’t believe how difficult some of it really was. We were both like little kids during the tour.

After that 3-hour tour, we were ready for lunch. Tristan was being very picky about what our meal should be. My adventurous brother was no longer when he selected McDonald’s for dinner. We are in a new country and this doofus wants a damn hamburger.

After we ate, Tristan insisted we tour the Tower of London. He was quite excited to “go where many people awaited their death.” While there, we were given a history of beheadings and other executions that took place. We did get to view the crown jewels. That was worth enduring the talks of execution that I had been listening too for the last 2 hours.

Our last destination was the London Eye Ferris wheel. It was a great way to take in the entire city at once. We took a ton of pictures and selfies. The only thing I wished we could do was take a river cruise, but we were out of time. It was half past five and we had at least 30 minutes back to the hotel.

After we left, the London Eye Tristan wanted to ride on the Tube back to the hotel instead of a taxi. On the way over, he was gushing about the Tower of London and I was surprised how fascinated he was with the executions. He and Marshall should talk sometime. They both seem to be fascinated by murder.  I had to calm him down a few times, because he was drawing attention from the other passengers. One particular item he gushed about was and I quote, “How cool is it that the Countess of Salisbury was actually struck with the axe 11 times before she died?” On that comment, we had to move seats because I am sure we were about to be thrown out of the country based on the looks we got.  I glared at him as I drug him out of his seat toward the back of the car.  “Thank god this train isn’t crowded. You need to stop talking about murder so loudly. We can recap it later.” He just laughed at me.
Why did I want to spend the day with him? 
He was quiet the rest of the ride to our destination. Occasionally chuckling to himself. I couldn’t help but smile. As annoyed as I was, I was so glad that he was happy and having a good time. He deserves the world.

I was most impressed by how efficient riding the tube was compared to the taxi rides we took earlier in the day. Not near as expensive and much faster.

We were back to the hotel by quarter past 6 and we parted ways to get ready. I just wore skinny jeans and a T-shirt with my converse. I reapplied my make-up and got my hair back in order. I had a feeling my favorite part of the day was nearing.

Tristan knocked on the door at seven, he was followed by Sam, and a person who I assumed was the driver. Tristan was dressed in clothes I have never seen him wear before. It looked like Marshall had dressed him. He had on some Nike joggers, a random NWA t-shirt, a zip-up hoodie to match his joggers, a Nike hat, and Nike shoes. “Jesus, Tristan. Do you even know who NWA is?” He laughed and shrugged, “yeah, I been researching old school hip-hop. It’s dope.”  Dope? What the fuck? I just shook my head and said, “You had better know something if you are about to wear that shirt to his show. I’m sure you will get asked.” He rolled his eyes at me and pulled me toward the door. I smirk to myself; I hope Marsh and his friends grill Tristan over that shirt.

The car ride to Wembley Stadium was quick and before I knew it, we were being escorted through the back entrance. Sam walked us straight to Marshall’s dressing room and knocked. Someone I have never met opened the door and I saw Marsh on a couch, headphones on and notepad in hand. He looked so cute. Sam walked over to Marshall causing him to look up and see us. He tried not to smile at me. It’s hard on his reputation. I recognized Denaun as he walked over.
He attempted to introduce himself to me but was quickly interrupted by Marshall, “Out.” Denaun, Tristan and I looked at him confused.
He spoke again, “Porter this is Tristan. Show him around back stage.” Nobody moved and I could see the frustration across Marshall’s face, “Now.”

At that, Denaun and Tristan left the dressing room. As soon as the door closed and we were alone, Marshall pulled me to him crushing me to his chest. He held me for a second before he started laughing, “What the fuck was your brother wearing?” I giggled. “I asked him the same thing. You should ask him too. Oh and ask him about the Tower of London too.” We spent the next few minutes talking and kissing on the couch.

A knock on the door prompted Marshall to sigh, “You’re on in 5, Em.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me from the couch, “You ready to see me in action.” I smiled at him and nodded my head. He kissed me and then opened the door. We walked to the side of the stage and showed me where to stand. “Wait right here so I can see ya and steal a kiss when I come off the stage.” I laughed at him as he kissed me on the forehead. “Wish me luck baby,” and with that he walked on to the stage. The entire stadium erupted into cheers. Tristan appeared beside me looking like a kid in a candy store, “Yo, Denaun is chill. I wanna hang around more.” Yo? Chill? I gave him a look and just laughed. Hopefully, someone will call him on his choice of words cause he isn’t going to listen to me. I turned my attention to the stage.

Watching Marshall perform was amazing. He has so much energy and you can tell this is what he was meant to do. The fans screaming for him proved that to be true. He looks truly happy on that stage, as much as he says he hates the fame.
Every now and then, he looks over at me with a look that makes my knees weak. I feel as if I could melt right here where I stand.

I never want this feeling of happiness and love to end.

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