Jack's Fight

By Starlightcars123

30.6K 408 40

November 1963 Jack and Jackie embark on a trip to Texas to help with the re-election campaign. However, Jack’... More

Jack's Fight
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 3

1.3K 19 1
By Starlightcars123

Parkland Memorial Hospital



The secret service jumped out of their cars and surrounded the Presidential Limousine. “Mrs Kennedy.” Clint said calmly.

Jackie slowly lifted her head up. Her eyes were red. “Let us help the President.”

She nodded timidly and let the doctors lift her husband on to the stretcher. They rushed him inside. Jackie sat quietly and wiped her eyes. The seat and her skirt were soaked in blood. “Mrs Kennedy?” Clint said.

She looked up. “Leave me alone.”

“We need to get you to a doctor.”


“Some of the glass has cut you.”

Jackie looked down; she had a piece of glass in her leg and another in her arm. She steadily got to her feet and made her way inside. When she reached the trauma rooms she saw her husband lying surrounded by doctors. She rushed in. “Keep her out!” A doctor yelled.

“Jack.” Jackie sobbed. “Is he okay?”

“He’s unconscious at the moment because he’s in shock.” A nurse said as she guided the First Lady out of the room.

She looked anything but elegant. Her gloves and skirt were covered in blood and she had dried blood on her arms and legs from where the glass had cut her. She also had dried tears on her face while her hair was sticking up in parts.

“Mrs Kennedy come with me and I’ll remove the glass.” The nurse said.

“My husband.” Jackie said staring into the room where he was.

“Mrs Kennedy he’ll be okay, he needs to go to surgery so we can remove the bullet.”

“He has Addison’s disease he’ll need steroids.” Jackie replied stunned.

“It’s okay Ma’am his doctor’s inside with him.”

Jackie nodded and sat down in another room. The nurse slowly began the process of removing the glass. Jackie sat in silence, she didn’t know if she wanted to cry or what she was in shock.

After the nurse had cleaned her up, she was about to leave. “Mrs Kennedy?”

Jackie looked up.

“You can come and wait outside the President’s room.”

She nodded and followed. A white chair was beside the door; she sat down quietly and played with her wedding ring. The secret service stood there equally shocked. Suddenly the doors burst open. Kenny and Dave burst in. “Jackie!” Kenny exclaimed.

Jackie stood up and hugged him. “What happened?”

“Shots were fired at the car, Jack was hit he’s in surgery.”

“Are you okay?” Kenny asked as he helped her sit down.

“I was cut with some of the glass.” Jackie replied.

Kenny nodded. He needed to find out what had happened.

45 minutes later

Jackie was sitting waiting for news. She was still in her blood soaked suit which was also soaking wet.

The secret service were just becoming as agitated, they needed to know their President was okay, but only Clint Hill knew just how bad Mrs Kennedy needed to know he was okay. She couldn’t lose her husband so soon after losing Patrick.

Jackie was sitting thinking about her whole life with Jack, their wedding, the birth of their children, the creation of Patrick, the death of Patrick and the change in Jack. She was interrupted by a nurse. “Mrs Kennedy?”

“Yes?” Jackie asked getting to her feet. The worriedness in her voice was evident.

“We have some news on your husband.”

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