Lisa's Possessiveness

By ItsMeShemaiah14

469K 10K 2.5K

Lalisa Manoban is a faithful kind of girl. She doesn't do cheating and flings. She believes that a man should... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

16.1K 423 75
By ItsMeShemaiah14

Jennie's POV

My heart nearly went out from my ribcage when I saw Lisa waiting for us in the Chinese Restaurant. She is seating comfortably and looking at me sharply.

I eyed her and avoid her stare. After that incident in the fitting room, I was fuming mad and the insolent lying cheating devil. I left her at the leaving room, she was seething in anger. How dare she scare me like that? Shit! Fucking shit! It seems like she's going to play with me again.

I pretended as if I didn't saw Lisa in the fitting room a while ago. I act normal while I was with my mom and Aunt Mira.

"Oh, It's Lisa." Aunt Mira chirped in surprise. "I thought she won't go home yet."

She walked quickly towards her daughter and hugged her. While I quietly sat at the farthest chair from Lisa. I can't trust myself near that brute. My body and heart is always betraying me.

"Jennie, what are you doing there?" I can sense it from my mom's voice that she doesn't agree at where I was seating. "Seat here beside me."

I shook my head. "I'm okay at where I am seating, mom."

"Oh, silly." Aunt Mira took my hand then pulled me towards the chair beside Lisa. She forced me to sit beside Lisa. "There. Both of you need to be beside each other all the time." Aunt Mira giggled then look at my mother. "Aren't they cute together?"

My mother giggled like a teenage girl. "You don't say."

I rolled my eyes and then look down, What are they talking about? It's so embarrassing!

"Why did you slap me?" Lisa abruptly asked in a dangerous low voice.

I put the back of my hand over my mouth and then I replied. "You deserve that slap."

"No, I don't." There's an edge on her voice. "You'll pay for that slap. As far as I can remember I didn't do anything bad to you that would make you slap me that hard."

I threw a glare before I look down. "Pay? As far as I know too, I didn't do anything wrong to you."

"Nothing?" I can hear her gritting her teeth in anger. "You fucking slap me, Jennie."

I knew that Lisa is mad at me for slapping her but the way she said my name, it sounds soft and intimate. It makes my heart want to jump out from my ribcage. I can't believe that this girl has so much effect on me!

I didn't speak and just acted like I was busy playing candy crush on my cellphone. I don't want to talk to this woman beside me who can make my heart flipped just by saying my name. That's too much!

Thankfully, it seems like the woman was participating with me cause she didn't speak.

While we are eating our dinner at the Chinese Restaurant, both me and Lisa didn't say a word. If anyone asks them questions, that's when they will speak. That's what we were doing during the dinner until we finished. We didn't notice each other's presence and I think that it's better this way.

Lisa's POV

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse that I'm now sitting beside Jennie on the backseat--the last row--of the van. It's only the both of us here. Our parents are in the first row.

I can still remember what happened in the parking lot in Starfield Goyang.

When my father saw that Jungkook was driving his Hummer he said that he wants to ride there. As well as my Uncle Seung-hyun and his wife, Aunt Chae-rin. So what happened is, Jungkook is driving his car and Jeongyeon and Chanyeol are squeezing themselves in the passenger seat cause they said that they don't want to ride in the van with us.

So, yeah, here I am with Jennie on the last row of the van. I think that it's a blessing because I missed her and I wanted to be with her any way. And it's a curse because fuck it, I can't do anything because our parents are just in front of us.

This is so annoying!

When our van exited Gyeonggi, Jennie placed her earphones in her ears. It seems like she really is not noticing me. Why did I even hope that she'll reconcile with me after she slapped me? I was hoping for nothing.

Jennie glared at me like she's going to gut me alive.

I'll just leave her alone to let her listen to some music in her earphones. I don't have any intentions to give her my attention until we will reach Busan. I am still mad at her because she slapped me. As far as I know, I didn't do anything to her so I didn't know where did she get the reason to slap me that hard.

But I can't control myself, I turned to face her. There was some sort of feeling that crawl in my heart when I saw her leaning her head on the car window while sleeping. Her position look uncomfortable.

I sigh then with utmost care, I guided her head to lie on my lap.

I was staring at her lovely face while she is sleeping. Her beautiful face haunted my sleep hours and even in my waking hours. It's always on my mind.

She's not healthy for me.

My gaze dropped to her sweltering hot lips. I shook my head violently so that I won't be hypnotize to press my lips against her lips.

I was tempted. I was fucking tempted to press my lips on hers. So that's what I did. I kissed her. Because when it comes to this woman, it would be a miracle if I can reign myself.

Jennie's POV

While I was listening to some music through my earphones, I didn't notice that i fell asleep. And when I wake up, my head was placed on Lisa's thighs and my lips are connected to hers. 

It seems like she noticed that I was awake because she pulled away from the kiss and stared at me. 

Her brown doe eyes stared at me like she was reading my very soul. I tried to look away, but she didn't let me.

"Don't look away." She said while preventing me from looking on other directions.

Fine. "Why did you kiss me?" I ask her in a low voice so that the other won't hear my question to Lisa. "I thought you're mad at me."

"I am mad at you, Jennie." Her voice was as low as mine. "But you know what's crazy?" 


"I can't stay mad at you for more than an hour. I told myself that I'm mad at you but it only took one kiss for my anger to melt."

I gulped at the intensity of her stare. "I hate you."

"What did I do to deserve that hate, Jennie?"

"I hate you and that is why I slapped you." My finger touch the tip of her nose and playfully tap it multiple times. "You are just playing with me. You are not planning to take me seriously. I know that I'm just a passing fancy for you. I know that you are taken. But still, I gave myself to you. I'm so stupid. I'm not like this before. I'm not that type of girl who would just open her thighs every time I want to."

"I know." Satisfaction and triumphant flashed on her brown doe eyes. "You are a virgin when I claim you. That's why I don't want anyone to touch you cause you are mine."

I'm disagreeing at what she said on her last sentence. "No, Lisa. I am not yours. How many times do I have to tell that to you? No one owns me cause I am the one who owns myself. You can't claim me as yours even if you are the one who made me woman. It doesn't work that way."

She is shaking her head. Defiance is on the depths of her eyes. "Even though you keep on saying that I do not own you, for me, you are mine. Period."

I sigh in defeat. There's no point in arguing with Lisa. She is not listening to others except for herself.

I heave a deep sigh and face on the other side facing the zipper of her pants.

She coughed and whispered in my ears. "Sweetheart, your mouth is near my crotch. I'm already fucking horny at the moment, please, don't add up to make me more horny."

My cheeks flamed and as fast as lightning, I turn around, my back on her freaking groin.

I close my eyes and started to pretend that I was sleeping. A minute later, I felt someone was brushing my hair with their hand. My heart thuds loudly knowing its Lisa.

I was left dumbfounded. I didn't move a muscle as I savor the feeling of her hand combing my hair. It feels soothing. I can't stop my smile that appeared on my lips when she started to sing a song.

Sweet Jesus. This girl never seized to make my heart flipped for a million times.

Until we arrived at Busan, my head was still placed on Lisa's thigh. She was still combing my hair with her hand.

When the van stopped, as fast as the lightning I got up and start to fix myself.

I heard Lisa chuckled and then she lean in to me making my heart thump like crazy. "I'll visit your room tonight." She whispered.

Before I can respond, she already exited the van and opens the garage door. From the inside of the van, I see her walking towards Jungkook's car which is about to enter the garage. 

I took a deep breath and step out from the van.

"Madam Jennie!" Jeongyeon screamed my name when she got out from Jungkook's car. She wave her hand at me and smiled dazzlingly. "Hi. How are you?"

"I'm fine." I waved back. "How about you?"

"I'm good now that I saw you."

I laugh at what she said especially when Lisa slapped her hand that was waving to me. She was glaring at Jeongyeon and me. I just rolled my eyes at her.

After I told my mom and Aunt Mira that I am going to rest since I was so tired because of our trip, I went up to the third floor and went inside my room.

After I took a bath, I turn the lights off and lie on the bed.

My mind wander back to what happened in the van. I smiled when I remembered that Lisa combed my hair while singing a song to me, well, sort of. It was just a simple hum but that hum sent havoc on every cell in my body.

I snapped out from my woolgathering when the door of my room parted open. I froze on the bed and wait for the intruder to speak. Why did I turn off the lights, I can't see who the intruder is that went inside my room.

The intruder sat on the bed and the the intruder's scent invaded my nostrils. When I smell the scent of Lisa perfume, I let out a deep breath.

"Lisa?" I called out her name. I wanted to make sure that the intruder is the woman who can make my heart beat wildly. 

The intruder lay on the bed beside me. One of her arms hugged my waist and I can feel her mouth near my ears. Her breath was hitting my neck and it tickles me.

"I told you I'm gonna visit you." Lisa's voice filled my ears.

"So you say."

"Yeah." Her lips pressed against the back of my ear. "I miss you, Jennie."

I miss you too. "I don't miss you."

"Hmmm-mmm? You sure about that?" Her lips traveled down to my neck. "Stop denying the obvious, Jennie. I know you miss me." Her baritone voice sounds husky and downright seductive.

I can't help but to get wet down there!

"Lisa..." I breath out.

She breathes in. "Yes, sweetheart? Do you want me to touch you?" Her lips traveled down to the valley of my breast. "Do you want me to pleasure you?"

I'm tempted to say yes but I bit my tongue.

"Answer me, Jennie..." Her hand traveled from my waist to the place between my thigh. "Do you want me to pleasure you?"

I bit my lower lip so that I can stop myself from answering her question with the answer I wanted to say to her. Don't say it, Jennie. Please... don't say it.

I squeeze my eyes shut when Lisa settled on top of me, her lips were now hovering over my needy parted lips.

"Say you want me, Jennie." She whispered over my lips. "And I'll pleasure you until you can't take it anymore."

My teeth sink into my lower lip more. No. Don't say it.

I opened my eyes widely when Lisa entered her hand inside my pajama and cupped my pussy.

"Lisa!" I gasp when pleasure spread through my body.

"Yes, Jennie?" She brushed her lips against mine, teasingly. "Say it. Say that you want me." Her fingers touched my clit making me whimper. "Say it, babe. Say it and I'll pleasure you and I won't stop even if you begged me to."

No. Don't say it.

Then Lisa's fingers started working on my clit. Teasing and playing with it. I can't help but to moan and silently begging for more.

"Say it, Jennie. Say it, damn it." She is losing her patience.

"Don't wanna." I said while catching my breath.

"You don't wanna?" A deep throaty chuckle escaped her lips. "I'll change your mind then."

She slid two fingers inside my mound making me gasp and moan loudly.

"Holy shit... Ohhhhhhhhh, heaven." 

"Say it, Jennie." 

I lost! I give up! "Fine! I want you!"I cupped his face and crash my lips on his. I bit his lower lip before I pulled away from the kiss. "I want you. I miss your touch. I'm hungry for your lips. And I need you to fill me. Is that what you want to hear from me?"

Her lips against my lips formed into a smile. "Yes. That's what I want to hear from you."

Lisa was about to move her finger in and out inside me when the door of my room opened. We both froze in shock. None of us moved and wait for the lights to turn on but my room remained dark.

"Who's that?" I ask when I returned from being surprise a while ago. My heart was still thumping in fear and nervousness.

"Sorry, sweetheart." It was the voice of Aunt Mira. "I went to Lisa's room to talk with her but she is not there. Have you seen her? Your room and her room are just facing each other so I'm just wondering if you saw her."

"No..." I squeak and lied. "I didn't."

"Oh. Okay. Sorry to bother you sweetie. Good night." She said her farewell and went out of my room.

The moment the door closes, we let go of the breath we didn't know we were holding.

"Woah. That was close." She said.


"Should we continue?"

"Should we?" I ask her back.

"Yeah. We definitely should." After she said those words, she slowly pump her fingers in and out inside me.

A/N: So I have decided that I will continue this story. Thank you for those readers who commented, gave me strength and motivated me to continue writing this story. I love you guys so much! Please continue to enjoy and supporting my story.

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