Feel something

By CharlieGlambert

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I've grown with the pain, bathed in the lonely. All I want in this moment is someone to hold me. *** Adam lo... More

I've been leaving my heart in all the wrong places
I know how it feels
Happy days
Went to school and I was very nervous
We are supposed to be a family, but you decide to ruin it
This is the best birthday ever
You are a wonderful girl
I'm in love with you
How could I be losing you forever. After all the time we spent together
You're a brave kid
Why do we care about the rumors, baby
You're everything that I want, but you don't want me
I'm not like your dad, I never will be
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You're safe with us honey
The new me
We're so proud of you
All I could hear was the family war
I want to be a boy
Please, don't jump
I won't hurt you
I've grown with the pain and bathed in the lonely
You're welcome to join our gang
It's for her own safety
This is for my family
I'll always be here for you
You deserve love and happiness
Will you marry me
We're meant for each other
I had so much fun tonight
I don't like grandma's boyfriend
Truth hurts
We have to stay here
I'm happy for you Etta
Forgotten children
My family means everything to me
Maria Etta James
Adam's wedding
You are my best friend and we stick together
Oh, this is the night, it's a beautiful night
You are my Queen tonight
When I look at you
This is for my daughters
I'm sorry
They will be in our hearts forever

I'm afraid of losing him

97 3 37
By CharlieGlambert

Matthew's: POV

I was at Espresso house and drank a cup of coffee. I saw Ashley and she had a annyoing look on her face.

"Hey Ash, what's up?" I asked. "I'm fine!" she muttred. "Are you sure? you look a bit upset!" I said. "Sorry Matt!" she replied. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Adam, he drowns his sorrow in alcohol and drugs. He has a new boyfriend named Coby Cooper!" said Ashley. "He's a player!" I replied. "Poor Adam, he's gonna end up hurt!" she said sadly.

"Why must he fall for the bad guys?" I asked. "I don't know, to be honest!" I said. "I'm afraid of losing him!" replied Ash. "You're not the only one!" I said.

"I wish Taylor and Kevin was still alive, life was much easier then!" she replied. "Can this year be over soon, please?" I asked. "I agree with you!" said Ashley. "2016 can burn in hell!" I replied. "You're so funny!" she said laughing.


Me and my brother visited mom. Etta was very happy to see us. I stroked her fur and she barked happily.

"I met Ashley at Espresso house today!" I said. "She's such a nice girl!" replied Dia. "She is!" I said. "Was Adam there too?" asked mom.

"He was busy today!" I said. "Is everything okay between you two?" she asked. "Yes!" I lied. "I'm here if you want to talk!" said Dia. "Thanks mom!" I replied.

Tommy gave me a worried glance. I gave him a fake smile back. I don't think Adam wants to be my friend anymore. I miss the good days.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book.

I want to give Matthew a big hug❤️

I hope you liked the chapter.


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