Cheese? Cheese.| COMPLETED ✔

By MWhisker_

4.6K 389 250

>C O M P L E T E D< [Copyright@2014-2017. I DO NOT OWN THE GAME. Dedicating this to all of my friends and my... More

Disclaimers | Author's Note
1 | Realization
3 | Wayme
4 | Tribe Life
5 | Shug...plum
6 | Stariva
7 | Deathmatch Tournament
8 | Karoliana
9 | Kebaya
10 | Tribe War (Part 1)
11 | Tribe War (Part 2)
12 | Tribe War (Part 3)
13 | Amanduhduh
14 | Myeouz
15 | Aekirito
16 | Gintsu
17 | The Announcement
18 | New Friends
19 | Scabbles
20 | Bootcamp
21 | The One with a Cake Hat
22 | Amb? Am?
23 | Betrayal
24 | Differentiation
25 | Rebellious
26 | Coincidence
27 | Rising like an eagle
28 | Resistance
29 | Comrades
30 | Fighter
31 | Love in coffee shop
32 | Flame, Moth and the Charm.
33 | Merely a sniper
34 | Turning the odds
35 | Languages
36 | Fear
37 | Forced to forsake
38 | Bravery
39 | Explosive
40 | Lionhearted
41 | Pixels
42 | Ignition
43 | Shattered
44 | Fallen
45 | Crimson
46 | Wildfire
47 | Vengeance
48 | Braid
49 | Sorting
50 | Coronation
51 | Acknowledgement | Author's Note

2 | Shamming

178 14 3
By MWhisker_

"Moth! Why don't you get it?" Another yell snapped me back into reality. "You are supposed to secure a red nail in here! The middle of the plank!"

"I just don't get it!" I snapped. "I am dumb, okay?"

"Not okay." He said, his tail flicking as he stared at me. "Red nail, in the middle!"

I stared at him, "I just don't get the hang of it. Why don't you leave me alone?"


"Why not? I'm dumb anyway! Why would you care if I know how to be a good shaman or not?"

"Because, shamming is what you must to know in order to survive. Got it?"

"Er." I scratched the back of my head, before he threw me a nail. A red one.

"Watch me do it, k? Then your turn."

I had never been a fan of tutorials, but that was what I had to do. He swiftly summoned plank out from his snow white paws, then used a red nail to secure it. "This, is the base." He then stepped on the wooden plank, and jumped. He landed squarely on the end of the plank, before muttering. "The plank's quality is nice." I stare at him with amusement. How could he jump on it without dropping to the pool of bubble water?

"Er.. Excuse me." I said as he summoned another long plank.

"Hm?" He said, before nailing another yellow nail on it. "What's the matter?"

"Oh nothing. I'm just think what's the use of the pool of bubble water."

"Fall breaker." He muttered. "When you fall, the water can reduce your speed."

"I see. But what happens if I dropped into the water?"

"You lose your opportunity to win the cheese." He said, before giving me a look of approval. "This is how you build a bridge."

I stared at the pattern. Base, plus three long planks. Easy job.

I nodded before placing a plank I had just summoned from my paws, and secured a red nail in the middle of the plank. I saw a nod of approval as I continued on. I jumped, and I tried to do the 'landing squarely on the edge of the plank' thing. But obviously I failed.

I stumbled and fell into the water head first, like a diver performing her best move. I pawed at the water, trying to find a way to lift myself up to the water. I felt something caught my shoulders, I spun around and saw a pair of white paws pulling me out from the water. I hauled myself to the edge of the plank. "Phew." I said, spitting out the water from my jaws. "That was close."

"If you don't know how to land squarely on a thin surface, do not try it." He said coldly, throwing me another yellow colored nail. I caught it accurately in my paws simultaneously. "Moth."

"What." I said, summoning another long plank. "Did I do anything wrong?"

"No, you didn't. Watch your paws."

I stared at where my paws were and realized that I had pulled out the yellow colored nail I've used on the plank earlier and placed it on the plank I had just summoned. I watched as the wooden plank fell into the water, with the nailed plank at its edge. My face flushed red with pure embarrassment. "Oops." I squeaked, before taking another yellow nail and summoned another plank, then secured it on the wooden plank.

"Watch your build when you are shamming, Moth. Don't multitask."

"It seems like you are the one who has distracted me from my build."

"Then why did you pay attention to me?"

"Then, why did you distract me? What was that for?" I inquired, crossing my hands now. My turquoise colored feather, which had grown out from nowhere on my head plopped down to face. I blew it upwards with a light blow. I fixed my necklace and bracelet, which were spawned from nowhere since the gemstone had dissolved into my paws.

"Because, when you are shamming, there will be mice who is chasing fortune and fame, rushing you to get your build done just to let them finish the map and get into the mouse hole in the first place, so that, they can get extra treats. But you don't have to pay attention to them, just do your job, that's enough already." He said, giving my back a push. "Continue. You have 30 seconds left."

I nodded before running to the edge of the build, and summoned another plank and secured it with a yellow nail. "What's the use of the green nail?" I asked, taking out the green nail and secured it on the newly summoned plank. I watched it flew downwards, in a perfect arc. "Wow." I muttered.

"Green nail, is in fact the most useless nail had been invented." He said, picking up a green nail. "See this?" He said, attaching two planks together. I stared in pure amusement as the newly attached planks spun a perfect arc. He then attached them to my build, but neither the attached planks could stand up straight. "You get what I mean."

"So why, do we need green nail?"

"There are different modes of shams, the easiest mode is the normal mode sham, then the harder one is the hard mode sham, once you've mastered the hard mode sham, you are promoted to be the divine mode sham."

"So what are the differences between divine mode, hard mode and normal mode?"

"One significance difference is that the nails that shams are allowed to use. Normal mode shams are allow to use green, yellow and red nail. Hard modes are allowed to use all nails, except the red ones. And divine modes are allowed to use green nails only."

"So divine mode shams must be very clever."


I nodded before finishing my build with one finishing touch. I smiled proudly at my success. "This is kinda easy."

"Yea, I know. Easy when there is someone who is helping you and giving you a detailed tutorial. I know I know."

"Come on! Don't be like that!" I laughed before giving his back a push. "Please, don't be like that."

"I ain't being like that. What's your definition of that?" He said, giving me an evil grin.

"Talking to a person who had just learnt how to sham properly by the help of..." I halted. "What should I call you?"


"X, as if like... X?"

"What's the meaning of your last statement? X as if like X?" X said, staring at me with a slight grin. "Well, I have to go and help other mice, so hopefully I can see you around?" He said before padding away.

"Wait! X! Where are you going?"

"To where I am assigned to. It's my job to teach them basic stuff about Transformice. Moth, remember what I said, never chase after fortune and fame. Hopefully I can see you in Vanilla rooms one day."

"X! Tell me how to get back to the real world!"

"What real world?" X said, staring at me with a confused look.

"I come from it, and I miss my families." I said, feeling homesick.

"Moth, there is someone out there who can help you."

"Who?" I said, looking at them.

"Moth, your special one can help you."

"Who is my special one?" I said, thinking about how was it possible that I could crush on a mice.

"No idea." X replied, before adding. "Someone is always worth waiting for." He padded into the portal, leaving me behind.

"Wait X I-" But he was gone. The only choice was to follow him through the portal. I did what my mind told me and realized that I was in a group of mice. Their pelt running through me like streams of water. I looked around, where am I?

Go, and do what you need to do. X's voice echoed in my ears. Collect cheese and do what you had just learnt within an hour.



So how was it? I know that it's pretty bad XD but anyways! Thank you so much for reading it!
Most importantly, have a nice day/night!


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