Disparate (A Mashton Fan Fict...

By HayleyKelly3

31.6K 1.6K 314

A vampire? Sleeping on coffins, garlic and sunlight kill them? Not at all actually. Michael Clifford is a 17... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Seven

1.6K 138 29
By HayleyKelly3

I stared around Ashton's room it looked nothing like mine. His was an actual house. No messed up doors or holes and cracks in the wall. It's felt like ages since I've been in a place like this. His walls were lime green and covered in random posters either bands or quotes. Even some plaques and awards. He had a tan carpet and big blue bed, covered in plenty of pillows and blankets. I swear a huge grin must have crossed my face seeing it. I've been laying on the same crappy, bug infested bed for years. Seeing these kind of things were so foreign. His room was everything I wanted.

"You like?" Ashton asked, jumping on his neatly made bed as I stood in the door way. I looked in awe, wide eyed, it looked like an amazing bed to sleep on. I continued to stare all around his room, only nodding.

"It's absolutely perfect, Ashton!" I said and sat down next to him. I sunk in the bed, the mattress not having exposed springs cutting into my sides was definitely soothing.

"It's nice I suppose" Ashton giggled, swinging his feet back and forth. I nodded awkwardly only smiling at Ashton. He honestly looked adorable when ever he just smiled. His dimples became visible which were always something I was fond of.

"So how was school babe?" He chuckled and I smiled, shrugging my shoulders.

"I mean it was as good as school can be so you know.." I said quietly and he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah I mean. I've never seemed to like school myself." He sheepishly exclaims, no longer swinging his feet.

"Well of course everyone there treats you like shit. I hate it, seeing you get picked on. You don't deserve it" Ashton looked at me hopefully and bit his lip. I'm not sure what he was thinking but he stared at me, as if he was holding back from something.

"I do deserve it though. Michael.. I'm gay" he choked out and it struck me a little. Ashton was gay? It doesn't matter though, why is he even telling me? I crunched my face in confusion and then looked back at Ashton. Shrugging my shoulders with a gentle stare I flashed him a welcoming smile.

"Ashton, you shouldn't have to tell me you're gay." I giggled a little. "Honestly it doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, bisexual, transsexual or anything of the sorts. I don't care to know that stuff, it's not what defines you and it's not what justifies you being bullied" I say and both of our faces seem to lock on one another's.

"It means a lot Michael" he says the words quickly and softly dancing off his lips. I only stare for a moment as if the whole world was closing down on us. As if we were the only two in the world. He suddenly began leaning in and my thoughts bounced in my mind. Was he leaning in, for a kiss? I thought about it nervously and then I did as well, the space between us getting smaller by the second. The only sound; Ashton's shaky, nervous breaths. Our eyes closed and at the moment there was only a very slim space between us.

Ashton's door swung open making us both pull away quickly. I fell back on the head board of Ashton's bed and my eyes shot up to the door. A fairly old woman looked at us wide eyed. Her dead hair was light blond and her eyes were a bright green. Her face was tight and lightly wrinkled. Covered in cheap makeup, most likely from Walmart. I moved my vision back to Ashton. His face bright red in embarrassment.

"Hello boys" she says fairly sternly and awkwardly I let out a cracked "hi". Her eyes travel all around my body and suddenly there's a look of disgust on her face. I tense up remotely and suddenly feel a hand touch my shoulder. Ashton sat beside me smiling.

"Mom, this is Mikey. The boy I told you about" I stared up and she smiled.

"Hi there." She started then looked around at the floor. "This is the boy that bailed on you for your birthday dinner?" She asked and thinking back to that day I shook. The images of me nearly dying on the floor haunting my mind. The unbearable pain I faced that day, only for me to hear that I bailed on them? It angered me though I sat silently.

"I didn't bail. I wished to go however I was ill in bed, Mrs.Irwin" I corrected hastily and you could see a look of distinct annoyance on her face.

"Okay.. Ashton did you happen to read the paper today?" She asked and Ashton stood up, moving to his desk which had the Newsday paper thrown on it. He picked it up and began to read the front page, leading me to join and look behind his shoulder.

Newsday! : Horrible events took place today in a lake beside Widel High School. The remains of two young students, Brian Hillis and Jon Smith were found after their disappearance two days ago. The detectives have not found any leads, nor can they detect as to how the boys were killed. If anyone has any information about this case please contact us, using the information below.

I practically choked on the air. I felt my lungs nearly collapse as I tried my hardest to gain back breath. I reread over the story wanting to cry. I took someone's life. It was not anyway worth my health. This is destroying me.

"That's the kid that always picked on us isn't it Michael?" I jumped slightly and took a deep breath.

"Y-Yes. Can I-I use your bathroom. Please?" Ashton nodded slowly and I ran out of his room into the bathroom. I couldn't even function, I just wanted to break down into tears.

Guys this update is so horrible omfg . I'm sorry guys this took me forever and it's short and sucky. I love you all hope you enjoyed this. <3

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