The second last time lord (El...

By Christmascookie15

12K 301 65

The sorceress, a time lady from Gallifrey, roams around in her Tardis, believing that she is the last timelor... More

First Regeneration (part 1)
First Regeneration (Part 2)
First Regeneration (Part 3)
Second Regeneration
Sisters united (Part 1)
Sisters United (Part 2)
Sisters United (Part 3)
Sisters United (Part 4)
Bee and Marla
Bow tie prank
Victory of the Daleks (Part 1)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 2)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 3)
A goodbye
Time of Angels (Part 1)
Time of Angels (Part 2)
Time of Angels (Part 3)
Flesh and Stone (Part 1)
Flesh and Stone (Part 2)
Flesh and Stone (Part 3)
Soft and fluffy
Vampires in Venice (Part 1)
Vampires in Venice (Part 2)
Vampires in Venice (Part 3)
You're my Bow Tie Guy
Amy's Choice (Part 1)
Amy's Choice (Part 2)
Amy's Choice (Part 3)
Amy's Choice (part 4)
A needed chat....
Hungry Earth (Part 1)
Hungry Earth (Part 2)
Hungry Earth (Part 3)
Cold Blood (Part 1)
Cold Blood (Part 2)
I'm back :)
Cold Blood (Part 3)
Cold blood (Part 4)
The man of her dreams
The sisters are back.
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 1)
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 2)
Snakes and Willow Trees (Part 3)

Sisters united (Part 5)

256 8 0
By Christmascookie15

Mwahaha, I'm evil. I really am. But would I really make her kiss the prince and not the doctor. Would I really? Of course I would. Cause I'm evil. :) The pic above is of the moon pin that the doctor and sorceress won, plus all the residents of the moon kingdom. So shiny! Ha ha, enjoy more kissing.

They entwine their fingers and run off together, leaving a fuming doctor behind.

He smashes his fist into the wall, breaking the soft plaster. When he looks at his throbbing fist, he sees a small cut, running from one side to the other.

"She won't let me forget this," he grumbles before making his way down his dedicated hallway.

He walks along, knocking over vases and paintings in his hurry and anger. He rips through one tapestry and was about to do the same to the next before he saw that it had a low claw mark on it. He lifts it up and sees that the claw mark has sliced through the tapestry and into the wall behind it, leaving a long thin cut there. He feels a wind on his shoulder and swiftly turns around to see in front of his face, two gleaming yellow eyes, and a grey fluffy snout, belonging to the king's werewolf form.

The doctor takes a cautious step back, avoiding the spit that came flying out of the wolf's snarling jaws. It clashed its sharp teeth together, a growl emitting from deep in its throat. The doctor, reaching into his pocket, pulls out his sonic screwdriver and points it at the wolf, the buzzing noise ringing through the hallway. The wolf cowers in pain from the high pitched noise, and the doctor takes that moment to run. He turns the corner abruptly, poking his head back around the bend, to see that the wolf had regain itself and was beginning to come back down the hallway after him. Running again he turned a few more corners to find, right in front of him, Kyle and the sorceress with their lips pressed against each other.

"Come on, guys!" the doctor yells, yanking the sorceress off Kyle and dragging her down the hallway.

"Jealous?" she inquires, smirking a little.

"I don't know what's got into you today, but you're not acting right," he mutters, missing the sorceress hearing this time.

He grabs her by the shoulders, but not too roughly in case he hurt her. He shoves her into one of the rooms and comes in after her, locking the door, so that the prince could not enter.

"Well, that's not fair," the sorceress whines, "Let him in. He's my lover after all."

The doctor growls again, "No he's not. You are not the sorceress. What have you done with her. What have you done with my princess."

"Princess," she mocks, circling him, like hunter circling prey, "Princess. where has your princess gone now, doctor. Has she left you? Like she always does."

"She never leaves me," he spits, staring her down.

"Doctor, doctor come help me. Doctor help me please," she says, still in her mocking tone, "She called for you endlessly. But where was her prince  in shining armor? Prince, huh. Right outside the door."

A banging was heard by the sorceress and doctor and a muffled yelling. They both turn their head, in sync, towards the door.

"Oh, dear doctor. Listen up. While you were ignoring her shouts for help, the prince saved her. all by himself. Without your help."

"Liar," he spat whilst growling, "all lies. I saved her. I came and rescued her. Stop taking over her body, king."

His voice rose at the last word and the sorceress took a step back in shock.

"So you know," she replies snarling, "My powers are too strong for you doctor. I could take over your body even."

"You know you couldn't. 900 years of memories, keeping me alive. You don't have the strength to do that."

"You're right," the king, using the sorceress's body, mutters, "Your absolutely right. Her on the other hand. The easiest I've ever done. A few years a most. At least that's all she can remember."

The doctor growls again, "Don't you lay a hand on her. I swear whatever you do, you don't want to make me angry."

"Too late for that," the king says, beginning to circle him again, "I've already touched her. And it's made you mad. Madder than ever. The anger of a timelord. Just what I need."

"You need my anger? For what?" the doctor asks, willing his body to get rid of the boiling rage inside him.

He begins to calm down, his breathing becoming more regulated.

"Oh, doctor. You wouldn't want to do that. I'll just have to make you angry again. And I know just how to do it. By hurting her."

The sorceress screams in pain and agony, falling to the floor on her knees. The doctor rushes over to her, embracing her in a hug, the screams of her voice, painful to be heard. He rubs he back on comfort as tears poor down his face. She screams again as pain shoots through her body. Then as if there was no pain at all, she straightens up and continues taunting the doctor.

"Are you angry yet?" she asks, a smile evident on her face, "Or do we need to go through that a couple more times?"

"No, never again," he says darkly.

"Oh, control your temper, doctor. You wouldn't want to disappoint me. I might just slip away from her consciousness and, oops. More pain."

She giggles as she shows an explosion with her hands. The doctor growls again, making the sorceress laugh again.

"Ohh, growly today are we? Mr. Grumpy growly. I wouldn't want to get on your bad side. Oops. Too late! Already have."

She giggles again and reaches for the knob on the door, pulling it open, even though the doctor soniced it locked. He stares at her in surprise. Waggling her fingers at him, he waltzes out of the door, leaving a very confused doctor in her wake. He quickly grabs her by the shoulders, dragging her back inside the room and closes the door, putting his back against it so she couldn't escape.

"Oh, come on, doctor," she says, her voice a menacing growl now, "We very well know that you are not going to get the sorceress back."

"That's what you know. I, on the other hand, contain more power than you could ever know."

"We all know that you have no power of any sort. Come on, doctor. Just let this pretty girl past."

"I am not letting you go that quickly," he remarks and places a hand on her shoulder, to keep her from pushing past him.

She scowls and crosses her arms over chest, "I'll just have to do it the hard way."

She yanks her shoulder back out of his grip and pushes both arms against his shoulders, making him wince in pain. He grabs her roughly again, holding her out of reach. 

"No," he pants slightly, "You are not escaping till I get her back."

She smiles again, not replying to his comment. Still holding her with one hand, he uses the other to grab his sonic out of his pocket once again and points it at her. A glowing, gold dust swirls out the end and envelopes the sorceress from head to foot, making her cough. She falls to her knees still coughing and finally her eyes roll up into her head as she goes unconscious.

"Spirit dust. If I'm correct, it's poisonous to you," he smiles before running over to check the small girls pulse. 

He puts his fingers against her neck and sighs in relief when he hears a faint pulse. Picking her up, he opens the door up and walks out to see an impatient prince waiting for them.

"What have you done?" He says, once he notices the sorceress laying in the doctor's arms.

"Nothing bad. She was being controlled by the king. I've stopped him. That's all," the doctor replies smiling.

Kyle looks on confused, "What? But all that she did. That was all him? Why?"

The doctor smirks, "Yeah, she was getting controlled ever since I found her. They said they needed the anger of a timelord for some reason. So that was what all this was about."

He waves a hand, gesturing to the prince. He scowls, making the doctor smile more.

"Come on, let's go. Gotta find a TARDIS," the doctor says lightly.

The prince smiles a bit as he thinks about something, "You can't do anything with her in your arms. Let me hold her."

"Never!" The doctor growls, all the happiness gone from his face.

He turns around a prod the prince in the chest.

"I am never letting her go again, you understand!" he growls at him.

The doctor leans up on his toes, not liking how short he was, compared to the prince. He shakes his head in defeat and starts walking off down the corridor, the opposite way to which the wolf went. The prince trail sulkily behind him as the doctor commands him to open every door they pass. He opens one on his right, the doctor shaking his head. He opens another further along also making the doctor shake his head. Finally they reach the farthest end of the corridor, both of them standing in front of the last door. One with a gold name plate in front of it and a brass doorknob. The doctor signals the prince to open it and they both crowd inside of the small room. 

The doctor places the sorceress on the single bed inside the room, stroking her hair softly. He turns around to examine the desk of drawers beside the bed. Pulling open the first one, he sees a gold chain with a key connected to the end. He pockets it and opens the second drawer, revealing a capsule with a gold dust in it.

"The TARDIS," he gaps softly, shaking it to see it swirl around.

He grins and puts it in the same pocket as the key. He opens the last drawer and sees a envelope. Sitting on the bed, he slides the letter out of it, unfolds it and begins to read.

Prince Kyle,

My dearest son, I am so sorry for what I have to do.

I cannot live here any longer with the strain that your father is giving me. He keeps talking on and on about the same thing. Dominance. He wants to rule over the universe. To him, being the king of our planet is not enough. He wants to travel and he wants the whole universe to be under his command.

He wants this so badly, that I am afraid he might go insane. He will stop at nothing to get there. And I am afraid for your health. Living like this, it's not good for either for us.

I have decided to leave. You can come with me if you like, your choice. If you do decide to escape with me, you have to pack your bags and meet me at the moon lake. I will wait for 3 hours after 10 o'clock but no longer than that.

Best wishes, I hope to see you soon,

Your caring and considerate mother, 

Queen of Drorolara.

The doctor rubs his face with his hands thoughtfully, before passing the note on to the prince to read. After a few minutes of silence, the doctor looks over to see the prince, with his head in his hands, crying quietly.

"I am so, so sorry," the doctor says, trying to give him some comfort.

He reaches over and puts his hand on the princes shoulder. The prince wipes away his tears and coughs, trying to regain his composure.

"She never made it," he whispers to the doctor, "This note never made it to me, meaning that the king found it. Which means that she never made it. He killed her, for disobedience. He told me she died of natural causes, but he lied! He lied to me."

The doctor looks down at his feet sadly, not really knowing what to say, "I'm so sorry, Kyle. I really am. But..." he fades off.

"But, we need to save the rest of the people of this planet," the prince picks up, "As the next ruler, I need to do my duty to protect them."

The doctor smiles at him, "That's the spirit."

He walks over to the sleeping sorceress and picks her up again, "We should go."

"We should leave her here," the prince interrupts, then looking at the doctor's angry face he elaborates, "We should leave her here. I know how much she means to you, so I know that if you lost her, you would never forgive yourself. Leave her here, where you will know she will be safe, where you know where she will be. Ok? I know you don't want to lose her, so you want to always see her, but you can't protect her if she is with us."

The doctor nods and lays her back on the bed. They both walk out of the room, the doctor locking the door as they leave.

"Now to save your people," the doctor says when he finishes with his sonic.

He holds out a hand, which the prince takes, and they shake hands firmly. They run off, the prince directing the way to the king's quarters. 

When they get there, they see the king, no longer in his wolf form standing on the balcony staring off into the distance.

"Your highness," the doctor says, leaning into a low bow.

The king turns around and smiles at the two people who had enter his room.

"Your just in time," he says, his voice calm and distance, "Just in time, to meet the spirit winds with me."

Just as he says that, the wind picks up around them, blowing their clothes and hair haywire around their bodies. The prince and the doctor focus on staying upright as the wind picks up even more. Finally the gale stops and in front of them two cloaked figures float. They wore black cloaks, with the hoods covering their heads. You couldn't see anything under the hoods at all. They held swords that were charged with a red electricity.

"Oh no," the doctor gasped, realising what they were, "No, NO. Those aren't spirit winds. Those are headless monks. They don't wont to help you, they want to ruin you."

The king turned back to the doctor smiling widely, "The spirit winds promised me a better future. The said they'd take me places."

"No. no. They meant they'd take your head. That's what they do. Cut off your head, so that your one of them."

The king smiles even more, as they moonlight hit him once more, turning him into the wolf beast from before. But instead of being aggressive, he calmly laid down at the headless monks feet.

"Is that what they've done to him?" The prince asks, finally getting rid of the silence that overtook him because of his shock of what he'd seen, "They've controlled him like some kid of pet."

He spat at the last word, really hating it. The doctor nods, turning back to the calm wolf. He walks a few feet, so that he was standing in front of the monks.

"Change him back, headless monks," the doctor commands, "You are turning him into a domestic animal. It is not right! I need to talk to him."

The headless monk in the front lifts up it's sword, and the moonlight disappears, making the kind turn back into himself. He dusts himself off and turns to face the doctor.

"Why did you do that. I was enjoying the moonlight."

The doctor looks at him sternly, "You are not a passive animal. You are a predator. You need those instincts to survive. You can't be passive, your tribe would never survive."

The king growls, before realising that the doctor was right. He turns and faces the monks.

"Spirit winds," he calls, taking the place of the doctor, right in front of them, "Why have you done this?"

The monks didn't answer, instead, raising their swords, they sliced at the kings neck, dislodging his head, which fell to the ground with a thud.

"No," the doctor growls running over to the King, who had been transformed into a headless monk, "No, you didn't have to do this. He was only scared for his people."

The doctor feels a buzz in his head as the monks try to communicate with him.

Doctor. He is with us now. He tells us to tell you that this is what he has always wanted. Now we claim you for our own. You shall become one of us too. Welcome to the clan.

The monks spread there arms wide, beckoning the doctor closer.

"Well, unlucky for you, because that's never going to happen," the doctor points out.

Then you will die

"Again, not likely," the doctor replies, "But what I'm curious of, is what is keeping you alive here. This atmosphere, this moon, it is not a great place for you to live. You can't live here for more than a week, and you've been living here for years. How?"

Through this speech of the doctor's, the prince had moved silently away from the group, and into the room behind them. He had an idea, stimulated from what the doctor had said. How had they survived? He pulls a curtain away from one of the windows, allowing the moon to flood in the darkened bedroom and swept his eyes over the occupants of the room. A table, a chair, a large chest of drawers, and finally, looking to the furthest corner of the room, the prince spots a blinking light.

He walks over towards it and pulls away the large mesh covering, blocking it from view. Underneath a large machine blinks and beeps at the prince. He smiles. He had seen one of these along time ago, used to change the atmosphere of the planet. He scans it over carefully, before deciding that the doctor would most likely know how to use it. Lifting up, although it was quite heavy, he staggers out of the room and back onto the balcony.

"Doctor," he wheezes after he sets in down, "Maybe this would answer your question."

The doctor looks the machine over, "Ahh, a atmosphere changer. You've been changing the atmosphere so that you can breathe. Ha ha."

He shouts those to words triumphantly, pointing his fist in the air.

"But what happens when I change this back to the way it was before..."

He walks over to the machine, hearing the buzzing sound of the energy swords that had been taken back out by the headless monks. Despite their protests inside his head, the doctor knelt down in front of the machine and presses a few buttons and pulls down levers, setting it back to the normal settings.

A hiss could be heard from the monks, as smoke rose from under their cloaks. They begin to rise back up, trying in vain to get to the surface, till, from the doctor and prince's point of view, they are a pinprick in the distance. 

One last message goes through the doctor's head.

This is not the last time you will see us.

Laughing, the prince joins the doctor on the edge of the balcony, both of them gazing up into the sky.

"Right," the doctor says, after a few minutes of silence, then begins to awkwardly say the next part of his sentence, "I pronounce you king of Drorolara."

He picks up the crown, from where it lay in the floor and places it on Kyle's head. The prince (Now called the King) smiles gratefully at the doctor.

"I suppose you will be going soon," the new king asks the doctor solemnly.

He nods his head.

"Well, before you go. Please kneel down."

The doctor kneels, somewhat nervously. Kyle draws a sword from his belt and lays the flat side on the doctor's shoulder.

"By right of arms, King of the wolf people, do dub you with My sword, Lightning, and by all that you hold sacred, true, and holy... Once for Honor... Twice for Duty... Thrice for Chivalry... Arise, Sir doctor."

The doctor stands up, smiling like a fool.

"Thank you, your highness," he says brightly, "Now my lady needs her knight in shining armor."

The king nods, remembering that they had left the sorceress in the locked room, "Yes, we must got to her."

When they reach the door, the doctor pulls out his sonic and opens the door once again, to see the sorceress still sleeping, but her breathing getting more regular. He picks her up, wondering how he is going to get her back to the TARDIS.

"You need to get home, don't you," the king asks, seeing the look on the doctor's face, "I have a ship, it can take you where you need to go."

The doctor thanks him as they walk to the awaiting ship.

"Before you go," the king says, as the doctor climbs on board, "Give the sorceress this, as a token of my thanks."

He passes the doctor a gold moon, with a clip on it, perfect to fit on a chain to be made into a necklace.

"She will love it," the doctor assures.

He lays her down on a seat and clips the seat belt on around her. Then he sits in his own seat.

"Goodbye, Kyle. I hope we meet again some day," the doctor calls through the open door, before it closes.

The King waves through the window as the ship rises a few meters of the ground, before shooting off into the sky, stopping just before their awaiting TARDIS (That Bee had changed back from invisibility).

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