Biker Girl

By ghostlyfriend92

60K 1.1K 19

Alaina Jackson was never like other girls. She loved to work on engines. Specifically motorcycle engines. Ala... More

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14 *Bonus Chapter*


2.8K 71 0
By ghostlyfriend92

After getting ready, all Alaina had to do was wait. She had about 20 minutes before Jack picked her up, so she decided to watch some Shane Dawson. It was one of his food videos where he was trying Titanic foods. It was hilarious to her.

After that video, she had about 5 minutes left, so she decided to listen to a Black Veil Brides song. She picked out Heart of Fire which was her favorite. When the song ended, she had about a minute left so she started getting her shoes on, and grabbed her purse.

After she finished getting her stuff together, she heard a knock on her door. When she opened it, she saw Jack standing there, not in leather. In actual normal clothes. It surprised her, but she didn't let it show. 

"Hey. Ready to go?" Jack asked. "Yep. Let's go." Alaina said. 

They walked to Jack's car. Jack opened the passenger door open for Alaina, and closed it, too. Alaina giggled, and put on her seatbelt. 

The restaurant was about 15 minutes from where Alaina lived, so they had time to talk. They talked about their pasts, and what they want to do in the future. By the time they reached the restaurant, it was like they had known each other for years. 

When they got to their table, Jack pulled out Alaina's chair, and pushed it in for her after she sat down. This had never happened to Alaina before, so her face was a bright red. She hid it very well, though, because it was dark inside so Jack couldn't see her blush. The waiter came soon after. 

"What can I get you guys tonight?" The waiter asked. "I'll have a caesar salad." Alaina said. "And I'll have the steak. Medium-rare." Jack said. The waiter nodded and left to go place the order.

It was silent between Jack and Alaina before Jack broke the silence. "So." He said. "Sooo." Alaina said back. "I'm sorry I'm so awkward. I've never been on a date before." Jack said. "No no you're fine. I haven't been on a date in a while, so I'm a bit rusty at this." Alaina said. 

The waiter soon brought their food, and they dug in. Talking and laughing while at it. They talked about anything and everything. It didn't matter to them that they were getting weird looks. All that mattered to them was that they had a good time. 

After they finished eating, they left the restaurant after paying, and drove to a park. They walked around the park for a few minutes before sitting down on a bench. They sat in silence and looked up at the stars. Eventually, Alaina spoke.

"You know what?" Alaina asked. "What?" Jack asked back. "I've had a really good time tonight Jack. Thank you." She said. "It's no problem. Especially for a beautiful girl like you." Jack said which caused Alaina to blush. "We should do this again soon." He continued. "We should." Alaina agreed. 

"How about we go to the fair next weekend?" Jack asked. "Sounds fun." Alaina said. 

They continued to talk for a couple of hours before Jack drove Alaina home. He walked her up to her door, and they hugged. But, before Jack could leave, Alaina pulled him into a kiss. He tensed, but quickly relaxed and kissed back.

After they pulled back, Jack asked the question Alaina had been waiting to hear all night. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. Alaina smiled and kissed him. "Yes I will." She said. Jack smiled and pecked her lips before they both said their goodnights for the night. 

Jack went home with a smile on his face.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope this is good! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. 

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