30-Day Plan

By _yannayan

229K 14.9K 6.6K

After Can's rejection, Tin avoided him like the plague. He cut off every form of communication despite Can tr... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Special Chapter: A Month
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
For You
Dear My Family
Let Me
Above the Time
A Poem Called You
Coming Home
Love Again
Puzzle Piece
Back To You

Day 12

5.9K 410 259
By _yannayan

"So what do we do?" Can asked as soon as he sat inside Tin's car.

"I'm excited today but also scared at the same time," Tin said, smiling at Can.

"Scared? I told you to be happy whenever you are with me," Can pouted.

Tin reached out his hand to softly ruffle Can's hair. "And I am happy."

"Are you okay now? Did you take your medicine last night for good measure that your fever won't be back again?"

Tin nodded. "I did. And I've never been better."

Can smiled and said, "Good job, Your Highness!"

"So now," Tin took a deep breath and looked at Can in the eyes. "I don't have anything planned for the date."

"What?" Can was surprised. "You said last night that you know what we'll do for today?"

"Yes." There was an excited gleam in Tin's eyes. "What we will do today depends on what we feel."

"I.. don't quite understand."

Tin reached for Can's hand and intertwined them as his gaze never left Can's eyes. "I feel like holding your hand."

"I feel like punching you," Can said. "Do I punch you then?"

Tin was not expecting that but this is Can. He should know by now that Can is a ball of weird surprises.

He chuckled. "If you feel like punching me then go ahead."

Can smiled in amusement. "Nah, I don't feel like punching you anymore."

Tin held out a small camera. "Phupha borrowed my phone yesterday and saw some of our videos. He said to buy GoPro and so we did bought this last night."

"That is so cool!" Can admired the small camera. "But isn't this expensive?"

"It's for us so it's okay."

Us, Can noted.

He does not know exactly why Tin wanted to make a video diary of them. It was just Tin taking videos of him before but Can just feels like taking videos of Tin sometimes too. He just hopes Tin did not delete the videos he took of him in his phone.

"So, do you have any place in mind where you feel like going?"

Can thought for a while and grinned mischievously at Tin. "I feel like riding a bus."

As usual, that was an answer Tin was not expecting.

"Let's leave your car here and ride a bus," Can continued. "You don't have to worry. There is no car thief in our neighborhood."

"Okay," Tin agreed. "Let's go ride a bus."


They are riding a bus without any mind where the bus is going.

Can took the window seat as Tin sat beside him looking slightly uncomfortable riding a vehicle for commoners.

He felt Tin's hand envelope his smaller hands. He had a small proud smile when Tin just held his hand without asking permission first.

He was proud Tin did not ask permission to hold his hand and was brave enough to hold his hand in public.

He is kind of glad that Tin thought of the do what you feel concept for their date.

Ever since the day he rejected Tin, he was always thinking which is an unexpected feat for him who never really uses his brain.

Can thinks this is also a great opportunity to not think of complicated things and instead, he just needs to do what he feels.

And right now, Can feels like being brave.

"Instead of driving, let's just be the passengers and enjoy the ride while looking at the roads we pass by," Can told Tin who was looking outside the window.


"I feel like eating alot!"

"You always feel that way," Tin pointed out.

"Here are service water for you." The waitress pulled out a paper and pen from her uniform. "May I take your orders, sirs?"

Can immediately said the foods he'll order like a rap master. He was looking at the menu to see if he missed something he wanted to eat.

"That's all for me!" He looked at Tin. "What about you, Ai'Tin?"

The waitress was perplexed because the orders she wrote down was just for one, tiny person.

"I feel like eating cantaloupe."

Can spewed water on the glass window were they are seated. He coughed, "Excuse me?"

"Cantaloupe." Tin looked up from the menu and smirked at Can's reaction. "The fruit."

Can was still coughing. He reached out for a tissue and absent-mindedly wiped the window from the water he just sputtered.

"Were you thinking of something else?" Tin asked with an innocent face but the teasing glint in his eyes is evident.

"No," Can almost answered immediately. "Do you feel like paying?"


Can sipped water to hide his blush and getting his mind out of the gutter. "Good. Because I feel like wasting your money."

"It's not wasting money if it's for you."

The waitress coughed to get both of their attention. "I'm still here, sirs." She turned to Tin. "So your order is?"


"I feel like crossing the street."

Tin looked at the red light and told Can, "When I said to do things that we feel like doing, I don't mean losing our common sense."

Can pouted. "You're saying I'm dumb."


Tin just chuckled when Can kicked him lightly.

They crossed the road when the light turned green for the pedestrians. Can was holding the camera on one hand while Tin holds his other hand.

Can started running while crossing the street, dragging Tin with him.

"There's an arcade near here!" He excitedly exclaimed. "The last one to get there will be the loser!"

Tin ran despite how abrupt it was and even though he does not know the direction to the arcade. He ran a step behind Can who was laughing.

They were panting when they arrived in the arcade. But since both of them exercise daily, they regained their breath easily as excitement took over them.

"I'll destroy you," Can declared war against Tin.

Tin looked around with curiousity because it was his first time going to an arcade. Of course, he knew of the existence of an arcade but going inside one never crossed his mind.

He was so used to staying inside his home, improving himself to get his parents' approval, and isolating himself from people.

For Tin, he grew up feeling alone wherein he read books to pass the time.

In the Medthanan household, sports or any recreational activity is considered a waste of time.

"I'll teach you how to play!" Can exclaimed.

They played a lot of games. When one of them loses, the other challenges for another game. They are both too competitive that it was somewhat comical to watch them play.

But the game they spent their time on is the racing game.

Tin mostly won in the racing game and when his winning streak was broken, Can immediately stood up and did a victory dance as he made a V-sign to the camera they placed near them.

They played basketball next where their arms became sore.

"Let's play DDR!" Can pointed to the Dance Dance Revolution machine where you have arrows you need to step on according to the screen.

"No, I'll pass."

"Just this once, Ai'Tin!"


"Okay. I'll play by myself." Can stuck out his tongue like a kid.

Tin took a video of Can clumsily stomping his feet on the arrows. He was silently laughing during the duration of Can's game.

Lastly, they went to the crane machine.

Can had five tries before Tin tried it himself.

"Get Squirtle," Can said as he took a picture of Tin.

Tin concentrated and pressed the button as the crane descended down.

"Shiya!" Can's eyes widened when Tin got the Squirtle in one try.

Tin can't believe it himself too but he reached for the Squirtle accessory and gave it to Can.

"Are you a genius even in the crane machine game?" Can asked in disbelief. He then pointed to the Charmander inside. "Get Charmander too!"


It was becoming natural for Tin to hold Can's hand. He was becoming comfortable in holding his hand without permission and the initial nervousness of crossing Can's boundaries vanished.

Don't think, Tin. Just feel.

They were aimlessly walking on the streets when they passed by an accessory stall.

Can was babbling about how Ley was talking about accessories one time. But Tin, on the other hand, was silently staring at two necklaces that caught his interest.

The hyperactice teen noticed Tin being silent. He followed Tin's gaze which fell to two necklaces with a sun and a moon pendant.

"Do you like that?"

Tin looked at Can and nodded.

"How much is this?" Can asked the stall vendor.

"We'll buy it," Tin said without waiting for the price.

Can only rolled his eyes at the rich kid he is with.

When the vendor gave Tin the necklace with a sun and a moon pendant, Tin took a picture of it.

He moved closer to Can as if he was hugging him to put on the necklace with a sun pendant on Can. "You're the sun."

Can's heartbeat suddenly spiked up at the close proximity.

Tin gave the moon necklace to Can for him to put it on him. He turned his back towards Can and bended his knee to adjust their height.

Can was not one to wear accessories because he is a football player and he'll find it weird wearing accessories for an alert kid like him but seeing Tin look at the necklaces with such an awestruck look made him decide to buy the necklaces.

He noted that Tin looks happy like a child even with just a simple thing such as buying a matching necklace.

"I'd probably be okay with simple things like these necklace as a gift rather than the designer bags you bought for mom and Ley," Can said.

Tin nodded, showing he understood Can about not giving expensive gifts.

He does not post pictures of himself on Instagram except for a few aesthetically pleasing things such as paintings.

That's why Tin took a picture of him and Can wearing their necklaces using his phone. He took a picture from their mouth down to the shoulder level while showcasing their necklaces.

He immediately posted it on his Instagram with the caption: Le soleil et la lune

He showed it to Can who was confused with the caption.

"What does that mean?" Can asked, not understanding the language used for the caption.

"The sun and the moon."


It's almost midnight and they ended up in a children's playground where they sat on the flat surface on top of a big slide.

"How was today?" Can asked.

"It was fun." And Tin sincerely meant that.

Can listened to Tin talk about how he'll never ride a public bus again (it's because his visuals is unreal), how he ate more than usual, how he wanted to go back to the arcade, how tiring but fun it was to walk around aimlessly and basically everything.

He was glad he was able to somewhat give Tin a tour around Bangkok because ever since Tin came back from England, he was never a person who goes to the mall for shopping or to go to arcade to play with friends.

He nodded to show that he was indeed listening. He was softly smiling at how happy Tin seemed to be.

And that's how Can wants it.

He wants Tin to be happy.

"For a moment, I wished for this day not to end," Tin confessed in a small voice. "I could live in this moment forever."

Tin slowly slid his hand in Can's to feel the warmth of Can's hand.

"You are a moment I could live forever." And Tin kissed Can.

They kissed under the moonlight in a children's playground when it was almost midnight.

It was just them. No one else.

Kissing Can made Tin alive. It has been days since he last kissed Can's lips. And finally --- finally --- he is able to kiss his Can again.

He gently held Can's nape and prodded Can's lips with his tongue for access.

Can was surprised resulting on Tin's successful invasion inside Can's mouth.

He does not much have experience with a deep kiss and he knows Can does not have any experience at all so Tin just went with his feeling.

A kiss isn't a kiss without tongue.

Tin leaned back, making space for them to breathe after the kiss.

"I feel like breaking the rule of kissing you only once a day," Tin said in a hushed whisper.

Can's heart was like demanding to get out his chest by how hard it beats.

He had goosebumps with the way Tin kissed him hard earlier. It was a new experience but he did not dislike it at all.

He looked at Tin's eyes which were holding a silent question of 'Can I?'

He slowly nodded at Tin.

With the go signal from Can, he kissed him again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

And as for Can, he feels like breaking the one-kiss-a-day rule too.


Dear Reader,

Midterm week is coming up (╥﹏╥) that's bad news.

A late update because I was busy during the weekend so I was unable to finish this yesterday. I am so sorry for that 😭

Anyways, my mind was full of fluff so hence this chapter. This chapter is kind of awkward and I don't know why.

Thank you again for your support for this fic! I hope you're not tired of the words thank you 💚💙

P.S. m34nonstage fanmeet just killed me ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

~N ♡

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