ShyOnfroyGrande tarafından

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Your a new student who needed help when rapper and student Jahseh Onfroy ends up entering your life things st... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's note!!!!!
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 16

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ShyOnfroyGrande tarafından

•Jahseh's P.O.V•
I was already pissed because Shiann decided to come over late at night. I'm obviously happy to see her but it's like 3:30am she's could've gotten hurt or something. Like 10 seconds later there was a hard knock on the door and I was in my boxers so Shiann answered it. "Hello" I heard Shiann said as I'm in my room putting on my basketball shorts. "Good morning ma'am any parents home?" Some male voice asked. WHO THE FUCK IS SHE TALKING TOO BRUH? I rushed out the room ready to fight but it was two cops. "Good morning sir are you the brother or something?" The bitch ass cop asked. "No, I'm her boyfriend. How may we help you?" I asked with a slight attitude in my tone. "Were you guys friends with Hakeem Lyon?" One of the officer asked us. I can carless about that dead jay z looking ass nigga. He always looking at my girl and always trying to hang with her. "Babe can you go into my room please and look for my phone?" I asked Shiann with a smirk on my face. "Yeah sure" she said. She then walked off. I walked over to the cops and stood right in front of them. "My girlfriend was somewhat friends with him" I said to them. "Were you friends with him as well sir?" The cops asked. It's like 3am and these nigga at my house asking me questions about fuck ass Hakeem. "Not to be a rude ass but it's 3 in the morning and you guys came here to ask about Hakeem?" I asked pissed. "Your right we're sorry sir. We'll speak to you guys about this later on at school, goodbye" the other officer said. "Mhmm" I mumbled. They left and I closed the door behind them.

I walked in my room and see Shiann sitting down on my phone watching Grayson's stupid YouTube videos with his stupid ass twin brother. "I didn't know he had a twin or made videos" she said while laughing. I just stood there pissed the hell off. Why is she laughing at other niggas and not me? "I suggest you stop watching them" I said. "Oh else?" She said seductively. I walked up to her and began kissing her neck causing her to drop my phone onto the bed. "Okay that's enough bro im tryna watch them" she said. Bro? Who tf is she calling bro!? "Bro!? Who the hell you calling bro!?" I said while choking her, but not too hard. She began laughing like something funny. "I'm sorry....daddy" she said while smiling at me deeply. I kissed her then head back to my bed. "Wait your going back to sleep?" She asked me. "Obviously, we have to wake up soon for school and a nigga tired" I said. She then laid down next to me so I turned around and put my arm around her. I love this girl so much vro. I love being around her and I'm glad I have her all to Myself!

•Shiann's P.O.V•
I fell asleep next to Jahseh and honestly it felt to good sleeping next to him. But I kept tossing and turning again. I kept having the same dream about Hakeem pointing and trying to tell me something. Then all I know is that I had a dream about Principal Coleman warning me about something as well. He's screaming and I see a shadow in front of him! NO NOW HE'S GETTING STABBED! NOOO! Then boom I woke up outta my sleep. I think it's trying to tell me the person who killed Hakeem and Principal Coleman is someone I know. But who? The only people I talk to and hang out with everyday is Jah, Ashanti and Ski oh and sometimes Geneva. I looked at the time and it was 6. I look over and Jahseh is knocked out. I kissed his forehead and went into his kitchen, I grabbed a snack then I took a seat on the couch and just sat there. Just then Tankhead walked out his room. "Oh I didn't know you was here" he said. "Yea I Came not to long ago, hey I'm gonna head home and get ready for school, can you let Jahseh know when he wakes up?" I asked. "Of course" he said.

I then walked out. It was kinda bright outside so I wasn't that scared. I put on some music and kept walking. I took awhile for me to reach home but I didn't mind. I finally reached and I rushed straight upstairs and started getting ready. I brushed my teeth and showered up. I wore black shorts with a red crop top and a new leather jacket Hakeem bought me. I really wish he didn't killed himself. We barley got along or as I should say I barley got along with him but he was a great friend. Ashanti wasn't feeling well so she wasn't going to school today. Bummer. I then put on my black leather boots and fixed my hair then head downstairs. It was like 7:10 so I hopped in my car and drove to school. I barley slept so I know for a fact I was gonna be super moody.

I reached and headed inside after parking my car. I was at my locker getting putting my things away then I saw Geneva walking up to me. She better not start that question my relationship shit. "Morning" She said. This girl never smiled when she talks. "Hey" I said. "Wanna hangout later?" She asked me. I don't mind hanging out with her so why not. "Yeah sure" I said. She then walked up to me and started touching up on my face. "Just me and you by the way" she whispered in my ear seductively. I think this girl likes me or either she's weird asf. She was about to walk off until she turned around. "Oh and you should really be careful with Jahseh....he's not who you think he is" she said. That's it I had enough with this be carful with Jahseh shit!

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