Your Voice

By liskookieya

956 33 5

The feeling of being stalked, hunted and traumatized everyday is getting to Lisa. She can't tell anyone about... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

82 4 0
By liskookieya

I leaned on the wall behind me and closed my eyes. It was a tiring day since we had to practice three days in a row to make it to our comeback. "Ya Jungkook! Aren't you going to tell me what happened last night? Why did you ask for Jisoo's number?" I opened my eyes and looked at Taehyung. When I was about to tell him what happened, I suddenly heard Lisa's voice in my mind, "I won't tell anyone."

With her voice in my mind I looked at my hyung and gave him a smile. "Don't worry, nothing happened. I didn't need it anyway, so I deleted it quickly." I lied and shrugged my shoulders.

He raised an eyebrow and was about to say something when Namjoon hyung called out our names. "Let's go before getting scolded" I said with a short laugh and walked towards the others, awkwardly. I really didn't want to lie to my friends but this wasn't about me. I couldn't just tell something to others that might be personal to her.

"Guys, where is Yoongi?"

I looked around and noticed Yoongi on the couch in the corner and started laughing. "He's sleeping again." Namjoon sighed and laughed a little then went to our sleeping beauty. I went with him and tried not to laugh.

"Yoongi," I heard Namjoon say and put a hand on Yoongi hyung's shoulder while trying not to wake him up with shock. I poked his feet and smiled cockily when he moved a little. "Go away," he mumbled and turned so he had his back faced us. I kept on poking him until I felt him kicking me in the stomach and I fell down on the floor. I started laughing and Yoongi hyung woke up, looking at me while cursing. "Are you okay?" I heard Namjoon asking while laughing and the other boys came too, laughing and helping me up.

"That's why you don't poke the bear," Jin commented and bursted out in laughter. I shaked my head and looked at Yoongi. "We should really tie your feet." I said and smiled while rubbing my stomach. "Sorry," he said, looking at me like he was cursing inside his mind.

"Let's practice!"

Hoseok oppa jumped around and put a arm around my shoulder. I nodded and sent Yoongi hyung a peace sign. "Let's practice, then you can treat us all for dinner since you kicked me." I said and walked over to the dancing spot. Yoongi hyung just laughed and soon everyone was ready to practice.

We turned on the music and started to dance our own parts.

"5 minutes break," Namjoon said with sweat dripping down his face. We had been practising for a few hours and we still had an hour left before our managers would pick us up. "Water, I need water," Jimin said and walked over to his bag to take out his bottle of water.

We all took a short break and drank water. We were sitting on the floor and talking about our comeback. It was so soon and we needed to be ready before the concerts so we had no time to slack off.

Even on our day off we would still practice and it was hard but nice. "So Jungkook, Tae told us that you asked for Jisoo's number last night."

I looked at Hoseok hyung and bit my lower lip. "I.." To be honest, I had no idea of what to say and thought about thousands of excuses then I said something I might regret later on, "I tried to set you two up since you've been texting a lot since Inkigayo and your smile reaches your eyes whenever she replies."

Great Jungkook, a mental slap to yourself please.

Tae's eyes were wide open and he slapped my shoulder. "Ouw," I said and rubbed my shoulder with smile on my lips. "You didn't do anything right? I mean, if you did, I swear to god Jungkook, I'll kill you!"

The other boys started laughing and looked at me with grins, "You really did that?" I shaked my head and looked at Tae, "I told you I didn't need her number anyway, so don't worry, I didn't do anything." He smiled at nodded so I decided to be a little more playful, "Yet."

He pushed me and looked at me with a look that would kill. "I don't like her Kookie, we are friends." "Yet," I finished his sentence and laughed, "Arasso, I'm just kidding."

I took my phone from the bag to check the time and noticed that I got a message ten minutes ago.

Can we meet up for a minute? I'm at the dance studio, room 3. Lisa

I raised an eyebrow and looked at the time. She has been waiting for twenty minutes. Shit I thought while I stood up and looked at the others. "Just continue practicing, I just need to go to the restroom."

They nodded and I walked out of the room, in fast steps. How did she know that we were here? Did she come because of last night?

I had a lot of different theories in my mind as I walked towards room 3. When I was near the room I heard music playing. The door wasn't fully closed and I could see inside.

It was Lisa, dancing. I leaned on the doorframe and watched her.

My eyes were studying her every move and it was fascinating how good she was at it. She was dancing with a lot of feelings, perfecting each move to the beat. But her eyes were closed. Wired. I could tell from her moves that she is experienced at dancing. I smiled a bit. When the song stopped playing, she faced me and opened her eyes. When she saw me, she was so startled that she stumbled and fell. "Arhh, oww!" She groaned and I rushed to her, helping her over to a chair. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if I startled you."

She looked at me with an unreadable expression, then nodded and looked down. I realized that I was still holding on to her so I let her go and sat down beside her. She looked at me after a while.

"I heard from Jisoo unnie that you took me home last night," she said. I nodded and drove a hand through my hair while looking in her eyes. She had beautifully hazel eyes and I felt like I got stuck in them. She blinked a few times and looked away.

I cleared my throat and wanted to slap myself. What the hell Jungkook? "Uhm.. Are you okay now? You looked tired last night."

"Yes, I feel better. Thank you for bringing me home, it was kind of you." She said and looked at me again. "May I ask you what happened? I mean, you were obviously scared and you said some things". She looked shocked and her eyes widened "What? What did I say?" I looked at her confused. She didn't remember what happened? "You don't remember? You were begging me not to tell anyone but you didn't tell me what that was".

She looked away down at the floor confused and her expression darkened. "I.. No, it can't be.." she said quietly but loud enough for me to hear her. She started shaking and I noticed teardrops fell on the floor. Was she crying? "Lisa? Are you okay?" I asked her worried. I understand that she feels down with what happened to her. She wiped away her tears and looked at me her red eyes almost ready to cry again. "Yeah sure, I am fine"

"Why are you saying that you are fine, when you are obviously not?" I asked and without further thinking, I wiped away the tears that were now dripping down her cheek. "Tell me what's wrong. I will listen," I said and removed my hand from her face. I felt my heart beat faster and I tried to make it stop but it wouldn't listen. Was it because I was worried?

Lisa hesitated before wiping away the last tears and shaked her head dismissively. "You wouldn't be able to help me if I told you anyways. I just have to deal with it alone," she said and looked me in the eyes. My heart skipped a beat and I bit my lower lip. I could see pain in her eyes and it was even painful to hear the words coming out of her mouth. It was something I had never seen in my life and it wasn't a good thing.

"I can listen. Even if I won't be able to help you, I can listen so you won't have to hide it inside. It helps to let it out and even if you don't know me, I can assure you that I will keep it a secret for the rest of my life."

To be honest, I had no idea where the words came from or what courage I had gain to say that. It came as a surprise for me too and I would stand by it but how would I be any help? Why would she trust someone she just met Jungkook, are you stupid?

Lisa suddenly stood up from where she was sitting and walked to the door. I was confused and taken aback but then she closed the door and turned around so she faced me.

"I.. I don't know if it sounds crazy," she mumbled and sat down on the floor. I followed her lead and sat down on the floor too, curious and kind of happy that she would open up about her issue.

"It doesn't matter," I stated and tried to keep my eye contact with her but she kept looking down. After a while she looked up and I saw that tears made their way back to her eyes where they soon started to drip down. "I've been stalked for almost a year."


"Stalked?" I asked, trying to hide that I was shocked. I could feel my hands got itchy and it felt so unreal. Why would she be stalked and who would do something like that? I mean, of course there were fans who stalked us and it was creepy to think of but it wasn't in a stage that we would feel paranoid or be so affected by it.

"By whom?" "I don't know. I have been getting threats and been followed. I couldn't tell anyone because he threatened me to hurt them."

She snorted and looked away from me, trying to hide her face in her hands. I sighed and didn't move at all.

She had been dealing with this for almost a year and she hadn't been able to talk to someone about it. That was terrifying. I don't know how she could handle it and to be honest, that was impressive. She had been doing shows and concerts without hesitation and I couldn't stop but feel bad.

I removed her hands from her face and moved closer to her, "So yesterday, what happened?"

She shrugged her shoulders and wiped away her tears once again, "I don't remember. The last thing I remember is that I was on my way home and I felt someone following me." She looked at me, "how did you find me?"

I drove a hand through my hair. "I was on my way to the dorms when I heard you scream. I didn't know it was you until you suddenly stood up from where you were sitting and started hitting me. Then you just passed out." I said and put my hand on hers, "I'm glad that I was the one who found you. Nobody was there when you had a break down and I think you were being paranoid but you should be careful. Don't leave the girls," I added and sighed.

She nodded and gave me a smile which made my heart beat even faster. Stop, I thought and ended up smiling myself. "Thank you Jungkook-ssi," she said and held her eye contact with me. I felt it getting a lot warmer than before and I broke the contact to look around and breathe out, calmly.

"Please call me Jungkook. Don't be formal," I then said and smiled at her. "Okay. Thank you Jungkook," she said and her eyes seemed to calm a bit, didn't look so painful like before. There was a comfortable silence between us and it kept being that way until she broke it. "Then I will be going," she said and stood up so I did the same thing and opened the door for her. "Be careful on your way back," I said and smiled, "and if you ever need to talk, I'll be there to listen."

Wait, did you really say that Jungkook? Woa, easy boy, where does all that courage come from?

Fortunately Lisa's smile got bigger and she bowed a little, "Ne, I will remember that." I watched her leave the room and as soon as she got out of my sight, I leaned on the wall behind me. That went well, I guess.

It was too hot.

I took my shirt off and tried to cool myself down when the door suddenly opened. I turned my head over to the person who just entered the room and saw Lisa squeal before covering her eyes with her hands. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she said and turned her back to me which made me blush a little.

"No, it's fine," I said and put on my shirt again. "I'm dressed now. Did you forget something?" I asked and tried to hide my smile behind a curious look in my eyes. Lisa turned herself towards me again, blushing. "I.. I forgot to give you this," she said and reached out for a bag in the corner, "I got you some sweets on my way because to be honest, I didn't know how else to thank you."

I smiled and took the bag she gave me. "You didn't have to," I said and looked inside the bag, "it looks good. Thank you."

She just nodded and waved a goodbye before she rushed out of the room. I didn't get to say anything else before she was out of my sight again.

I couldn't stop but laugh a little of her cuteness.

Wait, what?

I gave myself a mental slap and walked out of the room, heading towards the practice room.

When I entered the room, the other boys were leaning on the wall, looking at me with crossed arms. I was confused at first and raised an eyebrow but then I realized how long I've been gone for.

Oh god.

"So, unless you have diarrhea, will you tell us where you've been this whole time?" I heard Namjoon hyung say.

"Uhm," I said and stopped myself. I didn't know what to say. "Yes?" Yoongi hyung smirked at me and to be honest, I felt cornered.

"It's true that I have bad stomach.. I just didn't want to tell you guys, it's not something to brag about," I lied and shrugged my shoulders while trying to hide my relieved look. They all nodded and went back to their bags.

"What's that?"

Hoseok hyung looked at the bag in my hands and took it from me. I tried to stop him but realized it would be dumb to do. "I asked someone from the staff to get us sweets from the bakery," I said with a little smile and sat down on the floor, "let's eat it."

"Uh, sweets!" The other boys followed my lead and sat down so we were sitting in a circle, "You made them buy everything you like? Ya kookie, you are being cocky again!" Jin commented and began to eat in fake anger. I laughed at him and looked at the sweets. He was right, it was the sweets that I liked the most but she couldn't have known that. How funny, I thought for myself and began to take some too.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Lisa said and to be honest, I felt strange. A strange feeling was haunting me and it told me to keep seeing her, to help her but why?

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