Hairy Styles

By Embrina

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Harry Styles is freaking out!! He's been having nightmares for weeks, all about his friends wanting to kill h... More

Hairy Styles


646 15 3
By Embrina

"Are you being legit?" Niall outbursted. Zayn turned around and smacked Niall hard in the chest, hissing something in his direction. My face began to burn and I looked down at my plate. I felt like such a freaking idiot.

"Harry, you know that'll never be true, right?" Liam asked. I shrugged, keeping my head down for my own good.

"I- I don't know," I whispered. No one spoke or moved after I said that. You could feel the akward.

"Haz, we would never want you dead, you should know that. You are such a beautiful and amazing person. Why would you think that?" Loui asked. I bit my lip and avoided eye contact with the lads as I looked back up.

"I don't know," I whispered again, feeling like I was about to cry. Liam rubbed my back, but I really didn't want him to do that right now.

"So, um, are we going to do anything today?" Zayn asked, hoping to end the akwardness I've created.

"Can we go shopping or something?" Louis asked.

"I actually had plans with Dani today. You know, we haven't  been able to hang out lately, so I was wanting to catch up with her," Liam said.

"Sounds fun. I'm going to Nandos, anyone up for it?" Niall said. Zayn raised his hand. "Louis?"

"Na, I'll stay here with Hazza," he said, smiling at me. I gave him weak and rather pittiful smile as Liam, Zayn, and Niall left our flat. The two of us were quiet for a little bit.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Loui suggested.

"Yeah, sure, what movie?"

"Love Actually." I smiled at the idea of watching my favorite film.

"I thought you didn't really like that movie," I asked.

"But you love it."

"Pick something we both would like Boobear." Louis smiled at me and we both walked into the living room. I plopped down on the sofa as Louis looked through our library of movies.

"Paranormal Activity?"

"Too early for that."


"Why is that evan on the shelf?"

"True." Louis took the Twilight movie and threw it into the kitchen, it slamming into a frying pan. We both really hated Twilight. "Marley and Me?" We were both quiet, then he put the movie back on the shelf. That movie really killed me the first time I saw it. It still does kill  me.

"How about the Hunger Games?"

"Do we have it?"

"I bought it last week." Louis looked up and down the shelves until he found the movie with Katniss on the front.

"This movie is the best," Louis said, popping it into the Bluray player. He closed it and took the seat next to me. I layed down and used his leg as a pillow, his soft hand weaving in and out of my curly hair. It was so relaxing when he did that. It kind of made me a little sleepy...


"So, you're sure this will kill it?" Niall asked Liam, showing him the shiney bullet between his pale fingers.

"Yes, all the stories say so. A silver bullet should to the trick," he reassured. Niall smiled and placed the bullet in his handgun. I watched them from a small dog cage in the back corner of the room. The four lads were talking loudly about how they wanted me dead, making me more and more fearful with every word. Zayn looked up at me, a look of discust on his handsome face. I looked away, hating the anger and bloodlust the lads had against me. I wished they would love and trust me again.

"You are going to make a fine rug curly," Louis said, throwing a rock at me. It bounced off the bars of the cage and landed on the dirty floor in front of me. He and the others laughed when I backed away. My eyes felt wet and I wanted to sob. But they would laugh and tease me even more. Why did they hate me so much? I would never hurt them or anyone on purpose. But when the moon was up, I wasn't me. I was a beast, a monster. I had no control over myself, and I was unstoppable.

"Is it time?" Niall whined, wanting my blood to be flowing on the floor. Liam checked his watch and looked out the window. I followed his gaze and saw the full moon appear from behind the clouds.

I looked down at my hands, which were begining to change form already. My thumbs shortened and my hands changed to a more pawish look. My arms and legs grew more hairy as my spine changed so I couldn't stand on two legs normally. I felt myself grow larger, into a wolf the size of a great dane. The mind of the monster replaced mine and I looked up at the lads, growing loudly. They all smiled at me, guns at the ready. I barked loudly, the sound bouncing off the concrete walls.

"Hey little doggy, ready to be a lovely new rug?" Louis asked. I flung my massif paws out, the claws digging into Louis' skin. He yelled and fell to the ground in pain. What did I just do? I just hurt Louis. I hurt my LouLou.


"Harry!" Louis screamed, shaking my body hard. I screamed and forced my eyes open, rolling off the sofa and onto the floor. I landed hard, wanting to cry from the nightmare. "Harry, what's the matter?" he asked, scared for me. I wimpered into our hardwoods, discusted with myself for hurting my Boobear.

"I'm sorry Lou, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so so sorry," I cried. Louis wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into his lap. I layed my head on his shoulder and cried.

"You didn't hurt me Hazza. I promise you. It was just another nightmare, you did nothing wrong," he reassured me. I didn't speak, so he rocked me back and forth throughtout the entire movie.

What was happening to me?

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