Remember the times

By of_her_own

5.8K 701 443

"He killed himself,What part of that don't you understand?" "He won't,He never will" "You know he did.." "Why... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 11

166 27 22
By of_her_own

His laughter filled the room,he laughed with his whole body every time.He would fall onto the person sitting next to him,he loved that cackles.

Jin was the first one to arrive,he wanted to be there for his brothers when they made it home.He put his bags in his room,settled himself onto the front stairs,waiting for them.He was expecting Namjoon first,but it was Hoseok who showed up.He walked straight upto Jin with no words,dropped his bag down and proceeded to hug him.Hoseok felt so small in Jin's embrace.He whispered,"I never got the reply".

Jin didn't understand what it meant but he decided he'd bring that up later.

Hoseok didn't cry or anything but he looked tired,weak and thin.He hadn't been eating much,It was fairly obvious.When they parted,Someone else walked in.It was Namjoon.He had the same painful smile as Hoseok as he stumbled forward to give them a quick hug.

"What about the others?",Namjoon asked as Jin picked up Hoseok's bag and walked in.
"Tae and Jungkook will be here any minute "

"And Yoongi Hyung?",Namjoon raised his concern and Jin was expecting it.But he had no answer for it,only doubts.

Only another set of concerns.He shook his head at Namjoon and Namjoon took the sign and changed the topic.Soon Taehyung and Jungkook came in,Jungkook carrying Taehyung's bags.He didn't stay to greet them,just nodded his head with a small bow and headed to his room.This struck weird to Jin as he turned to Taehyung in silence.
"He's acting weird,was silent all the way",Taehyung quietly said parting from Namjoon's hug and following the other two.

He settled onto the couch and said,"Guemjae hyung will drop Yoongi hyung at night.They had something to attend to,It seems."

Jin let out a breath of relief.After the last call he had made to Guemjae,there was only a response saying Yoongi needed time and he was perfectly fine.Something in his heart stood against believing it.Even now, worries shadowed his heart.Maybe he knew Yoongi too much to believe that.He resolved to cook a good meal for now.Food always lightened up everyone's mood.Namjoon volunteered to help.Taehyung left to Jin's room to take a nap and Hoseok wanted to take a bath.

"This place is dark and empty now.It had lost it's soul,It had lost it's light"

Soon the table was set and five of them sat around the table, munching and slurping.After another minute or two,Namjoon cleared his throat and said,"It will be 49 days this wednesday".
The table went silent and noone spoke.49th day,the last day the soul gets to stay on earth,getting to see their loved ones and spending the last moments,It was an old belief.Taehyung looked at the empty chair to his left and smiled painfully.

"We will be leaving to Busan,they are holding the ceremonies there and we are expected to finally make public appearance.We need to all give a speech",Namjoon said noting all individual reactions.Jungkook said nothing,just nodded.Taehyung was still staring at the empty chair.Hoseok asked,"Is it neccessary?"
"It's okay if you don't wanna talk",Jin said eyeing Jungkook through the corner of his eyes.

"No,this public appearance,I mean",Hoseok's lips turned into a thin line.
"We can't stay off for long,they are already on our tails all times.So if we give a proper closure they will leave us alone"
"Medias!!",Jungkook scoffed as he took his plate to the sink,which was unusual and left.He hadn't ate much.They all stared after him.

All of them retired to their own room after dinner except for Taehyung.He was lying on the open terrace,staring up at the sky.The sky,the beautiful yet scary vast sky.He slowly turned his head to his side and Jimin laid exactly like him,his eyes fixed on the sky.
"They said you will leave soon",Taehyung said in a low tone.
Jimin smiled,"yes"

"But ...But you told me,If I keep it a secret you will stay..forever"
"I am sorry",Jimin said as he turned to face Taehyung and Taehyung did the same.
"Can I come ..with you?",Taehyung asked slowly.Jimin smiled again,this time displaying his small dimple.He shook his head lightly.

"But you are scared to go anywhere alone",Taehyung sighed.
"That's true,But I gotta do it sometime"
"I am scared,I hate this pain but I don't wanna move on"
"You don't have to blame it on yourself.It's not your fault,you deserve to be happy again"
"I deserve to see you again"
Jimin said nothing to that and kept staring at Taehyung fondly.

"What happens to me,when you are gone?"
"I've been gone for long already,Tae...I am you now"
"I don't understand"
"I am just in your head"
"So..If I choose,I can always see you,speak to you,be with you..That's possible?"
Jimin nodded and said,"But I don't want you to choose it"
"Why?Isn't that a good thing ? Don't you wanna be with me?
"But I am long gone already",Jimin repeated.
"It's just in my head",Taehyung whispered closing his eyes and sighing.
"Taehyungaah",Jimin's voice almost felt distant and Taehyung opened his eyes. Jimin was nowhere.Taehyung traced his hands on where Jimin had laid moments ago.
"What should I chose?",He asked himself.

"I'll be living one life for the two of us"


Outside the gate a car pulled over and a dark small figure got out of it.Jin rushed to open the door for he knows who that was.Yoongi.
Yoongi walked in with a backpack.Jin couldn't see his eyes cause of the bucket hat pulled over his head and the mask.Jin slightly patted Yoongi on his arms and he flinched like he was burnt.
"What's wrong?",Jin questioned as his eyes darted to Yoongi's long sleeves.

"Nothing",Yoongi's hoarse voice replied.
Jin took a step forward and Yoongi doubled back.Jin wasn't the one to give up,he grabbed Yoongi's arms and pulled up the sleeves.His pale skin was all slashed,fresh scars.Some still bandaged.Jin's eyes widened like his worst fear had come true.
"What the hell,Yoongi!!",Jin shout-whispered as he rushed to check the other hand.Yoongi stepped back and pulled his sleeves back down.
"You promised",Jin's voice broke and it reflected all the pain and the fear of losing another brother.
"Maybe promises need not to be kept",Yoongi had the same hurt in his voice.He walked past a frozen Jin to the room he shared with Hoseok.

A/N:Hope you loved it,Leave comments.

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