Mario X Meggy: Unlimited Colo...

By InfiniteLeJackal

11.8K 147 363

Mario and Meggy have won a competition and as an award, have gotten two tickets to an amusement park...IN SPA... More

Beginning Of An Adventure
Sweet Mountain
Robot Brawl
Captain Jelly
Starlight Carnival
Neon And Space
Frigate Orcan
Planet Wisp
Wisp Rescue
The Refreshinator
Aquarium Park
Under The Sea!
Admiral Jelly
Asteroid Coaster
Robots, Nega, and...Sprite?
Frigate Skullian
Terminal Velocity
The End


524 5 9
By InfiniteLeJackal

The heroes arrived at the space-elevators.

Infinite: Time to bail!

Before they could get into the elevator, the ground started to shake.

Mario: Again?!

A giant, purple flying robot flew over the elevator and went in front of the heroes.

Eggman: Leaving so soon? There are no lines, and i've saved the best rides for last. At least let me STAMP your hand so you can come back in.

Meggy: Ugh...i know you're trying to be clever with this whole amusement park pun thing, but it's just coming off lame.

Infinite: Say you're going to destroy us and stop embarrassing yourself.

Eggman: Curse you, Infinite! Not only have you foiled my plans, you foiled my speeches as well! I worked hard on them! No matter. I WILL destroy you and i WILL be victorious! Is that better?

Infinite: Like, a million times better. Thank you.

Eggman: This robot is special. He's powered by the energy from your little friends. He is invincible. So i'd say it's been nice knowing you... but it hasn't.

Machito: I have to admit i'm a little scared. I don't think we can beat this guy.

Mario and Meggy looked at the space elevator, they knew what to do.

Meggy: See you on the ground, friends!

Mario and Meggy pushed Infinite, Machito, Aqua and ReaderFromWR in the space elevator.

Infinite: Huh?!

Aqua: Mario, Meggy, No!

Meggy pressed a few buttons, the space elevator activated and began making it's way back to Earth.

Mario: Just got one last thing to do!

Mario and Meggy turned to Eggman.

Mario & Meggy: As for you...

Mario and Meggy got in a fighting stance, as the robot roared at them.

Eggman: Let's take this somewhere we won't be interrupted.

Eggman teleported himself, the robot, Mario and Meggy to another location. It was a giant ring.

Meggy: Let's finish this!

Mario: Bring it, fatso!

Eggman: You stand no chance!

The robot roared at the couple.


The arms of the robot started firing out cubes, they landed in front of Mario and Meggy.

Mario: Look out!

Mario and Meggy avoided the cubes, the robot got closer.

Meggy: Time to strike!

Meggy jumped at one of the hands and attacked it, she then began attacking other parts of the robot, and hit the cockpit, sending the robot flying backwards. The robot got up and the hands started sucking wisps in, like a vacuum cleaner.


The robot opened it's mouth, as spiked balls launched out of a cannon and rolled towards the couple.

Meggy: Jump!

Mario and Meggy double jumped over the spiked balls, the robot got close again.

Mario: My turn!

Mario jumped at the arm and punched it, he attacked other parts, then kicked the cockpit, making the robot flying backwards again. Three wisps were freed from the robot and flew behind Mario and Meggy.

Meggy: Nice one, Mario!

Mario: Thanks! And it looks like we got some help!

The robot sucked in more wisps, and went behind Mario and Meggy.

Meggy: Huh?


The robot began firing lasers out of it's hands.

Mario: Watch it!

Mario and Meggy jumped and avoided the lasers.


The robot fired more cubes, they landed behind Mario and Meggy

Meggy: Carp...

Mario started to carry Meggy, making her blush. Mario quickly turned around and jumped over the cubes.

Meggy: Thanks, Mario!

The robot got in front of them again, Meggy hopped off Mario's arms and began attacking the arm, then punched the cockpit, four more wisps were freed from the robot, which now set on fire.

Mario: We've got seven wisps behind us now!

Meggy: Let's continue fighting this hunk of junk!

The robot began sucking more wisps in.


The robot fired spiked balls out of it's mouth, Mario and Meggy did the same as before and double jumped over them.


The robot fired more cubes out of it's hands, the cubes landed in front of Mario and Meggy, the two went through an entrance, avoided the cubes in the middle, and got out.


The robot rapidly fired lasers, Mario and Meggy had some close calls, but they managed to dodge all of the lasers.

Mario: Let's finish this!

Mario and Meggy began attacking the arms, then they both punched the cockpit at the same time, Eggman got angry, as eight more wisps flew out of the robot, now every kind of wisp was behind Mario and Meggy. The robot began to explode.

Meggy: Haha! We got him!


Unlimited colors!

Meggy: Time to finish this!

Mario: Together!

The wisps behind the couple nodded.
















The wisps all began spinning in a circle.


Mario & Meggy: YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!

Mario and Meggy jumped into the spinning circle of wisps.



Mario and Meggy used the power of the wisps, and dealt one final finishing blow to the robot, it bounced a few times, then Eggman went flying out of the cockpit and into outer space. Mario and Meggy began cheering.

Mario: WOOHOO!

Meggy: WE WON!

Mario and Meggy shared a kiss.

Meggy: Hey Mario.

Mario: Yes, Meggy?

Meggy: I guess you could say...Eggman died in a Skittles factory! (There it is!)

Mario and Meggy began laughing uncontrollably. 

Mario: Oh my god, Meggy! That was brilliant!

Meggy: Hehe, thanks Mario.

The Black Hole's gravitational pull kicked in, and it started to destroy the amusement park.

Mario: Uh oh.

Meggy: Let's get out of here!

The couple were teleported back to the bridge, and began running.

(Have a nice trip in Space, Egghead!)

Anyways, lata!

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