Georgia Girl

By Daisylove33

483 14 0

Some girls say they’re country, but the way Emmie sees it, there are only a few country kids left in this wor... More

Georgia Girl
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

84 5 0
By Daisylove33

We all ate dinner and began going to our degisnated rooms, Len was skipping up the stairs taunting me with all her stories from UGA, she laughed and ran to my room. I was about to go after her but someone caught my arm.

            “Hold on Emma, can we talk for a second?” My Daddy’s voice said behind me. I turned aound, smiled and nodded. He led me to our old worn in couch and sat me down.

            “What is it?” I asked noticing his tense state. He was worried about something and I knew it.

            “Emma, I think it’s time you know what your Mother kept you from college for.” Daddy said. We don’t really talk about Mamma much because we all either get mad, or sad.

            “Oh,” was all I could get out.

            “A few weeks after you where born a friend of her’s, from New York, came down to visit you. Ofcourse us being so young we where all in that trance like stage of love. And we had a very long conversation with your Mom’s friend. And well some things where decided upon.”

            “What where those things?” I interupted. Instantly, my hand shot to my mouth, and I excused my behavior repeatedly.

            I look at Daddy and saw he wasn’t angry, “Honey, it’s fine that your curious,” he said.

            “Well what where they?”

            “That man came here with his son, who was a year old, and had a deep discussion about him. You don’t need to know that details, but the concusion was an arranged marriage between you and his son, now you’ll be leaving for New York tomorrow…”

            “An Arranged marriage?” I asked in a stern voice.

            “Yes, now I’m not ver happy about it either…”

            “Then why!” I asked.

            Daddy put hid face in his hands, “Your mom and him, when they where younger had a deal, I don’t know what it was. But it caused this. Please, Emma, do it.”

            Mom wanted me to be married to someone e I didn’t know. Why would she do that?

            “Well, I don’t know,” I said.

            “Emma, I am not giving you a choice, you spent your whole life prepping for this. I’m trying to give you a reason.” He looked at me, “Just marry him, for your Mom.”

            I took a deep breathe and looked straight at him, “I’ll do it, no fingers crossed.” I raised m hand as proof.

            “Good girl,” he pats my cheek.

            “Who is he?” I said wondering who this stranger was.

            My Daddy looked apologetically at me, letting me know that he didn’t know.

            “Oh great, I’m marring a stranger.”

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