The second last time lord (El...

By Christmascookie15

12K 301 65

The sorceress, a time lady from Gallifrey, roams around in her Tardis, believing that she is the last timelor... More

First Regeneration (part 1)
First Regeneration (Part 2)
Second Regeneration
Sisters united (Part 1)
Sisters United (Part 2)
Sisters United (Part 3)
Sisters United (Part 4)
Sisters united (Part 5)
Bee and Marla
Bow tie prank
Victory of the Daleks (Part 1)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 2)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 3)
A goodbye
Time of Angels (Part 1)
Time of Angels (Part 2)
Time of Angels (Part 3)
Flesh and Stone (Part 1)
Flesh and Stone (Part 2)
Flesh and Stone (Part 3)
Soft and fluffy
Vampires in Venice (Part 1)
Vampires in Venice (Part 2)
Vampires in Venice (Part 3)
You're my Bow Tie Guy
Amy's Choice (Part 1)
Amy's Choice (Part 2)
Amy's Choice (Part 3)
Amy's Choice (part 4)
A needed chat....
Hungry Earth (Part 1)
Hungry Earth (Part 2)
Hungry Earth (Part 3)
Cold Blood (Part 1)
Cold Blood (Part 2)
I'm back :)
Cold Blood (Part 3)
Cold blood (Part 4)
The man of her dreams
The sisters are back.
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 1)
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 2)
Snakes and Willow Trees (Part 3)

First Regeneration (Part 3)

818 20 6
By Christmascookie15

New character Bee. She has so much backstory to get through, so can't wait to explain it all. Enjoy this new chapter.

"I lost her."

Her eyes brim with tears as she takes another deep breath, "I lost her, and she was so young. It was all my fault."

He looks at her, solemnly and places one hand on either side of her face, cupping it. Tears pour down her face as she looks at him.

"She was so brave. Left me notes, leading here. I swore to protect her. Marla..." she faltered.

The doctor wipes her tears away and kisses her forehead, "Marla what?" 

"Marla forgot her. They took both of them, I got Marla out, but they brainwashed her of certain memories. Childhood memories. That's why she's so forgetful and clumsy. Marla forgot Bee."

"Who was Bee to Marla?"

"A sister," her voice wavered on that last word.

He nods and pulls her into a tight hug, whispering in her ear, "We will find them, I promise."

She nods and hugs him back, pulling away after a few seconds. She wipes away her tears and coughs, "No time to waste, then. Let's go find them."

"Only if you promise me one thing. Don't keep things to yourself. They break you from the inside. I've seen how it can make people crazy. Don't do it ok?"

"I won't" she promises.

He looks at her and gives a comforting smile, before grabbing her hand. The same warmth went through their bodies, but neither of them pulled away. They run off through the open door, in which they came in, only stoping to close it behind them.

"Thank you," The sorceress broke the silence.

The doctor squeezes her hand in reply. She smiles thankfully in return.

"Third floor, room 2," she continues reading the piece of paper the doctor handed her.

He nods and smiles a little before saying, "I see an elevator."

The sorceress laughs at his childlike antics and follows him, still holding hands. The doctor walks over to the elevator and presses a button. The doors open and they step inside. The doors close behind them before they realise that the elevator wasn't empty.

"Oh no," the sorceress whispers to the doctor, moving back against the wall.

The dalek in the elevator slowly turns around, assessing the two timelord who got in with him.

Sources conclude that you are the doctor and his companion.

"Companion!" The sorceress says indignantly, " I'm no companion."

Then who are you?

"I am..." The sorceress begins before the doctor slaps a hand over her mouth.

"Definitely a companion. Just doesn't like being insuperoir to me," he says patting her on the head with his free hand.

She stares at him, arms crossed.

"Sorry?" He tries before the dalek interrupts him.

Doesn't matter. You are the doctor and you will be Exterminated.

"Not likely," the doctor says as the doors open, "Farewell."

The doctor and the sorceress walk backwards out of the elevator as the Dalek begins to fire. The doors shut just in time and they hear a faint bang from inside the elevator.

"Run!" The sorceress says, glad to be able to speak freely again.

"Hey that's my line!" The doctor protested, as she grabbed his hand to pull him along.

"Not anymore," she says, laughing.

They both run off to the right, while the sorceress attempts to read the paper again.

"Room 2," she said after a few seconds of struggle.

"Right," the doctor agrees, and points to a room, "actually, now we go right."

"Such a random coincidence," the sorceress mutters under her breath.

They walk over to the locked door of room 2, the sorceress getting impatiently fidgety, knowing that Bee was likely to be behind it.

The doctor fiddles around with the keypad for a few minutes, following the sorceress advice from before.

"Got it!" He says when the doors begin to open.

The room behind the door was oddly big. Reclining chairs were set up about the room, with machinery connected to each one. A large tank of water was in the middle, buckets nearby to fill. There were a few doors leading off the main rooms with labels like; surgery room 1, planning room and torture room. The sorceress shivered after she read that one. No dalek's were around and none of the chairs were occupied, however one of the rooms on the side was closed. The sign above it said Torture room 5. Presumably holding someone or something. The sorceress hoped it was Bee, but also hoped that they hadn't got to the torturing part. If it wasn't she had no idea where she was.

Climbing over a wrecked machine blocking the doorway she crept over to the door of the locked room, the doctor on her heels. She reached for the handle, but drew back when she hears voices from inside.

You will tell us the location of the sorceress.


Then you will be punished.

Screams were heard from inside the room and a blue light flashes through the window. The sorceress shivers. The doctor wrapps an arm around her protectively as they listen to more of the conversation.

The daleks must know the position of the sorceress. Perhaps more torturing will help you obey.

No no please

Then tell us where the sorceress is.

The sorceress couldn't stand it anymore. Standing up she pushed on the door handle and went in.

"Right here!" She says with her hand on her hips, "come and get me."

The dalek turns around and looks her up and down.

The sorceress has come to the daleks. She will come with me.

"I will not," she said amused, "I'll come back for you, Bee. Just after I deal with this dalek."

The girl in the chair nods as the sorceress runs out of the room, the dalek in pursuit. The sorceress winks at the doctor hiding nearby, aware of what she was thinking. He gave her a nod clearly saying be careful. She smirked at and kept running.

The doctor meanwhile, got up from his hiding place and dusted himself off. He runs through the door and assess the situation carefully before pressing a few buttons on the machine. The headset comes of Bee's head and she groans softly. The doctor rushes over to her and holds her up as she starts to get dizzy.

"Hey, stay with me," he whispers to her encouragingly. 

She groans again and closes her eyes before opening them again.

"Sorceress?" she asks, her voice croaky and quiet.

He nods at her and says, "She came with me. Distracted the Dalek so I could get to you. She's off somewhere else. I don't know where she got to. Still running I presume."

"Running?" She asks worried.

He cups her face, searching her face, "Yeah. The Dalek chased her. She really wanted to see you safe. Risked her life for you."

A smile appears on her face and she closes her eyes once more. The doctor places an arm under her legs and picks her up, carefully. She opens her eyes when she feels the chair leave her.

"Hey," the doctor whispers again to her, "It's alright. I'm taking you to her TARDIS. We have to go."

"Sorceress," she says weakly again.

He smiles and tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear, "She's the riskiest person I have ever met and I have met some pretty risky people. But I trust that she will get back to you. She might even be there when we get back. Don't stress. Sleep, now."

She closes her eyes and her breathing becomes more even. The doctor smiles down at her calm face and continues walking towards the door.

The sorceress however was having more trouble. She swerved in and out of doorways, completely forgetting where she parked her Tardis and desperate to get the Dalek away from Bee. She ran into a small room, finding no doors. Turning around she sees the Dalek entering the room.

The sorceress will come with me.

"Never!" The sorceress growled, out of breath, backing against the wall, "I will never come with you, Dalek."

She spat at the last word, like it tasted funny in her mouth.

You have hatred in your speech, yet you do not remember us.

Their words caught the Sorceress by surprise, "Of course I know who you are. You are the Daleks"

The Dalek moved closer to her.

You don't remember us.

"Yes I do," she says again, confused, "You are the Daleks."

She began to say something else but the words wouldn't come out.

"You are the Daleks" she repeats, looking down at her hands.

You do not remember.

"I do. I do," she says, panic evident in her voice.

You do not remember.

It repeats those words again, every time making the sorceress panic more and more. She reached for all the memories of the Daleks, but each time she came across nothing. She should know them, she has to know them.

You do not remember the war.

"War," The sorceress says slowly, trying hard to understand, "I don't.... I do. I can't remember."

She fell on her knees, tears starting to fall down her cheeks. 

"But you are the Daleks and you..." She falters again, not knowing where all the hatred came from.

All that hate she felt towards them. She couldn't explain it. She didn't understand it.

You hate us, and you do not know why.

She nods, a funny taste going through her mouth. The Dalek comes even closer, making the Sorceress stand up.

"I forgot," she begins, putting her hands on her hips and staring right at the Dalek, "I feel hate towards you and I don't know why. But it's enough to know that you are not good. You are the Daleks and you make the Doctor afraid for my safety. Earlier I told him I was going to talk to you about something and it made him angry. Angry about you and fearful for me. And that is good enough for me!"

She finished her speech, pointing a finger at the Dalek aggressively.

The sorceress is an enemy. EXTERMINATE.

The Dalek points it's shooty-thingy (I have no idea what it is called, apparently by some people *cough cough* google, it is called a gunstick.) at The Sorceress and a blue light flashes out of it, hitting her right in the chest. She gasps and collapses on the floor, closing her eyes.

The sorceress is dead.

She hears the Dalek retreating and slowly opens her eyes, her vision blurs as she gets up dizzily and leans on the wall, exhausted. She takes a step forward and a wave of pain and nausea washes over her, making her groan. She puts a hand to her chest and walks slowly forward, feeling along the wall, to find the door. Her hand comes upon the cold metal of the door frame. She steps out, still feeling the wall and moves to the right. A sort of warmth goes up her hands and into her arms and she sees the gold, circling her.

"Not yet," she mumbles, focusing her energy on stopping her regeneration till she got to safety.

The gold fades and she keeps moving forward. She stumbles forward and feels two strong arms grab her and words whispered into her ear.

"It's alright. I've got you."

She smiles and tries to keep walking, but her legs refuse to move. He knees buckle under her and the doctor grabs her before she falls. Picking her up, like Bee, he carries her to the TARDIS and lays her gently on the floor.

"Take us somewhere, T" The sorceress mutters before she holds out a hand to the doctor, "Help me stand."

He pulls he up and she leans heavily on the console, hearing the faint noise of the TARDIS travelling. The gold begins to appear again and coats her whole body.

"Goodbye, doctor," she whispers before her arms shoot out from under her, spewing regeneration energy into the TARDIS.

The doctor watches as the regeneration energy coming out of her, swirls around the Tardis, obviously being stopped from breaking it while flight, protecting him and Bee.

The sorceress's regeneration stops as crouches over on the floor, breathing hard. Her face flicks up and she stares at the doctor, smirks and winks at him, startling him.

She stands up straight before saying, "Hello, cutie."

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