Hell | Sal Fisher x Reader

By atetiffwrites

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[Sal Fisher x Female Reader] Hell Fest AU For Sally Face, Hell isn't a place, it's a feeling. The feeling of... More

Chapter I: Tickets
Chapter II: Hope
Chapter III: Target
Chapter IV: Fear
Chapter V: Voices
Chapter VI: Message
Chapter VII: Mask
Chapter VIII: Kiss
Chapter IX: Mark
Chapter X: Fight
Chapter XI: Player
Chapter XII: Emotions
Chapter XIII: Hell
Chapter XIV: Trapped
Chapter XV.II: Bad End
Chapter XV.III: Twisted End
Chapter XV.IV: Broken End
Chapter XV: End
I'm back :)

Chapter XV.I: Sad End

953 37 52
By atetiffwrites

warning: major character death

In the unknown, darkness takes place; Everything is pitch black and only one thing stands out—blue.

     From afar, this color is visible immediately. Contrasting to the dark environment, Sal Fisher's electric blue hair stands out. The said male stands at the center of the empty abyss, his blue eye staring at nothingness. Hugging his body is his everyday clothing—black sweater and red ripped jeans. Everything is as it always is except for his mask. It's nowhere in sight.

    The cold breeze tickles Sal's scarred face, making his long hair brush behind him. A voice whisper onto his ear. "Hello?"

    The voice is soft and gentle, sending shivers to the male's spine. Again, it spoke. "Sal, are you there?"

    His blue eyes widen in shock. He knows that voice. It's the same voice that had given him comfort as a child, longing as a teenager, and now, it's giving him waves of emotions.

    Sal opens his mouth as he tries to call out the owner of the voice, but no sound comes out. He swallows, feeling his throat going dry. His chest tightens as he continues his attempts to call for a certain girl's name. Frustration starts to build inside him as all his attempts lead to nothing. Resorting to his last option, he runs.

    Into the darkness he goes, running towards her voice, hoping that his feet will be quick enough to catch up. As he goes deeper into the abyss, the atmosphere starts to thicken. His heart starts to beat fast as he as his breath goes unstable. His head becomes light as his mind goes blank, creating illusions in front of him. Voices start to creep into his thoughts, taunting him to stop.

    Despite this, Sal didn't do it. The only voice he listens to is hers. The voice that keeps on motivating him, always reaching out to him, and even wanting him.

    Soon enough, light starts to peek in. It clashes against the darkness until...


Sal gasps as he feels the knife piercing through him. The killer smiles behind him as he holds his body into place. A sickening sound the knife makes as it deepens into his flesh.

     "Good-bye," He whispers.

     Pulling out the knife with great force, his opponent falls on the ground. Blood seeps through his sweater, drenching it in the process. He grunts in pain. "You motherfucker!"

     The killer chuckles as he kneels. His gloved hand strokes the dying male's hair. "Shush. Save your energy for your finals words."

    "Fuck you!" Sal gasps as he struggles to stay awake. He already feels light-headed as his vision swirls. The damage he received tonight is more than enough for him to have this kind of end.

     A tear rolls down his cheek as his body trembles. Everything hurts like hell--both physical and emotional. His body aches from all the action that occurred tonight. His spontaneity caused a lot of mishaps. He got attacked, [Name] got taken away, and his friends almost died. He couldn't help but blame himself.

     '[Name] is right.' He smiles in pain. 'I would react so reckless the moment I find out. She's right. This is all my fault.'

    Tears continue to fall as regret seeps through him. 'What if's and 'if only' running inside his mind. This is all his fault. He could've avoided it if he only listened. His sobs fill the air as he mourns over everything. His body slowly losing its hold on his life. His lips tremble as he whispers. "I'm sorry."

    The killer's smile widens as he watches his opponent say his last words. His bright blue eyes fade into empty orbs as he lets out his final breath. His body turns limp as it drenches itself with his blood.

     "I won," He muses before reaching out to close his victim's eyes. Standing up, he heads to the room where [Name] is hiding. He knew from the start where she was, but he didn't bother to check up on her until he finally defeats his opponent.

    Stepping into the said room, his eyes sparkles with delight. Her whimpers heard from afar. Going closer, the floorboard creaks. She yelps. In one swift motion, he opens the cabinet. [Name]'s eyes widen in fear as a gunshot fire. Blood splatters against her face, along with Larry's. Their bodies stiffening as the killer falls on the cold, hard ground. Their eyes squints against the blinding light that approaches them.

     "Put your hands in the air," A gruff voice orders. The pair complies. "Tell me your names."

    "I'm Larry Johnson, and this is my friend,[Name][Last Name]," Larry replies. "We're here with our friends."

     The police officer lowers his gun and flashlight. He motions his partner to assist them. "Come with us. It's safe."

As they exit, their group reunites. Neil, Ashley, and Todd greet them with joyful tears. Their happiness didn't last long as an officer clears his throat.

     "We have found three corpses tonight. Two are from Deform School, and one in Hell, excluding the killer." He announces as he reaches them a folder. "Are they any of your friends?"

     The group exchanges look as they take it. In their back of their mind, they know who the man is referring to. Opening the folder, their suspicions are met. Their hearts drop at the sight of their blue-haired friend.

    "Him," [Name] points at Sal's picture. Her voice almost a whisper as she speaks. "He's our friend."

    "I'm so sorry to hear that."

No one says a word after that. The cops assist them home as the investigation finishes. One by one, they arrive to their respective houses, except for [Name], who enters Addison Apartments. She knocks against the apartment door she has always been familiar with. The door creaks open to reveal Henry Fisher, Sal's father. His blue eyes widen in shock. "[Name]?"

    With a shaky breath, she replies. "May I come in?"

    "Of course." He steps aside as the woman enters. They didn't exchange any words as she approaches Sal's room. Henry excuses himself as he retreats in his room. He drowns himself with alcohol as sorrows fills his chest. His sobs echo against the walls as the woman hears it clearly.

     Hesitating, her hands tremble as she reaches for the door knob. She opens the door. The sight of Sal's room causes her heart to ache. Everything about him is visible through the decor. His love for metal and gore expressed through posters on his walls. His gaming consoles lay on the floor, next to his collection of games. His electric guitar stands by the foot of his bed. Sal loves playing that instrument. He would always play sick tunes in front of her. Telling her that one day, he'll have his own band. He'll go on tours and she will be his number one supporter.

     [Name] chuckles as tears flow down her cheeks. She reaches out to his guitar and plays a tune she knows he'll love. As the night ends, the girl finds herself in his bed, sobbing. Hoping that it's all a bad dream...

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