After the War

By WendyMoonWolf

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Post-Infinity War fic. The remaining Guardians and Avengers are teaming up to undo what Thanos has done and t... More

The aftermath
Avengers assemble!
Time for revenge and hair dye
Holy giant ant
Serious business and a bouncy bed
Gorillas and panthers
A bigass ship with cats and allies
Loads of confusion and some s'mores
Captain Can't Dance
Who's strong and brave here to save the American way?
Meanwhile in Thanos's rock collection
Showers and... wait who's back?!
Coulson still likes shadows... all hail Netflix
The vote
Welcome to space, let's leave everything you know behind and enjoy your flight.
Meow meow hiss
The sun's getting real low
After the un-snappening
Another kind of fight
Eyes in the light
Thoughts in the dark
What's coming will come
And we'll meet it when it does
The Preparations
Backyard party with aliens
Farewell, my sister
New times are coming. A family is forming
Trips down memory lane
Moving on

My heart... my... my feelings

431 5 4
By WendyMoonWolf

Peter P.

"Is this the real life?" MJ suddenly sang at one point. "Is this just fantasy?" I continued. "Caught in a landslide," Sam added. "No escape from reality," agent Hill joined in. "Open your eyes, look up to the skies and seeeeeeee," we sang together. "I'm just a poor boy," I went. "I need no sympathy," MJ. "Because I'm easy come," Sam. "Easy, go," Hill. "Little high," me. "Little low," MJ. "Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to meeeeeee. Toooo meeeeeeeee," all of us.

"Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead," Hill. "Mama, life had just begun, but now I've gone and thrown it all away," Sam. "Mama, ohohoh, didn't make you cry," MJ. "If I'm not back again this time tomorrow, carry on carry on," me. "As if nothing really matters," all of us.

"Too late, my time has come," Sam. Sends shivers down my spine," Hill. "Body's aching all the time," MJ. "Goodbye everybody I've got to go. Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth," me. "Mama ohohoh," Hill. "Anyway the wind blows," Sam, MJ and me softly. "I don't want to die," Hill. "Sometimes wish I'd never been born at all," all of us.

"I see a little silhouetto of a man," Sam. "Scaramouch, Scaramouch will you do the Fandango? Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me!" Hill, MJ and me. "Gallileo," me. "Gallileo," Sam. "Gallileo," me. "Gallileo," Sam. "Gallileo Figaro," me. "Magnificoooooo," all of us.

"I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me," me. "He's just a poor bot from a poor family. Spare him his life from this monstrosity," Sam, MJ and Hill. "Easy come easy go will you let me go?" me. "Bishmillah, no we will not let you go," Sam and Hill. "Let him go," MJ. "Bishmillah, we will not let you go," Sam and Hill. "Let him go," MJ." "Bishmillah, we will not let you go," Sam and Hill. "Let me go," me. "Will not let you go," Sam and Hill. "Let me go," me. "Never, never let you go," Sam and Hill. "Let me go," me. "Never let me go," MJ. "Oh oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," all of us. "Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go," me. "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me for meeee for meeeeeee," Sam, Hill and MJ.

So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye?" MJ. "So you think you can love me and leave me to die?" Hill. "Oh baby can't do this to me baby," Sam. "Just gotta get out just gotta get right outta here," me.

"Oh oh oh yeah, oh oh yeah," all of us. "Nothing really matters," Sam. "Anyone can see," Hill. "Nothing really matters," me. "Nothing really matters to me," MJ. "Anyway the wind blows," all of us softly.

As we were done several people clapped. Maybe because they liked it or maybe even because they were glad it had stopped. Although it wasn't that bad of course. The point was probably that we didn't have a lot of entertainment in the Soul Stone, so people just... took what they could get I guess.


Yes, we sang Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and no that's not weird. We were bored okay? What else should we have done than sing? Dance? I mean, you can't really dance without music, can you? There wasn't any other form of entertainment, except maybe playing stupid games like truth or dare or two truths and a lie. Why? Because there was no bloody internet, that's why! Why Bohemian Rhapsody? First off, the song is amazing, second off, it takes quite some time to sing, especially since Sam and Peter also made guitar noises while I pretended to be a piano from time to time, third off, because Queen, that's why.

"Hey, MJ, you think we're ever gonna get outta here?" Peter asked me. "Well, I hope so. Might commit murder if we don't." "What?" "I'm kidding, Parker." "Oh." "Or am I?" "MJ!" "I'm sorry, you make it too easy." He sighed. "You okay Pete?" "Yeah, I guess... I don't know." "Living in a stone's freaking you out huh?" "Me and my spider-senses both. I constantly feel like something's off." I sat up straight and looked at him, "I guess that must be quite shitty." "Not helping." "What, you want me to pity you?" "No... Yeah, it does feel quite shitty. It's like... we're dead, but not really... It feels like my senses are still trying to warn me that I'm about to die." "Damn." "Yeah." "I mean, I think we all got a sense override or something, but I guess yours is worse because of your spider-senses and all." "Wait, you're feeling weird too?" I nodded, "Of course I do, we're all hovering between life and death Peter." "Everyone feels that way, yes," Wanda whispered just loud enough for us to hear. We both turned to her. "You know what everyone feels?" "I'm a mind reader and an empath... I don't just know what they feel... I also feel what they feel and it's driving me insane." "Wow..." "Can't you just... ignore it?" Peter asked her. "She sighed," I'm trying, but it's so strong here... it might even be the aura of the stone itself." "A stone with an aura?" I said questioningly. "There is magic involved here, Michelle... yes, the Infinity Stones have auras. And all of them are different. They can be changed through circumstances... which is why the Mind Stone changed when it was a part of..." her voice trailed off as she stared into the distance. I turned to Peter. "What?" "The Mind Stone was once part of Vision. He was an android created out of Mr. Stark his A.I. butler Jarvis." "Aha..." "I think Thanos must have killed him in order to obtain the Mind Stone... I wonder how he did that though... since Vision was made of vibranium." "Wow." "Yeah..." "And," I dropped my voice to a whisper so only Peter would hear me, "Wanda and Vision were...?" "Dating? Yeah." "That explains why she's so gloomy." "Yeah, I guess it does."


I wondered if they realized that, even if they whispered I could still hear their thoughts. Don't think so. Otherwise they probably wouldn't speak of it... of him... of Vision. I sighed. God I missed him. I really lost everyone... but if it's true what we feel... if we're not really dead... then what? Do I want to go back to the land of the living? Do I want to live without the people I care about the most? Do I? Is there any joy in living like that? I was giving up hope... again... I couldn't stop myself. I mean, what is the point in living a life without family, a life without love?

There is a lot you can still live for. A voice sounded in my head. I had never heard this voice in my head before... yet it was familiar to me. You might not have us anymore... but you still have your friends, don't you? That's worth something, isn't it? I guess, yes. Don't guess, be sure. You have to be sure of it Wanda, because we don't want you to give up. We want you to stay strong. But... I don't think I can... That's bullshit and you know it. You're quite likely the strongest person I ever met. Listen to me Wanda, you have to save yourself from this... this... whatever it is, because nobody can do this for you. And you CAN save yourself from this, do you hear me? And you're sure of that? 100% Well, you should know, you're older than me. 12 minutes older and 12 minutes wiser. Always was, always will be. And twelve minutes stupider. I'm not an idiot! You were, from time to time... But you also were a good brother. If only you'd said that when I was alive. I thanked you many times, thank you very much... okay, maybe I didn't appreciate as much as I should have but... I regret that every day. You don't have to, I know how much you loved me. You do? Of course I do, because you loved me as much as I loved you. And you're sure of that too? A full 100%? Yup, because I'm still 12 minutes smarter than you. Idiot. Love you too, Wanda. Yeah, yeah, I know... Hey, Pietro... Yeah? I miss you. I miss you too, Wanda.


"Hey, Gamora... do you also have that strange feeling?" Peter asked me. "What strange feeling?" "Well, Parker just told me that pretty much everyone has this weird feeling like they're hovering between life and death... I wondered of you have that too." I nodded slowly, I did have that feeling, "Yes, why?" "Because that might mean that there's still hope for you," he said softly. "You really think that?" "Well... I gotta keep up the hope, right? I mean, you might not be saved like us... all the people who came here after the snap, but if you feel like you're hovering between life and death... There must be a way to get you back and I will not rest till I found out how..." "Peter..." "I won't. I love you Gamora... and I won't let anything get in my-," I shut him up before he could finish that sentence and we kissed long and intimate. "I'd go through hell for you, Gamora..." I looked him straight in his eyes, his face only a few inches away from mine, "You'd really do that for me?" "I would do everything for you." "As I would do everything for you." "Good, then promise me one thing." "Everything." "No matter what happens, no matter how long I'll be gone when it happens. Don't lose hope. Don't lose faith in me." The first one was hard, but the second one I could do. "I promise," I told him. And I meant it.


That time in the Soul Stone was like torture, I felt like I was some kind of zombie and I was locked up in one place with Sam "No I'm not gonna move my chair" Wilson. But the worst part was that I couldn't stop Steve from doing whatever stupid plan that could get him killed that he came up with and knowing Steve he would come up with a few of those. One of them would probably be to confront Thanos directly. Another one might be to lure Thanos back to earth where they'd be waiting for him with an army. And probably some other things like that.

"You okay?" Sam asked as he sat down next to me. Yes, Sam, didn't expect that either. I nodded, "As okay as I can be during these circumstances I guess." "Yeah... not much to do here huh?" "Nope." We were silent for a while, until, "Hey, Sam?" "Yeah?" "How long have you known Steve?" "Uh... I don't know, four years I think." "He's a reckless idiot, isn't he?" "Yeah." "You tried to get him off of some of his stupider plans?" "We had Natasha for that... I was there to go along with him if she couldn't talk the stupid out of him." I chuckled, "I guess that happened quite a lot." "I'd say you'd be surprised, but you've known him a lot longer than I do so... yeah, it happened quite a lot." "How about Natasha, did she come along too?" "Yeah, if she can't talk him out of the bullshit she'll follow him into the bullshit." I sighed, "I guess I should thank you guys." "Thank us for what?" "Looking after my idiotic best friend when I couldn't." Sam smiled, he actually smiled at me, "Hey man, my pleasure."


"You think there's gonna be a way out of here?" Nicks voice sounded behind me as I stared of into the distance. This place seems to be as big as the bloody universe by now. "Seems quite unlikely if you ask me," I answered him. "Are you giving up, Hill?" "No, I'm being realistic. We don't even have the slightest idea of time here, for what we know a hundred years could have passed on earth." He came to stand next to me, "So you're afraid we might be stuck her forever?" "Maybe... you think that's crazy?" I asked as I turned to him. "No, I don't. think we all fear that, but I'm choosing to believe in the Avengers." "You realize two of them made a homicidal robot together, right?" "Yeah, I do." "You really think they can save us this time, Nick?" "I hope." "And if not?" "Then we're doomed." "Really, that's all you've got? Then we're doomed." "Not gonna make it any prettier than it is, Hill." I rolled my eyes. "So, what if we're doomed?" He shrugged, "Might be we live out our days here... die here... that doesn't seem too bad." "Except, of course, for the part that we have close to no possibilities here." "Huh?" "Well.. you know just... We don't really have the chance to be human." "You mean fall in love start a family sort of thing?" "Like that, yes." "Really?" "You realize I'm just human, right?" "Didn't think that was your style." "It isn't, especially not the second part. It's just, being trapped makes you think of such things." "I guess." "Don't tell me you're not thinking of how things could have been different, I mean, it's not like we got anything else to do." "That's true. And yes, I do happen to think of the mistakes I've made. But it could have been worse." "How exactly?" "Well, we could all have been separated with no way to find each other." "That sounds horrible indeed..." "And at least I have one of my best agents with me." "If only you'd said that when we we're alive." "Well, don't get used to it." "Wasn't planning to."

"So, grumpy pirate's your boss huh?" Sam asked me. "Yeah, but you knew that already. Didn't you?" He shrugged, "Could have been you worked for someone else now, didn't you work for Tony for a while?" "Sort of." "Sort of?" I nodded. "Alright then, guess that's all the explanation I get." "Good guess." "So, you still saving people out of vans?" "Well... not really no. First time wasn't really a nice experience." "You mean the helmet?" "It really was squeezing my brain." "Sure." "It was. You should try one of these helmets once and feel for yourself." "I prefer not to get my brain squeezed, thank you very much." "Then why are you mocking me?" "Uh... sorry I guess. I just thought it was kinda funny. You take down that Hydra agent then you take your helmet off and you go "That thing was squeezing my brain" it was kinda funny." "Yeah, you found it so funny, you should have seen your face." "What?" "You were staring." "No I wasn't." "Yes, you were." "No I wasn't." "You most definitely were." "I wasn't and if I was, could you blame me? It was really unexpected." "That's why you were staring, because it was unexpected?" "Wouldn't you be surprised when you're being kidnapped and suddenly this one guard takes down the other and then takes off the helmet and there's a pretty woman underneath?" "Pretty huh?" "Well... yes, but I was staring because it was unexpected." "So you were staring." "You... Did you just trick me into confessing?" I shrugged, "You did most of the work yourself, really." "Well, maybe I was staring, but only because it was unexpected." "If you say so." "Yeah, I say so."

"So... that whole singing thing as weird huh?" It was some time later and Sam and I had been talking for a while. "Well, I wouldn't say weird," he answered. "Why not?" "Well, we're bored... bored people do weird things, which makes it less weird." "I don't think that makes sense." "Oh well, maybe we're just going crazy, who knows?" "I think we'd know it if we were going crazy." "Nah, people don't see it themselves if they go crazy, otherwise they probably wouldn't go crazy." "I mean... everyone around us still seems kinda normal to me." "Oh, in that way." "Yeah, Nick still behaves like himself, and you do too, for as far as I know you." "I guess we're not going crazy then." "No, but I guess you're right about boredom." "That it makes us do weird shit?" "Yes, but it would still be weird, even though you're bored." "Yeah, maybe you're right." "Maybe." "Do you really like being right that much?" "I do when I am." "Huh, seems like you learn new stuff about people in dire situations like this." "Dire situations?" "Yes." "Alright." "What, you don't agree?" "I do, I just don't get why you're using the word dire." "What else should I use?" "I don't know, awful, horrible, terrible, there's enough to choose from." "Are you always like this?" "No, only on occasion." "You could have just said sometimes," he said with a wink. "Look who's "like this" now." He shrugged, "Oops." "You think you're funny?" "A little." "Then you're right." "I'm funny?" "A little."

Peter Q.

"Hey, Drax..." "Yes?" "You think we'll ever get out of here?" I actually wanted to know what he thought. He'd been really quiet lately, which wasn't really normal for him. "I don't know Quill... I think we should have trust in our friends." "Yeah, most of our friends are here though." "Yes, they are. I cannot imagine what it must be like for Rocket. He's the only one of our friends that's still alive." "Yeah... hey, maybe he's found Nebula." "Yes, maybe. But still, I bet he feels quite lonely. He lost everything he could lose, didn't he?" This really didn't seem like Drax at all. As Captain of the group I felt it was my duty to find out what was bothering him and to console him. "Drax... are you okay?" "Of course I am." "You're lying." "I'm not." "Is it because we're hovering between death and life?" He sighed, "Yes..." "I thought so." "I mean... I do have most of my friends here, but what if there is no way of going back? What if we'll be stuck here forever? Rocket will die alone... we won't ever know what happened to him... And if we're stuck here... I'll never see my wife and daughter again." So that's what's bothering him. "God... I never thought of that... that we'd never see... our dead families again if we don't make it out." "No, why would you?" "Well... I lost my mom when I was pretty young, remember?" "Oh..." "Yeah, so I kinda get how you feel... I'd really love it to see my mom again... as you'd love it to see your wife and daughter again." "Yes. But what if-," "What if what? Are you giving up? Because they wouldn't want you to give up, now would they?" "No... they wouldn't." "Drax... we need to keep up the hope... right? We need to keep trying whatever's in our power to see them again, don't you think?" He nodded, "Yes, you're right... They wouldn't want me to give up... They would want me to keep on trying and to keep on living my life the best I can... My little girl would want me to be a hero." "Well, she can be proud of you man." He smiled, "You think?" "Nah, I don't think so, I know so. You're a hero man, you're one of the Guardians of the Galaxy! And we saved the galaxy together, twice." "You're right. I am a hero. And heroes don't give up. My daughter would be proud of me."


I could make some stupid joke about how I wasn't losing hope because you can't lose yourself, but honestly, that would, first off, be a terrible pun and second off, a lie. I was losing hope. I guess that's what happens when you when you got no indication of time and when you have no idea of what's going on. I knew there were people out there... Out where? People who wouldn't rest till they had saved us, but... what if there really was no way to get us back? Stop thinking that way, if there's a way to get in here there must be a way out! You just have to be patient. And then there was also the case of Scott. "He'll be fine," my father had said. "Fine? Dad, he's in the Quantum realm shrinking for eternity!" "Your mother was fine when she came out." "Yes, but she was prepared to never come back... Scott is in there thinking we'll get him out!" "And we will!" "You really think we'll be that lucky again?" "We'll keep on trying, I promise you. I want my suit back." "Seriously, that's why you'll keep on trying? Because you want that damn suit back? Not because I care about him or not even because it's what a decent human being would do?" "Well I'm sorry, but that man did betray us, Hope. He stole my suit and got into public with it, which caused the damn F.B.I. to chase us down!" "And because of that he's disposable to you? Should I remind you that it was Scott that gave us Hope that mom might still be alive!" "I know that damn well!" "Then maybe you should act like it!" "That's enough!" Mom came in between. "Henry, she has a point, he has helped you more than you give him credit for." "He still stole the suit and betrayed us..." "I know that, Hope knows that, but that's in the past. Let it go." Father sighed, "I know... I know. It's just... this place. It frustrates me." "I know, Henry... I know, but at least we're together this time. And that's what matters most, right?"

Of course it was what mattered most, but that didn't mean what it made our situation any better. I mean, yes, it could have been worse, we could have been separated but... It could have been better too. And with that I mean it could have been way better... Our situation could have been better if Scott hadn't been in the Quantum realm... Or maybe even if he'd be here with us. But the best would have been if we were all alive. Alive alive. But of course we had to hover somewhere between life and death with Scott lost in the Quantum Realm.

"You're still thinking about him?" my mother asked as she squatted down next to me while I was staring into nothing, cause there was nothing. "How did you guess?" "You're staring into the vast nothingness of the Soul Stone." "So?" "People tend to think when they're staring." "So?" "And it would be very normal for you to do so in this situation." "You really want to talk about this right now?" "Well, you're sad and I'm your mother." I sighed, "Yes, I know, but maybe I'm a little old for this." "You're never too old for a conversation like this." "In that case, go on." She sat down next to me, "You miss him?" "Of course I do." "You love him." "Yes." "It's normal to miss him and to be worried." "No really?" "Yes, it is. And... well... It's hard, but... once we get out of here we will find him." "You think?" "I know." "Really?" "Well, your father would want you to be happy. He'd even get Scott back for you if that's what it takes." I smiled, "I guess you're right, yes." "Even if I'd would take him years. He never gave up on me and he'd tell you to never give up on Scott. And so will I." "You're doing that already." "Am I? Well, yes, I guess I am." I sighed, "It's just... sometimes he still seemed to think Scott is still... disposable to him. Especially after what he pulled off in Germany." "Well, you were angry too, weren't you?" "For the same reasons..." "And some other reasons. You forgave him. Your father will too, he's just..." "Stubborn." "Yes, you have that too, though." "Not as bad as him..." "No... of course not." "Thanks mom." "You're welcome." "And... thanks for the talk... I did need that." "You don't need to thank me for that, I'm your mother, it's my job... and I missed quite a lot of it, so I got something to make up for." I smiled, "Still, thank you." "You're welcome, Jellybean," she said as she gave me a hug.

Peter P.

"Hey, MJ?" "Hmm?" "You got anything we can do?" "Nope." "What would you do if it were a normal day?" She shrugged, "Draw the people around me maybe." "Why, cause you like drawing people in despair?" She smiled slightly, "Yeah, I do. But... maybe not just that, I've been trying some other things lately." "Have you?" She nodded. "Like what?" "Well, angry people, crying people." "Ever thought of drawing happy people?" "I've been trying that too." "And, how did it work out." She shrugged, "They're okay." "I bet they actually look way better than you're giving yourself credit for." "Why that?" "Because you're good. Like... really good," I told her and I meant it. "Oh, uh... thanks," she said looking kinda surprised. "What, don't get many compliments?" "Not many, but I do get them, it's just... I guess that I see my own drains differently because I made the myself... Maybe that's why I think I'm not really as good as others say I am." "Huh, well I guess you're not the only one who has that problem." "Yeah... might be everyone who draws or paints has that." "Writers and singers too I guess, everyone who makes art." "You'd call my drawings art?" "Yes?" "Why?" "Like I said, you're good." "Oh, yeah, right." "So... since you like drawing and stuff... do you like going to museums?" "From time to time, yes, why?" I shrugged, "I don't know. I'm just trying to get to know you a little bit better." "And you're also bored and you don't know what to talk about, right?" "No... that's not it." "Hey, it's okay. Yeah, I like going to museums. I'd love to go to the Louvre once. Not because of the Mona Lisa, I mean, I heard it's like... really small, but... because it's pretty big and famous. And it's also part of the setting of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code." "You read that book?" "I read more of his books. Reading is another one of my hobbies. Which is why I'd also like to go to the Guggenheim museum." Uh... where is that?" "Spain." "Oh... Spain... Is it in another one of those books?" "Yes, the newest one Origin which came out in 2017. It takes place in Spain." "Huh... so... are those books a little interesting?" "Well, yeah, if you like mystery thrillers." "Uh..." "It's got something detective like too... Because something happens and they look for the person who did it." "Makes it sound like someone gets murdered." "That... might be the case. Anyway, they're good books, with references to art and religion." "Religion?" "I'm not really religious or something, although I do think that there must be something that created us, or at least the first cells... but it's interesting to know how other people think." "Yeah, I guess it is."

"What about you, Peter, what do you do in your free time?" The question surprised me, although I should have expected it. Of course she'd ask me what I did in my free time, she just told me what she does and she's just as bored as I am. "Don't tell me you swing from building to building and help old ladies cross the street, because that doesn't count as free time." I chuckled, "Well, I don't have much free time then I guess." She smiled at me with one eyebrow raised, "No, really... what do you do with the free time you have?" I thought about it for a while, "Well uh... I hang with my friends... and with that I mean I hang with Ned." "You only have Ned?" "Well... Yeah, I don't really have that many friends." "I guess it's better than having not friends..." "Hey... you got Ned and me, right?" "I thought you just said-," "Yeah, but I guess... maybe we can try to be friends after this?" "Yeah... that sounds nice... What do you and Ned do?" "We uh... watch movies, eat pizza, talk... work on science projects sometimes. Like my web fluid." "you made that yourself?" "Yeah, I did. You thought Mr. Stark made it for me?" "Well... I don't know how long you've known the guy." "Well... not as long as I've been Spider-Man." "So he basically saw you on YouTube and went, "I'm gonna train that kid"?" "I guess you could say that, yes." "That's... pretty cool, actually." "You think so?" "Yeah, you don't?" "I think it's awesome." "Yeah, I figured." "I mean, he sees something in me, ya know." "Of course, why else would you run an internship at Stark industries... although I guess being Spider-Man is like... the whole internship part." "Yeah... I guess." "But still, he's training you to be a superhero." "I already am a superhero!" "Well, then I guess he's training you to be a better superhero, which is still pretty cool." I thought about that for a while, then I nodded, "Yes, it is."

"So, what else do you like to do besides superheroing around and watching movies with Ned?" "Uh... we occasionally play games too..." "Games?" "Hey, I'm a young man, what else do you expect of me?" "Yeah, true." "Not much it seems." She shrugged, "Oops?" "I do like to make and edit Spider-Man video's, but it's kinda hard to film them when Ned isn't around... and he doesn't have that much time anymore lately." "Well, if you ever need a camerawoman." "Did you really just say camerawoman?" "I guess I did, yes." "So, you're offering me your services, for free?" "Did I say for free?" "I don't really have a lot of money..." "I thought so, which is why I offered you my services for free." "You're messing with me again!" "Well, you do make it really easy." "No I don't!" "Yeah you do!" "Well... I don't try to make it easy!" "Well, you still make it easy." "Well... oops I guess." "Nah, it's okay. I mean... we're friends right? And friends can tease each other." I nodded, "Yeah, that's true, friends can tease each other... doesn't mean I'm not gonna try to make it harder for you." "Well, I'm looking forward to it," she said with a smile. Come to think of it, it might have been a little weird that I actually made a new friend in the Soul Stone, but we both needed it. And friendships forged by fire... Well, those are the ones that usually survive and to be honest with you, I was looking forward to hanging with MJ outside of the Soul Stone, never mind what Ned would think of it. He'll accept it. I thought. He'll see that she's actually pretty chill, just as I did. "Hey, MJ?" "Yeah?" "I'm glad we're friends." She smiled, she actually smiled with a flash of her teeth and all. "Yeah, me too, Peter."


So, yeah, I actually made a friend in this Soul Stone situation. Never thought I'd make a friend there, but then again, I never really thought I'd go there and I never thought I'd make a friend because I never really thought I needed them. I mean... yeah, of course I've had friends but... they always seemed to like their other friends more than they liked me... So... eventually I just kinda lost them all. And now Peter and I had become friends, just like that. Maybe it was the circumstances, or maybe even Peter, but it suddenly seemed easier... Yeah, probably the circumstances... Well, whatever it was, I made a new friend and even though I'd only had him as my friend for a little while now, I knew I'd do a lot to keep him as my friend... Then again, I had had that with my other friends too... and that never really ended well... But... this felt kinda different. Peter's a very easygoing guy. He has quite strong moral compass, although I'm not sure if he always listens to that. I mean, he did get himself into quite a lot of trouble. Although I'm pretty sure he'd never ever murder someone, except when really necessary... and maybe not even then. He would make a good superhero one day, when he's older. But now? No, he's still too young if you ask me.

"What are you staring at?" He asked me. "Huh? Me? Nothing." "You were staring at me." "I was thinking." "While staring at me?" "Your suit is quite the source of inspiration." "Really?" "I said so, didn't I?" "And you meant it?" "Do you take me for I liar?" "Well, you're too small to be a harp." That pun was so horrible that I just had to laugh, "Seriously? Too small to be a harp? That's all you can think of?" He shrugged, "Well, we've been here for quite a while now... Haven't heard any good puns lately, so I'll have to go with the bad ones." "That one was so bad, you should be pun-ished." He grinned, "And you called my pun bad." "Hey, I haven't heard any good ones in a while either, but I'll admit, yours was better." "Thank you very much." "Oh believe me, I will beat you at this game... eventually." "Let the pun games begin." "And may the best woman win." 

(So, just to make it very clear to you all, the song is Bohemian Rhapsody, by Queen. Okay? So, the song is owned by Queen... Now that I've said that. This chapter... well... I wanted to make it kinda emotional, but also kinda sweet. I hope it worked... what else? I have no friggin clue what else there is to say now... Oh, wait, this is a very special chapter. Those who have read some of my other fanfics might know that I write all of it in Word and post it when I finish the chapter... NOW. GUESS. WHAT? This chapter makes that this fanfiction is now 100 pages!! 100!! That's quite a lot for a fenfiction I guess, so, yay me? Now that you're here, still writing this because... well I guess because you like this fic, I have a question for you. What is it that you like about it? What is it that you like about this fanfiction? Are there some things that you don't like about it? And what do you think of the messages I leave at the end of each chapter? If you'd be so kind to answer these questions that'd be great and it would make me very happy. Have a nice day y'all. ~Suddenly crazy creative Moonwolf)

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