Souls of Bygone Scars

By xBTSxJeongguk

41 1 1

Story: Unfinished -- Updates to be made. -- If only you'd known that it was easier to frown, than it was to s... More

1. Amor Recipis
3. New Phone
4. Suspect
5. Warm Up
6. The Lightest of Warnings
7. Money CAN Buy Happiness
8. ? X 2 = 100

2. What If?

2 0 0
By xBTSxJeongguk

You'd made sure your notifications were on so that you knew when you'd get the results.

When you finally heard the ding you raced to your laptop and opened the email.

Amor Recipis Results:

Dear Tessa Turner,

After calculating your results we have discovered something extraordinary about you. According to the analysis, you are a very special girl with a percentage of 50%.

Now, you may or may not know what that means for you and your future, so let me put it for you in a nutshell. As you should know, there can only be one person alive in the world with their own number, no one else has the same number. Scientists and researchers have always wondered what would happen if this rare event occurred. However, they have never been aware of it happening.

2 years ago, there was a report from a hospital in Busan, Korea, of a kid who had been diagnosed with the same percentage as you, 50%. No one knew what to do with this information, they lead the kid onto believing that he would end up as a single pringle. Which ㅡ at the time ㅡ he was fine with that, but soon he was going to realize the massive disadvantage he will have for the rest of his life.

If you want to know more about his story, please click here.

Have you ever felt like you were something special? That you deserved to be recognized and heard? We are giving you this opportunity to join our team of crewmen/women and help us film a documentary on the unknown life of you two teenagers. Please send a reply ASAP.

Kind regards, Doctor Kim Seokjin 

Your fingers shake uncontrollably as they hover over the mouse. The fear travels from the tips of your nails all the way to the centre of your heart. Everything you've dreamed of, all the plans you've prepared. All the happiness you were patiently waiting for. Everything, was all for this. This turn of the tide that has swept you underwater, forever. This tide that is drowning you in fear of yourself. Except, you must have always been underwater, it's only just now that you've realised the suffocating waters that surround you. And this small fact about yourself, scares you. 

The email gives you the option of being part of a film. A film about your life. Your personal  life. And it will no doubt end up being scripted, just for the increase of viewers. The increase of money. 

You're not going to let them turn you into some lion that everyone pokes and feeds, then makes fun of. You want to be your own person. A person that someone will some day look up to and say I want to be like her. Not I'm so glad I'm not her. You're not going to be trapped in a cage for the rest of your life.

"Mum! Come read this!" You yelled out to her.

"Coming sweetie!" You could hear the thumps of her feet on the stairs. She came into your room with layers of sweat covering her forehead and a cloth in the hand, "What is it?" She walked towards the laptop as you pointed at the email.

"Read this." You kept your finger on the screen as your mum skimmed through it, the corners of her lips slightly falling.

"Do you wanna do it?"

"Mum. They want to film my life with some random boy who I've never met before! They want to turn my life into some sort of research project!" You were absolutely outraged at how inconsiderate the doctors were towards examining you.

"Calm down, sweetie. You aren't being forced to do anything" She patted your shoulder, grabbing the mouse for the laptop.

"What are you doing?" You were scared she was going to reply with a yes.

"I'm finding out information about the other kid involved." She clicked on the here of click here.

Your laptop opened a new tab with the link in the URL. The blue line was slowly glitching its way across the screen at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Just as the line got close to being complete, your screen went black.

"Shit." You muttered and got up from your chair to find your charger.

"Excuse me?" Your mother said, raising her eyebrows and placing her hands on her hips.

"What?" You asked innocently, as if you didn't say anything wrong.

"Honestly, as soon as your dad left all I've heard come out of your mouth is swear word after swear word." She complained, the comment about Dad stinging a bit.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you classified shoot as a swear word." 

"You said shit!" She fought back, making you shake your head at her predictability. 

"Actually, I said shoot!"

"No you didn't! You said shit!"

"You're literally so rude. I'm not allowed to swear, but here you are swearing your ass off!"

"That's because I'm an adult!" 

"That's because I'm an adult my ass!" Ugh, adults must be incredibly stupid you thought while crossing your arms and sending your mum a death glare.

"Fine. Sort your shit out yourself!" And with that, she left.

You decided to open the email from your phone. Whilst you were doing this, you tried to come up with ideas on how to change your percentage.

"What if I drained all my blood, but while that was happening someone else with the same blood type as me gave me their blood?" You muttered to yourself. "Hold up, that wouldn't work since it's not the blood that's got the percentage, it's the hormone in your blood which is produced from the recipis. Duh!

"So if I get a recipis transplant that produces a different type of hormone...Could that work?"

You just wanted more than anything to not be you for once. You wanted to be normal, not the odd one out. Even though the number was even.

Clicking on the link again, you waited patiently to find out more.

A 14 year old male, has been discovered as a rare find.

After losing his parents in a house fire, and nearly dying himself, doctors accidentally stumbled upon his Amor Recipis percentage.

Researchers all around the world have asked themselves a particular question at least one hundred times, but to no avail.

"What if someone got 50%?"

Until recently, we had no idea that this spectacular, world changing answer existed. However, it has now been deemed possible while the boy is still trying to breath properly.

The kid will leave to America, where there are some relatives there, leaving behind his hometown, Busan. The house is yet to be searched for any hidden pieces of information behind the cause.

Now we're just waiting to see if it is in fact possible to have two people with the same number.

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"What the hell!" Your phone started spazzing out with purple and blue colours before completely blacking out. You slammed down your phone, already knowing it was a goner.

"At least it wasn't my laptop."

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