由 richardgraysons

102K 2.8K 291

"Don't forget I'm also just a girl, standing in front of another girl, asking her to love her." [Margot Robbi... 更多



2.1K 72 9
由 richardgraysons

With the sun beginning to creep through the cracks in the blinds, the light hit Willa's eyelids and tried to wake her up. Turning to face away from window, she was met with the sleeping form of Margot and the events of the night before came back to her, causing a smile to for a upon her lips. Knowing that she could not fall back to sleep, Willa simply watched a peaceful Margot sleep. She slowly reached up to brush a stray hair that was in front of Margot's face and tucked it behind her ear, allowing for her to admire the blonde's face in full.

The small gesture seemed to have caused Margot to stir however. With eyes still closed and seemingly still sleeping, Margot turned onto her back. Willa watched as her chest rose and softly went back down, a little snore escaping her mouth as she did so.

Thankfully, Willa wasn't working in the store today (but did have to do some work later in the day in regards to upcoming stock) so she could stay in bed with Margot all day if she wanted and oh how she wanted to. But, when her stomach began to grumble, she decided to go make herself some food and bring Margot some breakfast in bed. Getting out of such a comfortable spot in her bed, Willa got up and went over to her closest, pulling out a baggy shirt and pajama pants from the drawers inside of it.

As she finished slipping the shirt over her head, she heard movement from the bed which made her spin on her heels. Margot had awoken and as the blonde stretched her arms out above her head, she looked over towards where Willa stood and a grin took over her face. "Hey."

Willa smiled back at her as she walked back over to the bed. "Hey to you too." She leaned down as Margot sat up in the bed and the two women met in the middle to share a quick kiss with Willa placing her hand on Margot's bare shoulder. With a smile when parting, Willa gently squeezed the blonde's shoulder. "So I was thinking today, if you're not doing anything, we could just hang around the house and just kind of have a lazy day. Archie's minding the store all day and I just have to do some stock work later that I can sort out from up here but I don't have to do that until later."

Margot beamed. "That sounds great." Her grin turned flirtatious and she bit her lip, glancing towards Willa's lips. "Why are you wearing clothing though?"

The brunette chuckled. "Well, someone has got to make some breakfast and I have quite the appetite right now after last night so I'm going to quickly whip something together but I will be right back when I'm done." She then leaned back down to kiss Margot again. "I promise." She finished with before heading out of the bedroom.

Going down the short hallway and crossing through the living room, Willa went into the kitchen to find something for the two of them to eat. Opening up the fridge, she pulled out the last couple of eggs with the intention of making scrambled eggs. She then found some bacon in the fridge freezer. While she began to put this all together, Margot came traipsing into the room wearing Willa's baggy Superman logo t-shirt with a pair of pajama shorts she could find.

"Sorry, I just kinda wanted to stretch my legs and keep you company while you cook so I grabbed some of the first things I could find in your draw to make myself look at least decent and not just roam your house naked." Margot explained, almost on the verge of rambling. "Also, wearing the dress I wore last night is not casual breakfast attire."

"Don't apologize, I totally understand." Willa said, brushing off the unnecessary apology. "You up for bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast? I think there is some juice in the fridge as well if you want something to drink." The brunette then began to prepare the food on the kitchen bench.

Margot, who seemed to be in a particular mood this morning, went into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around Willa from behind. She began placing soft kisses on the woman's neck, nuzzling into her.

"Margot..." Willa tried her best not to let out a moan at how nice the kisses felt as Margot began to go down to her collarbone. "As much as I like this, I'm trying to make us food here and would really like to not make a mess." She turned her head to try be face to face with Margot so she could kiss her lips. They share a brief kiss before Margot released her, mockingly pouting but when Willa shook her head towards her, Margot broke out into laughter and went to go sit on the bar stools at the kitchen counter.

The blonde leaned her elbows on the counter with her head resting on top of closed fists as she watched Willa moving around the kitchen, frying the cut up bacon on one pan and cooking the scrambled eggs on the other pan. As she cooked, the brunette pulled the aforementioned juice from the fridge and poured both herself and Margot a glass, placing them both on the counter.

Willa smirked to herself. "Did you know that once you have sex with a woman, you can never go back to having it with a man?"

"Oh really?" Margot asked, trying her best to act surprised as she lifted up her glass to take a sip.

"Oh yeah, it's a proven fact for sure." Willa stated as she turned her back on Margot to resume her cooking.

"So if it's true then, why did a bunch your hookups in college end up with the girl going back to her ex-boyfriend or getting with some other guy?" Margot asked teasingly, knowing that she'd get some sort of reaction out of the comic book store owner.

Willa turned around on her heels. "Well, I didn't say that it related entirely to my case but I just know that it's just so much tougher to go back to having sex with men after being with a woman."

"Ah, okay. I get it now." Margot said before chuckling.

"Besides, most of the girls I hooked up in college were experimenting." Willa said as she resumed to her cooking. "But I'm sure I internet stalked some recently and like three of them had pictures on their Instagram with captions involving them hanging out their actual girlfriends they were in relationships with and full on making out in pictures so perhaps you can always go back to women after briefly being with men again."

"Ok, I'll take your word for it." Margot said with a grin as she carried on sipping at her drink.

It was then that the doorbell rang. As Willa was cooking, Margot stood up from the bar stool. "I'll go get it. You keep on cooking." She then cheerfully almost skipped to the staircase.

Willa took the food off of the element to go check who it was at the door. Once she almost reached the top of the staircase, Margot had reached the door and was opening it up. It was then that their guest at the door made themselves known by the large amounts of yelling and bright flashes of the light both capturing a post-sexy times looking Margot and the equally looking similar Willa who stood at the top of the staircase, frozen in her tracks.

"Margot! Who's the mysterious woman?"

"Are you a lesbian now?"

"Is it true that you're hooking up with her?"

"What about Grant?"

Although the door was only opened for the smallest amount of time, it felt like forever. They had likely gotten hundreds of photos all in as both women were in absolute shock at the sight before them that Margot couldn't bring herself to quickly shut the door behind her. Once she did though, she was quick to rush back upstairs and head immediately past Willa to head back down to the bedroom.

Willa was quick to follow, calling for Margot to come back but when she entered the bedroom, she was met with Margot stripping out of Willa's clothes and trying to find the remains of her clothing. Her phone was laying nearby and once she'd put her underwear on, she began calling up a number on her phone.

"Margot? What's happening? Where are you going?" Willa asked.

"Someone told the press where I was and judging by how only a small number of people know that we are together, it has to be someone who knows you." Margot said as she held the phone up to her ear. She was clearly angry and seemed all tensed up. Whoever was on the other end of the line picked up though. "Hello? I need a car to the address that I'll text you and I need it as soon as possible." She then paused. "Thank you so very much." Hanging up the call, she quickly sent off a text before she resumed to dress herself.

"I think what we need to do is take a step back, not to jump to any conclusions about suspecting that one of my friends would call on the media." Willa knew in her heart that none of them would say anything to get money or fame for a second. Her friends and loved ones were not those kind of people.

"I can't be calm right now, Willa." Margot said, pulling her dress up over her body. "I have just been potentially outed to the world." Luckily, her dress has a side zip so she was able to do it up on her own. It would seem rather awkward to ask Willa to do it right now.

"This is absolutely awful, Margot but I'm sure this news will be gone in like twenty-four hours once they find the next big celebrity scandal to worry about." Willa stated, brushing it off by appearances but beginning to freak out on the inside. The media now knew that she had a connection with Margot Robbie and they knew where she lived. It scared the absolute shit out of her.

Margot didn't seem particularly happy about Willa's statement. "Being outed won't just become yesterday's news. Being outed will be scrutinized, it will affect my career and any future relationships going forward. The world may have progressed but I could still lose jobs over this." She picked up her heels off the ground just as a notification popped up on her phone, which had gone back to lying on the bed. "My ride is out front. I have to get out of here." And with that, she left the bedroom quickly.

Willa went chasing after her, almost jogging to catch up with her. "What about our plans for the day? Cuddling in bed and just being together?"

Margot stopped and turned around, her hair swishing behind her. "My plans for the day were ruined the moment I opened that door. I can't just carry on my day like normal and try to act like nothing life changing just happened." She then pressed a hand against her forehead, a realization coming to her. "Oh fuck, they all think I still have a boyfriend, especially if anyone saw Grant and I chatting last night." Running her hand over her face, she let out an agitated groan.

Margot then carried on her journey to the front door, arriving at the top of the staircase when Willa grabbed hold of her arm to stop her. "Come on, Margot. I think you're just overreacting a little. Let's sort this out together and perhaps not leave on such a bad note."

And that was when Willa has truly done it. Margot turned to face the brunette, the anger clearly reaching it's peak. "Overreacting? You've never had to worry about coming out to the world and having said coming out affecting your entire career. Coming out as lesbian is different to being bisexual. Yes, they are both tough and I could never say that coming out as one or the other is worse but at least you won't be questioned for every relationship decision you'll make from now on by the media and you won't be told that you're actually just gay or you're actually just straight when entering those relationships." Taking a moment to take a breath, Margot quickly went back into her rant. "You won't be scrutinized for being a forced out bisexual actress."

"But Margot, I understand that coming out is tough. Being forced out is even worse. My best friend was outed by assholes yelling transphobic shit at her super conservative parents who kicked her out of her own home. I know what it's like." Willa stated. She was trying to stay as calm as she could throughout all of this but she could feel her heart rate increasing out of panic and her breaths wanted to come out just as quickly.

"But here's the thing, Willa: as much as you claim that you understand what I'm going through, you really don't understand what I'm going through." Margot said. She pointed at the door at bottom of the stairs. "Behind that door are a bunch of assholes who are ready to yell questions at me and take photos of me doing a walk of shame from the house of the woman who they probably think they I had sex with last night. They are probably already writing their articles on how Margot Robbie is having some lesbian affair with some random nobody and how heartbroken Grant Jennings is in all of this, turning me into the bad guy and giving Grant all the sympathy." She turned her attention back to Willa. "When you came out, your parents told you they loved you. You were accepted immediately by them and pretty much everyone else around you. You became popular for being gay and you hooked up with girls who were experimenting all through high school and college." Seeing the sadness forming on Willa's face, Margot felt regret inside of her for bringing up the hookups in such a mean-spirited way but she had already gone too far. This argument had gone too far. She just had to get out of there. She couldn't bare to look at a saddened Willa for this much longer.

To Willa, this felt like a breakup or more like being dumped. She had felt this way many times more than she'd like to admit but this time felt worse because she knew that this relationship was the realest one she'd ever had and losing Margot could hurt the hardest. So when Margot said nothing more and went off down the stairs, Willa's fast paced breathing caught up with her.

There was no last glance behind as Margot reached for the door, slipping on that pair of sunglasses she carried around with her to not blind herself by the paparazzi camera flashes. She simply opened it, letting the swarm of photographers get a glimpse on the inside again before closing it behind her. She was gone just like that. When the yelling died out, Willa knew that she was gone for what could be forever. After an argument like that, it just felt impossible.

Willa couldn't seem to get a hold on her breathing. It felt like she was having some sort of panic attack, all of the stress of the argument catching up on her all at once. She felt a little dizzy, the whole world around her spinning while she stayed still at the top of the staircase in her apartment. Her legs felt weak beneath her and she settled down on the top stair, clutching at her chest.

It wasn't long until Archie came through the upstairs door from the comic book store staircase. He quickly looked around the apartment before noticing Willa sitting at the top of the stairs. "What the hell happened, Will? Where's Margot?"

The emotions caught up on Willa and among her quick breathing, the tears began to fall. Without saying anything despite wanting to, Archie crouched beside Willa and simply hugged from the side, letting his roommate lean into him as she cried her eyes out. Archie didn't need any answers from Willa. He could tell that this was the immediate aftermath of a breakup.


Sorry for what happened. I feel like this was a little messy. It took me a few rereads before publishing it so I hope you liked it (maybe).


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