5sos Imagines

By angelixily

162K 2K 892

~Luke Hemmings~ ~Calum Hood~ ~Michael Clifford~ ~Ashton Irwin~ Your favorite imagines bout your favorite band... More

Best Friends (SOSventures)
Songs (Ashton Irwin)
Jealousy (Luke Hemmings)
Being Friends With Michael Includes-
Being Friends With Luke Includes-
Being Friends With Calum Includes-
Being Friends With Ashton Include-
Being BEST Friends With All Of Them Include-
Best Friend (Ashton Irwin)
Rewrite the Stars (Michael Clifford)
Texting (Calum Hood)
Peeving Trey
Tweet (Ashton Irwin)
Sweetened (Michael Cliford)
Best Friend in Elementary (Calum Hood)
Hey Everybody! (Ashton Irwin)
Study Buddy (Luke Hemmings)
Apollo (SOSventures)
Ellen (Calum Hood)
Better Man (Michael Clifford)
Woolsey Fire (SOSventures)
Woolsey Fire P2 (SOSventures)
2 Years Time (Michael Clifford)
Ghost of You (Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood)
Ashton, My Best Friend (Ashton Irwin)
Pillow Fight (Luke Hemmings)
Thursdays Are For The Boys (Ashton Irwin)
Why Don't We (Luke Hemmings)
Started from KFC (Ashton Irwin)
Started From KFC P2 (Ashton Irwin)
Tour W/ Chainsmokers (Michael Clifford)
Mistletoe (Calum Hood)
Meme Review (SOSventures)
Zodiac Compatibility, 5SOS
Study Buddy P2 (Luke Hemmings)
Valentine Stream (SOSventures)
I Like Me Better (Ashton Irwin)
Fabulous Photoshopping (Michael Clifford)
Cold In LA (Luke Hemmings)
New Idea!
Screw Love (Luke Hemmings)
Screw Love P2 (Luke Hemmings)
Being Siblings with Luke Includes-
Being Siblings With Michael Includes-
Being Siblings With Calum Includes-
Being Siblings With Ashton Includes-
That One (Calum Hood)
Up Against Le Boxeur (Calum Hood)
Ashton's Weaknesses (Ashton Irwin)
Dad Jokes (SOSventures)
'Cause We Could FEEEEEEL (Luke Hemmings)
6-8 Children (Ashton Irwin)
Famous YouTuber (SOSventures)
Covers to Tours (Hailey X Calum) P1
Covers to Tours (Hailey X Calum) P2
Covers to Tours (Hailey X Calum) P3 Ending
Daryll, It's The Good Kush (Michael Clifford)
Highschool Loudmouth (Luke Hemmings)
Got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
Ya Got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
Ya Got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
Ya got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
Ya got Caught (Hailey X Michael)
1,000 Views! Aye
I'm so tired... (Ashton Irwin)
Mon Petit Gagnant (Calum Hood)
Fainted (Ashton Irwin)
Cuddles (SOSventures)
Gaming with Michael is Like-
Sleepovers with Calum are Like-
I Saw Them Today (Michael Clifford)
I'm Literally Tired
Random Fanart #1
The Boy In The Grass (Ashton Irwin)
Prego, No Prank (Calum X Hailey)
Prego, No Prank (Part 2) Hailey X Calum
The Boy In The Grass (Part 2)
Explanations (Luke Hemmings)
This Feeling (Calum Hood)
Peachy cal (SOSventures) (Chainvent)
Sick (Michael Clifford)
Noticing A Pattern (SOSreview)
Their Girls (SOSreview)
Her Tweets (Luke Hemmings)
Her Tweets (Luke Hemmings) Part 2
Your Mom (Luke/Michael)
Our Gamer Girl ~PART 1~ (Luke/Mike)
~Going Shopping With Luke Includes~
Grammy (Request for Linda) Lukequest
End Up Here (Luke Hemmings)
Convos with ya Boy, Danny (P1)
Stage (Michael Clifford)
Behind The Scenes (SOSventures) (Chainvent)
Ditching (Calum Hood)
Short Make-Out (Ashton Irwin)
Interviewer ~SOSventures~
Instagram Stories ~SOSventures~
Bet and Get ~Calum X Hailey~ {Request}
Bet And Get ~Calum X Hailey {Request} *Part 2*
Cousins ~Luke Hemmings~
No Money ~Michael Clifford~ {Part 1}
No Money ~Michael Clifford~ {Part 2}
~Asylum in Time~
Scary Time ~SOSages~
New Cover!
We Were Like|Ashton Irwin
Band vs Band vs Band|SOSventures~Chainvent {Series} Part 1≤Intro≥
Stories I havent Uploaded
Acoustic ~SOSventures~ {2018}
Cuddle ~Ashton Irwin~ {2013}
KayKay ~Ashton Irwin~ {2019}
The Poor TV...
My Friends Wont Answrr Meeeeee
Running ~Lukquest~ {Requested by Abigail}
Slapped {Calquest}
Mall Boy {CalQuest} ~2015~
Swimming ~Luke Hemmings~ {2019}
Happy Easter!
JuSt A rAnDoM aUThOr NoTe...CaUsR i'M bOrEd
Got Tagged! Aye
Testing ~Ashton Irwin~ {2016} //Part 1//
#FunnySongs ~Michael Clifford~ {2019}
Snapchat ~Luke Hemmings~ {2013/2019}
LuKe WaS wEaRiNg ShOeS fOr OnCe!¡
My Rankings
Hey Girl ~SOSventures~ {2019}
Christmas! ~Michael Clifford~ {2013}
Green Glasses ~Luke Hemmings~ {2010}
Reject ~Calum Hood~ {2011} \\Part 1\\
Reject ~Calum Hood~ {2011} \\Part 2\\
Texting Danny ~Part Two~ {Not a Chapter}
Duke ~Calum Hood~ {idk what year haha. I forgot. I'm guessing...late 2017}
Pool Party ~Luke Hemmings~ {2015}
Baking Cookies ~Michael Clifford~ {2018}
Staying With Luke's Parents Include~
Staying With Calum's Parents Include~
Pietro Maximoff ~SOSchat~
The Sweetest Thing ~Michael Clifford~ {2016} //Part 1//
New Story!
Till Now~Luke Hemmings~ {1996-2019}
The Sweetest Thing ~Michael Clifford~ {2016} //Part 2//
Harley ~Calum Hood~ {2019}
AnOtHeR vErSiOn Of EaSiEr
Tangled Trip ~Ashton Irwin~ {2012}
5sos X Charlie Puth ~SOSventures~~Luke Hemmings~ {2019}
2 Hours ~Calum Hood~ {2019}
Meme Girl ~SOSventures~ {2019}
Australian Spider ~Michael Clifford~ {2010}
Instagram ~Luke Hemmings~ {No Specific Time Zone}
A Photo Created By Adi
Coachella ~Ashton and Calum~ {2019}
5 Seconds of Supers ~SOSventures~ {2014} *Part 1*
5 Seconds of Supers ~SOSventures~ {2014} *Part 2*
Instagram ~SOSventures~ {2019 Flashbacks}
The Prince ~Luke Hemmings~ {2016}
Friends of Friends ~SOSventures~ {2019}
Guys...I'm Bored
Cinq jours ~SOSchat~ {1019}
What The Heart Wants ~Luquest~ {2019}
Why to Not Wake Michael Clifford (Ever) ~SOSventures~ {2019}
Feed Me Ideas and maybe a Q&A? IDK
Instagram ~Old Flashbacks~ {2014-2019}
Happy Chrysler ~SOSventures~ {2019}
The 5th Second of Summer {SOSventures} ~2019~
My Hero, Ashton Irwin
The Love a Sister Holds {BabySOS} //Request\\
I'm Preggo. Now Get Me The Eggo ~Luke Hemmings~ {2020} //Request\\
Going To Luke's Funeral Includes~
Getting In A Car Crash With Michael Includes~
Being In Calum's Family Includes~
Being In Ashton's Surgery Office Includes~
When You Realize You'll Never Meet Luke Hemmings ~Virtual~
Covid-19 ~Luke Hemmings~ {2020}
Filters ~Luke and Calum~
Late Night Edits ~Calum Hood~ {2020}
What Have I Done (Not Sorry)
Beforehand ~Ashton Irwin~ {2020}
Aye Watch this if you wanna see me cry-
Bucket Hat Cult ~Calum & Michael~ {2020}
The Super Natural ~SOSventures~ {2020}
Starting My Own Tag

Obsessed (Michael Clifford)

835 10 2
By angelixily

This takes place in the year of 2015, AKA the peaceful time when the Paul Bros weren't on YouTube!

I was listening to 5sos on the public bus. Just, my regular playlist. All of their songs ever created, on the playlist. I had loved these boys since I had seen them 3 years ago. The best people ever. Especially Michael. I ALWAYS loved Michael. He was my favorite out of all of them. Always had been. No matter through his girlfriend's, I was really supportive of him.

I started humming along to the lyrics. My sister groaned and hit my shoulder. "Ow! What the sh*t was that for!?" I yelled at her. She sighed.

"You're f**king obsessed! You have been for 3 years straight! Like Jesus, get OVER them! You're not going to meet them!" She laughed. I sighed.

"I'm not obsessed. I just love them. They're music is so real. It always has been. And...they helped me so much through so many things. And.. you hadn't been listened to them! You don't know!" I announced to her. She shrugged.

"By things you mean getting over your Meme stage...huh?" She asked me, taking a look at her nails. I glared at her.

"No! And for a matter of fact, I STILL enjoy memes! They are the beauties of the internet!" I laughed as I said that. She rolled her eyes.

"You are so overrated. Just-" She tried taking my phone and I fought back. She jabbd my side and my instincts came. I kicked her and once the bus stopped, I ran off. Now, let me tell you, I had no idea where this palace was. So, I had no clue where I was going. I just ran, hoping she wouldn't try to take my phone away again.

I stopped, gasping for air. I had ran at full speed to get off of that bus. And I was kind of glad I did. I never liked being surrounded by so many people to judge you. And bus people were the best at judging. Also, more than half the people on the bus were really old. And...old people were always rather judgy of my music type.

I continued walking around the place. Well...before I bumped into someone. As I apologised I saw who it was, my eyes widened at the sight.

Before me, was Michael Clifford. We locked eyes for a few before he helped me up. "Hey. Sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going." He told me. I have him my hand to pull me up. I was in SHOCK. Honestly, I never thought I'd ever meet him. Or even see him.

I nodded. "It's fine...I wasn't either." I told him. I bet my face was red. He smiled. I took a deep breath. This man and his band were my favorite out of every singer/songwriters group. I smiled bravely. "So, would it be weird to say if I was a fan?" I asked him, giggling slightly.

His face tightened even more. "Awesome! So, would you want an autograph? A picture? Anything?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"A picture with you would be amazing, thanks." I told him. He nodded, smiling still. I guess he was in a good mood?

I took or my phone and went to camera. Good thing I was wearing my best outfit-

This person is the founder of this outfit. Go find her wherever. Me personally, found this outfit on Pinterest XD

As I put the phone out he wrapped his arm around my waist. My face flushed a bit red and I snapped the photo.

"Wait. Can we take a couple more? I think I blinked." He replied to me. I nodded and put out the phone again. We did a coupe of stupid and good poses. But...during the last one, He KISSED my cheek as I snapped the photo. My eyes widened again.

"Uhh...thanks?" I asked him. That's when the other guys ran up to us.

"Damn Michael! For pizza, you're fast! Oh, who's this?" Ashton asked me. I put out my hand.

"I'm Kaya....and hi. I'm a fan!" I exclaimed happily. Luke smiled as Calum's face overjoyed.

"Hell yeah! I love her already! Can we keep her? Please please please please please?" Calum begged. My face flushed again. I laughed.

"Selfie time!" Ashton joked, getting out his phone. We all were totally idiotic during this. Stupid photos were everywhere. And they even posted half of them on Social Media. I knew there would be some kind of article of me by tomorrow. At least saying something like,
"Oh my gosh! Luke Hemmings cheating on Arzaylea with person blah blah blah! I'm just using clues not even in the picture! But oh my gosh, they both did duck lips and cross eyes at the same time?! Definitely dating!"

Like...no. We just met. And I'm a fan as well as these people are. Maybe if they read the description...they'd know.
Mot saying you guys don't read the description! I know you do! It's just a story thing. Don't hate me lol

I smiled at them. "Oh, thank you guys. I love you all so much. You've made a big impact on me and I just...I can't explain it." I said. Michael hugged me, rubbing my back. I laughed.

"Who's made the biggest impact though." Ashton said, smirk smiling. The boys groaned.

"Ahh! Here's Ashton for ya! Just...just making fans choose sides again! Damn you Irwin!" Calum laughed to Ashton who was hiding his laugh.

"I mean..you've all made an impact on me. Ashton, my humor. Luke, my soft side. Calum, my weird @$$ side. And Michael, obviously my Punk Rock side." I joked to him. The boys laughed.

"Yes! Punk Rock takes up 96% of your brain! So that means you guys only have 1% of you guys in her!" Michael said. He fist bumped the air as I giggled slightly. I ruffled his hair.

"Stop! I'm balding! I don't need any more hair falling out!" He exclaimed, putting it in the right spots again.

"Then stop dying your hair!" I laughed as I walked over to him. Fixing his hair to make his bald spots not show. I smiled as I finished.

"Kaya! There the hell you are!" I heard a voice yell. A voice also way too easy to name. My sister's. I sighed.

"Come on. You just don't go taking someones phone without asking. It's f**king rude." I told her.

"Hey! No cursing! I told you to stop in public! Listen to me!" She yelled at me.

"I can do whatever I want! I'm punk rock 2.0!" I said. She looked confused before Michael picked me up. And as he did he started going. And I mean, going. He ran faster then any fricken human in this world. Like...he ran faster than a cheetah! Jeez.

And I held on to him. I was NOT risking any chances on falling down and breaking an ankle from his fast running skills. Once he stopped, we were like...on a grassy fielded hill. I smiled. "You ran...faster than my life depends." I told him. He gasped, laughing.

"I only run when it comes to food, or someone I feel interested in." He told me. AMy face turned red.

"So..you're interested in me?" I asked him smiling like a dork. He laughed.

"Well...you could also be food." He told me, winking.

"And you ruined it! You ruined the moment! Thanks Michael! Stop the dirty mind!" I told him. He laughed.

"You know what? I wouldn't mind an article." He said, before smashing his lips onto mine.

Aye guys! I'm sorry it's so late! Literally 12:25 PM here. But I'm bored. So bored. My bro and sis are watching a movie. I'm not a movie person, and I'd rather be writing! And I wanted to write this one down before I lost the idea XD. I love you guys!

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