Alternate Timeline: Sequel to...

By all_things_book

30.2K 670 192

After the war with Gaea in this new timeline, Apollo wishes for Percy to love him as he did before the incide... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Another Tag
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

2K 51 11
By all_things_book

Apollo POV

     Percy and the other two demigods stayed after everyone else and I walked over to them to discuss what we might face on the quest. I had my fake smile on as always, never feeling happy enough to put on a real one after the issue with Percy, who at the present moment looked like he was lost in thought. I stopped right in front of them and Percy looked up from his brief lapse of focus. He looked me in the eyes and I felt a chill go down my spine at the intensity of emotions in his eyes, unable to determine exactly what emotion he was trying to convey with his stormy eyes.

     I hesitated a second, lost in his intense gaze but I quickly recovered and looked towards the other demigods who didn't seem to notice Percy and I's brief staring contest. I maintained my fake smile while I felt like crumbling on the inside. The thick silence between the demigods and I continued on for a few more seconds and I noticed them shift uncomfortably where they stood. I cleared my throat and decided to break the tension.

"Soooooo, I guess we'll be working together on this endeavor for the time being."

     The demigods gave a solemn nod and I sighed exasperatedly.

"Gods, are you going to speak or am I going to have to do all of the talking."

Nico got a scared look in his eyes.

"Please no, I get enough talk from Will," he said, dread written on his features.

     Percy and Reyna started cracking up a bit and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"What's wrong, di Angelo? Afraid Apollo's gonna try and flirt like Will?" Percy asked while giving Nico a noogie.

     Nico's face turned bright red and he pushed Percy away while he, Reyna, and I started laughing even harder at the thought of Nico trying to escape Will's clearly evident attempts at flirting with Nico. The demigods looked surprised when I started laughing and they quickly stopped laughing. I continued for a moment before stopping, their stares trying to dissect me before I decided to speak.

"What, is there something wrong?"

     They exchanged glances a few times before they shrugged. I turned to Nico and decided to say one more thing before I left.

"You know, I don't mind if you date my son, right. Will has made it clear he likes you so you should take him up on his offer. Maybe, he'll make you a bit lighter."

     Nico turned redder than I thought possible and I turned around to walk out of the throne room, Reyna and Percy's laughter filling the room once again.

Percy POV

     Apollo seemed genuinely happy laughing with all of us in the throne room and whenever he laughed I felt warmth grow in my heart. It made me happy that he was actually happy instead of pretending.

     Shortly after, we followed Apollo's lead and left the throne room through the double doors, beginning the long trek back to the vans. After about ten minutes of walking, we got to the elevator and got in, me gripping the railing the entire time. I knew my face was pale but I couldn't help it. Nico looked towards me with a knowing look and he slid closer to place a hand on my back, rubbing reassuring circles on my back.

     Annabeth was usually the one who comforted me and in return I comforted her but Nico never failed to make me feel better, whether it was intended or not. Watching him and Will was one of the highlights of my day, mainly because Nico was so oblivious to most of Will's flirting even though it was obvious enough to me that Nico liked Will as well.

     After a short few seconds of standing still, I followed Reyna out of the front doors of the Empire State Building with Nico following closely behind. We got in the camp vans along with the other demigods who had been waiting for us to come down and we began the long drive back to camp.

     After an hour in the van, we pulled up to camp and we tiredly tumbled out of the van. I stretched and gave a long yawn only to glance at Nico who had done the same thing. I smiled at his kitten like yawn and began the trek up Half-Blood Hill.

     It was almost dinner time so I trained with some dummies before walking to the pavilion for dinner before I went my cabin and promptly fell asleep.

     In the morning, I asked Nico what was said at the meeting and he said we were leaving in two weeks. Two weeks of anticipation and monotony. As usual, I spent the next two weeks training and readying myself for what we might face and Reyna and Nico did the same.

     As to what Apollo did, well that I didn't know because he didn't consult us once between the two weeks and the quest.

     By the time it was time to leave, I had said my goodbyes to all of my friends and my mom and Paul, just in case I didn't come back. I finished packing my backpack, remembering to pack clothes and ambrosia among other essentials and Reyna and Nico knocked on my door, their packed bags already in hand.

     We headed toward the beach and the crowd gathered to send us off on the newest version if the Argo. About halfway through the two weeks before the quest, Leo came back on Festus carrying Calypso. The camp welcomed him with cheers and a few smacks and he quickly started working on the Argo III, not passing up the opportunity to work with his dad.

     Presently, Leo stood at the helm of the ship, waiting to show us all how to operate the ship while Hephaestus stood on the ground, waiting with the other Olympians who came with Apollo.

     Having already said most of our goodbyes, our send off was short and sweet, the longest part being Leo's drawn out instructions on proper machine maintenance. After Leo deemed our knowledge sufficient enough to operate his beloved vessel, we set off on the new quest, the demigods at camp waving at us as our ship took flight and we parted ways with the familiarity of our homes and headed towards the unknown.

Sorry for how long it took to get this chapter out. I've been super busy and I got addicted to a new series of fanfiction by Yournormalpjofangirl called When Myths Meet Magic that everyone should go read. It's a Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossover with multiple books and it's v amazing. While I'm at it, I'll recommend a song too. You guys should listen to Slow Dancing In the Dark by Joji which is also v good.

Anyway sorry for not updating sooner and I'll try to stick to my updating schedule from now on which is once every two weeks but I'm not making any promises.

Constructive criticism or pointing out my mistakes is very much appreciated.

Hope you have a good day, week, month, etc.


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