Cowgirls Don't Cry (A One Dir...

By CountryHeart

110K 2.6K 407

Sierra is just a simple country girl. She works on her parent's dude ranch teachin' city slickers how to ride... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28

Chapter 3

5K 113 13
By CountryHeart

*Sierra's POV*

When they were all done unpacking they came to the barn. In skinny jeans and expensive shirts and sneakers. Maybe I should have told them to wear their old stuff. Out here we only wore old jeans, t-shirts, and boots. We didn't own any fancy sneakers that we had to worry about gettin dirt on. Guess it just slipped my mind.

"Um, ya'll? Do you have anything that you can get dirty?" I asked.

They all looked at each other but in the end that said no. Its a good thing I have five brothers that are willing to share and are about the same size!

I smiled shyly. "Then follow me, darlings."

I started to walk towards the house and heard 5 pairs of footsteps following me. They stopped right inside the door. "Alright, ya'll wait right here and I'll be right back."

I grabbed a pair of jeans from each of my brothers and borrowed a pair of boots for each of them. Sure, there stuff was a little scuffed up and dirty but it would do for now.

"Put this stuff on and I'll go get you some shirts." Trying to find clean shirts in their rooms proved to be near impossible. I had to sort through almost all the piles of clothes lying on the floor of each of their bedrooms before I found some shirts that looked clean. As I trotted down the stairs I heard strong British accents and one Irish accent talking. Being the eavesdropper I am, I stopped and listened.

"When are we gonna tell her who we are?" asked a British accent. I think it was Harry. What are they talking about? Who are they? Suddenly my eyes widened. What if they were some kind of murders? I tiptoed my way back upstairs. I would just check the records first to see if there was anything suspicious about these guys.

The office was real organized so it wasn't hard to find there record. They were staying for two and a half weeks and had already paid for their entire stay. How could they afford that? Most people that came had to make at least two payments. Well that's not weird at all.


I nearly hit the ceiling when I heard Niall's voice in the doorway. He had an innocent look on his face like he didn't know what was going on. I was gonna find out who they were and now. Wait, what if they have guns? I glanced over at the gun rack on the wall and of course none of the guns were there. I forgot mom took 'em down 'cause she thought it made us look like 'violent barbarians'. I'm pretty sure I can beat them and if I need to I can always out run them.

"Who the hell are you guys?" I spat at him. He looked horrified and took a step back.

"What are you talking about?" he asked innocently. How dare they send up the cute one. Wait... did I just say that Niall was cute? Whatever. Focus Sierra.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! Who. Are. You? And how the hell can you afford this trip in one payment?!" I practicly roared at Niall. By this time Liam and Harry had joined him and were standing there with their mouths hanging open. Bet they weren't expectin me to say that! Liam glanced at both Niall and Harry and nodded. Alright this was starting to freak me out. I walked behind the desk and put some space between us.

"I think we have some explaining to do then." said Liam.

"Yes, you do." I ground out between clenched teeth. These boys were in for quite a surprise if they thought they could get away with not telling me who they were.

*Liam's POV*

This girl was seriously nice. She was even letting us borrow her brother's things so we don't get our shoes and clothes dirty. The lads and I had put on the jeans and boots and were waiting for her to come back down with shirts. I have to admit these boots were pretty comfortable. Maybe that why people out here wore them all the time.

"When are we gonna tell her who we are?" asked Harry. Sierra was still upstairs looking for shirts so she wouldn't hear us.

"Soon. If the fans somehow happen to find us, we need to give her a warning. Poor thing. Don't know what she got herself into." said Zayn. I hope the reporters or fans didn't find out. She seemed like such a shy and harmless girl. Like she wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Yeah and she seems so sheltered from the outside world. Reporters would have a field day with it. 'One Direction's Niall Horan dating country poke.'" said Louis. He looked over and smirked at Niall, who was now blushing like a mad man.

"Why does it have to be me?" he whined.

"Cause you like her!" yelled Lou. That kid didn't have an inside voice, that's for sure.

"Shut up, Lou! She'll hear you!"

"No, she won't. Relax, Nialler." I said. Wow, he must really like her. "Now you go find her and see what's taking so long."

"Fine." he mumbled as he trotted up the stairs.

"Alright, lads, we need to get them together. I was thinking-" I was staring to talk but was cut off by yelling coming from upstairs. I looked at the others but Zayn and Louis were already out the door. I guess it was just Harry and me. We dashed up the stairs to find Sierra yelling at Niall and him looking like he was going to soil his pants. What did he do now?


Alright ya'll tell me what you think so far. I know its terrible so if you could give me some advice I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

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