Mario X Meggy: Unlimited Colo...

By InfiniteLeJackal

11.8K 147 363

Mario and Meggy have won a competition and as an award, have gotten two tickets to an amusement park...IN SPA... More

Beginning Of An Adventure
Sweet Mountain
Robot Brawl
Captain Jelly
Starlight Carnival
Neon And Space
Frigate Orcan
Wisp Rescue
The Refreshinator
Aquarium Park
Under The Sea!
Admiral Jelly
Asteroid Coaster
Robots, Nega, and...Sprite?
Frigate Skullian
Terminal Velocity
The End

Planet Wisp

381 7 14
By InfiniteLeJackal

The five heroes arrived at Planet Wisp, Meggy was in shock from what had happened to the planet.

Meggy: Oh my god...Eggman, what has he done...?

Aqua: Those machines are cutting down trees...

Infinite: He's trying to transform it into a part of his amusement park. This place is actually off limits.

Machito: So we're trespassing?

Infinite: Yep. I really want to bust some of these machines and help the aliens, but we gotta destroy the generator.

Mario: Yeah, let's go find it.

A lot of wisps approached the heroes, and started talking.

Aqua: What are they saying, Infinite?

Infinite: Alright, most of them are confused, but one of them said 'We're in shock, what has happened to our planet? It's got all this weird machinery!'

Mario: Don't you worry, little guys. We're gonna save your planet.

Meggy: We'll make Eggman pay.

A few of the wisps nodded.

Aqua: Alright everyone, ready to save Planet Wisp?

Mario: Yep!

Meggy: Let's do this!

Machito: For the wisps!

Infinite: Let's go kick some robot ass!

The five heroes began their journey, while the wisps cheered behind them.


ReaderFromWR: Shit...phew...glad i managed to get out of that robot crowd. Any longer and they would of killed me!

ReaderFromWR looked around, and took a few breaths, Orbot flew around the corner.

Orbot: Hello!

ReaderFromWR: AH! What do you want, robot?

Eggman: Behind you.

ReaderFromWR: Huh-

The mind control beam hit ReaderFromWR, making him scream in pain. The beam disappeared, and ReaderFromWR's eyes glowed purple.

Eggman: Aha! Success!

Cubot: Yar! What did ye do, captain?

Eggman: I upgraded the mind control beam, now it's way more stronger than before, and requires no alien energy.

Cubot: Das pretty dang gud!

Eggman: -We really need to fix his voice chip...- Let's go see how Reader does against his friends!

Eggman flew off in his Egg-Mobile, while ReaderFromWR followed him.

-Back with our heroes-

Aqua: Oh! The generator!

Infinite: Well, we found that pretty quickly-

A crowd of robots appeared.

Meggy: Let's kick some robot butt!

The five heroes began fighting the robots, Eggman flew over in his Egg-Mobile.

Eggman: Hohoho!

Infinite: Eggman.

Mario: Why are you doing this to such an innocent planet?

Eggman: Because i am evil!

Infinite: More like a douchebag.

Eggman: SILENCE! Reader, get them!

Machito: Huh?

ReaderFromWR jumped from the Egg-Mobile and landed in front of the heroes.

Aqua: R-reader?

ReaderFromWR opened his eyes, which were purple.

Infinite: What did you do to him, Egghead?!

Eggman: I did the same thing i did to Aqua, except this time, it's a little different. 

ReaderFromWR: Ready to perish?

Infinite: Shit...damn you, Eggface.

ReaderFromWR got his chainswords out, Infinite pulled his sword out of his scabbard and the two started having a swordfight.

Infinite: You guys take care of the robots! I'll sort this out!

Eggman: Hohoho! This will be entertaining.

Mario absorbed a Fire Flower and threw fireballs at a few robots, while Meggy and Aqua were fighting another group of robots.

Meggy: Bring it.

Aqua: Let's go!

Aqua delivered an uppercut to an Egg-Pawn, sending it's head flying into the sky, Meggy kicked a couple of robots then took her Splat Roller out.

Meggy: Time to color!

Meggy started flattening the robots with her Splat Roller, Aqua turned around, a pink wisp was flying around.

Aqua: Ooooh...

The pink wisp flew down, Aqua absorbed it.

Aqua: Here we go!

Aqua transformed, then began rolling around as a spiky ball, she impaled robots that got in her way.

Machito: Nice one, Aqua!

Infinite: Come on, Reader! Snap out of it!

ReaderFromWR: Never.

ReaderFromWR kicked Infinite's sword away, then attempted to slash Infinite's chest, which Infinite managed to dodge.

Infinite: -Sorry Reader, but i gotta do this.-

Infinite punched Reader in the face, stunning him, then Infinite punched ReaderFromWR in the pingas.


ReaderFromWR fell to the floor, and started to cry.

Infinite: Hopefully that makes the mind control wear off!

Infinite began to fight the robots, eventually all of the robots had been defeated and the heroes cheered.

Eggman: No!

Meggy: Alright Baldy Nosehair, give up!

Eggman: I'm not giving up just yet!

Eggman pressed a button, ReaderFromWR quickly got up and held a Splat Bomb in his hand.

Mario: Huh?

Eggman: Say bye bye!

Eggman flew away.

Infinite: Get back he-

The Splat Bomb exploded, sending everyone flying in different directions.

A few hours later Meggy woke up covered in rubble.

Meggy: Oh god! Someone help!

Mario heard her cry for help and moved the rubble, Meggy hugged him.

Mario: You're a tough one, aren't you Meggy?

Meggy blushed.

Meggy: Yeah, thanks for the help Mario.

Mario: No problem.

Mario kissed her on the lips, making Meggy blush even more.

Meggy: Well, we got a problem on our hands. Now we've all been separated.

Mario: I'm not sure where the others are, but we'll find them eventually.

Meggy nodded.

Meggy: We were so close to deactivating that generator! I hope Reader and the others are ok.

Mario: Well, let's find the generator again.

The two began to search for the generator, Eggman watched this from above.

Eggman: They're in for a treat soon enough.

Orbot: Indeed, sir.

Cubot: Those two scallywags will get what's comin' to em! Arr!

(That Splat Bomb launched me far...where the hell am i?)

Anyways, lata!

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