My Brother Was Destined To Be...

By ChinksSoriano

1.5M 26K 3.7K

Rachelle and Trent grew up together. When Trent reached the age of sixteen, their family decided to move and... More

My Brother Was Destined To Be My Lover??
Chapter One - Goodbye
Chapter Two - Trent And His Thoughts
Chapter Three- Dealing With A New Family
Chapter Five- Signs?
Chapter Six- Secret Moves
Chapter Seven- A Brotherly Love
Chapter Eight- Getting To Know Them More
Chapter Nine- The Lady In Red
Chapter Ten- The New Her
Chapter Eleven- Beginning Of The Best Summer
Chapter Twelve- Strange Acts By Me
Chapter Thirteen- Playing With The Players
Chapter Fourteen- Unexpected Actions
Chapter Fifteen- A Day To Remember
Chapter Sixteen- No Secrets Are Safe
Chapter Seventeen- My Trust
Chapter Eighteen- Mr. Player And Me? Best Friends?
Chapter Nineteen- The Over-Protective Mr. Player
Chapter Twenty- His Match Making Plan
Chapter Twenty One- Confession Under The Rain
Chapter Twenty Two- Prince Got My Back
Chapter Twenty Three- The Romantic Mr. Sparks
Chapter Twenty Four- Sunset Wish
Chapter Twenty Five- We'll Never Know
Chapter Twenty Six- Lost
Chapter Twenty Seven- Promise To Herself
Chapter Twenty Eight- Trying To Be A Professional
Chapter Twenty Nine- A Date With Mr. Unexpected
Chapter Thirty- Two Dates In Two Days
Chapter Thirty One- Opening My Ears After A Long Time
Chapter Thirty Two- The Modern Romeo And Juliet
Chapter Thirty Three- Bitchiest Bitch Encounter
Chapter Thirty Four- Just For Her
Chapter Thirty Five- That Miracle Bullet
Chapter Thirty Six- After All Those Years

Chapter Four- Having A New Friend

48.7K 952 259
By ChinksSoriano

The first 10 years of a girls life is spent playing with Barbies & the next 10 years are spent trying to look like one.

Chapter Four - Having A New Friend

I groggily groaned to press the dismiss button of my alarm. I was about to go back to my dreamland when the thought of my first day in my new school today suddenly popped.

I immediately got up and started preparing my self for this day. After hitting the showers, i decided to wear my new blue AE hoodies and my white skinny jeans paired up with a pair of my red Converse. I twisted my shoulder length hair into a messy bun then put on my eyeglasses afterwards.

I went down stairs and was surprised to see that everyone was already dressed up.

Aunt Jeni and Uncle Ray was in their usual office attire and Ethan is... Ethan still. Haha. Looking so sexy on his black shirt paired up with gray fitted pants that suits him.

"Hey, lilo cuzzy Rachy. We're waiting for you to go down so we can eat." He said smiling. Note the sarcasm.

"Ohhh. I'm sorry." I said shyly as I took my seat.

"Ethan where are your manners?" Uncle Ray said to his son and looked at me. "No, it's okay Rachelle. Don't listen to Ethan." Ethan just shrugged after hearing that.

I ate pancakes and bacon which tasted so yummy then after we've finished eating, Aunt asked Ethan to drive me to school everyday from this day on.

"Yea. Whatever mom. It seems that I don't even have a choice." He winked at me and placed his heavy arms on my shoulders. "Leggo lil Rachy. I don't wanna be late." He said as we walked with his arms placed on my shoulders.

"Ugh. Please stop calling me those names." I muttered annoyingly under my breath.

"But I like it." He whispered on my ears. I was about to shot him a glare but I heard Aunt's voice from behind.

"Have fun! Take care!" She waved.

"Thanks Aunt! Bbye!"

"Oh c'mon get in the car now." Ethan told me as he opened the door for me.

"Aha. Yeah. Thanks." I replied.

I found it hard to start a conversation with Ethan because i'm not yet used to talk to him since I got to their house. He's my cousin but it just so happened that he seemed to be so unpredictable.

"Uh, Rachy. You know..." At last. He finally spoke.


"That thing I told last time about my friends. I mean, just go with the flow in case they treat you the wrong way." He said. What?

"In case they treat me the wrong way? Just go with the flow? Are you crazy?!"

"No, no. I mean just don't listen to them. Haha. Don't freak out that much. Sorry, i'm just not good in choosing the rights words to say. I'm just trying to break it up to you nicely Rachy. Oh wait that rhymes! Aha!!" He told me laughing. Man, I think my cousin's crazy.. But yeah, sexy. Haha

I wowed when I saw the other cars parked on the parking lot of the school changing the subject. It seemed that every student studying here was pretty rich. Damn.

"I guess everyone's a big time here." I said.

"Big time? You mean uhh. Rich? Haha. Kinda." He replied with that playful smirk on his face. "C'mon. Mom asked the administration to make all of your classes same as mine. Soooo, you have no choice but to stick with yoh sexy cuzyy Rachy." He pinched my cheeks.

"Oww! Okay!" I shouted with annoyance on my face.

So there it is. The usual doings of a transferee during first days. I hate introducing my self in front of the class! Ugh.

Everytime I walk with Ethan, I can always see people sending me glares. I feel really uncomfortable about that.


"So, you ready to meet my friends?" Ethan asked.


"Do I have a choice?" I answered rolling my eyes.


We entered the next class receiving eyes gazing on us. I mean, yeah, specially on me. I wanted so bad to just close my eyes and cover my ears because their whisperings and stares keeps on annoying the shit out of me! Ugghh. But not until my eyes saw the sexiest thing i've ever seen on Earth...


He was there at the corner of the room. Smiling like an angel, looking perfect with his white muscle fit shirt paired with his blue jeans and Vans shoes. He looks so, so hot.


"Earth to Rachy." I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Ethan's hand waving in front of my face.


"Uh, yeah?" I asked.


"Come here." He pulled me with my hand walking on the side of the room going to the other corner-side of it. Hey, what? Wait! Oh my.


"Hey Ky. This is my cousin. She's Rachelle." I smiled shyly on the guy in front of me. So, my cousin has a friend that has a body of Greek God!


"So she is the one that you're telling me last night? She's cute. Heyya, i'm Kyle Jackson." He said winking at me. Shit! I can't help but blush at those striking ocean blue eyes. And did he mentioned that my cousin were talking about me last night?


"Yea. Shut the hell up man!" He whisper-shouted to Kyle's ear. Ha! As if I cannot hear that. "Anyway, where are the boys?" He asked him.


"Out in the field. Practicing again. Ya know. Actually, we should too. They are looking for you. I just told them that i'll go look for you first before going there." Okay so they are now talking to each other like I don't exist.


"Aww! Yeah. I forgot!" Ethan turned to look at me. "Rachy, I kinda have to leave you for an hour or two or... Maybe longer. We're excused for our classes today because we need to practice for the upcoming game on Friday."

"Oh. I see. Okay. You guys go ahead." I said nodding. Pretending to smile that i'm gonna be fine even though i'm not.


When Ethan and Kyle were nowhere of sight, a girl stood up and walked in front of me.


"Don't you dare having a crush on Kyle Jackson. He's mine." What the?

"Excuse me? Are you talking to me? If yes, well you can take your Kyle. I don't have any crush on him." Okay I lied.

"Liar. I can see it in your eyes. Haha. Well, okay go ahead. Even if he'll tell you that he likes you, he'll just play and throw you away anyway. Aww. Poor you." Everyone started to laugh. As she go back to her seat. I didn't say anything.

"Hey. You okay? Don't mind them." I heard a voice muttered coming from beside me. My head was faced down on the floor.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Faith. You are Rachelle... I forgot the surname. Haha. Uhm you are Ethan's cousin? If i'm not mistaken?" She asked.

"It's Richardson." Yeah. Richardson is my real surname. Aunt Jeniffer fixed everything as soon as her lawyer can. I'm lucky that she has lot's of connection for those papers to be processed. "And yes.. He's my cousin." I continued.

"Ohh. I see. No wonder why Chelsey's attitude was like that towards you. Because Kyle commented that you're cute and Kyle is Ethan's friend. Haha. Well he's right. You are cute." She told me smiling. It was the second time that someone called me cute and those two happened just today!

"Oh thanks. But..." I can't really look straight into her eyes because of shyness that I felt.

"But what?"

"I'm fat. And no one likes me." I mumbled.

"What? No! You're not that fat! You're only a little chubby. But not fat. You can call it curvy." She answered patting my back.

"Well that's just the same. They even said i'm nerd and no one will ever like me." That's the time where I finally stared straight into her green eyes. I realized that she's actually pretty.

"That's because you wear those eyeglasses." She said pointing at my eyes. That made me shut up.

"I like these glasses. M-my brother was the one who gave me these last summer." I replied controlling my tears.

"Oh. I'm sorry. So you have a brother? Where is he then?" I was about to answer but the teacher came in to start the class.

"I'll go seat beside you okay?" Faith told me.

"Yeah sure." I smiled.

As our class goes on, Faith slipped a small piece of paper on my desk. It has her number on it and words saying; 'Call me when you need someone to talk to. ;) '

I never tried to think twice whether to save her number or not. I'm happy I just made a new friend.

After all of my classes, it was already time to go home. I saw Faith in the hallway walking alone.

"Hey Faith!" I waved.

"Oh, hi Rachelle." She smiled.

"Why are you here walking all by yourself?" I curiously asked her.

"Well, I always walk alone. Haha." She said dryly faking her laugh in the end. I can feel that there's something wrong.

"How come? You're really pretty. It's too impossible that you don't have any friends." I told her in as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"You really wanna know why? Okay. I'll tell you why. But not here. Let's go to somewhere else. Hmm. Maybe at the coffee shop? Right! Come on!" She exclaimed looking excited.

"Wait. I don't have any car. I'll be going home with Ethan later."

"Oh. It doesn't matter! I'll drive you home." She's nice. So I nodded.

We went to Starbucks and ordered frappes for us.

"Okay. So you wanna know why I don't have friends in the school?" Faith asked.

"Yeah. That's impossible."

"Well there's a story behind that and it goes this way... I have friends before. There's three of us. It's me, Katie and Chelsey. Yea, you heard that right. Chelsey was used to be my friend. She was all good before. Back then, she don't even dress slutty like she do now. When our friend Katie moved to Australia, Chelsey changed. Katie was like the leader of our group but she's nice and was never mean. She's pretty but she never used that to hurt other people nor to get boys. A lot of guys admired her. When she left, Chelsey became so happy that she's now the center of the talk at school being the most popular sophomore. I realized that all those times that she spent with Katie was just a part of her plans. She was envious of her." She sighed and looked at the window.

"How about you?" I inquired.

"What? Am I jealous of Katie's fame? No! I love her. She's my best friend and I support her." She uttered looking down.

"No, I know you're not. What I mean is, what about you and Chelsey?"

"Oh that. When Katie moved, she started getting attention. I mean, we. She wanted so bad to get me out of her sight so she could get more attention. She looks at me not as a friend but as a mortal enemy because we are always compared. She told everyone that I have bad breath, body odor and many more stinky lies about me so that everyone will stay away from me." We're slightly interrupted when our order arrived.

"Here's your order. Just tell us if you need anything." The waiter placed our frappes on the table.

"Thanks." Faith and I spoke in unison. When the waiter walked away, we started laughing. Faith cleared her throat.

"Uhm. So, how about you?" She asked sipping her coffee. "You were about to say something about your brother right? And why did you moved here to New York?" She started throwing many questions at a time.

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you. One at a time.." She nodded and I told her everything. Well, almost. Not all actually. That would take a day if I tell her. Haha. But she's a good listener though.

"Oh I see. That's pretty serious. But don't you miss your foster parents?" She asked after I told her my story.

"I do. They never left my mind. I always think of how are they, what are they doing and everything." I answered.

"So, does that mean that you still have plans on going back there? Your aunt is in favor with that and will support you anyway, right?" She questioned me again.

"Maybe? I don't know." Was the only words that came out of my mind. The truth is, I really don't know if I want to go back there or not. I'm just so confused.

"Try to keep calm. Don't let your mind be saturated with such problems. I'll be here for you. I promise." She said as she held my hands. I'm so happy I finally found a friend.

I thanked her and she also thanked me for entrusting my secret to her. Faith was the one who paid for the bills and she drove me home.

"Do you wanna come in?" I asked her.

"No, no. I have to go anyway. Mom's waiting. Hmm. Maybe next time?" She winked.

"Yeah sure! Oh wait! I have a better idea! How about a sleep over?" I suggested.

"That would be great! Sure! Okay! Bbye!"

"Alright then! Thanks, take care!" I waved as she drove away.

 I entered the house and saw Aunt Jeni looking so worried.  

"Rachelle! Thank goodness you're safe! Where have you been? Are you okay? Why are you not answering my calls and texts?" Oh my. I forgot to change the settings of my phone. It was still turned to silent.

"Sorry auntie. My phone was turned to silent. I forgot to text you and Ethan that my new friend, Faith and I went out. We kinda have a chit chat on the coffee shop. She's the one who drove me home." I said apologizing as I bit my lip. I'm nervous.

"Okay. It's fine. Just don't forget to text me next time okay." Aunt told me and I assured her that I will do that next time. She told me to go to my room and change so I went up stairs. But before I can enter my room, I saw Ethan standing on the door of his room, looking at me smiling.

"So, got your self a new friend huh?" He said smirking. Why does this guy smirk a lot?

"Yep. Faith's nice." I said smiling.

"Yeyea. She's nice." He said rolling his eyes trying to make his voice sound like mine. I playfully punched his arms.

"Hey! I don't sound like that!" I told him.

"Haha. You do." He stuck out his tongue. "But I have one advice to you. Better cover your nose when you're with her." That made my mood changed.

"Why do you guys believe so much with Chelsey? Okay, look. Maybe I don't know Faith or Chelsey, but I can say that Faith is so much better than her in all ways. And another is, she doesn't have any body odors!" I'm not even aware that I shouted to him because of what he said.

"Okaaaay! Sorry!" He said as he cupped my face to shut me up. I felt my cheeks burned when he did that.

"I-I-I just don't want to see you judging her. She's nice. Believe me." I mumbled.

He let out a sigh. "Okay. Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Damn. I thought those sayings about her were true." He said scratching his hair in shame.

"I understand. Uh, okay. I'll go and change now." With that, I entered my room to change.  


A/N: How's that? HAHA! :)) Yeah, I uploaded two chapters today! Yay!! :)) I just want to make this story more interesting that's why I added new characters!

Let me give you a hint: KYLE will play a nice role in this story with Rachelle so watchhh outt! :'>

Give me votes/comments and i'll give you more to read xx


Twitter---> @aprilgrace014

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