Lyric Storm

By BrookeDittmar93

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This story is fiction none of the characters are real, this is from my own imagination. HOWEVER I DO NOT OWN... More

Chapter 1. Lyric
Chapter 2. Home
Chapter 3. You What?!
Chapter 4. Kevin and Lydia
Chapter 5. Invitation
Chapter 6. Crazy
Chapter 7. Chemistry.
Chapter 8. Writing.
Chapter 9. Concert
Chapter 11. Face Down
Chapter 12. A Disaster.
Chapter 13. Secrets
Chapter 14. Cocaine
Chapter 15. A car.
Chapter 16. Stalker.
Chapter 17. 4th Of July
Chapter 18. Never Again.
Chapter 19. A Dog
Chapter 20. Leaving.
Chapter 21. Come Get Me Baby.
Chapter 22. Did You Plan This?
Chapter 23. You Heard Me.
Chapter 24. Stronger.
Chapter 25. Anger
Chapter 26. Happy Birthday Lydia
Chapter 27. Love Isn't Always Easy.
Chapter 28. Goodbye
Chapter 29. Hotel
Chapter 30. The Cat Is Out Of The Bag
Chapter 31. Stress
Chapter 32. Lies
Chapter 33. Accident.
Chapter 34. Preach
Chapter 35. Allegations
Chapter 36. Without You
Chapter 37. May
Chapter 38. Drunk
Chapter 39. Everything About You
Chapter 40. Apologies
Chapter 41. Might Take A While
Chapter 42. Last Concert.
Chapter 43. Liam
Epilogue: Jordan Lyric Storm

Chapter 10. Last Song

297 21 3
By BrookeDittmar93

Lyrics POV

My most popular song is High Hopes so naturally I saved that for last, the stage shuts down the lights go off the fans all start screaming. They've been pushing up against the stage all night it is amazing nobody has gotten hurt.

The light doesn't turn on until I start singing. Then suddenly everyone comes running, I walk toward's the front stage so they can see me better.

This song is one of my favorites too because it's sort of directed at the fact that everybody thought I was crazy chasing a music career and truth is luck played a big part in it.

Truthfully the only one apart from Lyle who didn't give me shit for it was my mother. As I dance across the stage they push up harder against the stage. I watch the crowd carefully an overly crazy crowd can cause problems.

When I look down I see Lydia she's smashed against the stage by a bunch of people and has a pained look on her face. I quickly walk over to her taking the mic with me. Lydia looks up at me in shock when I grab her arm and pull her up onto the stage.

The cops begin pushing people back and spraying them with water as I continue singing the song and holding Lydia around the waist. She doesn't move I look down at her worriedly as I sing she looks into my eyes I can see a tension build up in her eyes but they slowly begin to relax. 

When she relaxes I finish the rest of the song looking out at the crowd but not moving away from Lydia.

  Had to have high, high hopes for a living
Didn't know how but I always had a feeling
I was gonna be that one in a million
Always had high, high hopes
Had to have high, high hopes for a living
Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing
Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision
Always had high, high hopes
Had to have high, high hopes for a living
Didn't know how but I always had a feeling
I was gonna be that one in a million
Always had high, high hopes  

When the song is over I turn the Mic off and the stage goes black. "You okay?" I whisper.

"I feel sick." She whispers.

"Why?" I ask a bit louder, worried and confused.

"Stage fright." She whispers.

I chuckle, I know I probably shouldn't but it's kind of funny.

"Shut up." She says and stomps on my foot.

"Ow." I growl.

She chuckles.

"Lyric." Lyle says.

I look over at him. "I'm gonna stay back." He says.

"Okay." I say and shrug.

Lydia and I head off the back of the stage I help her down the steps because it's dark we get into the Firebird and pull away.

"Why weren't you with Winter?" I ask.

"I lost her." She says.

I sigh grabbing my phone to try to call my sister but she doesn't pick up. "Look let's just drive around for a bit until shit dies down or people will probably try jumping into my car." I tell her.

"Do they do that?" She asks curiously.

"They try." I admit. 

"Where are you staying if not at Kevin's?" She asks.

"Lyle's place." I tell her.

"Oh, why not just get your own house?" She asks.

"No point, only home a week to three months of the year." I shrug.

"Why?" She asks.

"Touring all the time, I mean I could probably come home a little more often but it'd just be a hassle." I tell her.

Lydia's phone dings, she looks down reading the text. 

"They're already back to my place." She says looking up at me.

I turn the car around and head back toward's Adams street. 

"Does he got something on you?" I ask her.

"Who? What?" She asks confused.


She sighs. "I don't want to talk about Kevin." 

"You don't like talking about anything that has to do with you at all. I'm never dishonest with you like that so why you got to be like that with me huh?" I ask her getting upset over it.

I pull to the right side pulling up beside her house she stays put staring at me like she's trying to figure out what to say.

"Don't even speak if all you're gonna feed me is bullshit." I tell her.

Her jaw drops at my bluntness, I reach over and push her chin up. "Better quit that you might swallow a bug, love."

"Why do you assume anything about Kevin and I? What makes you assume that I don't like him?" She asks.

Anger sears through me I quickly grip the back of her neck and smash my lips to hers before she can stop me, she makes no effort to push me away.

She kisses me back but the kiss is almost careful, I don't want to stop...

I break the kiss with a lot of fucking effort, she stares at me her eyes wide with shock.

"Because if you did-" I say breathlessly "You wouldn't have let me do that."

Tears form in her eyes and she shoves me away her sleeve on her long shirt riding up slightly and I see something I grab her arm and she hisses in pain trying to pull it away from me.

"No Lyric!" She yells as I push her sleeve up slightly.

There's a deep slash across her wrist.

I push it up further three more cuts behind it.

It takes me a long moment to wrap my head around what I'm seeing, my gaze meets hers. Her lips are parted, tears are rolling down her face.

"You cut yourself?" I ask in shock.

She pulls her arm away from me. "No." she shakes her head. "I was trying to kill myself but it doesn't matter I'm not going to try again." She whispers she sounds sincere but I'm not totally convinced.

She jumps out of the car and runs toward's her house, I stare after her dumbfounded.

What the fuck could possibly be so bad that she'd do that?




Hey readers so I don't know about you guys but I'm not a fan of cutting, though many people do it and have gone through it. So she's a suicidal person, as you figure there is a reason for it. Hope you're enjoying this book please do not forget to VOTE/COMMENT.

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